Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Yue’s investigation activities are going well. At present, they have banned the backbone members of Zoroastrianism, and the Zoroastrians in government departments have also learned a lot. Although there are some people who are still in their jobs, but Their influence is already very small, and they have said that they don’t have any feelings about Zoroastrianism." Meng Yi handed a report submitted by the Yueshi to Shangwen. The report was about the content of Zoroastrianism, and the Yueshi received it. After the people of Qin State warned. A purge was taken immediately. For some stubborn religious backbones, they can only deal with them by detention and imprisonment, and if necessary, they can be put to death.

"Well, in this case, the situation is very good." Shang Wen said.

"But the problem is that the current situation still seems to be a little unfavorable for them. We should see such a situation. The largest Zoroastrian mutation in Indy has not ended. This is still a big threat to us." Shang Wen said so.

"Well, this still needs to look at the South Korean government, but the South Korean government is currently trying to get in touch with some of the situations they need. If necessary, they may take some necessary actions. But it is a pity that the Indian government's behavior has disappointed them too much. Now." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"Well, this matter is handled in this way for the time being. The staff of the Yan State suggested that the people of Yan State hope that they can connect a section of railway. Our main railway line to the north connects with a branch line, and then transports a large amount of military supplies. To the front line of the Yan people, their ideas are very good, but the question is, who will invest. The value of this railway lies in military prices, not economic value. Our government does not oppose it, but if you want to accomplish such a thing, you must have Financial support. If private enterprises can complete such railway construction, we support this. After all, the government does not intervene in private investment activities." Shang Wen said.

"Well. I also agree to do this. After all, doing this will benefit our construction." Meng Yi said.

"At the same time, we don't have to offend the people of Yan. After all, this is a private investment. In terms of diplomacy, we can also let the Goguryeo people have nothing to say, so that they don't have to pressure us through Zhao and Qi." Meng Yi said. To.

"Well, when dealing with the relationship between Zhao and South Korea, we should be more cautious and not let them be aware of it. Otherwise, Qin will fall into a passive situation in diplomacy." Shang Wen said.

Chu State, Burma, a plantation was attacked, and a piece of their tea plantation was burned down. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Otherwise, the loss would be very great.

"I want to know, what the **** is going on? We planted a lot of mines around, how did those people get in?" a captain asked his subordinates in front of the planter.

"Sir, we found something bad." A second lieutenant reported.

"Tell me, is there a problem with the layout of our defensive circle?" the captain asked the second lieutenant.

"No, sir, there is nothing wrong with the minefields we laid out and the barbed wire fences. We have strengthened our patrols, but the problem is that we found that the **** cottonmen seem to have found a way to deal with our minefields. We are here. A lot of excavated mines were found in a surrounding minefield, and those mines were all taken away. Although we have no evidence that they have disarmed the fuze, it is possible that they will take those mines away for research, and then The rearrangement may ambush us." The ensign reported.

"What?" Shang Wen couldn't believe it, there was such a thing.

"Yes, sir, this is indeed the case. There have been many pits dug with mines in one of our minefields. I think they have acquired such skills." The second lieutenant reported.

"Damn it, this is really not good news. Such news is a disaster for us," the captain said. Then he asked the ensign to submit a report. He needs to report to the above immediately to resolve this matter. Most of the landmines that the Chu Army deployed at the beginning were simple landmines. These landmines were cheap and simple in structure. After simple learning, such landmines could be eliminated. For example, using a probe or a bayonet, these landmines Can be ruled out. The Chu Army has not yet ordered a large number of anti-infantry landmines, and landmines specifically designed to deal with dismantling. And the occurrence of such a thing means that the minefield has failed. They had to send more people to pay attention to their surroundings. Because the cotton people actually learned to clear landmines.

Little Burma, inside the Qi people’s garrison base. There is a small team of cottonmen who are receiving training. They are being taught by Qi people how to clear landmines. Although the method is simple, the cottonmen still took a long time to learn. The reason why those cottonmen were able to clear landmines is largely because the professors of Qi people secretly recruited a certain number of cottonmen for training, and then let them go back to attack and fight, not just learning to clear landmines, they Also taught some knowledge about the use of guns, and at the same time carried out tactical innovations, they became more suitable for harassment and ambush. The way of fighting became more flexible, which made it more difficult for the Chu army to eradicate. What Qi people get is the migration of cotton people.

The Qi State Army Department changed their strategy. They no longer suppressed the locals excessively, but adopted a soft policy to attract them, and then teach them planting techniques. They do not grow cash crops such as cotton, rice, and sugar cane. They grow Yapian because Only Yapian does not need high technology, as long as it is planted, it can be produced. And they don't need much management, and Qi has always been an exporter of Yapian. They rely on Yapian's gray income to increase their financial income. This is also supported by Lou Jing. After all, Qi State does not have many advantages. They have few colonies, and the places that can be planted are very limited. Such opportunities are really rare for them.

Thebes, in the headquarters of Zhang Chen, is now the highest military commander of South Korea in Thebes, and also the highest consul here. He manages two Mengla infantry regiments, and temporarily lacks one of the battalions. More than two thousand Shazhou cavalry troops were supplemented in place. Two naval speedboat squadrons, the third and fifth squadrons, and the second naval speedboat squadron continued to garrison their place to keep the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal unobstructed. This is very important. In addition, there are a considerable number of Free Army, but Zhang Chen has no plan to reorganize the Free Army for the time being, because the situation in Thebes has not stabilized yet.

"Sir, the council of loving a few people has been initially established. Many of them have expressed opposition to their king and are willing to serve the free government." The assistant reported with a report.

"Well. In this case, it is very good. We need such people to continue to cooperate with us. They are still very beneficial to South Korea. For those who do not cooperate, we don't need to be merciful." Zhang Chen said.

"That's right. The next thing is how to make money. If they can provide more slaves, South Korea will provide more favorable prices and are willing to exchange with them. At the same time, we encourage them to conduct business activities and tell them , We are negotiating with their Aji government, peace will come and they can do business again. Of course, the tax will be reduced appropriately, as long as they cooperate with the new Korean army, their benefits will be less. No." Zhang Chen said. Zhang Chen knows very well that it is impossible to manage the current Thebes just by repression and constant repression. In that case, it will only make the people who love the Koreans even more resentful. They need to make some relaxation, one by one. It is the lasting way. Zhang Chen knows this truth very well, so besides forcing those people to participate, they still have one important thing to do, that is, think of a way. Let them make a fortune together. They will continue to cooperate only after letting them taste the benefits of cooperating with Koreans. But if you want to do this, you need to spend some energy to manage it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to do such a good job. Things.

There are many opportunities to make a fortune at present, and it can take a long time just to start trade. In fact, what South Korea needs is a comprador economy. In other words, they simply trade, and they do not produce many things themselves, but only provide raw materials or labor to obtain equivalent exchange trade. This method will result in their economic unity and their ability to resist risks is greatly reduced, but this is indeed the earliest way to control the Aiji economy. This is what Zhang Chen has to do. He not only needs to control Aiji politically and militarily, but he hopes to achieve permanent control through economic adjustments. This is a transformation of great strategic value.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"If the Yan people do this, they will disperse their mobile forces greatly. If I were from Goguryeo, I would concentrate my forces to attack a little bit, and the Yan people's defense line would inevitably collapse. And the Yan people built such a long defense line, It greatly limits their mobility. Once the reserve team is used up, the result will be very terrible." My plan to build a fortress in Yan Kingdom said so. He himself does not agree with this approach. Because this is fundamentally restricting oneself greatly and benefiting the enemy, this is passive defense.

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