Su Dingcheng. Meng Fei stood on the commanding height of the fortress and looked at the city. This was the city where the Third Infantry Brigade was stationed. Until now, Meng Fei figured out their location. This city is located in the south of Indy and belongs to the border area with Bangla. Originally it was part of the Champu Kingdom. Historically, it is now part of the Third Infantry Brigade. The main stationed place.

"Mr. Meng Fei, how is it? Are you still used to it?" Indian Major General Sukhha said as he walked to the commanding heights.

"Well, I'm still used to it. Sir." Meng Fei saluted.

"Don't be so cautious, you are my consultant and I should take care of you. If you have any problems, I can tell, and I can solve them," Major General Sukhha said with a smile.

General Sukhha had to say this. Because of the large number of weapons and ammunition they consumed in this defensive operation, there were more than 120,000 people who attacked this time, and there were only a few thousand of them. Fortunately, they used them. A large number of weapons barely defended, and caused great casualties to the opponent. Next comes a period of peaceful rest. However, no one can guarantee that those **** Flame Cultists will attack.

"Does Mr. Meng have any opinion on this defensive operation? Our current situation is very bad." Sukhha said worriedly. In fact, what he is worried about is the supply of ammunition. The reason why this city has been able to guarantee until now is that they can get enough ammunition from the Koreans, but if they do not have these ammunition supplements, their situation will be very different. It's not good, it's not good to the extreme, and Sukhha just wants to get some ammunition replenishment from him. If there is no such ammunition replenishment, things will be very difficult.

"Well, nothing. I just think that the ammunition consumption is a bit too serious. Many soldiers don't know how to save ammunition, and the tactical arrangement is very confusing." Meng Fei said some of the views raised by the sergeant.

"Yes, I am also worried about this problem. Our ammunition consumption is too serious. To be honest, our soldiers' ammunition is already less than a base number. Among the bullet belts of many soldiers, only four magazines can be used, which is not enough for us. To maintain a battle, we hope to get more ammunition supplies from South Korea. Of course, we will pay you some compensation, but the problem is." General Sukhha said embarrassingly. The reason why Sukhha chose Meng Fei is that he can solve many problems. I heard that he has a good way in Mengla. Many business people know him. He wants to use Meng Fei's network. Come to better solve his problem.

"Not enough funds?" Meng Fei asked.

"Yes, that's it. You know, we have lost a lot of land. Losing land is equivalent to losing tax. At present, the area we can control is very limited. In such a limited area, the tax we can collect , Too little. And ammunition consumption is a large number, it is difficult for us to replenish it in a short time, which is a very big trouble for us. Under such circumstances, we need more Ammunition, but the problem is that we really don’t have money. I have thought of a lot of solutions, but I still can’t solve it. I know that Mr. Meng Fei has a good way. In terms of business, there are more ways to solve the problem. I don’t know about Meng Fei. Is there a good way, sir?" Sukhha asked.

"This. I don't have a very good solution. Maybe we haven't found it yet. It will take some time. However, I will try some of General Su's requests. Maybe one day, I can really solve all the general's problems. "Meng Fei said with a smile. He thinks business is coming. But the problem is that he doesn't know what kind of business he is. In many cases, he doesn't know how to do it.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. If you need anything, please let me know. Mr. Meng is my distinguished guest." General Sukhha said with a smile.

"That would be too dry." Meng Fei replied with a smile. This is Meng Fei's function, he can do many, many things, and these things can be solved better.

Soon General Sukhha left here. But his sergeant came up very angrily.

"What's the matter? Sergeant, has something become very angry?" Meng Fei asked curiously.

"Sir, look over there?" The sergeant pointed in the direction of seven o'clock. What he saw was that there was a clearing there. There was a group of people who didn't know what they were doing, and he didn't know what the other party wanted to do. But what he knew might have a lot to do with him, so he decided to check it out. If the situation can change, that would be a good thing. Meng Fei raised the telescope in his hand to see. What he saw was that a group of soldiers were dealing with a group of captives of the Holy Fire. The captives bowed to the ground, and they begged to let them go. Many of them were injured. Religious fanaticism comes at a price. Encouraged by religion, the believers were able to launch crazy attacks. They were not afraid of death. Even Meng Fei felt very scared. However, the bullet is ruthless, he will not leave here around the opponent, they will directly hit the opponent's body, causing the opponent's body to lose its life. This is the craziest place.

In their fanaticism, they are extremely indifferent to life, but after the war is over, the Holy Fire will leave a large number of wounded soldiers, because they lose control of the battlefield, which leads to such things happen, because These prisoners of war are all wounded. The Indian soldiers still need to treat them. Just kidding, it is very difficult for the Indian soldiers to get a chance to treat them after they are injured. Treating the prisoners is a waste of materials, so their solution is one thing. , Kill on the spot. This is fast and clean and tidy.

"Bang." When a captive's head was opened, an Indy soldier took a rifle and fired a shot at the back of their head. The opponent's head banged, his brain flew up, and then he landed on the ground. The shooting is still very fast, at least the other party does not feel pain, but the most painful place is those prisoners who have been tortured to death.

"Are they dealing with the prisoners?" Meng Fei put down the telescope and said.

"Yes, sir, it is too dangerous to do this. This will arouse greater resistance from the Holy Fire. This is very unwise. I think we should help them, at least to solve these prisoner of war problems." Sergeant Speaking of this. After all, he felt that if these people slaughtered like this, it was not the respect that a soldier should have.

"Well, I know, but the problem is that the prisoners are already injured. We can't help them at all. Only by killing them can we save them." Meng Fei said.

"But sir, we should put them in a prisoner-of-war camp. Only in this way can we guarantee their safety. They are also very good laborers. It is also a good thing not to kill like this or just build a railway. "Sergeant said.

"Oh." Meng Fei was surprised.

"If the railway is built, we can solve many things. Don’t look at Indy’s chaos right now, but if they are given a certain amount of time, I think they will recover, and there are many people who have lost their land. We shouldn’t Kill them, this kind of killing. There are too many sins." The sergeant said with extreme disgust. Maybe it's too close to the Koreans. The Koreans solve the problem of prisoners of war by gathering them together and detaining them in a prisoner of war camp. In this way, the problem can be solved. But the problem is that the Indians don't do this, they kill these prisoners of war.

"Building railways, land. Labor?" Meng Fei looked at the executed prisoners of war and remembered the question. It seems that these are Indian problems. The Indian government does not have the funds to expand more troops, and their troops lack sufficient funds to expand, but this does not mean that their situation will be completely changed. On the contrary, these problems will get worse and worse. Because their economy collapsed completely. But if they can find a way to solve these economic problems, I think they will definitely solve such things.

"I understand. I will tell those who need this. They will understand what we need to do." Meng Fei said.

The situation in Indy is very bad. They have lost a lot of financial income, mainly concentrated on the land issue, because the concentration of land can solve many, many problems, and it is precisely because of this that they have lost such an opportunity. However, how to restore Indy’s financial capacity is a very distressing problem, because it requires new capital investment. Faced with such a situation, there are still many problems that they need to solve. But at present, their government's economic capabilities are very average. Under such a situation, they may have only one solution, and that is to introduce as much capital as possible to solve this problem.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Zhao Guoren's ideas are very bold. Their army, navy, banking, and commercial representatives have sent a lot of representatives. They can form an advisory group, and a large advisory group has gone there. Not only that, I I also heard that in Seth, many small businessmen from Zhao country can go to Seth to do big business. They buy some obsolete and outdated production equipment, and they can open factories there. The Seth people give them a lot of money. Great convenience. I heard that it will not give commercial tax collection. In the first few years, they will give a lot of support. In this way, our situation will become unfavorable. We should learn from Zhao Guoren. We should also increase investment in them, because only in this way can we better solve our current problems." Han Shu said. Facing Zhao Guoren's aggressive posture, especially their investment in investment, Koreans suddenly realized the crisis of the situation.

"Master, it is okay to increase investment, but the problem is that we don’t have enough funds to invest. Banks don’t have that much capital, and there are still many uncertain risks. These are ours. It should be noted that, otherwise, it will trigger a larger wave in the future." Zhang Liang said worriedly. He knew that the current banknote printing plant in South Korea had already started frantically. If they want to invest again, the amount of money needed will be very large, which means that the speed of money starts far beyond their imagination. Possibly, South Korea also needs to establish a second and third banknote factory.

"Then print more banknotes. You must know that we currently have many such good projects, such as Carthage, Persia, Indy, Bangladesh, and Australia. Many places need to be developed, and many places need funds. We should Give banks more support and they will solve this problem themselves. Why do we have to worry about such a thing happening? This is simply impossible. Therefore, in the current situation, we should do everything we can to solve this problem. No matter what, there is still a way to solve our problem." Han Shu said. Han Shu's solution is to print more banknotes and carry out large-scale release of water. As for the series of problems caused by the release of water, these are no longer the situation that Han Shu can want to control. In his view, such a thing is something that the next government should govern. Or they can solve such problems because they will bring more profits in the future.

"This. Okay, but the question is, can the banks afford such a large amount of funds?" Zhang Liang is worried that the banks will not do this. After all, this means that they need to mortgage more shares, and the number of shares circulating in the market is reduced, which will greatly weaken their capital scale, which is definitely not good news for them.

"Yes, we can let them issue bonds, you know? Qin people deliberately released water on the Yueshi issue. The Yueshi government's fiscal revenue is less than half a million and a half. That little money can even cover the salaries of government officials. No. But they put four times as much bonds. This means that the fiscal funds have been expanded four times at once. It may not be enough, maybe more, but this is indeed a brand new idea, understand? I mean. It means that the people of Qin will release water, and people of Zhao will release water. Then, don’t we Koreans not release water? On this issue, we should be consistent. This is very beneficial to us. As for future problems, they will develop. To what extent, this is not something we can consider. After all, this is a trend, and we should follow the trend of this era rather than upstream.” Han Shu explained.

"Well, well, I will work out some plans in detail." Zhang Liang nodded.

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