Yan State, Daqingshan Defense Zone.

"How many of you died?" A Gu asked. He is leading a team of people to collect wood, which is the best thing they can maintain throughout the winter. Without enough fuel, many people will die.

"One hundred and twenty, more than twenty died from freezing, and the rest suffered from frostbite to varying degrees. The winter here is more people than we thought. Fortunately, we have food, but many people We are all suffering from diarrhea. Yan's military doctors told us that this is dysentery and it is contagious. They must be sent to the rear for treatment immediately, otherwise, the entire company will lose the battle." Addo said worriedly.

"Oh my God. The situation is worse than we thought." A Gu put down the timber in his hand and said. There is also some discomfort in his stomach, but it is only mild. Although they have canned food, some deterioration of the food is inevitable. In addition, their environment is relatively harsh. Cold food can easily cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort. In winter, because of the inconvenience of going to the toilet, many people deal with it. In the trenches, as a result, the entire company suffered from dysentery or gastrointestinal diseases. The military doctors kept asking the gendarmerie to control the occurrence of this situation, but the problem is that the gendarmerie has also been reduced a lot, and a terrible invasion is coming.

"Yes, we still lack more clothes. Although we can wear some leather, there are still many people wearing single clothes. They have to rely on the stove to sleep. But the problem is that once the stove has a problem, many people will appear. Death, and some people died in the cold. What did the Yan people do, these things should be given to us, but now, what are they doing?" Ado said angrily.

"Okay. This matter, that's it. Solving it is far more difficult than we thought." A Gu said.

"There is no way, this **** war, before it deserves to die, there are already casualties." Addo was very dissatisfied with the Yan government, and even some disappointment was already in it. There are many mountain soldiers who have the same ideas as him. Because their experience was enough for them to curse the Yan government.

In the Prince's Mansion, Prince Dan kept turning back and forth in the huge office, and his ministers had nothing to do. The grass-roots report has been placed here, the relevant information is sufficiently detailed, and the situation of the telegram response is very clear.

Some companies have seen more than 25% non-combat attrition. And this situation is just beginning, and it will not take long for more bad situations to erupt, and they don't know what kind of situation they will encounter.

"For now, we can only borrow funds from Qin people, or borrow funds from Koreans. Zhao and Qi people, because of their relationship with Goguryeo, are unlikely to solve these problems with us. They have more of them. It is to avoid such a situation from happening.” The Minister of Finance said some unnutritious words, which seemed to be the best solution they could create to solve the problem.

"I also know this kind of thing, it's enough. Do we only have to agree to the conditions of the Qin people, or the conditions of the Koreans, to solve this problem, otherwise, the funds will not come in, right?" Prince Dan said. To.

"Yes, Prince. It seems that this kind of thing can only be solved in this way. Otherwise, we can't solve this kind of thing at all." The Finance Minister said helplessly.

"Prince, we must solve some problems in this way. We can't delay it. Otherwise, the four mountain infantry divisions just raised will undergo serious mutiny, or they will completely lose their combat effectiveness. This kind of loss. Too much. Big." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. In front of the Yan people, their choices are very limited. They either retreat or provide more supplies for support. However, under such circumstances, it seems difficult to retreat and send the supplies up. The Secretary of the Army has already done so. For the worst plan, that is, just replenished in place, the strength of at least three conventional infantry divisions will be completely lost. The occurrence of this situation will be very serious.

"Is there no other way?" Prince Dan asked.

"This, I'm afraid." The Minister of Finance couldn't explain it well. After all, His Royal Highness would never do this kind of thing. It seemed that it was the dignity of the country of Yan.

Yan State, Liaodong Peninsula, a seaport, the economy here seems to be dying. Because of the colder weather, many people have stopped taking to the streets. It seems that this can prevent more cold things from happening.

Occasionally only a few pedestrians pass by on the street, and many people are in a hurry.

In a tavern, only here can you see more people, this is also the most lively place in Yan Kingdom. Because after drinking, people can say a lot of things they want to say. The happiest thing is that there will be a dedicated person in the pub reading the newspaper and then making some comments. Most of the commentary articles in the Yanguo newspaper are from here.

"Fighting with Goguryeo, I think you will not go to that place even if you die of poverty. Those places belong to the noble lords. They are still not interested and unwilling to invest. Why should we go." A man dressed as a man drank. Drink some wine, eat some fried beans in oil, you can sprinkle some salt or sugar in it, of course. White sugar is something that women only eat. They, the elders, are all rough people, and naturally they need cheaper salt to sustain them. Because their salary can only buy such things.

"That is, these noble lords, you say, how good their conditions are. Mortgage some of their assets, they can do more business, not only that, some businesses can also be bigger, you look at other people in Korea The nobles of the Zhao country, they don’t open factories or shipyards. This can bring employment and investment. We can live better, but you can look at our nobles, huh, you know how to eat. Some land, those land resources have something to eat, they want some land, and in the end, they have to fight other people’s Goguryeo people. The problem is, we can’t fight each other, how can we solve the problem. This is just a joke." The guy said dissatisfied

In fact, there were deep-seated reasons why Yan Guo fell. For example, after a large-scale annexation of land, the earliest nobles in the Zhao country mortgaged the land, obtained a large amount of funds, and then opened factories. They became big landlords, big bourgeoisie, and some merchants sold land and got The earliest capital, and then investment, all these made Zhao Guo turn to another development path. Goguryeo is currently learning this way, but what they don’t understand is that they all take the way of expanding resources to solve the problem, although Many times become more rough. But after all, they have taken another path. In contrast, the situation of Yan people has become very bad. They seem to be backward, because their aristocracy lacks motivated things. Many times they simply expand their land. In this way, a large amount of capital cannot go to industry at all, and naturally it is impossible to develop industry, because capital cannot be highly concentrated. Under such circumstances, Yan's economy will naturally not be able to go on another road, although Yan also has The factory also has its own industry, but it is very weak, and it seems to be just a simple imitation. Some things in nature are still difficult to improve, so this is also the reason why Yan is fundamentally behind, what they need It is to make overall improvements by yourself. This kind of improvement sometimes requires huge concessions, but the Yan government cannot do this on its own, and naturally it will not be possible for others to do this.

"Leave him alone. Anyway, I won't go to war anyway, so I just surrender. Goguryeo people can be regarded as the Central Plains civilization. After all, what about they dare not take the Central Plains? What you need to know is that once you do this If they do, they will be extremely passive. They will fall into the attack of more Central Plains countries. Unless they want to die, they dare not do so at all." A Yan nationale said lightly.

"Yes, I think so too." A Yan nationality echoed. In their opinion, the Yan people's war had nothing to do with them, because they didn't have to sacrifice their lives to those noble lords. In that case, it was not worth it. This is something that is absolutely not allowed to happen. In their opinion, if they do this, they will be sorry for themselves.

The Yan government was unable to actively mobilize the fighting spirit of its own people. Under such circumstances, they could not achieve the final victory in the war. Perhaps the war was over as soon as it started. The Yan people lost the war.

Yueshi, the new capital.

"Go to be a soldier. The enlistment station in front is recruiting soldiers." A Yue's person excitedly said to the little boss before arriving at a newsstand.

"No. To be a soldier, there is nothing good about being a soldier, but there is no money, and there are some who can't eat." The stall owner said.

"No, it's not like that. This time I went to Indy. The Indians have money. We can get rich. Here, believe me, my companion, we can do this." The companion smiled Speaking of.

"Forget it. Don’t go, it’s too dangerous. It’s not that you haven’t fought a war. I think you know better than me. If this goes on, I think something will go wrong sooner or later, so , Such a thing, I think, let's not do it." The stall owner shook his head and refused. The companion shook his head and left. Then walked towards the conscription station. Fighting is still a very good choice for them.

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