"Are they right around us?" Li Er asked timidly to the Yueren Asha next to him, joking, it is impossible for them to wage war. They were originally just seeking some benefits in the barracks and let them let It's impossible to come here to fight.

"Yes. They are by our side. Don't get too close to the fire. They will shoot us with the help of the fire. I believe they must be aiming at us somewhere. Really." Asha put his finger on the trigger and hid In the dark, and Li Er also learned to say this, but many Chu soldiers surrounded the campfire, and they were still laughing at some people about the poisonous snakes during the day.

"This poisonous snake is roasted. It's also a delicacy. It has the same taste as ham, and it tastes great." A second-class soldier of the Chu Army said with a wooden sign.

"Puff." Just as the second-class soldier was eating his delicious food, a bullet hit his throat, and a large amount of blood splashed out. Some soldiers subconsciously touched their faces. They saw it with the help of firelight. blood.

"Bang." The sound of gunfire came through at this time, which surprised them very much.

"Assault, someone assaulted us. Bang." A soldier shot in panic.

"Puff." Another soldier fell directly to the ground, and then another. The soldier fell directly to the fire. Many people jumped up in a panic, but the killing was still going on. The sentinels were preparing to enter their positions, but soon they found out. They are wrong. They are in an absolutely disadvantaged place, and the bonfire provides an excellent spot of light for those attackers.

"Puff." The sentry was concentrated on his chest, the bullet tore a big hole, and blood was constantly coming out. It seems that they are not working.

"Damn, these cotton men, they attacked us. Damn," Huang Wan cursed loudly. Because he was far from the center, the bullet did not cause much damage to him because of the range, but he was frightened. He did not expect that these cotton men would attack them in the dark.

"Shoot, kill them, don't let them come close to us, shoot, shoot." Huang Wan gave the order desperately.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The soldiers fired indiscriminately. They shot at places where they thought they would avoid people. It was strange that such shots could hit people.

"Why don't you shoot?" Li Er asked Asha.

"This is of no use. On the contrary, the fire from the gun will expose yourself. Don't do this. They are in a dark place. We can't get rid of them at all." Asha hid and tried to find a dead spot to shoot. , In this case, the bullet can't hit them, and they can dodge the bullet attack.

"That's what I said." Li Er also stopped shooting. Soon, the soldiers who died in action proved this. After many soldiers fired their guns, they were fixed in one position. As a result, as long as they shoot at a place where the fire is emitting, they will definitely be able to hit a person. This is the most exciting of the cotton people. The most willing to do, and the militant Yue people can only organize shooting as much as possible. This is a melee, and it is also a night that makes it difficult to sleep. This is very bad for the soldiers of the Chu army.

Chu State, Pengcheng. Junior Officer School. A major officer is teaching a tactics lesson. The lessons they learned are very simple.

"For this kind of stalemate operation, I think that we should apply for more artillery to attack from the rear. We will fire fiercely toward the predetermined area, launch a company-level combat, and remove such obstacles." A young student stood up and expressed his thoughts. This was the standard answer. The major was satisfied and nodded to indicate that the other party could sit down.

This is what the Chu State Junior Officer School has learned. Artillery bombardment, infantry charge, and simple infantry and artillery coordinated operations can give them a great combat future. Regarding this kind of rigid tactics, the people of Chu believe that this is the most effective tactic at present, and this single line push combat method makes it very simple for them to teach. In combat, officers and soldiers will become unindividualized, and the method of victory in the war is mainly focused on the number of artillery, which is very violent and wastes more ammunition consumption.

"Sir, I have a different view." Xiang Ji stood up and said.

"Oh. Tell me." The major looked at Xiang Ji and nodded helplessly. For such students, he loves and hates them. Love is because the students here are very background. If the professor is good, He can attract the attention of a certain military chief and then mobilize him to serve as the chief of staff. In this way, his promotion channel is opened. Xiang Ji is such a student, and I hate it because Xiang Ji sometimes seems stubborn, but when he thinks that this is the only standard answer and is unlikely to have an answer, he has to create some new ones. The answer, no, he's here again.

"I think that there is no need to waste more artillery shells. When those shells are bombarded, the enemy may have run away. When our infantry appears, they appear on the ground again, and our infantry rushes up, they will directly touch To such a resistance, in that case, our casualties will become very large. This is a very disadvantageous point. I think that in the face of such an attack, we should be cautious and cautious. Waste of shells is a kind of resource. Waste.” Xiang Ji said. The student was very unconvinced, because it was written like this in the textbook, and what Xiang Ji said was not in the textbook at all.

"I think we should learn about Zhao’s assault tactics, send small-scale assault teams to sneak into the trenches, use our bayonets to assassinate them little by little. In this way, we don’t have to waste too many shells. It can also occupy the opponent's position. This is a new assault tactic. I think this tactic is very practical." Xiang Ji said proudly.

After listening, the major felt a very headache. He thought they had never taught such tactics before. They just learned some different tactical theories in a rigid manner. The artillery bombed, and when the bombing was over, the infantry charged. This is their standard answer. This answer is already very good. The answer given by Xiang Ji is still quite a headache.

"Okay, very good." The major could only say so. In Xiang Ji's view, this is perfunctory.

"Sir, I think this tactic is very suitable for current harassment and small-scale operations. For example, in the battle between Goguryeo and Yan, the mountain people used such tactics. They used their lightness. The flexible tactics won this war. And we should learn such tactics, and we should apply them in other areas, such as our jungle operations in Myanmar, where they will provide more hiding convenience for the commandos. Our combat will become more advantageous, so I think we should use this tactic to go to this." Xiang Ji said.

"This, we still need some tests, or in other words. We still need to verify, verify." The major thought for a while and said. This is a matter designed for military reform, and he can't decide. It would be better for him to prevaricate this kind of matter. Xiang Ji nodded his head. He knew it was such a result a long time ago. However, Xiang Ji believes that relying on the assault of the commando soldiers can completely change the situation of the battlefield. That is to say, war is a kind of war composed of a small number of people. status. Faced with such a war, they will win a greater level of war victory.

Qin State, Xianyang. Junior Officer School. The Qin State Army’s management is still very strict, especially for military school students. Their courses are very full. At this age, they correspond to high school students. In order to cultivate children’s interest, Qin State School will arrange many clubs to come. Participants, but military school graduates have to learn a lot of new technologies in the future. Under such conditions, their learning tasks are still very heavy.

"I enrolled in the staff training course. In this way, I can become a staff staff in the future." said a young student. They have already learned a lot of knowledge in advance. And Han Xin shook his head. Originally, he was very interested in such courses. However, after studying, he felt that the level of knowledge he was exposed to was still a bit narrow. He felt that he lacked a lot. He himself had read the library. For all the books of staff, his dream is to be a qualified chief of staff. However, after studying, he felt that the Chief of Staff seemed to lack something.

"Buzzing." At this moment, there was the roar of the plane from the sky, and then a Qin Army reconnaissance plane landed in the military academy. The military academy has a special runway. Usually this is to perform some special missions or emergency situations. Prepared for the visit.

"This, this is?" Han Xin asked when he looked at the plane in the sky.

"Oh. I see. This is for propaganda and propaganda. I heard that the Army Aviation Corps needs a large number of voluntary officers. They came here to talk about propaganda. What I know is that Qin State seems to pay attention to the development of aviation. And, The treatment is pretty good. It's just too dangerous." said a student soldier.

"Yes, they are called widow-making machines." A student said.

"That's it, such a dangerous thing is too hard to do. We are all future generals. If there is an accident in the flight accident, it will be too tragic." The student said. And Han Xin suddenly laughed. He knew that he caught it. He grasped what he felt lacking. He was very happy, he finally found something he liked. It's not easy.

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