Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"Neutral Zone? What the **** is going on?" Prince Dan asked the Minister of Defense, which made him very embarrassed because it was difficult to explain. But he thinks it is better to push things out. After all, this is not part of his department.

"His Royal Highness, the Ministry of Finance cannot provide us with enough funds, and we cannot arm those mountain troops. Those mountain troops can only be equipped with some rifles, pistols and grenades. Under such conditions, it is still difficult for them to accomplish this. We also feel very embarrassed about this matter." The Defense Minister said.

"Is it a matter of the Ministry of Finance? There is a Goguryeo armed force in the entire Taishan area. Because of such an armed force, the investigation team of the Zhao country and the **** Qin people, they even said that they can delineate a neutral zone. , And Taishan is such a neutral zone. We absolutely don’t need a neutral zone. A **** neutral zone.” Prince Dan said angrily. They can occupy Taishan. However, the careful Zhao Guo observer saw that there was still a Goguryeo armed force being surrounded in Taishan area. Although their situation seemed not very good, the Goguryeo people would send two planes every day, or more. Many planes gave them airdrops of ammunition and supplies. But these still cannot effectively change their current situation, but they still stick to their positions.

In order to reconcile the conflict and give way to the people of Zhao and Qin in the middle, they decided to take some actions to alleviate the conflict between the two sides, so they proposed a plan for a neutral zone. This plan is that Taishan is located in the central area. Both sides withdrew their armed forces. There can be no armed forces on both sides in the neutral zone. If they occur, they are regarded as hostile acts against Zhao and Qin, and the two countries have the right to declare war.

As for the armed forces in the neutral zone, they require both parties to withdraw immediately after signing an agreement. There must be no garrison of any kind. Faced with such a neutral zone plan, the people of Yan will not accept it. The Goguryeo people also felt unfair to them, because they had the Taishan area before.

"They lack effective artillery, and the Ministry of Finance has been unable to allocate funds to us for a long time. This has led to this happening." The Defense Minister explained.

"Okay. I know about this. The artillery will be allocated to you. As for the financial funds, I will find a way. Let them get rid of those **** Goguryeos as soon as possible. We must delay time on this matter in the neutral zone. , And then make the situation change a lot.” Prince Dan said. The Minister of Defense finds it very embarrassing, because if they want to take the opponent's position, they must have artillery, and they simply don't have such artillery in their hands.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Damn it. How can the people of Zhao State propose such a plan, we need Taishan." Li Lin threw the report on the table very angrily.

"Prime Minister, we should fight for our own rights. I think Zhao Guoren and Qin Guoren solved this matter in a way that no one can sin. They don't want to focus on us at all. Or in other words, We pour more interests into our bodies. They only need to keep their financial interests," said the defense minister.

"It seems that the people of Qin and Zhao are unreliable. These two countries. In the Central Plains language, they are embarrassed." Li Lin said angrily.

"Yes, Prime Minister, but we currently need to keep the besieged army in the Taishan area. First of all, we must increase our military strength. At the same time, we must increase supplies. This requires more weapons and equipment. In addition, there are aircraft." The Minister of Defense said .

"Buy and transfer to them, we cannot count on Zhao Guoren and Qin Guoren, we must maintain our legal rights and interests. At the same time, speed up the construction of the railway and reach the front line as soon as possible." Li Lin said. The attitudes of the people of Zhao and Qin made the people of Goguryeo very disappointed. It seems that the neutral zone plan seems very good. Neither party should be guilty. In fact, the people of Zhao and Qin have offended both parties. This may be the worst solution.

The people of Yan Guo hoped to get the Taishan area, but Zhao Guoren and Qin Guoren did not give each other, and Goguryeo hoped to continue to maintain their legal rights and interests in Taishan area, but as a result, they did not maintain it. This situation directly led to a kind of extremely sadness. The approach appeared. Since both parties want to get the neutral zone, Zhao Guoren and Qin Guoren wisely transformed this area into a neutral zone, and then thought that separating the intersection of interests between the two parties, this seems to be a very beautiful solution, but they do not know that people's ambitions and ambitions Greed will not change because of the existence of the neutral zone, which has caused dissatisfaction on both sides.

"Get off, get off," a Goguryeo sergeant shouted loudly. Then Zhier was dragged off first, and he had only unarmed bullets in his hand, and many people were dragged off. Then they looked at the fierce Goguryeo soldiers blankly.

"Go forward, go forward, hurry up." The Goguryeo soldier waved his arm and said. Many of them were pushed, and some fell. Their new military uniform looks too fat. They were told to travel about fifty kilometers along the road. Along the way, they would provide food and shelter, but they had to speed up their pace. They had to finish the road within two days. This is an order. Their officers have given such orders very softly. Logically speaking, they should complete it within a day, but seeing the soldiers who are at a loss, the Koguryo officer can only ask them to proceed according to the minimum requirements.

"Where are we going?" a Wadao soldier said in not fluent Central Plains dialect. He stayed in a mine for a long time and learned some Central Plains dialects. This is their stepping stone to open the door to their own destiny. If there is no such language, they will soon become cannon fodder.

"I don't know, maybe we are going to fight the mountain people. I don't know what kind of unit they are." Zhier said. He envied those guys with rifles in their hands. And he only had five bullets and no gun. Such a weapon was nothing at all.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Do you think the two countries will honestly abide by the regulations of the neutral zone?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi. Meng Yi submitted such a report, and Shang Wen directly shook his head after reading it and rejected such a view.

"Not very well, I don't think they are an honest country, because they are very irregular." Meng Yi said.

"So, I think this is the focus of the contradiction. On the contrary, they will cause more contradictions. Faced with such a contradiction, they will trigger a larger-scale military struggle. The neutral zone is terrible. "Shang Wen said helplessly.

"But this is the only plan we can come up with at the moment. Whoever we give to that area represents a lot of comparison of our attitudes, and we can’t do this, you know. If we do this, it will cause More trouble. So, we had to do this." Meng Yi said.

"It seems that we can only do this. Such a thing is simply a disaster for us." Shang Wen said. There is no way, he can only do such a thing.

Myanmar. Third Infantry Regiment. The overnight attack caused them to lose more than one hundred people, of which more than seventy people were seriously injured. Such a price made Huang Wan very angry, and Chen Qian had no choice. Faced with such casualties and the new situation they encountered, he felt that they should retreat instead of moving on. He wanted to persuade the other party. But Huang Wan was already flooded with his own anger.

"I swear, I will fill in the **** cotton holes. I will peel them, bury them alive, and bury them alive." Huang Wan said angrily. He didn't sleep well all night, he was not in good spirits, and naturally he was very bad. Faced with such a situation, he felt that he was being teased. He decided to seek revenge from the Cotton Man, which made his irrational head even more unintelligible.

"I think we are in a very bad situation now." Asha said to Li Er.

"It is true. More than a hundred people were killed in one night. This is not a good sign. Moreover, we can't even see the cotton people. They hide, but we have to march. They can continue to harass us. But we can’t do anything. It’s really **** it.” Li Er’s mental state is not good. He maintained a posture for a long time, and the bites of mosquitoes prevented him from moving. In addition, he was very nervous and couldn’t sleep. , Worry, fear, which makes him feel even more tired now, mountain roads and jungle roads are difficult to walk. He felt that this was a very **** war, and he really didn't know if their chief's head was used as a chamber pot.

"Those cottonmen are masters of guerrilla warfare. They will definitely appear at dusk. If the road is more rugged, they will also appear. This is a trap. We are entering a bottomless trap. This is what The place we are most afraid of." The other party said so.

"It's true, but what I care about now is that we'd better be able to sleep. I feel very tired. Very tired." Li Er said while hitting Hache.

"No. Lee. We should stay tense. Those **** cotton men will show up at any time." Asha said.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. A Chu army soldier fell to the ground and died. And everyone hasn't reacted yet.

"Cotton man, **** cotton man. Bang. Bang." The soldiers fired indiscriminately. This makes their chief feel very headache.

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