The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3916: Not civilian behavior

"In this way, we can only get small money, not big money, but you can also try it. We have to launch projects with big money. After all, we are short of money now." A Gu said.

Ideals are beautiful, and reality is cruel, because many things need to be done by themselves, and only in this way can they complete their ideals.

It is obviously impossible to support a large army by only relying on a little medicinal material transaction on the black market trade, but it seems that only such a method can be used at present. This makes them feel very distressed. Faced with such a problem, they can only find a way to solve it.

Rest in peace, Xindu.

The Parthians entered the republic period. Although they did not have a dictator, they did have a group of dictators. Yes, it was a group. It is the Military Party that controls the country, which is the largest military party. They do not have a fixed leader for the time being. The main reason is that the army is in the hands of several important figures. The people of Qin are not clear about the situation. The main reason is that the military party is divided into several factions, but at the same time they have a common banner fixed in the Republic of Peace. under. Very complicated.

In a high-end hotel in Xindu, such a hotel is a Greek-style building, because the Parthian Empire is very chaotic. Particularly in the Shabbat Republic, there are all kinds of people, Parthians, Persians, Greeks, and Dawanese, etc. This is a multi-ethnic mixed country, and they all have their own living habits. , Customs, although many people are military parties, they all have their own political opinions, which also makes the Republic of Shah a mess.

"To be honest, I don’t understand your country very much, and we don’t understand it. They have sent three waves, three waves of observation missions in a row. From politics, economy, diplomacy, and culture to research, But the result is that they submitted three different reports. And the contents of the reports are not repeated. Can you imagine how our prime minister and ministers would view this issue in the face of three different reports?" Qin Jun Major Li Guo was an optimist, and he was sent here as a military attaché's adjutant. This is an idle job. He also likes this kind of position. He is a optimist by nature, and he constantly makes fun for himself, for example, he marries different wives and concubines. There are Persians, Greeks, Parthians, locals in peace, etc. It can be said that his wife and concubine are a nation of peace.

"Haha. I can't think of what your prime minister would think." Major Theodot Trifond of the Anxi Military Party, a former noble child, but Anxi internal chaos disrupted his life. Later He joined the Parthian Army Party and everything began to benefit his development. He is currently a major staff officer working in the General Staff. He is a young officer who has access to core secrets. If there is a war, he will get more combat opportunities. Of course, the Parthian nation is fighting abroad. This is an opportunity for them. Everyone knows this, so they eagerly want to know the attitude of the people of Qin, and they are quite concerned about the affairs of the advisory group of the people of Qin. Especially they want to get the true attitude of Qin people from this optimistic school.

"It's really complicated. Sometimes, we don't even know what happened. However, the Siberian nation needs to reunify the areas that were unified in the past." Triphon said. However, he would not use such a name on diplomatic occasions or on formal occasions. He has his own Qin name, Li Feng. Anxi is undergoing Qin nationalization in an all-round way, and everything is under the influence of Qin. For example, Qin styles have also appeared in their buildings. Of course, there are still a variety of styles in Anxi, such as the Parthian style and the Greek style. It can be said that the Parthian country is a diversified country, and the culture and types they accept far exceed any of them. Kind of period.

"Well, all, I think the report submitted by our observation team can only add to our doubts. Cheng is very worried about this. After all, the people of Qin are the contributors. They support the war, but they will never support a risky one. War." Li Guo said.

"Do you mean that Qin people already know our situation?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, many bankers and entrepreneurs in China support war. After all, war can bring a lot of demand. This is the best point for us. But the problem is that our government is worried about security. It is the risk of funds. Can you guarantee that these funds are safe?" Li Guo asked.

"I think we can guarantee that we know that you need a lot of oil. At the same time, we need a lot of soldiers and population. This can bring markets. With these we can expand the oil area in the Caspian Sea. In that case, there will be more With more oil, your oil demand is very large. As time grows, your demand will become larger and larger. We need to increase this quantity to complete it. At the same time, the increased population has expanded your market. These are all very beneficial to you. It can be said that your country has made a very advantageous choice, because in such an area, you can get more benefits." Li Feng said.

"Oh, it sounds good. It seems that you have already moved me, but at the moment I need to convince our prime minister that only they can explain the crux of the problem." Li Guo said.

"Thank you very much," Li Feng said.

The 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo. Sergeant Luo led his platoon to a corner in the east of the battlefield. This is the edge of the battlefield, but it is extremely important, because there is a commanding height, a very raised commanding height. This commanding height blocks an important passage leading to the jungle in the direction of the mountains, and then they can go further along the jungle. Going south threatened the supply line of the Goguryeo people. Li Zuoche saw the importance of this point from the beginning. It was not enough. At the beginning, most of the troops were placed on the front. There was only a three-person sentry post. Later, the force was increased to a squad, but it was still not enough. , Because the threat point here is too important. Passing through here, you can enter the mountains, and it is obvious that the mountain people will pass by here.

Sergeant Luo arranged his platoon here. He was strengthened by two heavy machine guns, and the firepower was quite rapid.

The current Sergeant Luo can no longer be called Sergeant Luo. He is already a second lieutenant officer. He is not an officer from a professional class, and his promotion channels are very limited. Originally he should be a lieutenant, but unfortunately. His academic qualifications restricted him. This guy didn't even graduate from elementary school, which meant that Second Lieutenant Luo might become the only officer in the Goguryeo army who could not read the order completely.

This is very unfavorable to the training and development of the Koguryo officer contingent, for this reason. Lieutenant Luo became Second Lieutenant Luo.

"Sir, why are we setting up a position here?" A second-class soldier asked his officer in a puzzled way.

"Because this is very important, and when it is important that we must defend here, this reason is already very important." Lieutenant Luo said.

"The mountain people will pass here and start a war. If we allow them to cross here, the result will become very unfavorable. Do you understand?" Lieutenant Luo said.

"Yes, sir, I understand." The second class continued to dig the trenches. Yes, the mountain people must cross here, because you must cross here no matter which direction you come from. There is a section of open land over two hundred meters, and this small convex land has become the only commanding height. Two machine guns would cause great damage to Goguryeo.

State of Chu, Burma.

"Sir, what do the prisoners do?" A Chu army sergeant asked his sergeant holding a rifle. His bayonet kept dripping red liquid, which was blood. Xiang Yu’s assault team swept to the cotton people’s residence in the Chu Army blockade. This residence was very hidden. In the deepest part of the jungle, if it weren't for their snipers to hide well, they would never have found such a place. Aerial reconnaissance revealed that this area is just a green jungle with nothing. Obviously, aerial technology can't provide strong intelligence support, and sometimes snipers like them are needed to help. The raid this time is such a proof.

"It is impossible for us to bring back those prisoners of war, and the danger of bringing them back is too great. Kill them." Xiang Yu said coldly. The cotton people still caused some casualties to them. This attack resulted in the death of three Vietnamese soldiers. They were all good fighters. One of them died at the hands of a cotton woman, and a Chu army soldier was stabbed in the thigh. And it was a child who caused all this.

This is a shame. In Xiang Yu's view, this is a huge shame, because their great Chu Army soldiers died under the assassination of the other side. Women and children deserve to die.

"Kill." The sergeant was startled.

"Kill." Xiang Yu ordered this way.

"They are not women, children, but soldiers. You know?" Xiang Yu said.

"Yes. Sir, I understand." The other party said so. Then he went to do such a thing. This kind of thing is simply a disaster for them.

"Bang. Bang. Touch." Gunshots and grenade explosions quickly sounded, and the Chu army concentrated on slaughtering those cottonmen. They are just women, old people, and children, and they can only vent their dissatisfaction by roaring in the end. Hatred, and then everything returned to peace, and billowing smoke rose. The Chu army immediately evacuated here.

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