The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3917: Bombard the Roma

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"Such a report, don't send it in the future." Prince Dan said to the Foreign Minister in a very bad mood.

"Prince, some affairs still need to be dealt with. After all, such affairs. Still need to pay attention to??????." Before the Foreign Minister finished speaking, Prince Dan had already said angrily.

"Affair and foreign affairs are also affair. Our statements, condemnations, and countless intimidations have no effect. Goguryeo did not retreat. On the contrary, they conducted a larger-scale force build-up in the border area. At present, they have exceeded three infantry divisions. In addition, there are various artillery units and engineering units assembled. How should we deal with such forces?" Prince Dan asked. The country of Yan has no way, because there is no artillery unit to provide to the frontline troops. In order to deal with the terrible artillery unit of the other side, the country of Yan can only buy machine guns and then dig tunnels and trenches to escape. This method is very passive. , But there is no alternative. Whoever caused the Yan Guoren’s financial situation to fall into a huge disaster, no one can solve such a problem in the face of such a disaster.

"This." The Minister of Foreign Affairs is also helpless. They are only foreign affairs. Only when the military battle is fierce can they win the initiative at the negotiating table.

"I think the solution is to use the military." Prince Dan said that at this moment, the Minister of Defense came in cautiously. Recently, Prince Dan was under pressure. Everyone knew that they should be more careful. Otherwise, their The situation will be very bad. Faced with such a situation, this is their best solution.

"Let's talk about it, what can be reported. If it is a defense plan, don't report it." Prince Dan said when he saw the Minister of Defense come in.

"Prince, there happens to be an offensive plan here. This plan can help us a lot. At least take a certain initiative at the negotiating table." The Minister of Defense reluctantly took out the mountain man, and A Gu handed it up. report. He suggested that his troops infiltrate the mountains and persist in fighting guerrilla operations and cut off the enemy's logistics supply line. At the very least, it will have great consequences for the opponent's logistics supply line. This approach has a certain degree of danger, but it is necessary to do it because of its danger.

A Gu thought about it for a long time, and he believed that it was still necessary to attack, because only by attacking could they solve this problem well. If this is not possible, it will inevitably lead to a great passivity. Because you can get a lot of support by doing so, at least the financial funds may be tilted to your own part. If you want to succeed, you must have something. A Gu is looking for something to do for himself.

"Offense? What kind of offense?" Prince Dan asked.

"Prince, as long as we attack from the direction of the mountains and the mountain people build more bases there, they can threaten the logistics supply line of the Goguryeo army. Their artillery shells, food, and various ammunition will not be supplied. After losing these, it will be difficult for them to pose a threat to us, and in turn, we can have a great advantage in negotiating operations." The Secretary of Defense said.

"It sounds like this plan is very good, at least very useful." Said the prince.

"Yes, prince, this is the best way we thought of, and this is consistent with the prince's strategic plan." said the defense minister.

"Hehe, it's pretty much the same. You can do your business very well if you know my good intentions." Prince Dan enjoys the effect of flattering, which can make him feel like in the clouds.

"Okay. I have agreed to such a thing. We are willing to accompany you to the end if we do it," said Prince Dan.

"Prince, if you do this, do you mean to declare war?" The Foreign Minister asked nervously. He knew that the Goguryeo people had actually nowhere to go. They had already faced the threat of war. Now under such circumstances, they will naturally be forced to declare war on the people of Yan Guo, and Yan Guo will lose the opportunity of morality. Therefore, he hopes that Prince Dan can pay attention to this issue carefully. After all, this issue cannot be handled well. Otherwise, it will cause a very serious disaster.

"Declare war, how about declaring war? I am afraid that the little Goguryeo will not succeed in my country. It is true, I think you are too worried. It is because a foreign minister like you has tolerated too much in diplomacy that makes Goguryeo people like this. We have to make an inch. Now, we can't bear it like this. All problems must be resolved as soon as possible." Prince Dan said. Prince Dan believes that Yan must be tough, and that softness will bring catastrophic consequences. Yan must solve this problem by itself.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was helpless, and his kindness was treated this way, which made him feel very aggrieved.

On the front line of Goguryeo, everything is calm here. In the trenches, soldiers play cards, chat, or do other things. In short, they need to find some things for themselves. In this case, it is much better than staying in the trenches stupidly.

"Sir. Sir." In the trenches, the soldiers stood up on their own initiative. They could not salute. In fact, the action of standing up was enough to explain everything. Li Zuoche once emphasized that soldiers shouldn't take such excessive actions, but Goguryeo was very dull. Even on the battlefield, such a situation is difficult to change.

"Sir." The soldiers stood up actively.

"Hurry up and start the war, our soldiers are already impatient to wait." Luo Ping said after following Li Zuo's car.

"Don't worry, the war may start soon." Li Zuoche said. In this case, Li Zuoche has said it many times. But after each time. Luo Ping will still ask related questions. After all, he is still very worried about the situation of this war.

"I'm going to see the position over there. After all, there is a blockade point." Li Zuoche focused on a corner on the right wing of the battlefield. There was an open area there, in fact it was Lieutenant Luo's position, and his row was placed there.

"I know, you mean, the position over there." Luo Ping said.

"Yes, I once suggested placing a platoon there. There are at least two machine guns. Only in this way can the mountain people's charge be blocked." Li Zuoche said.

"Well, according to what you said, I put one of the best hits there, and there is also a telephone line set up there, they can call artillery support, and we also provide them with reserve forces, as long as they are attacked, We will surely be able to counterattack quickly." Luo Ping said.

"Well, that's fine. What I am worried about is that the Yan people on the opposite side cannot attack from the front, because both of us have built positions like a copper wall and an iron wall. If we attack under such circumstances, it will undoubtedly lead to death. I'm afraid that the other party will look for clever opportunities to fight. In that case, our situation will be bad." Li Zuoche said.

"Oh. Don't care about it. Anyway, I can't fight anymore. There, I can see that it is still hanging. That piece of land is open. Who will go there is purely looking for death." Luo Ping said disapprovingly. Then he dragged Li Zuo cart to have a drink.

Spain. The Carthage army is advancing slowly. Their vanguard forces have discovered where the Loma camp is, and then they just maintained a guard and defensive state, while the entire force, the main force of Carthage, moved forward extremely slowly. The reason for the slowness was due to the soldiers. We kept running in the marching queue, and some merchants were still following, because there were some officers and soldiers who wanted to sell their trophies. They need to sell at a good price.

"This kind of marching speed is too slow. And those merchants, they should leave here far away, otherwise, the whole army will not come to fight. Their fighting will will be greatly changed." Li Wei is very He unceremoniously pointed out the fact that Carthage is currently weak in fighting will.

"We just won, it's better to make them happy," Hannibal said to Levy. After all, if his soldiers are too bitter, they will stop advancing, resulting in the fact that they will not go to war. In the final analysis, the Carthage army is still a mercenary army, that is to say, their soldiers have a high professional ratio and are highly hired. Such an army, of course, can explode to a certain degree of combat effectiveness, but they can only fight SF Express. Once they encounter a cruel battle, they will become passive. For example, they are now behaved in attacking the Lockheed Martin barracks. They were not interested, they marched and dragged. Because they are a full tiger. A full-fed tiger is hardly interested in the meat delivered to his mouth, and the Carthaginian army is in such a state now. Li Wei was very angry at such a situation, and he hoped that their officers would pay attention to such a situation. But helplessly, Hannibal was also helpless about this. If the persecution was too harsh, it would cause mutiny.

"Well, can you raise the speed as quickly as possible?" Li Wei said.

"They may, don't worry. We will take care of this matter." Hannibal persuaded.

Loma Barracks, Carthage’s cavalry unit, and a fast-moving infantry unit using a carriage maneuver arrived here, equipped with a light rapid-fire artillery. Cannonballs are expensive and would not normally be used easily, but now they come and want to give it a try. Because the opposite is Roma. A difficult opponent.

"Can our position be held fast?" Scipio concealed from a nearby commanding height to observe the situation below. The cavalry dismounted and guarded the surroundings, because this position was easy to find.

"I don't know, but based on the current situation, the Carthaginian army has no chance of eating you all at once. If it doesn't work well, the Roma can try to eat the opponent, but it will cost a lot of money. Strength, it's not worth it." Li Fu said. Scipio nodded, and he began to observe the Carthage army on the opposite side. They were well-equipped and equipped with valve rifles. The rate of fire and range of this rifle were greatly improved. The soldiers looked relaxed, and they were also digging trenches to defend. The artillery was set up directly behind the infantry positions, and some were in the infantry positions. The artillery carried binoculars and various instruments to measure. This is the preparation work of the artillery. With this kind of work, their artillery attack will proceed smoothly.

"These **** Romans, they are simply a bunch of lunatics. There are so many surface buildings, but they don't know that this is a good target." An artillery captain said while looking at the Roman military camp with a binoculars.

"Sir, we are ready. Can we start?" an artillery sergeant reported.

"Okay. Let's start. Show them some good looks. These foolish Romans." Captain Artillery said.

"Boom. Boom." The rapid-fire guns quickly became powerful. They made a popping sound, which was crisp and sweet to the ear, but for the Roma people, this was not a good sound.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." In an instant, the Loma people's position began to become torn apart. The defensive fortress they built, especially the wooden fence, was blown out of a big hole. Some burn directly.

"Wow." The shells roared, and a Roman sentry who had no time to escape was directly hit, and his body was blown up. Such a **** scene seemed to make the Carthage soldiers very excited.

"Is this an artillery attack?" Scipio asked.

"Yes, the caliber of these artillery is not very large. If there is a larger artillery caliber, it will cause more casualties. Their destructive power is amazing." Li Fu put down the telescope and said. Scipio didn't say anything, because he was still watching these artillery fires. The opponent's artillery action went smoothly, and the artillery kept firing. There are flying wood and dust everywhere. But it looks very lively, in fact, the casualties of the Loma were very small.

"Look, this is the function of the trench. The Carthaginians already knew that the concealment of the trench is very useful. Therefore, they hide in the trench and can deal with all the shrapnel carefully. Now, we are hiding in the trench. Internally, such a situation can be avoided." Li Fu said.

"Yes. It seems that this is a good way." Scipio observed.

"Yes, this method is very effective. It can also solve many, many problems." Li Fu said.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." After the last few bombardments, the Carthaginians finally stopped their shelling. They were only tentative and absolutely impossible to launch a big attack. After all, it was very unwise to do that. This approach is a very bad result for them.

"These silly Loma people," the captain said while looking at their masterpiece. They smashed the Loma camp.

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