The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3920: Carthage Commando

Rome city. Scipio submitted a report detailing the history of the Spanish cavalry operations and explaining how powerful firearms were. In the report, he emphasized the importance of firearms and required large-scale firearms to satisfy them. Own needs. Because war is unfair to them. But this report was only discussed in the Senate. Then, there is no more.

Fabian Mansion, this is a beautiful and peaceful manor. The Mediterranean climate makes it rainless and dry in summer, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"It's really nice here, with sea breeze and beaches. This is indeed a good place for us." South Korean Major Zhang Jun said. He especially likes here, especially the beautiful women. This is different from the beauties of the Central Plains countries. He just fell in love with this place when he first came here. In the military of various countries, people's reputation for South Korean officers is not very high, because they are all evil spirits among the women. Korean military officers are known for their lust. This is also the worst place for South Korean officers.

"Well. You can be here if you like it. However, there are some things, I still need you to advise. After all, I know that you are all staff officers, and that's what you do." Fabian said.

Fabian originally served as the ambassador at Thebes. But because of the rise in diplomatic relations between South Korea and Rome. In particular, trade has increased a lot. The Romans need a lot of silk, while the Koreans need a lot of slaves and various mineral resources. The two sides hit it off and quickly increased the volume of trade. In this way, the Roman Senate needs a veteran who understands Korea as a country. Fabian was undoubtedly the most suitable person, and he was transferred back to serve as a senator in the Senate. In fact, he was equivalent to a councillor. The power is great, but the actual jurisdiction is not great.

"Is it a matter of military equipment?" Zhang Jun was a very smart officer, and he got it right all at once. In fact, he knew it had come. He is a staff officer of the High Command. He came here because he needed qualifications. After he came to Loma, the Loma people were very enthusiastic and first reviewed their army, but he was very disappointed with that kind of army. Although the quality of individual soldiers of Lockheed Martin is very high, they are some very good tactics. They are strictly disciplined and brave in combat. However, weapons and weapons greatly limit their combat performance. Of course, weapons are restricted to a certain extent. It works, but once the weapon has a huge generation difference, it will cause very bad results. He wanted to make some suggestions for the Loma people to change, but later he didn't say it because he felt that he didn't seem to need to do so, and the reason was simple. South Korea has sent a large number of advisory officers here, and they must have discovered this problem, but why they didn't raise it, it must have been raised. The Roma did not accept it.

"Yes, that's such a problem, you know. The Lockheed Martin Army is only a small number and is properly equipped with firearms. Our veterans and officers do not have enough knowledge about the use of firearms. They just think that this kind of weapon is expensive. That's all, this is indeed an unchangeable fact for us." Fabian said helplessly.

"So, what is the crux of the problem? Is it financial?" Zhang Jun asked the crux of the problem at once. Thinking that the purchase of firearms is completely dependent on imports, if you do so, Lockheed Martin will enter a state of trade deficit. After all, in the trade with South Koreans, they are already in such a state. They imported a lot of industrial products, silk tea, sugar and so on. These things put Lockheed Martin in a trade deficit, that is to say, the Lockheed people spend a lot of money, and South Korea is making more money from Lockheed. This makes the Loma feel a serious imbalance.

"Yes. It's a financial issue. I have studied your country. Your country is an industrially developed country with developed agriculture as a foundation. Although Lockheed Martin also has such a foundation. But this foundation is not in comparison. It is very solid, so his financial increase is very limited. At present, Lockheed Martin has the possibility of becoming extravagant, for example, the proportion of imported silk and perfume has increased. This is not a good thing." Fabian said. If Loma hadn't had the enemy of Carthage, they might have fallen down quickly, but the problem is that after such a country exists, their corruption has slowed down a bit, but this is better than saying that they don’t. There is such a phenomenon. Corruption can occur seriously.

"Our fiscal revenue is very limited. If we use it to buy a large number of weapons, our army will spend a lot of money, and the entire fiscal year will have no money available for the next few years. Or, we have to Borrowing debt, or perhaps, we must increase taxes. This way, Loma City’s bread will rise a lot. This is simply the biggest cause of the riot. For this reason, the Senate does not agree to do this because they have already purchased For warships, if the army’s weapons and equipment are changed, this cost will completely exceed the financial income of our Loma people. This budget is quite large.” Fabian said.

"Yeah. I understand that the Carthaginians have not yet formed a major threat, so the situation is still under control. The army's military budget is temporarily cut off, right?" Zhang Jun asked.

"Yes, it sounds helpless, but it is indeed a fact. Therefore, we can only hope that the situation in Spain can be greatly improved. Fortunately, we have a greater maritime advantage and can provide more supplies. For us, this is an amazing thing." Fabian said.

Zhang Jun nodded, expressing that he understood that he felt that this situation should be reported to the country so that the Supreme Commander could be mentally prepared. This is why the Loma actually want to replace their army’s weapons and equipment. If necessary, they still hope to establish a corresponding weapon production system. After all, buying is too wasteful of money. But the reason is that Carthage, Carthage did not pose a substantial threat to them, this threat is not fatal, after all, they are in Spain, and the situation in Spain can be controlled. Therefore, this caused the Loma people to give up a lot of weapons and equipment.

"I think so, I mean, if, if, Carthage jumped from Spain to Loma. If this is the case, what should you do?" Zhang Jun asked such a question, he knew that there was a big one in the north. The mountains blocked the military distance between Spain and Loma, but this situation still exists.

"It’s unlikely. It takes a long, long time to get here from Spain. The nearest channel is from the sea, but the problem is that we control Sicily. How do they get here? The advantage of their navy is not It's huge. In addition, there is one more thing. We need to pay attention that if they do not come from the sea, they can only cross the Alps. It is a difficult mountain road. Facing such a mountain road, they need to pay. The price is considerable." Fabian said.

"And there are Gauls in the middle, and the Gauls will cause them more trouble." Fabian said.

"Yeah. I understand." Zhang Jun nodded and said. He felt that if he were the Carthage army, such a thing would definitely allow them to do this, because the Carthage army is rapidly developing towards a modern army, and they must form a brand new engineering unit. With the help of the engineering troops, they are bound to grow rapidly. In contrast, the Roma people do not know enough about this aspect. Perhaps there are engineering troops among them, but their engineering troops are not professional engineers. Some are amateur engineers. Naturally, they couldn't understand the courage to cross the Alps.

Spain. Li Wei is busy with the selection of the commando. They must all be good fighters. Moreover, they are brave in combat and well equipped, otherwise it will be difficult for them to perform their due role.

"Give them more grenades. This is the best weapon for attacking trenches." Li Wei said after seeing the 500 commando soldiers who had been recruited.

"Yes, sir." A Carthage ensign officer noted from the side. Grenades are the most powerful in trench operations, but at the same time, if they are not used well, they can cause trouble for themselves. This has been proven countless times. However, in order to avoid hand-to-hand combat, this is the best way.

"Are you all ready?" Hannibal walked over and asked.

"Not yet, they need to rehearse, and be more proficient in tactical movements, otherwise, they will be in big trouble." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. That's fine too." Hannibal said.

"But what I need to point out is that we have conducted a few small-scale shelling before, so that the Loma people are accustomed to it, and then did not prepare for artillery fire, let the commando launch an assault, our troops are on the offensive." Li Wei said of his own. plan.

"What do you mean?" Hannibal asked puzzledly.

"I mean, when our assault team is attacking, there may be no artillery support. Although it is crazy to do so, it may cause us a lot of trouble, but we must do this, you know the result. This way. If we do, it will add a lot of suddenness to the assault operations of our commandos, and most importantly, it can save a lot of shells, which is very important to us." Li Wei said.

Commando tactics are also one of the most helpless tactics. Although Li Wei knew that large-scale shelling would not necessarily cause substantial damage to Roman soldiers hiding in the trenches, it could also greatly increase their combat enthusiasm. For example, under full artillery bombardment, the resistance of the opposing soldiers is easily disintegrated, and this situation exists. But the problem is that the Carthaginians did not have so much artillery to prepare for large-scale shelling, which was doomed to rely on the commando to complete their tactics. Therefore, under such circumstances, they were doomed to fight. The way must take some military actions to carry out.

"I'm sorry. I also feel powerless about this. You know, doing this is the last situation we want to see." Hannibal said helplessly, in order to save ammunition, they can only stop large-scale Shelling, which left some loopholes in tactics, and Li Wei could only make up for it through other tactics, or in other words, improve the efficiency of combat to make up for the lack of firearm support.

"It doesn't matter much. Assault tactics are like this. Sometimes they also need some concealment, large-scale artillery bombardment, which can solve some problems, but the problem is that such large-scale artillery bombardment can't completely solve the fundamental problem. All questions." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. I understand." Hannibal said, now he still has some guilt, but Li Wei just explained that they are only tactical needs.

"In this battle, we will need a lot of grenades, and then we need to supplement these grenades." Li Wei said.

"It doesn't matter, I will add these grenades to you. These are no problems." Hannibal said.

"Yeah. Thank you very much," Li Wei said. The tactics of the commando are very simple. They sneak into the trenches of the Roma, throwing a lot of grenades. The explosion of the grenade can greatly destroy the shields of the Roma people and the ability of short soldiers. Then they use equipped pistols and submachine guns. , The shotgun moved forward quickly and cleared the obstacles. This kind of tactics is flexible and does not require a lot of artillery bombardment, which is very suitable for the current situation. Under such pressure, they can only use such a tactic.

Mountain people, the first mountain brigade. In Agu's headquarters, although there is a brigade establishment here, in fact, his number is very limited, only more than 1,200 people, and the personnel establishment is less than one regiment. Ado has given full play to his advantages. He continues to do all kinds of black market business, reselling ginseng, tiger skin, and some other medicinal materials. These can solve part of the military expenditure problem, but if you want to solve it completely, these are far from enough. In order to solve this problem, A Gu chose to use war to support war. Only in this way can they completely get rid of the current predicament, the so-called Fighting to support war is to **** the logistic supplies of the Goguryeo people to feed their own army. Although this idea is bold, this is the best way at present. This approach can solve the vicious problem. This is a difficult problem that must be solved, so he decided to do it.

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