Goguryeo front line. On Lieutenant Luo's position, Lieutenant Luo drank some wine and slept on the position. People like him can sleep anywhere.

"Do you know? Our chief is very courageous. The last time he fought Matoushan. The enemy pursued was tired. There are still corpses on the battlefield." Said a corporal sitting on the ammunition box.

"Our sir, just lay on the corpse and slept. If it weren't for constant snoring, I really thought it was a corpse. But the situation at the time did harm a lot of people." The corporal continued.

"You think, there was a snoring corpse. It's also to blame for the nervousness and fainting at the time. I never thought that there would be alive people on the battlefield. Our sir, the courage is a little bit too much." The corporal said. .

"Sir, our chief is so bold, why did we send us to this place, this place is so remote, I feel very scared at night, and I won't go to pee." A soldier said timidly.

"I said how could there be such a lot of urine in the trenches. It turned out that you, a kid, made it. What are you afraid of? You can go directly next time. How can we have enemies here. Go with confidence and don't see the opposite Yan. Chinese people. They smashed their white buttocks and shit. I almost made Lao Tzu think it was a woman." The corporal scolded.

"Haha." The others laughed when they heard this.

"His mother, if it weren't for the officer above him to shoot, I shot his bird with one shot. His mother," the corporal said.

"Sir, when did you say this war started. It's been such a long time?" a private soldier asked.

"How do I know, who knows if there will be a fight at the top? If you can, I will fight early and finish the fight. We can go home." The corporal said.

"Okay. I'll also have some wine and go back to sleep. You guys will keep a close watch on the position and report if there is a situation, or you will shoot directly. No matter who you are, you will shoot as long as you don't have a password, understand? "The corporal said so.

"Yes, it's the sir." Everyone replied.

In the army, recruits usually serve as guards. The reason is that these recruits are timid and veterans are slack. They are unwilling to do such drudgery, which is a difficult problem for them to solve.

"We are on this task again. Really." A second-class soldier complained.

"Okay. Let's get some wine to be brave. It's windy at night in this place. It's very cold," said a soldier.

"Yes, it's best to get some canned food to eat. In the middle of the night, I feel hungry. In that case, it will be very uncomfortable." The second class soldier said. He is the most courageous person here. Others disdain him, but this person has a characteristic that is sensitive. In the previous battle, he discovered several dangerous situations. Not only that, this guy once followed a patrol on patrol missions. As a result, there were eight patrols and he came back alone. The rest All of them were in an ambush, but this guy should feel wrong in the front, so he ran to the back secretly, just because of this, he got his life.

"Yes, sir, you have to be more sensitive. Listen to sir Luo said that this place is very dangerous. If the mountain people are the first to come over, our place must be the first one." said a private soldier.

"Okay. I see. I just **** up my ears and listen." Wang waited. Also because of this characteristic, when Chief Luo was the most nervous, he would give him the task, because this guy has a lot of life-saving ability. It's a pity that such an ability is of little use and can only save one's life.

"Such a long night, shall we say something else?" a private soldier said.

"Yeah. What did you say?" Wang waited asked.

"Domestic affairs, I read the newspaper. I said that the second tranche of war bonds is about to go on sale. I heard that the first tranche has risen sharply, but unfortunately, all my money has been lost. Otherwise, I will. I can also buy some to make some money to spend. In the second phase, I must buy it. This thing is definitely profitable." Private soldier said.

"Really? When the army pays down, I also buy some. My biggest wish is not to go to the factory to work. It takes a long time and the night shift is reversed. I have had enough of this kind of life. What I want now That is, I can find a driving job. I heard that there are taxis in Zhao Guo. I will do this kind of job and hire people. And I am not tired. I make a lot of money, and now there are a lot of rich people. , They like to ride in such a big car, it looks high-end. And very grand, this can bring them a lot of face-saving things, and make more money." Private soldier said.

"Such a big car costs a lot of money. What I know is that a Zhao Guo car of any brand costs at least 200,000 yuan. Not only that, it has money, and there are more replacement parts. This cost a lot of money. Those of us who are in the army, I am afraid that we will get together, and we will buy a car wheel for one year." One person said.

"This car needs a driver. After learning to drive, I can rent it. In this way, I can make a lot of money. Regardless of the large investment, but the more I make, I will forget it. I have been in the army for two years. If he bought all the bonds in two years, as long as he doubled, I can do something like this." Private soldier said.

"If this is the case, if you make money, just call us. To tell the truth, those workers are too tired. I have to work twelve or even more every day. I can't afford it. I eat pretty well every day. I'm afraid I can’t sleep well.” said one of them.

"Wait, stop talking. There is a situation." Just then. Wang et al said alertly. When everyone heard this, they all held their breath. They know there is danger. Some people who didn't know the reason looked stupidly, while some people who knew better took their rifles and watched nervously as the situation happened. If such a situation really happened, his situation would be bad.

"Let's talk about it. What's the matter?" Private soldier asked the Second Class King and so on.

"I feel that someone is leaning over. Although I can't see clearly, the sky is too dark. But I feel that they are approaching us quietly. And the footsteps are so light that they are not far away from us." Wang et al said worriedly .

"What are you waiting for, shoot. The sir allowed us to shoot." The soldier said nervously.

"The sir said you should shoot when you shoot? You know, now it's a special period. If a war is provoked, all of us will be shot." Others said worriedly.

"But we can't let them approach us. What if they jump in and kill us? That would be too bad for us. I don't want to lose my life. I want to go back and drive a taxi." Speaking of.

"Don't say this. They are not far from us. Can't drive? If you drive, hurry up, otherwise, there will be no chance. If they kill, we will not be able to run alone." Wang waited anxiously. Asked. If he didn't shoot, he would run, anyway, he felt that someone must be coming from the other side. And it is murderous, which is obviously not good for them, he sees all such things. Moreover, it must be those mountain people, because they walk without sound, but you can feel the breath, and if you feel it carefully, you can feel the breath approaching.

"Bang." Wang couldn't wait any longer. He really couldn't wait any longer. He squeezed the trigger decisively, and the others were startled, and everyone was shocked by the sudden gunshots.

"Bang, bang, bang." Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, intensive gunfire came from the opposite side, flying bullets across their heads, one bullet blew a guy’s head, two This guy foolishly wanted to see what happened, and as a result, his head was the first to explode.

Now all of them know what happened. They were attacked by the enemy. Such a situation is too tragic for them.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack." Many people shouted loudly, they even forgot to shoot.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The sudden gunfire awakened the corporal. He reflexively ran to the side of the machine gun, then pulled the gun, and fired at the marked point. The sound of the machine gun made these guys who had never fought a quick reaction. They started shooting. With the extremely limited light, they clearly saw that they were mountain people, who were approaching their positions like ghosts.

"Tutu Tutu, Tutu." Gunshots kept firing. The mountain people are already less than 50 meters away from them, which is an extremely terrifying distance. Because of this distance, mountain people can throw hand grenades into their trenches. Grenades exploded in the trenches can cause a lot of casualties.

"Boom." Sure enough, a grenade flew over. Fortunately, the grenade was thrown too far and exploded on the other side. Otherwise, many people in the trenches would be killed.

"Boom. Boom." Then more grenades came over.

"Damn it, it's war. It's war." The corporal shouted loudly. Lieutenant Luo also hurried over. Another machine gun quickly formed crossfire, and the bullets kept firing. They couldn't see the target, but they knew that more mountain people would fall to the ground under the shot of the machine gun. The war came suddenly, but it was inevitable. Because everyone knows that such a day will happen, but when and what kind of situation, these are not things they can know. But the war has started.

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