Wei Man slept in his own trench on Yan Guo's position. He had been a sentry for three consecutive days. The sentry life makes you feel nervous and tired, because this kind of life is really not done by humans, especially in such a depressive atmosphere. Wei Man is feeling very tired now, but his mind is always thinking about other things. Things make him look very tired. Therefore, he didn't know when he fell asleep groggy.

"Get up quickly, get up quickly." A sergeant dragged him up from the trench.

"What's wrong? What's wrong outside. Is it the Chinese New Year?" Wei Man may have hallucinations himself. He listened to the sound of guns as New Year's firecrackers.

"Damn, you're stunned. There's a war. Get up, pick up your weapon and enter the combat post." said the sergeant. Then went to drag other people. But when the machine guns and grenade explosions in the fringe area came. The Goguryeos reacted immediately. Their cannons, rifles, and machine guns started firing frantically at the intended target. Although their forward positions reported that no enemy attack was found, they only found mountain people infiltrating in the eastern region. All the Goguryeos fired in an instant. The shells slammed into the Yan people’s position like raindrops. The Yan people also reacted quickly. Their machine guns and rifles started shooting towards Goguryeo. Over time, a great war ignited instantly.

Wei Man took his rifle and entered the trench groggyly.

"Boom." An explosion came near him. A soldier was knocked to the ground by a cannonball. When he got up, his face was covered with blood, and then he yelled, as if it had hit him somewhere. In this situation. The war has begun. Wei Man was still confused, but this did not prevent him from shooting. He was pushed to a shooting position by the sergeant, and then he shot mechanically.

"What are we fighting?" Wei Man asked a soldier next to him. He was a newcomer and looked nervous, because this guy pulled the bolt down. He didn't know how this guy did this, but one thing is certain, this guy's rifle can't be used now.

"No, I don't know. The officer asked us to shoot, saying that it was Goguryeo who had come. But the Goguryeo man on the opposite side was also shooting. I heard that one had already been killed over there," the soldier said.

"Kata, Tata." The soldier was really stupid. I don't know if it was because of nervousness. After all, after the bolt was taken off, it was never installed again. This situation made him feel very distressed.

"Damn it. I'll help you." Wei Man took the bolt back up easily. The opponent was still very nervous, and the bullets couldn't advance well. It took him a long time, and once he took his own. With my fingers stuck in it, I really don't know what this guy came here. Wei Man thought so.

"This is how the war came." Wei Man thought to himself. He didn't feel it at all, he just felt tired, and he was a little tired and wanted to sleep. As for what it was, he didn't know what it was. After all, he didn't know how this war started. He had only one idea to live.

In the headquarters of the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo.

"What's the matter?" Li Zuoche hurried over. The gunfire outside was very dense. Cannons were being fired everywhere. From the sound of the guns, the battle became very fierce, so intense that everyone thought. This was a large-scale decisive battle, but in fact, soldiers on both sides avoided shooting inside, because it was night, they couldn't see the target clearly, and they didn't understand at the same time. What kind of target he was hitting was fierce outside. But there were not many real casualties.

"Where did the gunfire first come from?" Li Zuoche asked.

"In the east, it seems to be on the fringe, where Lieutenant Luo is." A staff officer reported.

"Yes, there is the fuse. I immediately sent troops. I think it should be a sneak attack by mountain people. They are going to infiltrate our rear, and our soldiers happened to stop them. They did a great job." Li The left car said so.

"Is this really the case?" a staff officer asked worriedly.

"It's really like this, they will do it, no matter what? We should want to do something like this before we can proceed. No matter this. War is like this." Li Zuoche said.

"Well, let's do such a thing together." Luo Ping came in and said. Hearing the gunshots, he immediately became excited. War is the best catalyst and can make people excited.

On Lieutenant Luo's position, the pressure they are now under is very high, unprecedented. He doesn't know why there are more and more **** mountain people.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun kept firing. The water-cooled machine gun has knocked out twelve cans of water, and all five 200 rounds of bullets have been shot out. But the **** mountain people are still attacking, they are hiding while shooting.

"Puff." The machine gunner's neck was knocked off. The trachea was interrupted. The soldier covered his wound in pain, as if doing so could make him breathe, but this situation could not solve all the problems. Because his injury is very serious. Too late to deal with the wounded soldier, a recruit went up to operate the machine gun, and then frantically fired. The wounded soldier soon died. There was no time to help, and the bullet hit the key. The large arteries in the neck are constantly bleeding, and this is no longer known as the first such shooter.

"Damn it." Lieutenant Luo cursed, and then picked up the phone and continued to request reinforcements. The company behind him responded very slowly, as if it were due to gunfire. Shots were being fired everywhere, and the sound of the guns seriously interfered with their commander’s judgment. He believed that their position was being attacked as never before, so they became very nervous, but the result was that Lieutenant Luo’s The position suffered a real attack, but their company was unable to send them real reinforcements, which greatly made their situation very uncomfortable. Without reinforcements, it meant that they would have to bear a lot of pressure.

"Bang." A gunshot came. The recruit was killed not long after he went up. Half of his head was knocked off, and his brain was mingled with blood and cooing continuously. This is very serious, so serious that everything is unacceptable.

"It's really a **** war." Lieutenant Luo cursed. Mountain people's marksmanship is very accurate, as long as they are within a certain distance. He can accurately hit the target in the shooting hole of the bunker, which is a big threat to the Goguryeo machine gun shooters, and this threat has become very big. In desperation, Lieutenant Luo could only operate the machine gun to shoot. Their machine guns have reached the limit of shooting. However, the delay of the reinforcements to rescue him made him feel very worried. They really didn't know if they could survive.

On the opposite side of the mountain people, their situation is not very good.

"Why are you so careless?" A Gu said to himself while looking at the map.

"Sir, I can't blame us for this. We didn't make any noise at all, and the Goguryeo people shot suddenly. Under such circumstances, our soldiers would inevitably fight back, which naturally caused such a result to happen. We are very Helpless, but our counterattack is still effective. At the very least, we only need to launch an attack and we can quickly fight over." Ado explained.

"The problem is that our offensive has given up the last time, and reinforcements have gone up three times. The casualties have exceeded two hundred, two hundred people." A Gu said distressedly. Recruiting these is very difficult, but they cannot open the situation quickly.

"Sir, we have worked very hard. The brethren are approaching quickly, and then think of ways to solve all the problems. For example, we have put all the troops on it. If this happens, it will put a lot of pressure on the Goguryeo people. We broke through the opponent's line of defense, and everything is easy to solve for us." Addo said optimistically.

"Furthermore, the gunshots of the Goguryeo people are very dense, it sounds messy, they didn't find our offensive intention." Ado said.

A Gu just swallowed a mouthful of water. He knew that the situation was a bit bad.

"Sir, it would be better if we had guns. We can solve many, many problems." Addo said.

"There will be, but it's useless to say it now. Our problem is that there is no artillery now, that is, there is, if we adjust it, I am afraid that the Goguryeo people have already stepped out of the reaction. I think there are some changes in the battle plan this time. There will be a reaction soon, their reinforcements will soon rush over, no more. We changed our plan and retreated. We can't break through from there." Gu thought for a while and wanted to say. Although the cost of two hundred casualties made him feel very distressed, he must make such a decision for a simple reason. The Goguryeo people on the opposite side would never do this.

"Sir, we have already paid such a large casualty, and there is no result. If this goes on, we will be blamed." Ado said worriedly.

"I know that it is because the price to be paid will be more, so we have to retreat, hurry up, otherwise, all people will enter it and can't wait any longer." A Gu ordered. Ado was helpless and could only accept orders. It made people retreat back, but that was what made him feel bad. Because many times, he himself felt that doing such a thing was too awkward. But there is no way, this is an order issued by the chief. He must execute, otherwise, the consequences will be more serious.

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