The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3927: Yan Country will be chaotic

On the Koguryo front line, the two sides have officially declared war. The officers on the front line are very happy. This is a good time for them to make contributions. After all, in peacetime, the treatment of soldiers is not as good as a worker, but now it is war. War means that they have a lot of money. The officers were naturally very happy about the opportunity for promotion, but the soldiers were a little unhappy, because the soldiers who died the most in the war might not be all killed, but the casualties of the soldiers are definitely higher than the officers, and theirs were killed. The probability naturally surpassed the officer.

"Bang Bang. Suddenly. Boom. Boom." Goguryeo and Yan Guoren fired at each other through the trenches. Soldiers from both sides were fighting very lively. From time to time, people were carried down. Many people were killed, and some were very tragic. Especially from the Yan people, a shell came down and hit one person on the spot. The blast was shattered, and the bones were not found, only some clothes were wrapped and buried.

"Damn it, it's been hilarious, but it's not making much progress." The sergeant shouted while sitting in the trench, his rifle barrels all red. The four cardinal ammunitions are all fired up. But they just didn’t attack, and so did the Goguryeo people on the opposite side. They followed up with machine guns and fired rifles from time to time. Both sides did not attack, because they all knew that attacking under such circumstances would be equivalent to After being slaughtered, both sides shrewdly avoided shooting in the trenches. Therefore, after a long time of fighting, Qianxi County heard the gunshots and the fighting seemed to be fierce. However, the actual progress was not very great. There was basically no battle on both sides. The most significant change was that the Goguryeo people occupied the convenience of the artillery. They clearly lost a part of the barbed wire in front of the Yan Guoren's position. It caused even greater casualties for the other party, and other than that, it seemed that there was nothing left to say. This is the result of the war, what else can they say.

"I've had enough of this war." Wei Man then crouched down to rest while disassembling the rifle. He had already disassembled the rifle many times. I don't know what's going on, he is very afraid of death now, he saw with his own eyes, a second-class soldier next to him. They are also comrades-in-arms, and they can speak when necessary. However, a bullet flew directly over, knocking out the opponent's eye, and then the bullet passed through from behind, just like that, one person died. The death was very embarrassed and unjustified. But this is how people are killed. There was no wailing, no relatives beside him, and then he just lay on the ground coldly. The sound of guns was everywhere. Wei Man squatted beside the corpse and looked at the other person, the other person's eyes could still see the previous fear, although there was only one eye. This is war, this is death, when war comes, for anyone. all the same.

"Okay. Let's talk about it. This is how this war is. If you can survive, it's not bad. Let's rest and rest." An veteran said. Then he was the first to come down and say this. Shooting in the trenches is still risky. The most feared thing is that the opponent is shooting at them with artillery. If you go down, you can't hide. The most terrible thing is that the machine guns, their bursts are very terrible, if a series of It’s impossible to evade the enemy’s attack. Such a shooting will make everyone feel broken. This is war.

"Sir, when will this style of play end?" a second-class soldier asked.

"When it will end, how do I know? What I know is that our situation is still good. If there is a large-scale war, the Goguryeo people may use heavy artillery bombardment. If they attack desperately, In the trenches, there will be corpses. Then, it is tragic." The sergeant said. When other people heard this, they all felt the fear of war.

"Boom." There was a sound of a shell exploding, and then a scorched arm flew over. It happened to fall into the arms of the sergeant. The sergeant looked in shock. The white bones of the arm could still be seen, plus a trace of blood, which looked terrifying. A recruit was scared on the spot. He jumped up, unfortunately, a bullet flew over, hit the opponent's head, and then landed, and it became a corpse. Wei Man looked at the corpse in fear, and he had imagined that he was the corpse. . After all, there is pressure in war. Anyone will have such pressure. If such pressure is not handled well, it will inevitably bring disasters to them. This is the situation. Weiman was scared.

"When you encounter something, don’t be afraid. Look at it. This is an example in reality. There are too many such things. What can we do. War is like this. The more afraid you are, the last one may die. The more you look for death, the more you can't die. Let go, let go.” The sergeant said. It seems that life and death are not very important to him anymore. Wei Man nodded blankly to indicate that he knew it. The other soldiers didn't know what it meant. What they knew was that the man was so unlucky that he could even be hit by a flying bullet when he jumped up. When it's really unlucky, all kinds of things can happen.

Opposite the Goguryeo, the 7th Infantry Regiment's position.

"Damn it, the frontline has become a government. The above actually asked us to withdraw from the fight. I really don't understand. What does this mean?" Luo Ping asked Li Zuoche in confusion.

"For this battle, don't look at the excitement of the frontline. In fact, the impact is not great. Withdrawal, I think the main task is expansion." Li Zuoche said after looking at the state of the frontline.

"Expansion?" Luo Ping was a little surprised.

"Yes, expansion. It sounds surprising to you, but it's not surprising at all. You must do this. Only in this way can you have sufficient troops to solve such problems." Li Zuoche said.

"The expansion of the Yan people has reached the limit, but the limit of Goguryeo has not been reached. They can do many, many things. For example, your regiment can be expanded into a division. The strength of the army has increased several times. Although the combat power is certain The degree has declined to a certain extent, but your overallity is still good, that is, they can play a greater role in a larger scope. In this case, your situation will become more favorable ." Li Zuoche said.

"If that's the case, then it's good. I also think it's boring to fight this kind of battle, and I'm upset to listen." Luo Ping said.

"Well, I think so, but what I am worried about is the mountain people. After all, their fighting conditions are different. They are good at sneak attacks. We can suppress our opponents on the edge and let the mountain people suffer. But, change to another unit. , I am afraid it will be very difficult. I am worried that once the other party knows this situation, it will quickly take military action to cross our blockade and enter our logistics supply line area. In that case, it will inevitably be us who will lose a lot." Li Zuoche said worriedly. He knows that defense alone cannot defend against a mountain man's sneak attack, but he has no good way, only to watch such a situation happen.

"Well, it's easy to say, when I hand over, let them pay attention." Luo Ping said.

"This is not the case. What I am worried about is that they will adopt other methods, even if they are paying attention, but there are also times when they are slack. After all, the initiative is not in our hands. This is very passive for us. You understand this. This kind of situation." Li Zuoche said.

Inside the Koguryo Mountain No. 1 Brigade Headquarters.

"The opposite is the troop, have you inquired clearly?" A Gu asked while looking at the map.

"I'm clear. It's the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo, the 7th Infantry Regiment that fought around in the mountains area last time." Addo reported.

"What? It's the 7th Infantry Regiment again." A Gu said angrily. They are very familiar with the 7th Infantry Regiment. This unit is very capable and can also fight. Their tactics and the purpose of the campaign are very clear. It is an extremely difficult opponent. Facing such an opponent, Ah Bone is very excited, because you can finally meet an opponent with comparable chess strength, but the existence of such an opponent is also distressed, because the opponent’s strength is very powerful and it makes you feel a lot of pressure. Such pressure makes it difficult for you to beat Opponents, that kind of frustration makes you uncomfortable.

"Yes, sir, this 7th Infantry Regiment heard that there was a senior staff officer from the State of Zhao for tactical guidance. It was a guy named Li Zuoche. This person is even the number one in the army of the State of Zhao, and his grandfather Famous general of Zhao State, General Li Mu." Ado told Agu what he had heard.

"Oh my God. I said how this person is so powerful. It's no wonder that we can't beat each other. It turns out that we encountered such an opponent." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir, the most rare thing is that the other party seems to know what we are going to do every time we set it up in our vital place. This makes our military operations pay a great price every time, which is nothing to us. It is a heavy loss, and we can no longer experience such a thing. Otherwise, our loss will be very heavy, but the problem is that if we don’t do this, it is very likely that we will not be able to do anything." Speaking of.

"Well. This Li Zuoche is a difficult opponent for us. We can learn something from him if it is not enough. We can't worry about something, because seeing that we have such an opponent, we should feel very Excitement is what." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir. It is indeed easy for us to learn something, but at present, how do we get over that edge zone? The Goguryeo machine gun completely blocked our road, and we couldn't make it at all. The worst thing is, the Goguryeo people. The defense there was strengthened, and almost two platoons were garrisoned. There were so many scary machine guns and such intensive firepower. Unless we have artillery, we can't do anything." Addo said.

"Well, I also thought about it a lot. Why don't we dig the trenches and pass quietly, maybe there is still a way." A Gu said.

"Sir, you can't do this. If you do this, the other party will find a way to kill us. Their terrain is high and grenades can be thrown into our trenches. In this case, I have a way. We can dig tunnels. If we dig one If it is authentic, we can go there directly, or we can bury explosives and blow up the opponent's position directly. In this case, we are equivalent to having a large-caliber artillery bombarding the opponent's position. Such a tactic. , I think we can still do it, although it takes a long time, but once it succeeds, it will bring us considerable benefits." Addo said.

"If this is the case, we might as well use it. If it succeeds, it can still bring us great benefits. Such benefits can allow us to solve many, many problems." A Gu said. . The tight defense made it extremely difficult for the mountain people to infiltrate. In the face of such a suffering, A Gu had to use tunnels to solve the problem. But he doesn't know how likely this method is to succeed, and it is very likely to lose a lot. But these are nothing.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"This is a report submitted by them. This report says that they can attack Armenia. We have obtained an exact research report from the Geological Institute. There is indeed an oil belt there. In terms of resources, this will be beneficial. We form effective investments, which can greatly reduce our risks." Wei Liao submitted a report. Shang Wen quickly read the report. This report can indeed reduce the bad investment of many Qin people. For example, it can reduce a lot of investment risks. After all, resources can bring great benefits. If the investment continues, they will get more. In addition, the military’s orders can also make them a lot of money, and the military’s interests have also greatly satisfied them. These are all benefits.

"Resources, how sure is this war?" Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. It doesn’t require a lot of troops. You know, it’s a vast area and sparsely populated. Armenia doesn’t have a lot of troops. It only needs some cavalry brigades and infantry brigades to solve the problem. The problem is not very big. It's easy to solve." Wei Liao said.

"Is this really the case?" Shang Wen still hesitated. He didn't know whether he should be so hesitant, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with being cautious after all.

"Our suggestion is to support them in doing so, and the military also expressed support for such a war. After all, the chances of winning are great." Wei Liao said.

"I think so too. After all, what we lack is such a situation." Shang Wen thought for a while and said.

"In any case, this plan can be carried out, and the Ministry of National Defense will take the lead in doing this to satisfy the military and those bank entrepreneurs. As for financial support, the bank will do the same." Shang Wen said. To. In the end, Shangwen decided to support this. The reason was that Qin needed to do so, and Shangwen had no possibility of refusing. Wei Liao happily agreed, and then went to get things done.

"Is it really right to do this?" Shang Wen asked himself.

"I think we can't hesitate in this matter. If you hesitate, it will bring us a very bad situation." Meng Yi said. He saw Shang Wen hesitate to say this.

"Yeah. That's right, since we have decided to do this. What are we still hesitating about, since this is the case, then we have decided this way." Shang Wen said.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"Armenia. This place is very remote." Wang Jian said after seeing such a report in the staff.

"Yes, this place is not only remote, but the military strength is also very weak. For such military operations, I don't think there is much pressure. As long as there are no mistakes in tactics, or in other words, if there are no mistakes in the command of the battle, victory should be easy. "Yang Duanhe analyzed.

"It seems that we don't need to worry about anything. This plan can be done by the staff. Of course. We can hand it over to the front-line military advisory team for the specific situation. They are better than we do. , After all, they can understand many things in detail. In contrast, we are much slower to obtain information. It is better to leave specific matters to the front line." Wang Jian said.

Yang Duanhe recorded that the General Staff was the place where large-scale strategic plans were made, and they didn't have to do some details. After all, military commanders should have a certain degree of flexibility in command. Without such authority, the commander is unlikely to win the battle.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"Chu's Minister of Economy, Zhang Er, ran to Yan Country. As a result, he couldn't do anything in Yan Country. He came back. I heard that it was frightened by prices." The Minister of Finance reported to Han Shu about such a thing. .

"Why did he go to Yan Country? Doing arms business?" Han Shu asked his finance minister.

"Yes, King. However, the prices you came here are quite high, and the main reason directly leading to the price increase is that the people of Yan people continue to increase taxes, which greatly makes the people of Yan people unable to survive. According to our ambassador It is inferred. If this continues, there may be a possibility of riots in the country of Yan. At present, the people have been constantly launching demonstrations, but Prince Dan is indifferent to this. This move will inevitably arouse public dissatisfaction. At that time, the country of Yan will inevitably be in chaos. "The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah. I think Goguryeo will also be involved. They will inevitably incite rebellion." Han Shu thought for a while and said.

"My lord, do we withdraw the embassy staff ahead of time." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"No. Let them stay in place to check the situation. This matter has not developed as fast as it is. It is okay for us to wait a little bit." Han Shu said. Han Shu is very clear about what happened in the country of Yan. Everyone knows that the country of Yan will inevitably collapse under high pressure.

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