The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3028: Demolition of the Carthaginians

Spain, Carthage front. At a commanding height, Li Fu and Scipio were concealed here, and their guards were concealed around strictly by disguise, and everything was safe.

"It seems that digging trenches is very effective for the Carthaginians. They don't seem to have a good way to solve such problems. Our defense still plays a big role." Scipio said. . He was pleased to see that the Loma Legion had stabilized its position and could effectively defend against Carthage's sharp attack. But Li Fu didn't think so.

"I don't think so. Although the trench can effectively defend against the effective killing of the opponent's firearms, you are still in an absolutely unfavorable state, and you have seen it. In fact, your situation is not very good. Take the initiative. It’s not in your hands, and you may not be able to do a lot of things comprehensively. Suppose, I mean, suppose, if the Carthaginians build engineering troops, they dig large-scale tunnels, and then use blasting methods to launch from below. Offensive, you can’t defend at all, and blasting like that will cause a lot of casualties.” Li Fu said, using blasting to break through, there are such cases, such as Yueshi, Zhao Guoren, and Yan Guoren. They have all done this before, and the Koreans also know such tactics. The development of coal mines has brought great advances in blasting technology, and the Carthaginians must now use this technology. Although Li Fu does not know how Sagunto was beaten down, he speculated that Jiatai The base people must have formed their own announced engineering unit, because the engineering unit will use the method of excavation to attack the opponent, this method can achieve great results. The same reason. The Carthaginians could also use this method on the Roma, which is not good news for the Roma.

"Blasting? Is there any other way?" Scipio asked.

"Of course. As long as enough explosives are buried below, enough to make the position collapse instantly, if a larger-scale attack is launched, the situation will become very critical, because in an instant, many people will be shaken by the huge explosion. Without the ability to resist, if you launch an offensive again, there will be a huge gap in your position. How to stay defensively, what I am worried about now is that the other party uses this method to blast." Li Fu said.

"We should tell my father as soon as possible," Scipio said. The Roma disbanded the army of the servant country. They can be recruited again, and at the same time, they can be prevented from encountering greater war disasters. Another part of the Roma soldiers, about five thousand people, five thousand people, obey the young commander, although his mission is not clear. , His age is still very young. But with the support of his father, Old Scipio knew that he had left this era, and this era needed to learn more from these young people. He was already old. Unable to accept new things, this will cause him to be in a bad situation. He gave this opportunity to Scipio. He knew that his son could do this because he was growing, and the speed of his growth was accelerating. , This is a good thing, such a thing can speed up his pace of growth.

"What I am looking for is the place where the other party digs the tunnel. Only when I find that can we find a solution. Moreover, we must hit with one hit. You know, we have only one chance. Once the Carthaginians know our Existence, we are bound to be wiped out. In that case, the entire Spain and Loma will fall into a passive state.” Li Fu said that it was him who proposed the dormant plan. He knew that only a certain amount of troops would be preserved, and guerrilla operations would remain. Coming down, avoiding a decisive battle with the Carthaginians can ensure that their situation is in an absolutely advantageous position, otherwise, they can't do anything. It was under such circumstances that he asked Scipio not to move. Because they are the last hope of the entire Loma people, in Spain.

"Okay." Scipio calmed down. He had learned to think. Although he was impulsive sometimes, his temperament was changing, which meant that he had matured.

Although Li Fu had thought of the technical means of tunnel blasting, the Carthaginians obviously had no time for them to proceed. Because they have made relevant preparations.

"We have already prepared. According to your standards, we have prepared one hundred thousand catties of explosives for them. This is a pretty terrifying number, which can make all the Roma fly into the sky." Hannibal said.

"Great. I can't wait. But we have to wait patiently." Li Wei nodded and said. They plan to attack in the early morning when the sun rises. At about 5:15, the sun will come out. At that time, the Roma people are very sleepy. Now there is still some time, they can drink tea, chat, relax, there is no need to be so nervous, because doing so will only make them more nervous. Appropriate nervousness is good, but too much nervousness will cause trouble. .

Tunnel blasting has entered the final countdown. A large number of explosives have been placed completely. In order to place these explosives, they spent a full two days, and then set up three detonating devices, which was enough for them to complete the blasting, and everything was proceeding cautiously because they were not close to the ground. Three meters away is the front position of the Roma people. There are more than three thousand Romans gathered there. If that guy accidentally discovers the tunnel, everything will be ruined.

Sometimes time passes very fast, sometimes very slowly, for Li Wei and Hannibal it is very slow, while drinking tea. Li Wei kept looking at his watch. He felt that time seemed to go a little slower. Especially in the last few hours, he felt like years. He had never felt this way before, and it made him feel that time really passed slowly.

"Okay. The last moment is here. Welcome our victory." Hannibal looked at the time. There were still the last thirty minutes. They wanted to take a break, but they couldn't sleep at all. This kind of battle, if you really If he can fall asleep, he is simply a wizard.

In the trenches of the Carthage front, a large number of infantrymen were recruited. They entered the trenches and ate their last candies. This was Zhao Guoren's suggestion, which could ease the tension of the soldiers. However, many people would collect such things, because this kind of sugar is very expensive, like this in Carthage, these things can be exchanged for a silver coin, or other things, he does not want to eat.

"Upper bayonet, all bayonet. After a while, pay attention to open your mouth or cover your ears." The officer walked back and forth and warned. The soldiers took out the bayonet and installed it on their rifles. I hate to fight with bayonet, because it is very difficult for people to be assassinated to be rescued. But the Romans on the opposite side don't think so. They like short swords, and they like their real assassination gladiatorial fight. In this case, they think that this is a heroic act.

"Damn, I don't want to fight with bayonet. If I enter the trenches, I will throw grenades and blow up those **** Romans. I hate their daggers. Last time they just cut a man's abdomen open. . Damn it, I feel very disgusting when I see that scene." said a sergeant. It's not just the sergeant who thinks so, many people think so. Carthage’s infantry has developed a habit of firepower. They have the most ammunition equipment. They used to be 60 rounds, but now they are equipped with 120 rounds. Sometimes, there is an ammunition box behind. , Equipped with 60 spare ammunition, that is their last bullet, because their ammunition consumption is the largest. They have been developed. When you can use a musket. Use muskets as much as possible. In the last resort, they will use bayonets, because they are very afraid of using bayonets to fight, which can easily cause casualties. This can be proved by factual evidence.

An ensign lit the fuse carefully. His hands were shaking so much that it took him three more expensive matches to light the fuse. A soldier looked at the stopwatch, five minutes, only five minutes, he could press the detonator, and then blast. This is an extremely crazy move. Because he knew that there would be a lot of explosives under the tunnel. How many people would be killed could be a thousand people or more. Oh my God, thinking about how he would kill so many people at once, he felt that he might go crazy, so he also looked nervous, his palms were sweating constantly, and his energy was tranced for a while, maybe he himself I feel that I may cause a lot of casualties. If it hadn't been reminded by the officer next to him, he might have pressed the detonator all at once.

Li Wei was looking at the pocket watch in his hand, which was given to him by his wife. Now, he felt that his pocket watch seemed to be broken. He also took it to his ear to listen. The pocket watch made a crisp ticking sound. It's not broken, but he feels that time has gone too fast.

The same is true for Hannibal, except that he looks at the time a little less often, his hands keep tapping his pants, it seems that only in this way, he can calculate how long it took, a very clever way, but this It also exposed his nervousness.

The infantry in the trenches didn't feel this way, they just couldn't stand the boring time. The officer looked at the expensive watches and pocket watches. The soldiers hope to survive.

"Boom." Just when everyone was doing what they were supposed to do, a huge explosion sounded, and everyone's thinking suddenly stopped. It seemed that the huge explosion formed a huge magnetic field damage, and this kind of magnetic field damage. All of a sudden disturbed everyone's own small magnetic field. There was a huge explosion. They can feel the earth trembling, and the huge energy is transmitted, and their lungs can be shaken out.

Li Fu and Scipio who were under observation were shaken down. Scipio was even more at a loss. He felt that his head was blank, as did Li Fu.

"Great. Great." Li Wei yelled loudly, his ears still buzzing. But this did not prevent him from celebrating such a big victory and blasting successfully.

On the front line.

"Wow!" There was dust, meat, and blood rain on the ground. The Roma had arranged too many people there, three thousand people, and they were instantly blown up. Their bodies were dismembered in the air, or when they exploded, they were mixed with a lot of mud. Their bodies were torn and their organs were blown up and flying everywhere. This approach shocked everyone. , Because this is definitely not something that ordinary people can drive out. This

"Bah. Bah." The soldiers had to withstand tremendous pressure, because a piece of ground meat fell on them, and they could see that it was the liver of a certain Roma. The meat turns black. It seems to have the smell of meat.

"Ah. Ah." A soldier vomited. The trench was full of unpleasant smells. Vomiting was also contagious. Many people turned their faces away. Because they also have such an impulse.

"Oh. Vomit." Suddenly more people vomited, and an officer couldn't bear it. This is not a shameful thing, this kind of thing is normal. After all, whoever encounters it will do so.

Some fools jumped up, and they were frightened. The nerves reacted excessively, which caused them to be in very bad condition. If you can't adjust it in time, you will go crazy.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The whistle of the attack finally came, and they were finally free. They quickly jumped out of the trenches and rushed out with their bayonet-mounted rifles. At least they were able to temporarily leave that ghost place, and the trenches were full of vomiting smells. But now they are wrong. Because they are thinking wrong now. All kinds of fleshy bones are everywhere on the road of the offensive, and those are masterpieces of huge explosions. The mushroom cloud has not dissipated. Many soldiers can't see the road ahead. Their faces quickly become blood-red to turn black. It is caused by dust and blood. Their uniforms are everywhere and they are very disgusting.

"Puff." A certain soldier stepped on a piece of meat with a piece of intestine attached to it, and some food in his stomach was stepped out, making a fart-like sound, which looked very disgusting. All the soldiers felt that the soldier should die.

This makes their appetite uncomfortable. They feel that they are on the road to hell. Human rib cages are scattered around. This is not a slaughterhouse, what is it? The soldiers finished this section with difficulty, and then occupied the position of the Roma. The position not enough for the Roma people no longer exists.

A huge crater appeared. The core area is very clean, as clean as a meteorite hitting the earth. There is nothing in a large crater, and nothing can be found in the tunnels between them. They don't know what position they are going to occupy.

On the commanding heights. It took a long time for Scipio to adjust. Li Fu's situation can't get better there.

"Just now, what happened just now?" Scipio asked.

"Blasting. Damn Carthaginians, use blasting to attack your position. Their progress is faster than we thought. Your position is in danger." Li Fu said. Hear here. Scipio quickly raised his telescope to check the situation. What he saw was a huge crater appeared in the dispersing smoke. There were no Roma inside. The huge explosion made the Roma lose the opportunity to react. They arrived. It has not been adjusted now. After all, there are still many sequelae from the huge explosion. The Carthaginians easily occupied the position, and the three defensive trenches of the Roma were blown up. This means that a huge defensive hole has appeared. The situation of the Roma is very bad.

"My God, what, what should I do?" Scipio said. Surprise has lost the last reason. He didn't know how to describe such a thing, or how to explain this situation, which greatly made them feel at a loss.

The Loma did not respond for a long time, which also surprised Carthage, but it was no longer possible to stop the Carthage. The Romans who lost their positions? The situation has become very bad. Their only way is to wait for the final outcome.

Goguryeo, the 7th Infantry Regiment defensive position, the 7th Infantry Regiment, they will withdraw, they will retreat to the rear to rest, and then replenish a large number of soldiers, because they will expand into the Goguryeo 7th Infantry Division, the original troops will be promoted First level, this is a good thing.

"We are replaced by the 17th Infantry Regiment, a second-rate unit. They used to serve as a security mission in the rear, and now they have entered the front line. I don't know if they can hold onto such a position." Luo Ping said worriedly. To.

"Regardless of them. These are no longer things we can manage. However, they must be prepared on the edge. Otherwise, if Goguryeo kills, it will cause great damage to our logistics supplies. Such damage will affect Goguryeo. Overall, the impact is great." Li Zuoche suggested.

"I'll tell them." Luo Ping left as he said, he went to look for the 17th Infantry Regiment and let them pay attention to some places. But for their combat effectiveness. Li Zuoche felt very skeptical. A logistic unit was suddenly transferred to the front line. Can they withstand the high pressure of the front line defense? This can be said, but I am afraid that they do not know the focus of defense in the face of defense. Knowing where the focus of defense is, they rush to defend. This can easily lead to loopholes in defense. Such loopholes are easy to be caught by the opponent and then quickly suppressed. For them, that time was a disaster. , But these are no longer things they can do. Because this situation is no longer within their jurisdiction, their task is to expand. After Goguryeo officially starts the war, their troops urgently need to be expanded.

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