The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3930: You are too nervous

The Goguryeo people had to deploy defensive forces in other directions to strengthen their positions under the situation of huge frontal pressure. This move was in the arms of the mountain people. They eagerly hope that the Goguryeo people will do this.

"Great. This is simply the best situation for us. These Goguryeo people, they also have stupid times." A Gu said excitedly after hearing the news.

"How many people do they reserve there?" A Gu asked next.

"There is only about one squad strength, and all the machine guns have been withdrawn. I don't know what their chief thinks." Ado really didn't understand why the Goguryeo people did this, and what good it would do.

"Haha, don't care about it. We act immediately, the opportunity is rare." A Gu said excitedly. Ado thinks so too. After all, such an opportunity was left to them by the people of Yan, and it was a rare opportunity.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff.

"Such a thing was not originally our intervention. However, judging from the past few wars, it is almost impossible to use spies in wars. If spies are used well, it may make our situation even worse. Take the initiative. You must know that this kind of thing will be more helpful to the war. Zhao Guo once suffered such a loss." Li Mu said while looking at the telegram in his hand. The Goguryeo people gave Zhao Guoren the right to decide whether to spend this fee. They needed to let Zhao Guo make a decision. After all, spending an expenditure of eight million Zhao yuan was too difficult for them to accept. If it is three million, they may not do this, but the problem is that it is eight million, not five million. Such a large amount of funds prevented the Goguryeo government from making correct decisions.

"Isn’t the same in the Battle of Changping? So, the eight million dollars seem to cost a lot, and more artillery regiments can be formed. However, arranging more artillery regiments on the front line will not be effective, and their cost is still zero. On the contrary, if these 8 million can be used for espionage activities, his power will become very large, which is more important, I think the Goguryeo people should be able to figure it out by themselves." Li Mu said. The use of espionage and the expansion of espionage activities means that espionage is not only to obtain intelligence, but to instigate rebellious activities in the enemy's territory. In this way, the enemy's power can be consumed internally. This method is desirable. , And it is effective, what they need is such an effect.

"What does the sir mean, do you agree to this practice?"

"Yes. Tell them our experience and hope that they will make such a decision. Moreover, they are not short of funds. Their war bonds are selling very well. Why are they bothered about such things. Really." Li Mu said. To. Goguryeo people do not lack funds. The second tranche of war bonds rose rapidly from the beginning. The increase was a headache, because the price rose to a price that the government could not afford, but the government’s fiscal revenue was just that little money. If there is no profit margin, they would not buy so many bonds. This is a fact. Under such circumstances, what they need is to pull the price of bonds to a higher position. This is their goal.

Inside Zhao Jia's office. Zhao Jia ate something casually as his dinner. Because he has no appetite, all kinds of delicacies have made him tired of eating. A good environment allows him to get any kind of food, in such a situation. His satisfaction with food has decreased a lot, which also led to his poor appetite.

"Come to ask us about things like this. This Goguryeo is simply too hopeless." Zhao Jia looked at the telegram and threw it aside with disgust.

"Prime Minister, if the funds are spent, their demand for industry will be much reduced." The Foreign Minister said. From the economic point of view of the Zhao people, if the war is too short, the economic stimulus to the Zhao country is not great. Therefore, the Zhao people don’t care about the life and death of the Goguryeo people. The longer they fight, the more beneficial it will be for them. It is obvious. Therefore, from Zhao's point of view, the people of Zhao didn't want to spend this expense. They hoped that this expense would be used for war, or in other words, the purchase of specific weapons.

The two ways of thinking about problems from different perspectives are naturally different. The staff is considering ending the war within a short period of time. After all, this is how soldiers think, but politicians are different. They need to consider economic issues, and interests and politics are closely related. This is what they are currently doing.

"Well. It's a good consideration. If this is the case, we will lose a lot. Tell the Goguryeo people not to let them waste money. If it is really effective, we would have let them do this long ago." Zhao Jia said. . For the benefit of their own country, they did not put the actual situation of Goguryeo people in specific countermeasures.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The Parthians are expanding their armaments and preparing for war. They will expand two cavalry brigades, two infantry brigades, and two independent artillery regiments. In this way, we buy their bonds, which will be enough to maintain their military operations." Yi said so.

"Well. When will they finish the training?" Shang Wen asked.

"It takes about two months, mainly because the cavalry units are more complicated, and the infantry training cycle is long, but they have been put into combat late and there is still plenty of time. It all depends on how much money we raise for them. However, a large number of banks are actively investing in it. I believe it will not take too long to raise funds." Meng Yi said.

"Such the best, I just hope that this investment can bring us good luck, and it is correct." Shang Wen said.

Xianyang, Financial Street.

"I want to know why those banks are rising. It doesn't make sense. Although the war in Goguryeo has begun, the war is not the only thing that supports the rise. They should retreat or form a strong rise. But, now You saw the situation. He didn't mean to stop at all, but continued to rise, which seems to be against common sense." An investor said.

"I think the same is true, but the problem is that this is how the situation is viewed, and the situation is an important result of continuing in this way. What can we do, there is no way to do such a thing." A middle-aged man said . He has a big belly. It seems that he is satisfied with life. After all, the fat he eats means that he has a good appetite.

"However, I know some gossips, which seem to be closely related to these. Would you like to listen to me?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Well, let me listen to it. Perhaps, I know some things I know. If you do this, it will also be of great benefit to me." Investors asked, the market is flooded with all kinds of things every day. News, they are from the southeast, northwest. Moreover, the information provided is true or false. Some rely on such information to survive. But for now, no one can make a fortune by relying on inside information. On the contrary, because inside information goes bankrupt, everywhere. People who have experience and who have been in the stock exchange market for a long time will not easily follow the advice of others to do **** insider trading, because following news is tantamount to suicide. At best, they are just a conversation.

"That's it. What I know is that a friend of mine works in the Ministry of National Defense. He knows some inside information about the Sabbath War. It is said that the target of this battle is Armenia, where there is a wealth of oil." The middle-aged man said so.

"Oil?" the investor asked.

"Yes, oil. This Armenia is an oil belt near the Caspian Sea. With oil, it can grow rapidly. This is very clear." The other party said.

"There is a huge demand for oil. If there is oil, such an investment will bring great benefits." The investor said.

"Yes, this also explains why banks investing in stocks are rising, thinking that if they invest in the oil industry, a large amount of funds will be concentrated there. Once the funds are operated, Qin will have more oil, and In the future, oil consumption is still very large, we should pay attention to this." Middle-aged investors said.

"In that case, we should pay attention to this problem. I think if oil is found there, I think it is inevitable. If there is really that much oil there, our situation will be greatly improved. Change." The investor said.

"Yes, it is true. The bank's profit statement will become very good-looking, that is, no matter how much they have debt, their profitability is very strong, and the risk that the company bears is the smallest. Income, I think bank stocks are The most worthwhile place for insurance investment." The middle-aged man said.

"I agree. I hope this will be able to get more financial support." Investors said, and immediately they began to buy more stocks such as bank investment, because it was obvious. This type of industry is very promising in the future.

The expansion of war in Anxi brought more than financial prosperity to Qin. It was mainly manifested in the rapid rise of bank stocks. In addition to the inertial influence of the previous Koguryo War, there is also an important point that is the war in peace. The significance of rest in Qin is that there is rich oil there, the number of motor vehicles is increasing rapidly, and the number of airplanes is also increasing. As a result, the demand for oil will become very large. Under such circumstances, if you can’t If this problem is solved in time, they will not be guaranteed sufficient energy. This kind of thing is such a situation for them. What they need is such a guarantee of safety and energy. The demand for the market is an important motive for the rise of market wars.

Spain, the position of the Loma army, has now become a disaster site. Because the Carthaginians used a large number of white phosphorous bombs to attack.

"Boom." A Carthaginian soldier threw a white phosphorus grenade into the Roma trench. Before the Roma flew out javelins, the two sides formed a state of melee in the trench, but after a series of battles Afterwards, the Carthaginian army was expelled, and then the Carthaginians launched an attack with white phosphorus bombs. The white phosphorus was thrown into the trenches. The Romans were surprised to find that the white phosphorus was everywhere, and their bone marrow was almost burned out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The opponent screamed and walked out slowly. A Carthaginian soldier wanted to shoot the opponent because it seemed too painful. But an veteran stopped him. Because in his opinion, this approach is really stupid.

That Loma was burned alive like that, and many people couldn't bear such a situation by themselves because it was too painful. It seems that the meat is burnt. The smoke emitted made people feel as if they had entered hell, and the soldiers screamed violently. Some Loma soldiers simply drew out their short swords, slammed them toward their necks, and then died happily. Many Loma soldiers were too late to do so, and were burned alive. A lot of smoke came out of their bodies. This kind of smoke makes them unbearable.

Then Carthage approached the trench carefully. Although the Roma were unwilling to retreat, under such an attack, they had to retreat. As long as they were contaminated, they would be killed all over the body alive. This is an extremely terrifying punishment. , The appearance of this kind of punishment makes them all feel the appearance of non-human beings.

"What's that? It looks terrifying?" Scipio didn't dare to look at his position with the telescope. Because he really couldn't stand it anymore. It was the first time he saw it if he could burn people like that.

"White phosphorous bombs, the **** Carthaginians used white phosphorous bombs to attack." Li Fu put down the telescope in his hand and said. In fact, he still had one question that he didn't tell Scipio because he saw what the Carthaginians used. The white phosphorus grenade seems to be Korean style. That kind of grenade is a long white bar. The throwing distance is not very far, but the killing distance is far beyond the safe throwing distance. Therefore, South Korean military personnel call that kind of weapon a suicide grenade. Because investors and grenade-throwers are easily killed by the grenades they throw away. Or they were burned alive. Such grenades can only be used by the Koreans if they are not a last resort. But the question is, why would these Carthage soldiers use the white phosphorus grenades produced by the Koreans to launch an offensive? This doubt is difficult to explain. It seems that the number of grenades used by the other party is not very small, and this is definitely not one box of two boxes that can explain it.

"Our people simply can't stand such an attack." Scipio looked at everything the Romans had suffered in pain. The Carthaginians launched a pincer attack from the outside and inside. In the case of two fronts fighting, the Romans had to initiate a breakthrough, but their breakthrough became tragic. With a large number of intensive firepower shooting, only a small number of Romans broke through, and some insisted on their own positions. Under such circumstances, their persistence is meaningless. It can be said that they will not be able to persist for long before they will be killed.

"Where is my father? He should have broken out." Scipio seemed a little irrational. Li Fu motioned to his soldiers to get him down. In his state, in order to expose the only remaining military strength of the Roma, they had to wait and wait until the main Carthage force had completely left here before they could come out.

Inside Hannibal's headquarters. The entire battlefield can no longer see what happened. There was white smoke everywhere, and in the core area, some Carthaginian soldiers were unwilling to enter it, because the crazy Loma soldiers would jump out and die with them. Such an approach is too ridiculous. They might as well watch the Loma people burn to ashes safely.

"The commander of the Roma didn't seem to come out. Their commander seemed to be Scipio, an old-school Roman soldier." Hannibal seemed to appreciate it.

"Under such an attack, they will also be burned to ashes. There is nothing to appreciate." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. That's not enough. I think we should buy more new weapons. For example, mortars. I heard that these types of artillery are not expensive. Although they have a shorter range, they are much lighter. I think, We can equip that kind of artillery." Hannibal said. The use of white phosphorus grenades allowed him to see another increase in demand, or in other words, this increased demand satisfies another kind of external expansion.

"Yes, we can equip such weapons, but we must first solve the current Romans, they will be a very big threat to us." Li Wei said.

Hannibal looked outside, then shrugged, as if to say that they were over. They are burning.

"No, I think it’s a bit strange. According to reason, there should be some Roman army. Although the corpses are almost burned, I always feel that there are more than three thousand to five thousand Roman troops not among them. The important thing is the tribes who have expressed their surrender. Although we tried to deter them, if the Roma existed, they would pose a great threat to our rear. We can't let this happen. You Clearly, what does this mean? So, I think we should stop and look for them, or they are nearby." Li Wei said.

"No, no, we don't have so much time. I feel that you are too nervous. This kind of thing can be resolved by the follow-up troops." Hannibal said.

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