The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3931: Fabian's Attempt

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, inside Li Lin's prime minister's office.

"Zhao Guoren's opinion is not to let us spend money indiscriminately, let us spend money in places that really need a lot of money, but based on the intelligence collected by our intelligence personnel, the initial opinion given by the staff is that we agree with us. A sum of money, and also cited some negative examples of their battle in Changping. But later the opinions need to be unified. Finally, it is changed to disagree. You said, who should we trust?" Li Lin asked national defense minister.

"Sir, I think that in the absence of sufficient evidence to prove that we can use espionage to get the other party's domestic violence, we should choose some prudent measures, such as providing more logistics supplies and establishing more More combat units to accomplish this kind of thing. After all, if we do this, we still have a great advantage, but if we can’t do anything. Funds may indeed be wasted.” The Secretary of Defense said conservatively.

"Well. I think the same way. Perhaps the benefits of doing this are obvious. No matter what, we should do it." Li Lin also tends to buy more arms and supplies. In this way, they can boost the real economy. The development of the others. These are not things they need to think about, because the benefit of the real economy is that their local industrialists can get a lot of development, a large number of military orders can make them develop faster, on the contrary, a large amount of money instigates war against each other The chaos in the rear has a direct impact that is far worse than the domestic situation. This is also an important reason why the Secretary of Defense and Li Lin made such a decision at the same time.

Ministry of Finance. Inside the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury. After seeing the final result, the Minister of Finance felt very helpless. He believes that this matter is stupid. If the war is ended earlier, they can switch to a peaceful development model. Why must war be used to solve the problem? Continuing the war will make their situation worse. This is definitely not a problem they can solve by themselves.

"Huh. It is right not to waste money, but we should also do some useful projects and continue to invest a lot of money on this. I really don't know what kind of impact this will have on us." The minister looked angrily at the report in his hand. His assistant came over carefully and poured him a glass of water.

"Sir, drink a glass of water and pay attention to your body." The assistant said cautiously.

"If drinking water can make my health good, I would rather drink water for a lifetime. But how to solve these things? This is not a problem that drinking water can solve." The Minister of Finance said.

The assistant glanced at the report quickly, and he had his own thoughts.

"Sir, I don't think this plan has much to do with spending money," the assistant said.

"What?" The Minister of Finance looked back at each other.

"I mean, it has nothing to do with how much money we spend. Espionage is a shameful thing. We can use counterfeit money to carry out it. In this way, the real cost can still be used for arms purchases and military The order comes up." The assistant said.

"What's your name?" the Minister of Finance asked the other party.

"My name is Li Fufu. I have studied in Qin, but because of a fight, I was expelled from school and could not complete my studies." Li Fufu introduced.

"Your idea is very good. We can add a part of real currency to it. In this way, our plan can proceed in the same way. You are a very thoughtful young man." The Minister of Finance said while looking at the other party.

"Our chiefs are all thinking about how to make money. They never understand what the country really needs, or the method is not feasible and not flexible enough, young man, you have a lot of ideas." The Minister of Finance stood up and looked at the other party. .

"Thank you sir, but I should go to work." Li Ford said carefully.

"Yeah. Very good." The Minister of Finance looked at each other and nodded. If Goguryeo's war continues for too long, it will put a lot of pressure on Goguryeo's economy. After all, the economy cannot be fully stimulated by war. If this is done, the risk will become very high. What the Minister of Finance hopes to do is to create a peaceful transition. Rather than continuously forming a single development in the economy, after all, such a single development will be very dangerous, and the possibility of such a danger will become very large.

Spain, within Hannibal's headquarters. Good news kept coming from the front. The Loma chose to break through, and the last part of the Loma chose to resist to the end, but more Roman soldiers chose to surrender because their commander was killed. It was hit by a shell. Having knocked off half of their body, they were at a loss. Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for them to survive their chief. Surrender seemed to be the best choice. of course. It is best if you can break through.

"Our army is stepping up to encircle and suppress the last Romans. Victory has arrived. Then we can take the next military action." Hannibal said.

"My suggestion is to cross the Alps. Launch an offensive, because it is summer, which happens to be the best opportunity to cross the Alps. If we delay another opportunity, we may wait another year. In that case, the financial funds are It won’t allow us to maintain an offensive battle for too long.” Hannibal said.

"However, I think we should divide our troops to wipe out the Roma. I think the Roma has preserved their military power, but we don’t know where they are hiding, but they must have done so. I don’t know what they did. What is the purpose, but if the Loma people still exist, they will inevitably bring us a great threat. If this threat is not eliminated, we will not be able to enter Loma at all." Li Wei said.

Li Wei believes that the biggest threat is still in Spain, and they must consider the threat of the Roma to Spain. They must have a good guarantee base. This is their only retreat. Without such a retreat, they will have nothing.

"No, our funds cannot support such a long time. Our financial funds are almost exhausted. After three months, we will completely enter a period of negative fiscal numbers. We cannot delay such a long time." Hannibal is unfortunate. Tell Li Wei the news.

He also knows to stabilize his safety in the Spanish base, from the perspective of the number of captures, deaths, and escapes. The Loma kept a reserve team, which has been corroborated by the prisoners’ confession. And this is a big threat, thinking that the existence of such a threat makes Li Wei feel very worried. After all, they are going to expedition, expedition, it means that the safety of their rear has become very important.

"That’s how I think, we can give these to the follow-up troops, for example, my brother, he can do this, we can leave more troops to him. In this way, his combat capability will have This is a great improvement. If necessary, we can keep in touch by radio. Do you think this is okay?" Hannibal said.

Li Wei frowned. It was not that he was overly cautious, but to do so. There were great hidden dangers. Once such hidden dangers broke out, it would be the biggest disaster. Li Wei knows this, and Hannibal knows this. However, Hannibal believes that the problem is not very big. After all, the opponent has only 5,000 people. Their combat effectiveness is still cold weapons, and most of the remaining troops are Musketeers, the penetration rate of the Musketeers far exceeds that of the Loma Army. In Hannibal's view, the problem is not very big.

"Although I don't want to think like this, we must consider the financial situation. If we wait, it means that our finances cannot support our further operations. We may have to wait longer. The Senate will not give it. We are more supportive. You know this. We don’t have so much money to wait. This is a reality. We can’t wait, and offensive may be able to bring us more benefits. Carthage also This kind of victory is needed. Once we win, it means that we have more military support." Hannibal said.

"I don’t know if it’s the difference in our military culture, or our views. I don’t agree with this. There is a lot of risk in doing so. Our military needs to calculate risks and evaluate everything, but the current situation is, We may suffer heavy losses. Under such a situation, it seems that it is difficult for us to maintain such a situation." Li Wei said.

"But considering the specific financial situation, I can only agree to do so. Maybe this is the last helpless choice, just hope that our fluke will succeed." Li Wei knew Hannibal’s difficulties. He was not only a military commander, but also a military commander. Many people have to consider financial issues. It can be said that he is a combination of the Minister of Finance and the military commander. The **** Carthage Senate pushed Hannibal to a dead end. They just verbally expressed their support for this war. It's a miser. They can't bear a gold coin. Even a copper plate will look tight. On the contrary, they continued to get more spoils from the battlefield, named as expressing their support for this war. This kind of blood draw brought Hannibal a lot of trouble. His army's military expenditures were seriously inadequate. The number of weapons purchased and ammunition replenishment caused crises in the course of battles. If this continues, Hannibal's army will be completely bankrupt. But the Senate doesn't care about these. What they know is that Hannibal can fight very well and we support you to fight, but they are not in charge of the extent of the fight and what kind of situation it becomes. They also don't want to control. In their view, with their support, these are enough.

"I hope that one day, you can think about it politically. Get out of those **** Carthage Senate. They will kill you, kill all the soldiers." Li Wei said. The reason why Hannibal made such a decision was actually for their country, Carthage. If Hannibal did not initiate an attack, the Loma would directly attack Carthage’s base soil and form a larger Threatened. Therefore, before this threat is formed, they must conduct military operations in advance. This military operation is better than in history. Seven or eight months earlier, because they saved more time in the direction of Sagunto.

"Okay. But I think you have some prejudice against the Senate." Hannibal said. Li Wei shook his head. He didn't want to explain anything. He hated those politicians because they were the same as some people in Zhao's country. They will only do something very disgusting.

Lockheed Martin. Fabian’s back garden was extremely peaceful, but it also made him feel a little uneasy.

"This is the latest battle report. I have translated it for you. I think the situation is very unfavorable for us, but our Senate doesn’t think so. They don’t think it will bring a greater threat. On the contrary, he Think we have exaggerated the threat. Damn it.” Fabian said. He looked worried. Zhang Jun looked at the latest report.

"I think we should send a communication team to the front line. We have sent a radio communication team over here. They can help us solve communication problems. In this way, we don't have to spend too long waiting for the frontline report. "Zhang Jun said.

"Thank you. If you can help, I am very grateful. It takes us at least a month to know what happened on the front line. Now I really don’t know what will happen on the front line. I think the situation is very bad. When the equipment is very backward, it is impossible for them to defeat the enemy, and it is very likely to cause a loss. We should resolutely avoid such a situation. Or make reinforcements. But if we do this, the domestic needs Forming more Roman legions. Financial expenses will increase a lot, and in terms of weapons and equipment, it will be even more impossible." Fabian said worriedly.

"If you can consider war loans, I think this matter will be resolved soon. If you don't do this, the loss of the Romans will increase further. From the current point of view, even though they have resorted to digging trenches. Method. However, I think this is just a passive defense method. They still do not take the initiative when the weapon has not changed at all. This means that in the future, maybe this period of time, they have already been attacked. The attack of the Carthaginians, they may." Zhang Jun narrowed his mouth. He didn't want to say this terrible result, but Fabian looked at the other person, hoping to know the correct answer, so that his situation would be better.

"Their situation will become very bad. If you know the result, maybe everyone will be wiped out." Zhang Jun still told the other party the worst result.

"I know." Fabian knew it was such a result. He was a man who had watched the exercise. He knew that new weapons would bring disastrous consequences to their Lockheed Martin Army. He published it more than once in the Senate. Such a threat theory, but the Senate believes that this guy has been broken. They are considering whether the position of the opposing senator is appropriate, because a guy in the Senate who often reminds him of a powerful weapon will have a bad effect on morale. They are very unfriendly to Fabian's views.

This made Fabian's situation very bad. He was isolated, which increased the possibility that Lockheed Martin's army could not prepare more weapons. Facing such a situation, he tried his best. This is the last effort he made.

"Right. What are those war loans you are talking about? I want to know, if this is done, can we solve the problem of buying weapons?" Fabian suddenly asked such a question, and he decided to try again. In this case, It can be regarded as the last effort he made for the Roman Republic in the Senate and the Court.

"This is a kind of loan from a bank. They lend you funds to buy weapons and solve a series of problems in the war. Of course, as collateral, they have to open up the market and use your tariffs as a guarantee. This kind of income is also a kind of investment. This is the most primitive kind of borrowing. You can issue war bonds, but the premise is that you must improve your financial situation as much as possible. The banks will be under certain pressure. Therefore, you need Make some positive policy adjustments. This is an economic strategy. In order to make you more adaptable to the needs of future economic development, we need this kind of economic support." Zhang Jun said.

"Well, I want to give it a try. Or, if I do this, Lockheed Martin may change a bit. Can I get in touch with some of them?" Fabian asked tentatively.

"Yes, I can introduce you to it, but the specific situation still needs to be viewed by your Senate. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation does not seem to be optimistic. Because your Senate does not recognize this." Zhang Jun Speaking of this.

"Anyway, it's okay to give it a try. At least they can bring me great benefits. This benefit is that we can solve many problems." Fabian said.

The key to purchasing weapons is funds. The Loma people do not have such a large amount of financial funds to solve this problem. Perhaps borrowing money can solve this problem. However, the Senate, the problem still lies in the Senate, whether they are willing to borrow funds, or whether they are willing to accept more loans, doing so will increase their financial pressure, which will further increase their financial pressure. It takes the Roma people’s economy to make greater changes to adapt to such a situation. After all, the economy must develop in the best direction. Fabian doesn't know how much impact his changes can bring, but he knows that there are still benefits to doing so. In any case, they need to make some changes.

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