The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3932: The future is not optimistic

Goguryeo, on the position of the 17th Infantry Regiment. Cold guns began to decrease. Because the soldiers of Goguryeo learned shrewdly.

"Pay attention to the changes on the opposing position. We must not let the mountain people beat us." A second lieutenant officer walked over and said. The veteran took two mirrors and used a paper tube to make a simple periscope to observe the enemy's situation, while some recruits would take a bayonet and tie a mirror to it to observe the situation. This is their best way to avoid casualties. Because those **** mountain men's marksmanship are really accurate, a mountain man on the opposite side staged a sniper jump, completing the sniping of his own soldiers in the air, this kind of magical skill. The Goguryeo people were terrified. They really didn't have the courage to use their heads to observe the enemy, so they thought of the periscope, which is the best way for them to avoid more casualties.

"Damn mountain guy, now I don't even look at the mirror." A sergeant observed through his periscope. When the periscope was first used, the mountain people would still shoot. Later, they stopped shooting. Because it’s very simple, doing so can’t kill the opponent’s soldiers, but it will cause trouble for yourself. Once the location is determined, the intensive firepower will call over, and sometimes large-caliber artillery will be used for bombardment. Many snipers killed in action were killed in this way. This also allowed the mountain snipers to grow up quickly. They became stable. They would not shoot at worthless targets. In this way, The battlefield was much quieter, and the casualties of Goguryeo people also dropped a lot.

"How good such a defensive life is, we can save our lives and fight. Today, what dinner we and I have, I am already hungry. If life can be like this, it will be much better." A soldier lying in the trench Nei said so.

"Well, I think that the mountain people on the opposite side must have some conspiracy. They only fired a few sporadic shots today." The sergeant said puzzledly. He felt that something was wrong on the battlefield.

"If you shoot too much, it will be troublesome. There will be a lot of bodies carried down. I don't want to be carried down like that. It's too tragic." The person replied. They were thinking about what to eat, and how much to eat, and then he expected to be able to cook something they liked instead of drinking broth, that was canned soup, they hated that kind of soup.

Edge position. There were only six defensive Goguryeo soldiers. At the beginning, they had two platoons, nearly seventy people, and four machine guns.

The firepower is very strong, and the number is very large, but now, they have only six people. At first they only drew a platoon. Later, the front line needed too much force. They transferred two shifts, and then left six people to guard here. Their chief thought it was enough. Because here for a long period of time, it can be said that they have not suffered any attack since they switched to this place. On the contrary, the mountain people have been constantly attacking on other fronts and seem to be looking for weak points in the defense of the Goguryeo people. This gave the Goguryeo people an illusion that this place would not be the focus of the mountain people’s offensive. This greatly paralyzed the Goguryeo people. They relaxed their vigilance because the mountain people would not come, so they would also There is no price defense.

"Damn corporal, go to the toilet. After going to the toilet for such a long time, isn't it enough to solve it on the spot?" said a second-class soldier holding his rifle.

"The military police are very good at investigating. If you urinate and defecate anywhere, you will be sent to the position of the vanguard. If you want to die, you can solve it anywhere, but I resolutely report you, otherwise, everyone will be sent to the front line. ." Another soldier said. Various problems began to appear in the trenches. The most common ones are trench disease, the spread and spread of athlete’s foot, and various diseases, such as gastrointestinal, dysentery, etc., will cause a lot of non-combat attrition. Consider At this point, the Goguryeo people strictly inspected the sanitation of their trenches, urinating and defecation are prohibited, and if there is a problem, they will be sent to the position of the vanguard, which is the place where the deaths are highest. In the fear of death, many people have to think about their heads, so even though it is troublesome, they still go to the toilet.

"Woo." The second class made a whining sound. Then a bayonet was inserted into his chest.

"Ah." The other soldier was shocked. He suddenly remembered that when he wanted to pull the bolt of the rifle in his hand, another mountain man had already cut a bayonet on his neck. The opponent was also killed.

"These **** Goguryeos." A mountain man took a bayonet and wiped the opponent's military uniform.

"Six, all killed. It's a pity that the **** Goguryeo actually took away the machine gun." Another soldier said after checking the position of the Goguryeo.

"Don't talk about it. Let our people come here quickly. If they are late, they will cause greater losses. The above are not willing to give us more time." Said Fa. Then after night fell, the mountain people swiftly crossed the place they were supposed to cross. In this way, the mountain people easily took the edge area and entered the mountains area. They once again interspersed behind the Goguryeo people.

Koguryo, the station of the 7th Infantry Division.

"Since the fight, the relationship between them has become much more harmonious. Our veterans no longer look down on those Wadao soldiers. The advantages of those Wadao soldiers have also been brought into play. They are persevering and many things can be left to them. They will do it. For example, they will stick to their positions. In the worst case, they will be able to stick to it. Such a thing is a good thing for us.” Luo Ping said.

"It seems that we should take a different look at these Wadao soldiers. They can also perform some arduous tasks. For us, such a task team can perform more thoroughly." Li Zuoche said.

"However, our troops cannot perform such tasks for the time being. They still need to be trained and put in where they are most needed." Li Zuoche said.

"What? Researching the map recently, have new ideas?" Luo Ping asked Li Zuoche.

"Yes, I always think that we should go around on the flanks of the battlefield. In this way, it will cause a great blow to the rear of the Yan people. However, we have thought of many ways. First of all, the Yan people continue to expand. Their position is said to be the checkpoint they have set up in the seaside area. Secondly, the mountain people are entangled with us, and the Yan people have strengthened their defenses, and the possibility of breaking through from the front is very small, which greatly increases Our difficulty, for us, is a huge disaster. Under such circumstances, we are unlikely to achieve such a point. So, at present, we cannot use this method to launch an attack." Li Zuoche said. To.

"It is unrealistic to solve this problem through technical means. I read the relevant information. If the parachute drops, it takes too much time and technical investment. We in Goguryeo simply cannot afford such a large financial expenditure. The war is very unfair to us. Therefore, under such circumstances, we cannot do it. After all, it is a loss for us.” Luo Ping said.

Indeed, Goguryeo does not have the ability to do such things, because parachuting requires a large number of airships. At the same time, it is a pity that the training cycle of soldiers is prolonged. This is a huge burden on the government’s financial costs. They absolutely cannot. Let this burden continue, so under such circumstances, it cannot be carried out through paratrooper combat. However, small-scale assault operations can be carried out. This type of operation only plays a role at the tactical level, and it is difficult to play a major role at a larger level. Therefore, the significance is still not great. Therefore, Li Zuoche considered using other methods to fight. He suddenly discovered that there is a certain area that is connected to the ocean. Although the distance and terrain are a little unfavorable, the Yan people in that place are not defended. If they land there, It will be inserted directly behind the Yan Guoren.

"Yes, I researched it and decided to take an amphibious landing operation and launch an offensive from the sea. We attacked the back of the Goguryeo people from the rear, and then triggered the collapse of their entire defense line. This is very easy for us to succeed. As long as we do At this point, everything will become very smooth." Li Zuoche said.

"Really? If that's the case, it's going too smoothly. Sometimes, I admire you guys as advisers. I really don't know what your head thinks." Luo Ping said. Goguryeo also has a navy team that is not used. Although their number of warships is strictly limited, his navy can still exert a great combat posture. If such a naval force is really used for landing operations, they will exert greater combat effectiveness.

"Report sir, urgent call." At this moment, a second lieutenant officer reported coming in and submitted an emergency telegram. Luo Ping quickly took it over and checked it. After reading it, his face was very bad.

"Damn it, what the hell, this 17th regiment is nothing but waste." Luo Ping angrily handed the telegram to Li Zuoche. After Li Zuoche quickly read it, he felt that the situation was a little bad.

"In this way, we will be under a lot of pressure, especially on the front line of logistics. The mountain people are very flexible in tactics, which will attract us more troops." Li Zuoche was also very angry after reading the telegram, but was angry. It can't solve the problem. The Goguryeo people discovered late in the day that the marginal defensive positions were actually occupied by the mountain people. But they were unable to launch an offensive and recover. When the telegram was sent, the position was still controlled by the mountain people. On the other hand, Goguryeo can only use continuous firepower bombardment to suppress the opponent’s troop transmission, but they don’t know exactly how many troops have entered the mountains, because they don’t know when they put such a position. Is lost. This kind of thing will be seriously accountable. But they are also very helpless, because the other party succeeded in a sneak attack. Most importantly, they can't do this on their own.

"It's useless to be angry now. The key is to strengthen our transportation supply line, where the mountain people's attack target is. Our logistics pressure is very high, and the possibility of a frontal breakthrough is not great." Li Zuoche said. To. Originally, he did not approve of breakthroughs from the front. However, many people at the top of Goguryeo believe that a breakthrough should be made from the front because they have an offensive advantage, such as sufficient artillery and ammunition. The troops are also extremely sufficient, but if you do this, the consumption is also very large. The tactics are extremely rigid and not flexible enough. In this situation. Li Zuoche suggested using the flanking assault method, but this kind of voice support is not very much, but it is all right now. His idea was finally implemented. The reason is very simple, because the front logistics supply line is greatly threatened, the tactics of the mountain people are flexible and changeable, they will continue to attack the rear of the Goguryeo. In this case, it would greatly limit the amount of ammunition hoarded by the Goguryeo people, once they launched an attack. If there are not enough shells, it will cause a lot of casualties. And no further breakthrough can be achieved. In such a combat environment, it is more conducive to Li Zuoche's rear wing attack. That would make the opponent trapped in a two-line combat situation, which would be more conducive to one's own combat in this area.

"Perhaps from another angle, this is not a bad thing either." Li Zuoche said with a smile.

"It's not a bad thing. The ammunition will be cut off. I really don't know how the waste guards this place. Don't they know the importance of this place? Damn it." In Luoping's view, such a place. It is impossible to lose, because the 7th Regiment defended very well before. Why did the situation change so much after it was handed over to the 17th Regiment? He really couldn't understand. But one fact cannot be changed, that is, the mountain people will completely threaten the logistics supply line of the Goguryeo people, and they will cause greater casualties to the other side.

Spain. Scipio was in a bad mood, because his father was killed. The soldiers who broke out told them the final situation of the commander. Faced with the crazy attack of the Carthaginians, especially the attack of the white phosphorus grenades, they felt very helpless. Although they were brave, the physical trauma still caused them. They are unable to exert their combat effectiveness. Loma soldiers suffered heavy casualties. In the end, he was forced to surrender his soldiers. Unfortunately, an artillery shell blasted over. Old Scipio was seriously injured and his lower body was knocked out. In the end, he ordered his soldiers to break out of the encirclement and were killed. The body was buried properly. No one knows where their commander-in-chief was. The last Roman resistance fell apart. They were captured more than 6,000 people, many of whom were killed. There are many corpses.

"Okay. Sadness can no longer change our current unfavorable situation. I hope you can cheer up, because the current situation is very unfavorable for us." Li Fu said.

"There are still many people who need to wait for you to direct the battle. Lockheed Martin's main force has been lost. We must preserve our military strength." Li Fu said.

"You said, what should we do?" Scipio was determined to take revenge.

"It's very simple, dormant, we need the opposing army to leave here, and then figure out the situation, and then find a way to solve all the Carthaginian army, but we must first find a way to get some equipment." Li Fu said.

"Tell me your opinion." Scipio asked.

"My opinion has two points. First, the Carthaginian army will stay, deal with us, wipe out us, and we must make the possibility of further dispersion, so that we can preserve our military strength. Because if they stay, , Our plight will become more difficult." Li Fu said. This is to prepare Scipio mentally. After all, this kind of thing is not a simple joke.

"Anything else?" Scipio asked.

"Second, the main force of the Carthaginians leaves here. If this is the case, our situation will be greatly improved. I think, you know what kind of situation this is, we will get more Support, we can carry out an ambush, unite some local indigenous people, ambush the opponent, and then cut off the logistics supply of the main force of the Carthage army. If this is not enough, we need to wait for some time, we must wait for the opponent to leave a farther place, which puts them in a more embarrassing situation. They will either attack your homeland or come back to put us under greater pressure. Therefore, we must choose to hibernate, preserve our strength, and give the opponent the most vicious blow at the most critical moment. In this case , Our situation will become more favorable." Li Fu said.

"You are right, we must deal with it carefully. I think we should leave here secretly and stay away from the main force of the other side. They will bring disaster to us." Scipio said.

"This is not necessary, but we need to solve a lot of problems, the first is food, after all, we have a large number of people, we need the support of the local tribe, this point we need a wise commander." Li Fu looked at the other side and said.

"I'll come, I am the most suitable commander in command." The other party said so.

"Well, very good. In this case, the situation of the Carthaginians will become very bad. They are in disaster." The other party said.

"They are done. I will make them regret it." Scipio said fiercely.

Li Fu doesn’t know what the Carthaginians will do next, but the best plan is to stay, eliminate them, and completely eliminate them. Their situation is not optimistic, which means that he, their future battles will be in Come up from a very unfavorable position.

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