The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3936: Guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines

Li Jiu carefully pushed the explosive bag under the barbed wire, then pulled the fuse, and carefully concealed it. During this process, bullets kept shooting at him, the whole process was like rain splashing. Fortunately, the task was completed.

"Ajiu, Ajiu. Give me your dynamite bag and I will blow it up for you." Li Jiu said. However, there was no response at all. He took a careful look. He only saw Ah Jiu's shield covering the opponent's body, but there was no movement. He didn't know why this was. Doesn't the other party know what's going to happen?

"Ajiu, Ajiu." Li Jiu felt that the situation was a little different, and the other party seemed to be hurt. It must not be like this. He carefully climbed to the other side's side. He opened the shield and saw a face covered with blood.

"Damn it." Li Jiu lay on the ground, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry. This is the battlefield. Many situations have far surpassed his situation, and he himself doesn't know how to face such things.

"This is a **** war." Li Jiu looked at the officers angrily, his captain had been killed. One accidentally, he was killed on the way forward. The war is so cruel.

The Goguryeo Frontier Command, which was temporarily formed by the twelve infantry regiments. The Ministry of Defense asked them to launch an offensive under such circumstances. The command launched this attack.

"From the current situation, our offense is ineffective." said a colonel. He has a sullen face. Because within a day, one of his regiments was destroyed by two-thirds of its forces. Many companies were beaten and disappeared completely. But what was the result of the war. The entire front remained in its original state. Facing such a state, the colonel was very anxious, because it meant that a large number of casualties were inefficient.

"No, we can't stop this kind of offensive. If it stops, it will be difficult to explain the above. I think you know what kind of state it is currently. The above requires us to make huge adjustments and great results, but with Judging from the current situation, we must occupy the high ground on the opposite side to form a breakthrough, and then form an effective offense." said a major general. He is an officer sent by the General Staff to supervise the execution of combat missions.

Everyone on the scene looked at each other, and they knew that the price paid by the front line would be very high. If the fight continues, some of their regiments will lose this kind of establishment, because all their personnel have been wiped out. But the general has to consider. Their political needs, that is, promotion. Regarding the life and death of those soldiers, they feel that they should not be too concerned about the number of casualties.

"We should continue to attack. Casualties, it is right, war will inevitably lead to death, let's launch an attack, after all, we still need to continue to carry out such a thing. War things are like this." A lieutenant general. Speaking of this. If they don't attack, they will lose everything, attack, and maybe get everything they can't get. At present, Goguryeo needs a war victory too much. Such a victory in the war will inevitably bring them to a whole new level.

Station of the 7th Infantry Division.

"This is the latest telegram from the front line. The situation is not optimistic. Our casualties are greater than expected, and one regiment is almost gone. But the **** general still demands an offensive. They are murdering, murdering everything. The Goguryeo soldier." Luo Ping said excitedly. The moment he saw the results and casualties figures, he felt that he might collapse. How could he not do such a thing under such circumstances.

"Calm down, we are so angry, we can't solve this problem at all." Li Zuoche looked at it and said.

"Calm down, how can I calm down, because this is absolutely impossible, but it happened to us. They knew that a lot of fortifications were built on the opposite defensive position, and there were too many dense fortifications in those fortifications? Machine guns and bullets are shooting like rain. Such intensive shooting. What kind of casualties will be caused, you and I know what the Ministry of National Defense wants to do. Do you think there are many Goguryeo people and solve the population problem?" the other party asked.

"We must present evidence that is not suitable for offensive at present, otherwise, we may not be able to get the 7th Infantry Division in." Li Zuoche said.

"We can't solve this problem at all unless we submit a new combat plan. However, such a combat plan will never be approved. The Ministry of Defense will not take such a big risk to conduct operations." Li Zuoche Speaking of this.

"Unless there is a situation that must be changed to resolve, otherwise, we can only see with our own eyes that more people are sent to the battlefield of death." Luo Ping said helplessly. Seeing a large number of soldiers being beaten to death alive, this feeling is really unpleasant. He really didn't understand why those generals dared to do this, wouldn't their conscience be condemned? This is simply a huge disaster.

Zhao Guo, Handan, on the stock market. After the stock has risen continuously, it has begun to enter a state of stagnation. When there is no volatility, these people feel very uncomfortable. In their opinion, this situation will make them very depressed.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do?" An investor asked his partners. They used to make money continuously, but suddenly they stopped making money. This makes them feel uncomfortable, and it feels good to take money from the stock market, but the maintenance time is not very long, which makes it difficult for them to accept.

"I think the market should have risen to a peak. Looking at my record, I have recorded the process of their rise from last year to this year. The continuous rise has been maintained for several months. Such a long-term rise, Zhao Guo’s market has never been, I think. The market should enter a wave of decline. Under such a decline, he can maintain a certain effect. Therefore, I think, next, we should go short, otherwise, just It is impossible to release the upward pressure. This is my opinion." A partner said.

"What should we do if we continue to rise? We cannot rule out such a possibility. We should clearly see such a possibility, because this possibility should indeed exist, and we cannot allow such things to happen. Because if we go short, we will Into a disaster, it will let the bears kill us to death. In that case, it will be too painful. We can't do this." An investor said.

"What you said is very reasonable, but I think we should analyze it carefully. The stock market is due to the affairs of Goguryeo. You all know this kind of situation. The war in Goguryeo will bring greater victory and gains. In such a situation, a lot of our funds will become crazy, but now the war has begun. Although we don’t know how the war will go, the negative emotions of the war will definitely appear. The war is more than just sending out. The country is suffering from financial difficulties and there are casualties. If the Goguryeo people suffer a setback in an offensive, they will inevitably choose such a thing to do.” The investor who spoke first said.

"So, what do you want to explain?" everyone asked.

"I think we should try to go short, or it is true. After all, your record has played a big role. He has been rising for several months in a row. There is no reason not to fall. So, I think we should give it a try. Try, maybe we can take some **** luck." The other party continued. After listening to the crowd, they looked at each other, and they felt that they should have a try. After all, it was necessary for them to try something like this.

"I think we should do something like this. Many things need to be determined by ourselves." One of them said.

"I also think so. In this case, many of our things can be determined." The investor of record said. So they nodded and agreed. They think it is right to do such a thing.

In the investment department of the Royal Bank in Handan, they are also discussing related topics, and they think they should do such a thing at present.

"I think we should do a good job of saying things like this. For example, war is risky. We all know that war is risky. It is impossible for the Goguryeo people to end this war smoothly. Moreover, in the past few months, the bond The price has risen all the way, which gives us many opportunities to release the bonds in our hands. I believe that at such a price, the people of Qin will do the same. Therefore, my thinking is that we should do the same." Said a man with heavy glasses. It seems that he is very much like a scholar. This kind of scholarly style allows him to solve many problems. For example, he can solve these problems with his own ingenuity.

"The problem is, if we put it too early, others will also form a big squeeze. We can't let such a squeeze pose a big threat to us." One of them said worriedly. . They are all an investment team, and they need to discuss specific matters with each other.

"No, I think it's high enough. Moreover, we don't need to learn too perfect. Sometimes, too perfect is a kind of injury. We should pay attention to such things. We can't let such things continue to happen. Therefore, in the current situation, what we have to solve is to solve the problem as well as possible. This is my attitude. Imagine it carefully.” The investment manager with heavy glasses said To.

"We have too many dangerous things in our hands. These things will make us sleepy and sleepless. Although we have very considerable profits on the books, but imagine, everyone, our profits are vain. We only have to put these things. The price is high and we sell all the way down, our situation can be solved well. Otherwise, our situation will completely fall into a passive situation after another. This situation will be very difficult for us. It’s terrible, what we can do will be completely limited. We can’t let this happen, and we can’t let this happen, otherwise, we will completely fall into one disaster after another. We have done enough of this kind of thing," the other party said.

"Selling and changing into funds, we can take the initiative. If we do nothing, we will be in an absolute passive state. After all, most of our funds are reflected in the value of bonds, even though our book profits are very high. High, but that is illusory after all. Everyone, we should be responsible for the safety of our funds." The manager said.

"So, Mr. Manager, what should we do?" a member asked such a question.

"Sell, sell all the bonds, even if we don't sell, the people of Qin will do the same. That's how things are." said the manager. The members looked at each other and they felt that the manager was right. They were indeed in such a danger. If they did not deal with it in time, their situation would be even worse. In that case, why didn't they do it. Taking the initiative, this is better for the passive response in the future. So they all agreed to do so. After all, investment is risky, and if such risks are allowed to be borne by themselves, their ending will not be too good.

In the mountains area, A Gu took his more than a thousand soldiers interspersed here.

"Everyone take a break, eat something, and add something." Gu ordered. The soldiers heard the order and quickly rested, and then Gu arranged guard.

"How about it? The Goguryeo people didn't chase it?" A Gu opened the biscuit wrapper and gave Aduo half of the biscuit.

"No. They wouldn't come like this at all, but the problem is that our situation is not very good for us either." Addo said.

"Well, it's a good thing that they don't follow. At least they don't know what kind of military action we will take. However, we can't be too careless at the moment. After all, we still need to make a lot of choices for such things." Bone said so.

"Sir, what should we do? Our ammunition, food, medicine, these are all we carry, how should we develop?" Ado asked.

"Hehe, we are guarding a supply line for the Goguryeo people. Are you still worried about this? We can go to grab it. Goguryeo people have everything. Why don't we rob their military supplies for our own use. In this case, we will Many, many problems have been solved." The other party said so.

"The sir meant that we attacked the logistics supply line of the Goguryeo people?" Ado asked.

"Yes, that's how we did it. Next, we will quickly expand on a company basis, and then expand our situation, which will have a great impact on the people of Goguryeo. Under such circumstances, we can solve the problem. There are a lot of problems. So, in this state, what we have to do is to disperse and eat as much as we can, but the premise is to ensure our safety. We will definitely not be able to beat the other Goguryeos in the trenches, but, We are very good at dealing with the Goguryeo soldiers on the logistics supply line, because it is impossible for the Goguryeo people to garrison his soldiers everywhere. If this is the case, their situation will be too passive." A Gu said. To.

"Well, in that case, what the chief said is very reasonable. We really shouldn't do this. If we keep attacking and harassing the logistics supply lines of the Goguryeo people, we can take care of everything we eat and drink." Ado felt This tactic is very suitable for their current situation.

"So, next we have to divide our forces and attack everywhere, so that they can't figure out where we appear. In this case, their situation will become very passive, but we can attack everywhere and we can take us away. If we want to take away everything we can’t take away, we will burn them. In short, we must make trouble for him as much as possible to let them know how good we are. Under such circumstances, they will naturally affect the front line. The war of the Goguryeos is a modern war. Their mode of war is done by artillery. Under such circumstances, their artillery shells cannot be transported, and if their ammunition is consumed, they will naturally stop fighting. . So, in this situation, we should cut off their logistics supply line. Instead of fighting them with real swords and guns.” A Gu said.

"Yes. Just do it." Addo became excited. A Gu had to resort to guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines to harass and cut off the logistics supply lines of the Goguryeos, because that was their situation. Under such circumstances, they can solve many, many things. This will have a great impact on the Goguryeo War.

In Spain, Li Fu and Scipio lie on a map to conduct research. This is the contour map that Li Fu spent a long time and initially produced by himself. Such a map will greatly help them. Solve most of the problems.

"According to our reconnaissance situation, the goal of the Carthaginians is the Alps. Our cavalry saw that their engineers were digging a mountain road. They used tit-for-tat harassment tactics against the Gauls who were harassing them. The Gauls are probably not. Their opponent." Li Fu said.

"In this way, our homeland is in danger. We must remind them again, otherwise, there will be a greater danger. Such a danger is definitely not something we can bear." Scipio was very anxious. Speaking of.

"No, our business is not just these, our opportunity has come. But now we should wait a bit, but we can make some tactical arrangements. Or tactical innovation." Li Fu said.

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