The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3937: Guerrilla ambush

South Korea, Xinzheng, South Korea's Supreme Command.

"The Carthaginians are acting very quickly." Han Shu said when he saw the telegram coming to Loma.

"My lord, the next step is to look at the reactions of the Roma people themselves. If they can adjust their strategies in time, I think we can achieve such an effect, but if they fail to achieve such an effect. If they can't be aware of it in time, Up to this point, they will not do this." The Secretary of Defense reported.

"Well, I also made them aware of this, but the question said, we can't do such a thing, you can see it. The situation does not seem to be beneficial to us. Our observer said in the report. The veterans kept putting forward reform plans, but they couldn’t be passed. We even proposed a thorough solution, which is to issue more war bonds to solve their financial problems, but the problem is that they still don’t obey us. The solution to the problem." The Defense Minister said extremely annoyed. Han Shu just smiled slightly.

"Don't be annoyed. In my opinion, the Loma people have not yet realized their danger, in their opinion. Their situation is far from the danger they recognize. Give them some time to let them know that they will What kind of situation you are in, all right. Don't worry about this matter. We don't care about him for the time being." Han Shu said. Han Shu is very clear about the significance of this. If they pay too much attention to him, it will only cause a lot of trouble to themselves. The trouble is that they will lose a lot of opportunities to solve these problems. The key to this question is how to make Loma people aware of what kind of danger they are in.

If they can really realize this, the whole situation will become very beneficial to them.

Because the arms trade is produced under a certain crisis awareness, this awareness gives them a great opportunity to do such things, because only changes, or meeting the same requirements, will make their situation better. , This is what they are going to do at present, but unfortunately, the Loma people are not aware of this, so this makes their situation more uncomfortable.

Spain. The Carthaginian army is crossing the Pyrenees Mountains, and some nearby tribes have been completely intimidated by them. They had never seen a cannon. After the army arrived, Hannibal used artillery intimidation to frighten them. Although their camp was very strong, it was a pity that they had no possibility of fighting in front of the cannon. Greatly reduced their enthusiasm for fighting. Under great intimidation, Hannibal used the cheapest way to get through the most dangerous place.

"How can those indigenous tribes have met them? They have not even equipped a musket. Gunpowder weapons are a new kind of battle for them. I think that in the face of this situation, they will get even greater Fear, under such fear, where else can they threaten us." Hannibal said confidently. His confidence is based on unprecedented military power. His advantage lies in the coordinated operations of cavalry, infantry and artillery. This is a brand-new combat capability. Under such combat conditions, they face a group of soldiers. Street gangsters equipped with cold weapons are not a threat at all, which may bring a good head.

"Next, after we cross the Pyrenees, it will be the Alps, of course. We have to rest in the Gaul territory and don't give them a fight. This will greatly consume our ammunition." Han Nibal said so.

"What are you worried about?" Hannibal asked Levy.

"I'm worried that if the Loma soldiers who stayed in Spain adopt a slightly invisible tactic, we will be in trouble. I just hope your brother will notice this, so that he will be able to do so early. The problem is found. Solve the problem, just don't cause us any major trouble." Li Wei said.

"What do you mean?" Hannibal asked.

"There is a tactic that seems very ineffective, and the delay is very long, just like, like a mosquito." Li Wei said. They are marching in the summer.

"The situation is like this. They are like mosquitoes. Although they are not fatal, they can bite us and make us uncomfortable. Faced with such a situation, we have to face such a situation. We We have to actively launch an offensive to eliminate the **** mosquitoes, but the **** mosquitoes will hide, so that we can't find them. Therefore, in such a situation, our best course is to actively find and kill him. "Li Wei said.

"I still don't understand what you mean? Those mosquitoes are not very threatening, you know." Hannibal said as he walked.

"I mean, **** guerrilla warfare, you know what the trouble is with those tactics. They will attack our logistics supply line, and they will cause us a lot of trouble along the way. If our ammunition replenishment is not available, They will fall into disasters. In this way, they will continue to attack us. It is like a lot of mosquitoes, biting us, it’s nothing, we just lost a little bit of blood, but if many mosquitoes come , Our loss will become very large, in this case, we have the possibility of losing everything. You know what we will become." Li Wei said.

"To put it bluntly. I am worried that those **** Romans will learn guerrilla tactics, and Koreans can teach any tactics. This kind of tactics is extremely unscrupulous. Yin damage." Li Wei said. They also know the characteristics of guerrilla tactics, delaying time, and for the Carthaginians who are quick to win and financially difficult to support, this will face a huge disaster.

"Don't worry, we have swept away and completely destroyed Rome before they came into play. I believe this." Hannibal said. I saw Hannibal who was very confident. Li Wei can only comfort himself by believing. Perhaps it is true. After all, the vitality of the Romans is more deadly, and the time is short. As long as they concentrate their forces, use artillery, cavalry and musketeers to violently shoot and surround them, all the problems can still be solved, and they can solve them. Time is bound to be fast, and in contrast, guerrilla operations will greatly consume their combat time, which will make them more difficult to deal with.

Ten ox carts are bumping and bumping on a winding road in a dense jungle in Spain. The above are all carrying a large amount of combat materials, as well as a considerable amount of munitions. Only twenty soldiers were escorted. They looked at bayonet muskets, old-fashioned flintlocks, front-line troops specialized in fire gate money and rear-pull rotary rifles. The kind without a magazine, the rate of fire increased very much. fast.

But they are equipped with old-fashioned flintlocks, even so, they are much advanced enough.

"Prepare." Li Fu said, lying in a very hidden jungle.

"Bang." Then he suddenly shot a soldier who looked like a sergeant. The sergeant was knocked to the ground at once, and a big hole was punched out of his head.

"Bang Bang. Bang." Many people started shooting non-stop. Those were the sounds of pistols. They captured the Carthage cavalry, and now they have become sharp weapons that shoot at each other's hatred.

"Ah." Some musketeers were killed before they could react.

"Puff. Bang." Another soldier finally raised the musket in his hand, but before he could take aim, his body was pierced by multiple bullets. His situation was not optimistic, and then he fell to the ground, what? Can't do it either. More than 20 soldiers and some soldiers fled. They saw many people being killed. The fear of death shocked their hearts.

"Puff." A soldier turned his head to see where the enemies were and whether they were chasing the enemy, but soon, he hit where, and then he was cut off his neck by a short sword, and the blood kept flowing. The flow out, his hands are all, he wants to prevent all of this from happening, but unfortunately, there is no effect. The more he prevents it, it is impossible to accomplish such a thing. He really does not know why this happened. Things, this greatly made his situation unacceptable.

"Puff." Scipio calmly drew out his short sword. That hapless soldier was killed by him. He hated the opposing soldier and was in great danger. He felt that he could solve all the problems thoroughly.

Scipio captured a musket, and he quickly threw it to his men. Such a weapon was not rare for him. Because he has a box cannon. This pistol has a fast rate of fire and a large amount of ammunition. Many people can be killed in a short period of time.

"How? Are all resolved?" Li Fu asked after installing his pistol.

"Yes, it's all solved. What kind of spoils are there on the car?" Scipio asked. They set up a pocket array, and the scouts will closely watch the enemy's movements and set up ambushes on the necessary roads. Then they can destroy each other through ambushes and get supplies.

"Muskets, ammunition, and some grenades, food and use, finally let us maintain it for a while." Li Fu said. Scipio nodded.

"Clean the battlefield quickly, leave here quickly, take away everything that can be taken away, and burn and destroy everything that cannot be taken away." Li Fu ordered like this. The soldiers quickly took away everything they could, and finally left something for the opponent. This kind of war is normal to them.

"Guerrilla warfare seems to be very good. At the very least, it puts us in a trend of rapid development and growth." Scipio said with a smile.

"Hehe, this is the situation. We still have a lot of wars like this, but don’t fight too hard for the Carthaginians to be aware of, otherwise, they will have a lot of trouble, and they will send an army. We are cleared, and we can only continue to transfer." Li Fu said. The Loma’s military power is relatively weak. They do not have the advantage in number or weapons. Some nearby tribes will not support them. They fear the military power of the Carthaginians. After all, those cannons are not. Very easy to deal with.

"I know at this point. We are conducting decentralized operations in your own way. We are conducting centuries, no, companies are the units." Scipio said. Scipio carried out bold military reforms. He abandoned the Romans’ traditional centurion and legionary command and combat, and instead adopted a more reasonable modern command and combat method to carry out the company platoon. This is the framework, which will make him The combat performance has been greatly improved, and the command of the officers has become more reasonable. After all, they have to equip a large number of muskets, and the captured weapons are provided to them for their own use. For weapons that cannot be used, they will actively repair and save them. They still need the support of many people to solve such a problem.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff. Li Mu was very dissatisfied with the Goguryeo attack. And the facts have proved this point.

"I don't know whether Goguryeo people are smart or stupid with a large amount of weapon resources to attack the perfect defense system." Li Mu said.

"Sir, they might be trying to force a big opening to solve the war problem thoroughly like this." said a lieutenant colonel's staff.

"No, it's impossible. Do you know how difficult it is to have a well-defensive defense system? It is quite difficult. This requires a large amount of ammunition supplies and ammunition consumption. At least two hundred and fifty millimeters or more heavy artillery is required for bombardment. It took forty-eight hours to take it down, and the price it paid was quite difficult. You let the Goguryeo people do such a thing. What kind of role can they play with the 120mm artillery of their two regiments? It’s simply difficult for me. I believe that they will be able to perform this way, it is almost impossible." Li Mu said.

"Yes, sir." said the lieutenant colonel.

"The humble position is wrong. Judging from the information we have so far, the loss of the Goguryeo people is also considerable. I heard that there is a regiment, and only one company is left. Such crazy offense is unprecedented. Are we? The Goguryeo people should be allowed to stop such crazy actions." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Impossible. Those generals are thinking about political matters, and they are thinking about their position. Once you think about it, what kind of results will be produced, I think you know, their minds will become extremely They get crazy, they don’t think about other things at all. What they worry about is how to solve this kind of thing, rather than completely solve this kind of filling. The angle of their consideration has lost the calm consideration that a general should take. , This kind of thing is beyond our control." Li Mu said.

"But we still send a telegram to remind them that they should be prepared in this regard and don't continue to invest too much force to do this kind of thing, this kind of thing is very stupid, stupid to death." Li Mu said. .

Li Mu was right. Those generals considered their own future, and they did not value the soldiers' casualties at all. After all, for them, such casualties were no longer something they could bear. In this regard, they also care about these things, and what they have to do will become very easy.

In the face of huge casualties, they could no longer control it.

Zhao Guo, Handan, in the stock market, some people began to communicate some bad news privately.

"I think it should be short-selling, it is high enough. And, you see, he has been consolidating for many days, and if he has the momentum to rise, I dare to hold my head to bet. If he continues to rise, I will take it. The pistol hits his head all at once." said an obese investor.

"Hehe, my goodness." Many people laughed. They feel that the other party’s doing this is incorrect, or that it will cause them great trouble.

"Not enough, I know some news. I heard that the Goguryeo people are launching an offensive, but the offensive does not seem to be very smooth. This is a report from the front." A thin man squeezed in and said.

"Where did you get such news?" Many investors asked about such things.

"It's very simple, the Ministry of National Defense. Our Ministry of National Defense is actually the superior of the Goguryeo Ministry of National Defense. The Goguryeo people listened to our news. A lot of the news came here directly from the front line. The Goguryeo attack was very unfavorable and they suffered heavy losses. , And spent a lot of artillery shells, but the results were negligible and negligible. Under such circumstances, the military operations of the Goguryeo people were greatly hindered. We should see that if this kind of attack continues, the Goguryeo Will be extremely serious," the thin man said.

"How serious will it be?" Many people asked such news. Many companies that have a large amount of bonds and bankers are quietly releasing their bonds. Under such circumstances, a large amount of bonds flow to the market. Faced with such a situation, many people are worried that the shares of these companies will not rise.

"Well, I don't know, but the specific news is that I heard that quite a few people have been killed. The force of a regiment has been killed more than two-thirds, and there may be more. The latest The news said that all regiments were destroyed.” In order to show the authenticity of the information, the man had to exaggerate the results of the battle, but such results were enough to scare everyone. All indications indicate that the battle situation on the front line will be very unfavorable, which greatly promotes the strong development of this kind of battle situation. This is very bad news.

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