The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3938: Mountain people attack

"Oh, my God." Hearing this news, many investors were shocked. They thought that there must be a big problem with the bonds of Goguryeo. Under such problems, they must take some measures to solve these problems and how to solve them. They must find a way to solve such things. Going short, or closing all the long orders in their hands, no matter what, this kind of news is enough to make them very uneasy.

Of course. Some people in the market don't think so.

"Falling, this is just a natural retracement, don't worry." Some investors said blindly and optimistically. In their opinion, there is no danger at all. Such dangers only exist in their own minds. This kind of danger does not exist, and what they have to do now is to care about how far the stocks of these companies will rise. They are very optimistic. I don’t know where this optimism comes from. One thing is certain, that is, they did not realize that the danger had come.

Those big banks and big companies are secretly selling their high-level orders. Such an order in exchange for a large amount of funds will constitute a great sense of security for them. Their quantity is slowly being sold, and no one has noticed this. In other words, someone noticed. But they were a little confused and at a loss. This is the most mysterious aspect of speculation.

On the front line of Goguryeo, the crazy war is still going on.

Li Jiu was lying in the trench. he is hurt. No need to go to the battlefield. He did it on purpose. He found an enemy rifle and pointed it at his calf. This is enough to stop him from attacking. This was a shameful act of deserters, but he felt that he was doing the right thing because he had done what he should have done for the front line.

Ah Jiu died. His documents tell him that the child is only eighteen years old. If possible, he might become a good scholar. His brain is very smart and people are very good. Although they don't know him very long, in their opinion, this is enough to explain all the problems.

"Another regiment has been sent to the front line. Damn it," said a nearby veteran with wounded arms. Li Jiu didn't reply. He believed that this war was meaningless to them, because everything was meaningless.

"What's the point of doing this? I really don't know what our generals think. Our desperate attack has no results. The most is to blow up the opponent's bunker." Li Jiu said.

"But what we are paying is a large number of soldiers' lives. They can't do this at all. This matter will not completely change or something, but we are going to die here." Li Jiu is very pessimistic. He is now. It's like holding a rifle and continuing toward your legs, or putting your palms up all at once. In this way, everything can be over. For them, such a war has endured enough.

Koguryo, Heitucheng, Ministry of National Defense.

"The offensive on the front line is very unsuccessful, sir." A lieutenant colonel reported this way. Although such a report would get the Secretary of Defense angry, but even if he did, he felt that such a thing should be reported. When it came to the number of casualties on the front line, he was very anxious.

"Then speed up the offensive and give them some support. They have artillery. There is no reason why it will not go smoothly." said the Minister of Defense.

"But sir, the situation is not going well. We have nothing to do. There are many things that have exceeded our imagination. Sir." The lieutenant colonel paused, and he decided that this should be explained. His sir must be aware of what happened on the front line. Things.

"Sir, the number of casualties on our frontline is quite serious. More than 8,000 soldiers were killed in action, but the results we have achieved are very limited. I think that under the current circumstances, we should stop such an offensive. Otherwise, If it does, it will consume our troops excessively. In other words, it will put our entire front line in danger. We can't let this happen, sir." said the lieutenant colonel.

The Secretary of Defense looked at each other calmly. The lieutenant colonel did not know what his defense minister was thinking at this moment. Perhaps he had already thought of a countermeasure, or that he had already thought of a solution, but these were not enough, because he needed to solve a lot of things to solve this. Difficult problem.

"The situation of the war is far beyond our control." The Secretary of Defense said after thinking about it.

"You know, a large number of troops need to be gathered here, and many things need to be resolved in a centralized manner. The solution is a victory. We need a victory, and offense, only offense can we win. Therefore, we must do this. This is something decided above, and I can’t do anything about it.” The Minister of Defense said. The lieutenant colonel felt that his chief was too indifferent. Such an approach would result in a large number of deaths among Goguryeo soldiers.

"I know what you want to say?" The Secretary of Defense blocked the other party's words.

"This may seem indifferent, but this matter. This is something decided above. We need economics and we need a lot of things that we can't get ourselves, understand?" the other party said. The purpose of war is not only to obtain a large amount of resources, but also to launch war for a certain economic purpose, but such a purpose often interferes too much with the correctness of military operations.

The lieutenant colonel could not refute his chief's remarks, but under such circumstances. He couldn't persuade his chief, because he really couldn't find a good reason to take such a thing.

Station of the 7th Infantry Division.

"It doesn't make sense, and there is no possibility of breaking through the line of defense. Maybe. Bad things will happen." Li Zuoche said after studying some reports before the war.

"What do you mean?" Luo Ping asked.

"According to this kind of force consumption, your defensive power will be greatly weakened. If the Yan people have enough troops, they will launch an offensive and form a breakthrough. But most of your power will be used for offensive. This Part of the force was fully consumed in the offense." Li Zuoche said.

"The above will transfer us to the front line as cannon fodder, right?" Luo Ping said.

"Yes, it is true. This kind of thing can happen like this. You know, once the frontline forces are short, we will be mobilized to the front line. But I don't recommend this. I think we should intersperse with the enemy. Go to the rear, so that we can quickly take it down. From the rear directly threaten the enemy." Li Zuoche has a strategic vision, but the Goguryeo people think this is too risky. They know that Li Zuoche brought a big surprise in the last battle in the mountains, but it also brought them a lot of cold sweat. Therefore, the Goguryeo people do not like such adventurous military operations because of such military operations. The action brought them too much fright.

"We must find a way to delay and not participate in military operations, or, to some extent, prove that our military operations are effective, and then launch a larger-scale offensive on this basis." Li Zuoche said . The senior officials of the State of Zhao wished to destroy the entire Goguryeo. The country that was hit was completely bankrupt. In this way, they can get more benefits. But in the real war, the Goguryeo people still don't know how to do it. This directly caused their situation to be very bad.

Goguryeo, the transportation line at the rear.

The No. 3 railway continuously extends along the No. 3 road to the front line. This road, a railway, is the life channel of the Goguryeo army, and it is also their most critical logistics supply line. This supply line will play a greater role and talents. Solve all problems.

"Woo." Lao Tie was driving a fast train on the No. 3 railway line. He is a train driver, he likes this kind of work very much, driving his favorite train on various roads every day. He likes the feeling of Mercedes-Benz. He liked this feeling when he first saw the train. He gradually went from an apprentice to an experienced train driver.

"Kacha, khacha." An apprentice was constantly adding various coals to the train. He feels very tired. He has a lot of work to do. Even though the train is running and leaving, he feels uncomfortable if he keeps adding coal.

"I like this feeling. It's just like flying with the wind, you know? This feeling is very refreshing." Old Tie said excitedly. That apprentice was just a young guy in his early twenties. His clothes were extremely dirty, because he did all the dirty work.

"Tiezi, work hard, and you will become a qualified train driver. Such a life will make you feel very lucky." Old Tie said. Tiezi is very annoyed now. He feels that old drivers are bullying newbies like them in this way, and he wants to quit. However, he must pass this test, and only when he becomes an old driver can he get more salary. I really don't know when this kind of thing will end.

"Boom." Just as they were advancing, there was a sudden explosion in front of them, forming a huge explosive mushroom cloud.

"Damn it." This is the first time that Lao Tie has encountered such a thing. There is still 500 meters ahead. This section is a straight line. It is a section of the road that accelerates. It explodes here and then brakes urgently. I don't know if he can stop his train.

"Damn it, stop. Stop." Old Tie yelled profusely as he braked. But the inertia still made the train move forward, the wheels made a huge rubbing sound, and sparks were constantly flying, which made their ears feel uncomfortable, and an extremely nervous mood rose rapidly.

"Damn, I didn't encounter such a situation, it would simply kill me, **** it. God, Daxian, come out to save us, save us." Old Tie released all the gods who were anxious. If you don't do this, the problem won't be solved at all.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment, the gunshots outside kept ringing. Fighting was everywhere, and they encountered an ambush from the mountain people.

"Squeaking." Under the friction of just hitting, they finally stopped one meter away from the track. Old Tie was too scared to walk. He felt that his soul was about to be taken away. He had never encountered such a situation before, and once they derailed, they would be more ill-advised.

"Master, master, be careful." Tie Zi also knew that at this time they encountered a major event. He has also become less assertive. The only way is to find a way to solve such a thing, how to solve it, the only way is to avoid it.

"Quickly, hide and lie on the ground, don't move anything." Old Tie said.

"Yes, yes." Old Tie said. There is no way. Under such circumstances, they can only use this life-saving method to protect themselves.

The gunfire outside was intense. From the beginning, it has entered a white-hot situation. They are transporting a large number of shells. The consumption of shells on the front line is very serious. More than a hundred wagons are transported every day, but that is how they cannot meet their needs. Ran away all night.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Listening to the gunshots, they could only lie on the ground, they knew what was being transported. But the gunshots outside are very intensive. If you accidentally hit them, you will jump and be killed. The most terrible thing is the only way. Wait, maybe after the battle is over, they will get a good life. This It is what is currently arranged.

"Bang. Bang." The intensity of the gunfire began to decrease. This is the sign of the end of the battle.

"Anyway, let's raise our hands high, not to be afraid. Calm down, calm down." Old Tie was soaked all over his body. These were all scares, and he was unwilling. But who made him encounter such a thing.

"Come out, get out for Laozi, Koryo dog." Just when they were worried, there was a voice calling them outside.

"Sir, we are out. Don't shoot, don't shoot. We are just drivers, we are innocent, we have no weapons." Old Iron shouted loudly, and then asked his apprentice to carefully help him down because of him. The legs are soft and can't stand anymore. Tiezi carefully helped him down, but the Goguryeo people obviously didn't have that much patience. They pushed each other to the ground.

"What do you do. Raise your hands high, hurry." A mountain soldier brutally asked them to raise their hands, and Tiezi raised his hands very innocently. This made him feel safe.

"Damn, there is nothing on this old guy, these **** things." A mountain soldier cursed roughly as they searched for the spoils. Obviously they didn't find what they needed in each other's body, such as money, or valuable things.

"Damn it," a soldier cursed.

"Bang." With a shot, the bullet directly killed his master. He didn't even have time to react, his master Lao Tie was killed like this. Brain burst out of his head.

"Oh. Uh." Tiezi saw this scene, he felt that his stomach was uncomfortable, and he felt terribly uncomfortable. He himself didn't know why he encountered such a thing. In short, he felt that he was uncomfortable. He had already suffered. There is no such thing. But helpless, this is a **** war, he must do something like this.

He couldn't control his vomiting.

"What a **** disgusting person." A mountain soldier kicked the opponent to the ground. He was covered with vomit, blood, and brains. He didn't know how these things came from. , But this is the case.

"Don't kill him." At this moment, an officer of the Mountain Man came over and looked at the other party and said.

"Are you a train driver?" the other person asked.

"Yes. Yes." Tiezi knew what happened to him. If it weren't for this officer, he might have been killed.

"Very well, now, you can choose to follow us. If you don't go, we will kill people. It's very simple. We can solve everything with a bayonet." The other party said.

"I. I choose to go with you." Tiezi said.

"Very well, take him, let's go. Get out of here," the officer said. They couldn't hold a lot of shells at all, and they couldn't use such things, they could only destroy them.

"Boom. Boom." Huge explosions kept coming, and the sound of the explosions attracted the surrounding garrisons. The entire railroad track was also distorted by the explosion. Such a scene frightens everyone.

The mountain people kept attacking. They attacked the logistics supply line of the Goguryeo people, resulting in the deaths of many people and the loss of a lot of materials. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but they are still constantly attacking, and such attacks accumulate little. Many, seriously affected the development of the battle on the front line of Goguryeo.

The logistics department of the Ministry of Defense of Koguryo.

"Sir, we can’t transport more ammunition. Originally, we shouldn’t have lost so much ammunition. But, mountain people, we don’t know where these **** mountain people came from, but they did cause a lot of damage to us. Casualties. There are also ammunition losses. We, we can only report this way." A major reported to his officer.

"Damn it." The colonel looked at the report, and he didn't know what to do. When the front-line war was going on to the most critical moment, they unexpectedly encountered such a thing. This kind of thing could have been avoided, but it seems that they could not avoid such a situation from happening. They had never encountered such a thing.

"Sir, we must stop." said the major.

"Well, I will report the above. It's just my job, even if it's completely finished." The colonel said depressedly. He was very unlucky when such a thing happened.

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