The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3946: Hope to bring a surprise

After the Koguryo Admiralty came up with a preliminary plan, the Fifth and Seventh Infantry Divisions also immediately launched related training. For example, they had to climb more than fifty rope ladders every day, which made them very annoyed. Such training will consume too much time for them. They have to be fully armed, with their marching backpacks, water bottles, rifles, bullets, food, and medical bags. The machine gunner would be exhausted, because they are equipped with water-cooled machine guns, which means. He carries a lot of things. The pressure is naturally great, and one climb is enough to consume a certain amount of energy for them.

However, no one knew what they were going to do, or how they would conduct this war. They never thought about the purpose of their training. Perhaps one day their chief will tell them that they will attack from the sea, and today's climb is prepared for this. This is the craziest thing.

Military training is still going on. And in the Premier Palace of Chu State. Song Yi was worried about the order, and Zhang Er's situation was not so good. Their needs have become very low. Under such circumstances, it is natural that they cannot pin all their hopes on the people of Yan. The situation of Chu people will become very passive.

"Prime Minister, I think the only solution is to increase our military expenditures. Are all countries continuing to expand, and the expansion of our Yan people is far behind the speed of other countries, such as taking care of and Koreans? The power of the People’s Republic of China has already entered the Mediterranean. Although some of our businessmen have already reached the Mediterranean, the problem is that our affairs cannot enter a wider area." The Minister of Defense said.

"If we increase military spending, can we expand to these areas?" Song Yi asked such a thing.

"It should be possible. Prime Minister, in this case, our business can solve all the problems to a large extent. And in a short period of time, our military orders will rapidly rise a lot, which satisfies the bigwigs. Demand.” The Secretary of Defense said. Economic considerations have allowed their industry, especially the military industry, to develop greatly.

"Well, it seems that it is unrealistic for us to expect orders from other countries, and I think so. After all, the finances have been greatly improved through the issuance of more banknotes, but we have to be calm. We should see, If such funds appear, there must be sufficient development to support it. Currently, this can only be done." Song Yi said.

Song Yi had to agree to do this because of his country's economy. The advantage of this is that it can greatly improve their situation, which will form a great advantage for those big bosses.

"Prime Minister, in the next step, I think we should not pay too much attention to Myanmar. After all, the situation there has fallen into a stalemate. We should let special operations continue there. We can regard it as a special training ground. Then focus your attention on the Far West, such as the Mediterranean, or other regions. In short. It is much better to open up another front than to focus too much on one point." The Minister of Defense said. To.

"In this way, we need to develop the navy. Well, fortunately, our navy can develop well. This is a huge improvement for us." Song Yi said. Indeed, the development of the navy has greatly increased the demand for a country’s industry. For example, shipbuilding requires a lot of steel. In addition to this, there are more military adjustments, weapon upgrades, and so on. These will all Greatly improve their industrial level.

Such a suggestion fits Song Yi's series of requirements.

Qin State, Xianyang. Within the Ministry of Defense.

"Sir, this is the plan submitted by the Parthians. Our view is that it is a bit too risky. Moreover, the Parthians seem to be very optimistic. They think they can solve all the problems in a relatively short period of time." A lieutenant colonel checked. Meng Tian said so.

"Is this the plan of the rest?" Meng Tian was shocked when he saw such a report. He didn't know the significance of the other party's doing this, but by doing so, he had already created a lot of things. There is a risk.

"Yes, sir, many people are not optimistic about such a plan, but the Shah people think that such a plan is perfect." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Don't they have a strategic reserve team? If they are caught in the catastrophic weather, or if the opponent delays time, then their situation will be very passive." Meng Tian said, he knew that winter was coming there. Earlier. Winter will begin in two and a half months at most. At that time, the entire military operation will become extremely difficult.

"No, sir, their reason is that they lack enough funds, and they don't have enough funds to form more combat troops. Faced with such a situation, they also expressed their helplessness." said the lieutenant colonel. To.

"Damn it. Don't they know to avoid some risks? It is very dangerous to do so." Meng Tian said.

"Sir, the only way at the moment is to conduct a second conscription again. Perhaps if you do this, you can provide a strategic reserve. But if you do this, you need more funds. Without more funds, everything is difficult. Go on." The lieutenant colonel said worriedly. He knows that the key to the Sabbath war is funding, and if there is not too much funding, it will inevitably lead to the situation getting out of control.

"I'll go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to solve this problem." Meng Tian said. He knew that the prime minister would not let such things happen, even if it was dangerous, he had to solve such problems well.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"The Parthians' offensive is very bold. They are not even prepared for the reserve team. It is easy to be dangerous. Not only that. Their forces are scattered. Although the Armenian army is easy to deal with, the problem is, if their strategy is correct. If it does, it will inevitably cause more trouble. For example, a large-scale retreat will consume time and wait until winter to launch a counterattack. The Parthians will not be able to conduct such a long war. We all know that, Their troops are quite inadequately prepared. There are quite a few places where they are unwilling to prepare, for example, winter clothes. Their scattered troops can easily be wiped out by the opponent’s concentration of troops. In short, once one of the two routes If there is a problem, the situation will cause a lot of trouble." Meng Tian said.

"Yeah" Meng Yi nodded in agreement. He personally agrees with his brother's statement. After all, such a thing is still very easy for them to accept.

"In doing so, it means that we will increase funds again, which requires the injection of banks and government financial funds." Shang Wen said.

"Well, I think this capital injection is beneficial. In this way, larger losses can be avoided as much as possible. After all, the final result may be lost in this way." Meng Yi said.

"Well, I agree to do this, but I also need the Ministry of National Defense to dispatch some special forces to support, such as weather, air reconnaissance, which can greatly help the Parthians to cause more large-scale losses. At the same time, we need the Parthians. Form more cavalry brigades, and the mobility of these cavalry brigades will greatly improve their flexibility in combat." Shang Wen made some additions, and even supported the Parthians to fight, then everything must be done well, otherwise If you do, the situation will only get very bad.

In Loma, in the Senate, Scipio is talking about the situation reported by the senator of the Loma Senate.

Li Fu simply translated, and Zhang Jun listened. They are all military officers sent by South Korea, but their identities are different.

"The situation in Spain is very bad, the whole thing is moving towards a situation out of control." Li Fu translated.

"What will the situation in Spain get out of control?" Zhang Jun suddenly asked such a question.

"Hannibal. The opponent got the support of the people of Zhao, and a large amount of weapon support was given to them. They are equipped with a large number of firearms. They not only have advantages in military weapons, but also have a greater advantage in that they innovated tactics. , The combat efficiency has risen rapidly. In contrast, our situation is very bad. In many cases, we can’t catch up to the other side. In this way, we are in a disadvantageous state. In the final analysis, The Lockheed Martin army is still an old army, facing the strong impact of a new army. It is difficult for me to understand that the other party will do such a thing all at once." Li Fu said.

"So?" Zhang Jun asked.

"So, we hope to get a lot of support for military projects, especially financial support, so that we can form the same troops to fight." Li Fu said.

"Well, but the current situation is not very good, I hope you will not be too optimistic." Zhang Jun said.

"We understand that as long as they can be persuaded to form a force, I think it is also good. After all, Hannibal will be killed soon. The Roma will only suffer a big loss. They will realize the seriousness of the problem. Sex." Li Fu said.

"I think so too. Fabian has tried very hard to convince the elders. However, they can't see such results. They don't understand what kind of impact these will have. I hope Hannibal can bring the Loma people Surprise. I hope this kind of surprise is bigger." Zhang Jun said.

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