Convincing the Senate is an arduous task. Scipio spent all his life's language to describe the war. The Roma soldiers are evocative, they are brave, but unfortunately, the gap between their weapons is too great. . This is an important reason that directly led to their failure. At this point, he clearly expressed the impact of the new weapon on Lockheed Martin’s combat effectiveness. Under such circumstances, he hopes Lockheed can respond quickly and form a team. New style officer. Later, Scipio was sent out of the Senate. Then the elders started their wrangling. This process is relatively long, but new progress has been made. That is, Lockheed Martin agreed to establish two new legions, and the main weapon prepared was firearms. In this way, Lockheed Martin had kept up with the times.

What was discussed later was Fabian’s proposal to establish a bank. The Roma people themselves also need bank funding, and Fabian has united many elders to do so. They have a lot of capital. Such things are in line with what they want to do Things. Therefore, under such circumstances, the Loma people passed such a plan. In this way, even if a great progress has been formed, the Loma people finally agreed to establish a bank and the banking business started. Counting it all up, this is a great improvement. Such progress has been enough to make them happy for a long time.

Such news soon reached the Koreans. South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Roma people are really not easy, they finally realized the role of banks." Han Shu said.

"Wang, this is just the beginning. Banks are only our first step. Controlling banks and issuing more currencies are things we should pay attention to. After all, such things can help us solve more business needs. "The Minister of Finance said on the sidelines.

"Yeah. That's right, but it's not easy. You must know how difficult it is for Lockheed Martin to open their banking market." Han Shu said.

"To have a good start, there must be a good process, we just wait slowly." Han Shu said.

Alps. Hannibal's army finally arrived here. They took a rest for a while. By this time, it was almost September. This means that if they move slowly, they may appear in the Alps in winter.

"We have about 35,000 people going to cross the Alps." Hannibal said to Levy in the tent.

"It’s nothing. If we march in winter, it’s not good. We take a little rest and we have to set off. Each soldier must bring his own weapons and equipment, as well as his own supplies. We also need food. , Blankets, these are very important to us." Li Wei said.

"Well, we got some horses and cows from the Gauls. These can help us solve some problems. I just hope that when we cross the Alps, we won't encounter too many troubles." Hannibal said.

"Yeah. I hope so." Li Wei said with a cup of hot water. The next is when they encounter the most difficult time. They all understand this. This is a temporary rest. After a short break of two days, Hannibal's army officially began their journey across the Alps. This is a brand new start for them.

Yan State, Yandu, withered scenes everywhere here. The entire Yan economy fell into a deadly silence, because no one would pay attention to this, they just care about what they will get.

"Papa. Papa." A middle-aged man banged on the door of a grain store.

"Don't knock. We don't have food." A buddy replied loudly, sticking out his head from upstairs.

"No, open the door. I know you have food. If you don't give us food, we will starve to death." The middle-aged man shouted anxiously.

"My child hasn't eaten for two days. Please give me some food quickly. I. I beg you." The middle-aged man said, kneeling on the ground. When other people saw this scene, they knelt on the ground one after another, and prices rose suddenly, like a whirlwind. This caught many people by surprise, because they originally thought that the price had risen to a high level. It should have fallen. But what I didn't expect was that on the basis of this high price, the price of food had risen several times, and the price of food would have risen to twenty times. Their savings could have been spent on porridge for a while, but now, their savings can only be eaten for a few meals. In the past, a small part of Yan was hungry, but now almost all Yan people are hungry. They have no choice. I can only ask for some food. Because they can't live anymore.

"Please. I can't live anymore. I can't live." The woman also knelt up.

"Oh, I can't help it, our food is gone." The man shook his head in no way.

"Fight." Seeing that the door could not be opened, the middle-aged man was anxious. He immediately thought of the method of robbery, which was the last resort. Although it was very dangerous and might threaten his life, they could not take care of anything considering the children in the family.

"Boom." The man didn't know where he got the big axe. He opened the door quickly. The people behind saw someone taking the lead and rushed in. They didn't care about it, and they took it madly when they saw food. Looting and smashing shops has become the first prelude to the riot. In this city, the same scene was staged in many places. The Yan people, who were already on the verge of hunger collapse, went crazy. The government made them hungry, and they had no choice.

"Swish. Swish." On the street, the police kept running around. Someone reported the crime over there, as well as some here. The police had just suppressed it and quickly ran to the other side. They are quite busy.

For a time, Yan Du was caught in a huge crisis.

"Bang. Save me. I'm crazy. I'm all crazy." The security minister rushed in anxiously and shouted loudly. He is responsible for national security and also has the responsibility of internal stability.

"What's the matter?" the Secretary of Defense asked, looking up.

"Now the whole Yan is in a huge chaos. I don't have enough people at all. I don't know why, these Yan people are crazy. They are all crazy. They all started to riot. I need the support of my brother. Hurry up. Let's mobilize the army to come in." The Minister of Security said excitedly. It took the Secretary of Defense a long time to persuade the agitated Secretary of Security, and then he learned from the other's assistants what had happened.

"This is a riot, a huge riot." The Defense Minister said nervously. The whole city was plunged into such a huge disaster.

"So, to send troops quickly, we need more troops. Only more troops can solve such things. Even if it's just a regiment, it's good." The Minister of Security said nervously. If there is a problem in the capital, then the problem will be very difficult.

Inside the Embassy of Qin State in Yan State. The ambassador is writing a longer telegram. He is describing in detail what happened here.

"The people of Yan are already struggling on the line of hunger and death. In the recent period of time, prices in Yan have been rising continuously, and recently, they have risen wildly. It is no longer possible to use skyrocketing to describe the terrible scene of rising prices here. Under such circumstances, the people’s wealth, their only little savings, was quickly robbed. The entire country of Yan has fallen into a huge disaster." The ambassador looked out the window and shook his head and wrote. The State of Qin stepped up to dispatch a Marine Corps company here. This means that their safety may be violated at any time. Because the people of Yan have completely become material and rational. Complete collapse.

In the face of the huge threat of hunger, they no longer take care of this. And these can't provide them with more food.

But the country of Yan couldn't provide so much food to their people, because a lot of government funds were used in war, and war was a necessary means to solve the last problem.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. Li Zuoche came here again.

"Woo." Inside the military port. The busy sailors on the merchant ship, a large number of army soldiers, and the Marine Corps all board from here. This is a large-scale amphibious landing fleet. In addition, there are more materials that need to be assembled. For this reason, Goguryeo also rented larger ships from Qi and Zhao.

"Everything here is magnificent," Luo Ping said. They just got off the train. The landing operation plan will be formally implemented, which is a huge test for them. If they succeed, they will get huge rewards, if they fail, their losses will become staggering.

"Well, of course. But we don't have to worry about our logistics supplies. With these ships, we will do a lot of things. At least we will save a lot of time and attack the Yan people from the rear." Li Zuoche said .

"I hope we can get some good news before we land. For example, the Yan people in the front were defeated." Luo Ping said. Li Zuoche just smiled. He thought it was impossible. What happened to the Yan's army might be defeated so easily. This is obviously impossible. They still have a lot of things to do. At this time, they have a lot of things to do. However, as long as they do everything they can do, the result will be extraordinary. it is good.

The Goguryeo soldiers boarded the ship one after another. They didn't know where their destination was, but they knew that this attack was launched from the sea. This is something that has never happened before.

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