Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"There was a big civil unrest in Yan State, and the cause was hunger. I really don’t know, the world’s food production is increasing, why such a thing happened? In view of this kind of thing, I personally think that we should carry out humanitarianism. Aid, and provide some food to make their situation better." Shang Wen said.

"I'm afraid not." Meng Yi shook his head and handed Shang Wen a telegram.

"Look at this, I knew such a thing the first time. I knew you and I would definitely take measures. So I sent a telegram to ask about the situation in Yan State. If they need it, I can provide it. Necessary assistance, but, in the end, we were very disappointed, or that the situation far exceeded our imagination. The people of Yan Kingdom rejected such a thing unexpectedly." Meng Yi shook his head and said.

"What?" Shang Wen couldn't believe it. There was such a thing. They offered assistance. This was an inevitable choice, but he didn't know why the other party did this. He really didn't understand why the other party did it.

"Yes, they did this. The situation is far worse than we thought. They deny doing this because they believe that such things have not happened in the country of Yan." Meng Yi said. Shangwen opened the telegram and looked.

"This is the most shameless telegram I have ever seen." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded in agreement. Ambassador Qin Guo has sent a telegram. In the telegram, he has explained in detail what happened in the country of Yan. The people had to take action because of hunger. However, the government of Yan government took the opposite measures. They did not put a large amount of food, on the contrary, they were actively mobilizing troops. Perform bounce. The situation will develop out of control. Shangwen's suggestion can alleviate the conflict, but the attitude of Yan people greatly annoys Shangwen. For the sake of the so-called face and their dignity, the Yan government did not admit that this happened. On the contrary, they even took some extreme measures to suppress this situation. This is shameful. As a government, this is a serious loss of one's own responsibility. Such a thing is simply unimaginable.

"We have to think of a way to absolutely not let this happen. No matter what the Yan government is, we can't watch these people continue to passively endure hunger like this. We have spent a long time to eliminate hunger, Instead of letting some governments make such a move." Shang Wen said.

"But there is nothing we can do. This is the matter of the Yan government. If Qin is too active, I think the people of Yan will oppose it. In this case, it will be detrimental to Qin in international diplomacy." Meng Yi Speaking of this.

"It’s not the time to take care of these things. We have to race against time, because people die every day. Are we doing this to avoid such things from happening? Now that things like this happen, we should actively play our role. Yes, otherwise, what should we do about our situation?" Shangwen said.

"Qin is a responsible big country, and it will never be caused by fear of **** international influences that will lead to failure to do such things. The responsibilities that Qin has to bear will become very large. Only in this way can the world become a world. Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. Okay." Meng Yi thought that Shang Wen was right, and Qin State was trying his best to avoid such a thing from happening. Although Meng Yi doesn't know if it is right, he believes that as long as he considers things that are beneficial to the people, it is still very beneficial to do so. This is what he is currently doing.

"But I think we should contact South Korea or a country like Chu. We can provide assistance by sea. Regardless of the people of Yan, what we should do is still to do." Meng Yi said. Contacting countries such as South Korea and the State of Chu can effectively avoid larger-scale real losses, or in other words, avoid larger-scale diplomatic disputes. This is a better way that Meng Yi can come up with.

Shang Wen nodded and agreed that this is the best way at present.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"The people of Yan State did a good job themselves, and they didn't even agree with the aid of other countries. It's a stupid country." Han Shu said after reading the telegram.

"My lord, do we give some assistance," the Minister of Finance said embarrassingly. For such a thing, the Minister of Finance is reluctant to give it out, because even if it is given to the people of Yan, the people of Yan will not say a good word for South Korea. If that is the case, why do you still want to do such a meaningless thing.

"I think you don't want to give it?" Han Shu asked, looking at each other's expression.

"Yes, Lord, the people of Yan are very face-saving. The people of Qin asked so actively that the Yan government refused to agree. Under such circumstances, they really became hopeless." The Minister of Finance said.

"Hehe, sometimes, we think so. But we also need to do some other things to carry out. For example, there are some things that we need to thoroughly test before we can know. Send a telegram, maybe Yan people will Give us the results we want." Han Shu said. The Minister of Finance was puzzled, but he did. After all, this is an order from the Queen.

What Han Shu meant was that Yan people would refuse again because she knew that the conservative and face-saving Yan people would suffer a big loss in this matter.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. Ministry of Defense, in the Office of the Minister.

"Sir, our plan is proceeding smoothly. We have put more than 300 million counterfeit coins in the country of Yan. This is one hundred times the fiscal revenue of the country of Yan." said the Chief of the Military Intelligence Department.

"Haha. Well done. But, how do we take advantage of this situation? According to what I know, the front line is still not loosened, and our military operations have to launch an offensive from the sea. The Secretary of Defense said.

"Mr. Minister, I think we should pay close attention to this kind of thing. In the current situation, we have not yet brought out the updated situation. We still need some time. As long as there is sufficient time in the future, the same effect can be achieved. , Not only that, I personally think that we should also do some related things to solve such problems, for example, we can use airships to drop a large number of flyers, newspapers, and all kinds of leaflets. We want to expand A purposeful psychological warfare.” said the Chief of the Military Intelligence Department.

"I understand what you mean." The Secretary of Defense said.

"We can wait, but the front line can't wait." The Secretary of Defense said. At this moment, his assistant came in and delivered a new telegram, which explained in detail what was happening in Yan Guo. And the attitudes of countries. The Koguryo intelligence personnel have assembled the news as much as possible.

"Look at this." The Minister of Defense handed the telegram in his hand to the Chief of the Military Intelligence Service. The other party took the telegram and quickly read it.

"Sir, this is what we need most. With such a thing, we can quickly launch a psychological offensive, and maybe we can quickly solve all the problems." The director said.

"Well, do you think the soldiers on the front will believe such things?" the other party asked.

"Yes, sir, the soldiers are innocent. They think that they are serving for their own country, and the occurrence of such a thing in their rear will inevitably arouse huge repercussions, at least huge fluctuations. With such a big one. Fluctuations, I think, the situation = great changes will occur, we can not lose this opportunity, we should quickly take measures to give the Yan army the most serious psychological blow.” said the Chief of the Military Intelligence Division.

This is the category of psychological warfare. During the confrontation between the two sides, Goguryeo has never stopped such things as psychological warfare. They believe that proper psychological warfare can greatly help them solve all problems, which will greatly promote the progress of the war. . To this end, they also established a medium-scale printing plant on the front line, in order to throw out a large number of flyers and engage in psychological warfare. This can be regarded as an investment.

"Sir, what we lack at present is such an opportunity. If we invest in such an opportunity, I think it will inevitably cause a lot of psychological panic to the soldiers of the Yan army. Because according to the usual practices of the Yan government, it must be It will cause information blockade. Once the blockade is too long, it will cause such things to happen. At present, we cannot allow this kind of things to continue to happen." The Chief of the Military Intelligence Department said. It is impossible to speed up the progress of the war simply by collecting intelligence. The only way is to carry out large-scale operations in intelligence collection, spy personnel, and psychological warfare. Only in this way can all problems be solved quickly.

"Well. Well, I agree with you. I hope that your role can be exerted greatly. After all, we still need you to solve this kind of thing very well." The Secretary of Defense agreed. In this way, Goguryeo quickly launched the psychological warfare they needed. This is an unprecedented combat model.

Yanjun front line. There is not much fighting here. It's peaceful here.

"Hurry up, don't take your time," a sergeant shouted at Wei Man dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, here we are. Here we are. When people are inconvenient, isn't it inconvenient for me?" Wei Man said.

"It's just your kid. It's you every time." said the sergeant. Weiman's troops began to gather, and they didn't know what they were going to do. In their opinion, there must be no good things, either to deploy to other defense zones or to act as a reserve team. Or the most difficult place to defend, they are used to this kind of thing.

"Sir, where are we going this time? I see, we have already gone far. Isn't it another line of defense?" the other party asked.

"No, tell you. I heard that we went back this time. I don't know exactly what to do, but what I know is that it is definitely beneficial to do so." The other party said.

"Benefits, who knows what are the benefits. Anyway, don't pit us." Wei Man said. Weiman had begun to mix with veteran oil, but it would be wrong to think of it as veteran oil. It was that he became cunning personally. He knew that surviving on the battlefield was the most difficult thing. However, it was not that there was no such opportunity. He found that recruits could easily die in battle. But veterans don't. They all know to cherish their lives. That's why Weiman Old-fashioned is with the veterans.

At this moment, a large pile of flyers came down from the sky. They were dropped by the Goguryeo airship. They didn't throw bombs, they spread out a large pile of flyers. They think these flyers are more effective than bombs.

"Quickly, get it quickly, we have our **** wipes." The sergeant said excitedly. The soldiers quickly snatched it away.

The flyers of the Goguryeo people became toilet paper for the soldiers of the Yan army. For the Goguryeo people, it must be said that this is a kind of irony. Although the paper is hard, it is much stronger than nothing, and most importantly, it is clean. Sometimes the soldiers used the paintings on them to make publicity. Something better than someone else.

The soldiers snatched these papers frantically. Because Yanjun’s logistical guarantees did not include toilet paper, I didn’t know that they had deliberately omitted it. It was still detained by their chief. This makes the soldiers very inconvenient when it is convenient. Fortunately, the Goguryeo people solved this problem for them. What they know is that Zhao Jun, Qin Jun, and the South Korean army will distribute toilet paper when they fight. The worst kind of papyrus was also given to them, but his chief never gave them such a thing.

"Hey, what are you talking about this time? Hurry up." The soldiers are most interested in the paintings and characters above. This has become their only entertainment point.

"Oh. Let me take a look." Wei Man took a look, and this look surprised him. Because this is actually about the people's riots in Yan State.

"Quickly talk about it, is it a pornographic novel? Tell us about it, happily." The sergeant asked excitedly. A large part of Yan Jun’s illiteracy accounted for the limited financial resources of Yan’s country. Reading is a matter for the rich, and there is no compulsory teaching opportunity for civilians. Wei Man learned some knowledge by stealing it himself. Fortunately, he had an elementary school diploma. Among the soldiers, he knew the most characters Haihuasi.

"What's the matter?" Many people asked, looking at Wei Man's depressed mood.

"Something has happened. There is a shortage of food in our rear, and people are starving to death." Wei Man said nervously. Hearing this news, everyone was surprised and speechless. They are all people with families.

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