The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3949: Yau Ma Tei Landing

"Don't scare people, can you believe what the Goguryeo said?" the sergeant said. Although Wei Man didn’t believe it, but things had happened, they still had to believe such things. After all, sometimes, Goguryeo people would not kindly tell you such news, but such news affects their families. The soldier panicked.

Along the way, the atmosphere was extremely dull. Many people wanted to say something, but there was still no result. In their opinion, such a thing was considered good.

Because they didn't know whether this matter was true, the troops where Weiman was located were recruited from the front line, and they wanted to strengthen the security of the capital. The so-called strengthening of security is to suppress. Because only bombing can guarantee the security of the so-called capital, this is what they must do. Some officers know something, but they won't talk about it.


"How about? Is the situation okay here?" Hannibal said to Li Wei.

"Haha. It's okay, it's not too difficult. Fortunately, our engineers have done a good job. We have built plank roads in some places that cannot be passed. At least some of our materials can walk from there. Plus some roads in the mountains. , Our difficulty is not too great." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. Thanks to our engineers. They will get the most credit. I remember that you have to design some medals. I thought about it. We should do it, but not now. We have to use Roma's gold to reward. Our bravest soldier." Hannibal said.

"This is the reward they deserve." Li Wei said.

"In fact, there are many such mountain ranges in our Central Plains. In many places, the army cannot pass. It can only pass some troops that are difficult for ordinary people to pass, especially the assault squad. Only they can pass." Li Wei said. To.

"I remember, you said that there is a mountain range in your place called Taihang Mountain. Right?" Hannibal said.

"Yes, only a very small number of troops can pass. If there is a large-scale offensive operation, or if we build fortifications there, unless we fly over or bypass it, otherwise, we will rely on the existing force to fight. However, if the Loma people can realize this, they build a machine gun bunker here, we may never get through, or we will pay a huge price to get through there. Unfortunately, the Loma people Did not pay attention to this." Li Wei said.

"Thank God," Hannibal said. This is the fastest sentence he learns from the Central Plains dialect. Yes, they really should thank God. It is also because of the existence of such natural risks that the Loma people are extremely comfortable, so comfortable that they directly ignore the possible dangers and do not conduct any defense in the face of such natural risks. They believe that such natural risks themselves do not need to be defensive. , Because no one can cross such a place at all. This is the current situation they are encountering. In this regard, they think there is no need for defense at all, which directly caused such a bad result. In the entire Alps, there was not a single Loma soldier defending here, and there were no guards.

The Carthage army is struggling to cross the Alps. They advance thirty to forty kilometers every day. This journey is still very stressful for soldiers. But for Hannibal, the speed was still a bit slow. He was afraid that the Roma would react as they should. In that case, the whole situation would become very bad.

Loma, Li Fu was resting in the villa of Scipio. The intense war environment made him very uncomfortable, but his condition is much better now. At least it is safe here.

"It seems that you are still very nervous. You have already got a corps with a staff of 5,000, and the government will fully allocate more weapons and equipment to you. I think you should be happy." Li Fu said. . The Senate finally agreed to the plan to update the weapons, which should be a good thing.

"No, I'm not nervous, I was thinking, Hannibal, what is this guy doing now?" Scipio asked.

"I think he may be crossing the Alps, or he has already gone back. After all, crossing such an area is not possible unless he is a determined person." Li Fu said.

"He is a strong-willed person. Really, I know him, this guy is such a person, he will come out of many things, trust me. In this regard, he will definitely do this." Scipio Speaking of.

"You know? I told our elders about this idea in the Senate. As a result, they all laughed at me and was frightened by Hannibal. Moreover, this is impossible. A good hunter still costs a lot to cross there. For a long time, let alone a large army, under such circumstances, they will certainly not do this. And it is impossible to accomplish such a thing, but I think he can. I know him." Scipio said.

"Yeah." Li Fu nodded in agreement.

"I agree with this idea. After all, there are many things that are too possible in the world. I remembered it. That is Hannibal. We all know that Hannibal still has an engineering unit in his hands. This engineering unit will To give him a greater combat role, we must not forget that there is such a thing, so in such a situation, I think we should do something. But now, we can’t do anything. We can only wait for Hanni Get out of the **** Alps." Scipio said. It seems that Scipio was born to be Hannibal's opponent. Li Fu also expressed helplessness about this. Although sometimes he was very inattentive, but this kind of thing is not something he can solve.

Colony of Chu Kingdom, Burma. A garrison of the Chu army. A soldier is holding a large amount of lime and splashing around the station in Beijing.

"These stinky heads, placed here, are too stinky." A second-class soldier said to a soldier who was pushing a cart of limestone.

"There is no way, this thing is like this. Chief Xiang Yu killed too many people. I think there are at least three thousand people." The soldier with the cart said. He is a second-class soldier, and the soldiers at the bottom would do such a thing.

"Hehe, you are wrong. It's not three thousand, it's five thousand." Another private soldier said.

"My God, it looks the same. But these smelly things should be dealt with earlier. You see, that maggot, disgusting me. It smells worse than the toilet, and I almost can't eat." The name The privates said.

"I can't eat anymore." Another said. These are all the credit of Xiang Yu. Their assault tactics played very high, coupled with the blockade tactics, the Cottonmen could not fight back at all. They couldn't support each other and could only wait to be killed. Xiang Yu was almost infatuated. The women, the elderly, and the children were not spared. A tribe was all killed, and Zhong Limei felt that this matter was a bit too much. But helplessly, Xiang Yu thought it should be done, because only by doing this can the other party remember his name and let them know how powerful he is. This is the most crazy thing about Xiang Yu, and no one can stop him.

These five thousand heads are still few. In the depths of the jungle, there may be tens of thousands of cotton people slaughtered. Such a huge number is enough to scare everyone. These are all good things done by Xiang Yu alone.

"Oh, these people are also pitiful. In such hot weather, cut off these heads. I think they should be dealt with as soon as possible. This is meaningless. Taking photos is a solution to the problem." A second-class soldier said. Speaking of. In this regard, he hoped that such a matter could be properly resolved, but unfortunately, this was Xiang Yu's order. No one dared to disobey, once disobeyed, the next head may be his own.

Yau Magou waters. A large number of warships and merchant ships appeared here. They were an offensive Goguryeo army. They had detoured to the rear of the Yan people.

"This ship is really not for people. I said nothing would let my son be the navy." Luo Ping said.

"Haha. Just vomiting and vomiting. This is how seasickness is." Li Zuoche persuaded.

"It's easy to say. But I just can't help it." Luo Ping said. It is good to attack from the sea, but it is not a good thing for army soldiers, because seasickness causes 20% of the soldiers to lose their combat effectiveness. Maybe they can only slowly adjust after landing. , Or directly shipped back to the country. Because there is really no way, and the space inside the ship is small, seasickness is not too much, but the result is that a large number of people are quickly infected. Because the smell of vomiting is unpleasant, in this way, we know that the army has lost 20% of its troops before the war. This loss makes Luo Ping feel very annoying. Unfortunately, their commanders also have them. Such a problem.

"Okay. Be patient, I think we will land soon, and the Marine Corps has dispatched personnel to conduct reconnaissance." Li Zuoche said. It was originally a large-scale landing. However, considering the issue of shells, the navy cancelled the large-scale shelling and turned to find weak points for landing. In fact, the Yan State Navy had no coastal defense at all, and their army would not have thought of Goguryeo. People will land here. This is the mistake of all their personnel. The landing plan of the Koguryo Navy was successful, and they have already been successful. No Yan Guobing appeared or existed in this area. This gave the Goguryeo people a big opportunity.

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