Massacre, this is simply a massacre. Wei Man doesn’t know how to describe such a thing, but he is not in a good mood. Or, at this time, he has an urge to die, guilt, excitement, and The helplessness after the killing, all kinds of complicated emotions hit his face, and his whole nerves were in an extremely tense state.

"Bang." There was still a gunshot in front of him in his head. After the massacre, the civilians who made trouble were really powerful, but the senior officials of the Yan state obviously did not want this kind of thing to continue. What they wanted was to kill. Only the fear of killing can stop this situation.

A Yan State policeman fired a shot at the head of a civilian who was hit in the abdomen. A machine gun shot made a big hole in the abdomen of the civilian, and his intestines flowed out. Flowed all over the place. If some rescue measures are taken to the other party at this time, Wei Man believes that the other party can still be rescued, but the problem is that their chief and the policemen did not give them such a chance. The police took out their own pistols and aimed at the other party. His head is just shooting, and then he directly kills the opponent. Wei Man clearly saw that the opponent's brain splashed out, while the police pointed their pistol at the next target.

For those people, there is no need to show any sympathy. In their opinion, what they are going to do is like this. Wei Man sympathizes with those people very much, but there is no way that their chiefs killed in this way. This is how this world is. He was just a soldier, he saw their weakness, their weakness in front of power.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The Yan people are too much." Shang Wen looked at the telegram in his hand and said, Han Shu was right. The South Korean side has sent many telegrams in succession. They believe that Yan State is already on the verge of collapse. If things are allowed to go on, the situation will become very bad. Therefore, under such circumstances, They think the best way is to quickly take some measures to solve such a thing. Otherwise, their situation will really become uncontrollable.

However, the attitude of the Yan people is very bad and resolute. They firmly deny that such things have happened, and believe that the people of Qin and the Koreans should do their own things, and the people of Yan will manage their own affairs.

"There are even worse things. I just hope you can pay attention to your body. After all, the people of Yan are crazy." Meng Yi said and submitted such a report to Shangwen. Shang Wen looked over and was shocked.

"Are they actually targeting their own people?" Shang Wen asked. This is what their ambassador personally saw. The entire street is full of dead bodies, unarmed civilians, among them are the elderly and children. They are an unresistible group. Many of them just have to do this because of hunger. They did, but their government regarded them as a threat, the biggest threat, and they killed each other mercilessly.

"We estimate that the number of people from the Yan nationality who were killed in Yan may exceed a thousand people, because the gunfire sounds very intense, and the people of Yan nationality intensively mobilized about two regiments to come back from the front line. Perhaps Prince Dan himself was also involved in this matter. I don’t know, but I think this matter has a lot to do with him, because in this matter, he handled it very improperly. If this matter is known to the soldiers on the front line, I think they will riot. . After all." Meng Yi felt that the situation of the Yan people was already out of control.

"Yeah." Shang Wen didn't know how to deal with such a thing. Prince Dan has gone mad. No one can make a person who has lost his senses become normal. Even if they are very capable, there is no way. After all, such a thing still needs a lot of cooperation from them to complete.

"We should hold a meeting to study such things. After all, there are people from the Yan country. If necessary, we can give them some convenience. As long as they want. Everything is fine." Shang Wen said.

In fact, the Qin embassy has already done so. One of the ordinary diplomats, a clerk named Sun Jia, had one person who actually issued more than 20,000 passes. These passes could reach Qin and then go to other countries through Qin. He had already seen Yan Yan. The situation of the Chinese is very bad, but under such circumstances, the only things he can do are these.

The edge of Yau Ma Gou. At this time, the two infantry divisions of Goguryeo and the two marine regiments have gone deep two hundred kilometers, and they have two hundred kilometers left, and they can directly insert into the core area of ​​the Yan Guoren. The people of Yan are about to face a huge disaster.

"In such an area, we must speed up our speed as soon as possible. This is the core attack area. Such an area is the main point of the inevitable competition between the two sides. The soldiers are very fast." Li Zuoche suggested.

"You mean?" the other party asked.

"I mean, move forward as soon as possible. Regardless of the logistics, we can take the place as soon as possible. We can **** the people of Yan nationality. If necessary, we can discard heavy weapons and move forward at full speed. We can't delay time." Li Zuoche resolutely Speaking decisively.

"But if you do this, is it too risky? You know, if you do this, it means that our situation will be worse than ever. This is definitely not a situation we can want." Luo Ping said.

It is very risky to give up logistical supplies. Their combat continuity ability is very low. Once they encounter danger or the offensive is blocked, on the one hand, they cannot get the military supplies of the other party, and on the other hand they lack the necessary supplies. In this case, their situation will be extremely bad.

"Regardless of this. If we advance so slowly, once the Yan people make adjustments, we will not even have the opportunity to attack. This is our greatest disaster. Such things must never happen, and we can't let it happen. This situation continues, so the only way is to attack the opponent’s key points as quickly as possible, and use speed in exchange for the probability of our success. Although it is very risky, it is impossible for us to go deep and not take risks. ." Li Zuoche said. This is their current situation. They are already in the most dangerous place. In such a place, they must take the toughest measures to avoid greater risks. They take risks when they should.

"Well, since you decided to do it, I agree to do it. My 7th Infantry Division supports you." Luo Ping said.

"Thank you, but we want to increase the probability of success. We can put on makeup, let the commando carry out reconnaissance, and occupy some important points at the same time. This can reduce our pressure. , All move forward fast." Li Zuoche said.

"Okay. Just do it boldly. If there is a problem, I will be responsible." Luo Ping supported. Although it is dangerous, such a danger should be done. Otherwise, how can we face such a strong competitor? He felt that such an offense was correct.

Soon the actions of the Seventh Infantry Division alarmed the first regiment of the Marine Corps. From their point of view, they were trying to gain power, but they understood that after all, the Army did not perform what they should have this time. It can be said that it is very bad. Therefore, the Army wants to find some face back. They understand that, after all, if the Marine Corps is like this, they will do the same.

Goguryeo black soil city.

"The situation has temporarily stabilized. The bond situation has temporarily stabilized the situation because of our smooth military operations in Yau Magou, but we still need a huge victory to complete such a thing. After all, we need to reverse the situation. Our hard work is." said the defense minister.

"Is it possible for them to win this way?" Li Lin asked. If it weren't for Zhao Guoren's suggestion, maybe Goguryeo would continue on the old path. The cry of the family members who died in the battle directly reduced the bond price of Goguryeo from a high level to a low level. There is a gap of more than 80 yuan in the middle, which is quite astonishing.

Because they saw that after the war, it took a long time for Goguryeo to recover its economy. For example, the compensation work for the families of those who died was a big problem. If compensation is not carried out properly, it will cause a lot of problems. As a result, Goguryeo’s economic prospects are even worse.

"Yes, they decided to resolve the battle quickly in order to end this war as quickly as possible. This will be very important to us," said the Minister of Defense.

"Well, to solve it as soon as possible is risky, but also to solve this kind of thing, no matter what, this kind of thing, I support you." The other party said.

"Thank you sir." The Secretary of Defense nodded and said. In his opinion, such a thing must be said so. Why, because their situation has reached the most critical time, if they don't do such a thing, they really may not be able to solve such a thing.

Li Lin was also forced to be helpless, because normal offensive methods can't solve such things at all, and only by taking risky offensive methods can it seem to be able to fundamentally reverse such things. It seems risky, but in fact, this is a kind of helpless Choose it. War itself has certain risks. It is impossible to just avoid risks. Sometimes a kind of courage is needed to solve all problems thoroughly.

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