The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3953: What is the purpose of Yan people

Lieutenant Koguryo was happy. At this time, he was leading fifty commandos lurking near the logistics supply center of Yan Kingdom. They were eating all their calorie reserves, which was their last dry food. Canned food, high-calorie biscuits, and pancakes that don’t know what they are. That kind of cake is awful and hard. Throwing it out is estimated to kill people.

"Sir." A sergeant came to report quickly.

"How about? The situation of reconnaissance?" asked the happy lieutenant. He is an ambitious officer, but unfortunately he was not promoted in his rank. This mission is very dangerous. The commando must boldly advance and carry out reconnaissance. Under the circumstances, they have to control certain points. Such a task is nothing in itself. But the problem is that he has a lot of freedom and he can do a lot of things he likes to do. For example, he believes that the commando’s occupation of some key points is a great waste, because it is easy to be discovered by the opponent and become the target of passive offense. In order to change this situation, the only way is to proactively initiate an offense. The other party, therefore, he came up with a bigger and bolder offensive, directly occupying the opponent's camp, the reason is Yan Guo's logistics supply center.

This is an extremely crazy idea, and the emergence of this kind of idea will inevitably bring great troubles. However, it can bring him great benefits. The advantage is that he can quickly be promoted to the rank he likes. This is a success, an unprecedented success.

"Sir, the Yan people in the camp, probably have the strength of a battalion. Their defense is very lax. Not only that, but we also found that they hardly patrol." The sergeant put his submachine gun in a comfortable position. Speaking of it above. Commandos are generally equipped with submachine guns, and they are also equipped with a large number of light machine guns, which can form strong firepower in a short period of time. But the price is that their ammunition consumption is extremely serious, and it is very troublesome to replenish them.

"The strength of one battalion, such a large-scale logistics supply, is actually only the strength of one battalion." It was strange to be happy. However, their commando team has searched all the surrounding areas where troops can be stationed. Indeed, there is only this place where there is an army, and there are no people in other places.

"Yes, sir, I am also very surprised, and the situation of the Yan people is indeed very lax." The sergeant reported.

"Okay. You quickly eat something." The happy lieutenant began to study the battle plan. He felt that it was necessary to conduct such a battle.

His battle plan is simple, that is, to attack from the weakly defensive North Gate and South Gate at the same time. In order to make the attack more secure and concealed, so as to exert a greater threat, they decided to attack at night. Now their main task is to rest.

And thirty kilometers east of the Yan State Supply Center, the 7th Infantry Division of Goguryeo was advancing quickly. All the soldiers were sweating profusely, and their clothes were already wet. All soldiers are trying to discard what they think is heavy, such as **** bullets, which are the heaviest among them, but this still can’t give them more speed. Go forward at the fastest speed.

"It would be great if we were able to equip bicycles at this time." Li Zuoche said. They have horses, but soldiers do not. After all, they are just soldiers.

"Bicycles? We have them too. If I knew that, I asked the rear to collect the **** bicycles." Luo Ping said. Not all countries have a high number of motor vehicles. For example, in Zhao, most of the means of transportation people travel are still bicycles because of its relatively low price and convenience. Only the rich will buy motor vehicles. Most of the transportation methods are still walking. Relatively speaking, bicycles are also a very good means of transportation. Because the maneuvering speed is 1.5 times that of a human. The most important thing is to be able to carry some necessary supplies. Such a maneuvering method has long been discovered by the Zhao people. They are equipped with a considerable number of passive bicycles to maintain a certain degree of combat maneuverability, but unfortunately the situation of the Goguryeo people is not very good. . Because they have never conducted a large-scale land battle, especially this kind of warfare, this is a completely new challenge for them, and such a challenge is enough to make them feel surprised. Therefore, the Goguryeo people did not form a bicycle unit.

"But it's too late to say anything. We can only fight on our two legs now. This way of fighting is simply a huge disaster for us." Li Zuoche watched the soldiers sweating. He knew that the physical energy of soldiers was very high. Even if they reached the goal in a short time, they would also cause the soldiers to consume even more physical energy, and they would not be able to engage in combat in a short time. However, it is very important to occupy the logistics supply center of the Yan people. If they cannot complete such a task, their situation will become more difficult.

"Yeah, I knew that we would carry out such maneuvering operations. Forget it. Let's not talk about it. Did we let the soldiers take a break? They are too tired. The infantry division of more than 15,000 people went ashore. It was a lot less at once. Now, there are many people left behind. I estimate that there are only 1,000 people who can follow us in the fight. When we train again, it is estimated that it will suddenly decrease even more. This is for us. Said it was a huge disaster." Luo Ping said helplessly.

"I don't want this, but there is no way. If we go too late, the loss and pressure our commandos will endure will be very huge. This is not good news for us in itself. "Li Zuoche said.

"That's it. Forget it. Run to death and pull down." Luo Ping simply stopped riding his horse. Following the soldiers to run up, and seeing their leader also run, the morale of the soldiers rose suddenly. In their opinion, this situation would be more conducive to rapid advancement.

At the Yan State Logistics Supply Center, the guards were very relaxed. When it was open, even the sentry at the door slipped away.

"These Yan people, they are crazy. They are really crazy. If they eat at this time, the situation will be very serious." A sergeant said to his officer. They started to enter at dusk, and now they saw the opponent's sentry completely slip away. This surprised them. Originally, they were waiting for the dark night to do something, but now, it directly gave them a good opportunity.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense." Happy Lieutenant ordered. They rushed in from the front door quickly, but unfortunately, there was no guard post at the door. The defense here should have been extremely tight. Unfortunately, the guards of the soldiers of the State of Yan were too relaxed. They didn't seem to be at war at all. It can be said that they have become a group of civilians long ago.

They searched carefully, but unfortunately there was no one in the barracks. No officers in the office area seemed to have gone to dinner. There is not even a single officer on duty, even if he is alone.

"Go to their kitchen." Lieutenant Glad said unhappily. He felt that these Yan people were too unprofessional. They are soldiers, how can they be so careless. This is obviously to give them a chance to attack. You can't think of them doing something like this.

Soon a team of commandos found the kitchen. Their kitchens and canteens were very large. Many soldiers were eating with their own bowls and chopsticks. They did not expect the possibility of a sneak attack. None of them even had a weapon. All their weapons are in the barracks. It seems that weapons are very strange to them, chopsticks and bowls, these are the things they are most familiar with.

"Don't move." The assault team suddenly rushed out from the roof and the surrounding area. Then he held the submachine gun at them. But Yan Guo's reaction stunned everyone at once. They didn't even react, and some people babbled, eating their food like a pig.

"Suddenly." I can't stand the happiness anymore. This is the worst soldier he has ever seen. Their vigilance is the lowest, and they are the worst army.

"Cough cough." They didn't start to react until after the guns were fired. Some soldiers were choked by the food. They cough constantly.

"Kang-dang, kang-dang." Many people gave up the bowls and chopsticks in their hands. They raised their hands until this moment before they believed that they were captured. They did not resist at all, and then surrendered. Really a battalion person, defense is not defensive. All surrendered. Fifty people surrounded a battalion, and about three hundred soldiers from the Yan State were captured in this way.

"Um, sir, we are eating, can you let us finish the meal. Eat." A battalion commander of Yanguo said happily to the commando lieutenant after being captured. He simply couldn't understand what kind of feelings Yan people feel about eating.

"No." He happily rejected the request of the Yan Guo Major officer. He thought that the other party was a group of eateries, and he had taken care of the other party if he didn't kill the other party. Unexpectedly, the other party would even make such a request.

After taking control of all the prisoners, he was happy to start to check their trophies and large amounts of war materials. He firmly believed that those large warehouses were all the war materials they needed most.

"Boom." The warehouse door was opened. But when I saw what was inside, I was stunned with joy.

"The warehouse turned out to be empty." Glad couldn't believe his eyes. He felt that his eyes were wrong. Then he continued to open other warehouses, and the same situation continued to happen.

"Go, call me that major officer, I want to ask clearly." asked happy and puzzled. The logistics supply center of the Yan people should have a lot of materials, at least there should be a lot of ammunition reserves, but unfortunately, no bullets were found here, and there is food, but the necessary material reserves for this battalion. The food treatment is pretty good, and there are even jerky. You know, the soldiers of the Yan army on the front can't even eat canned food. But they even have dried meat to eat.

"Tell me, what the **** is going on? Where did your supplies go?" The happy lieutenant asked the other party.

"Sir, to be honest, there are no supplies at all here. As early as half a month ago, this place was completely empty. Originally, a regiment was stationed here for defense. Later, no supplies were added, and other troops were transferred to it. I went to other places. The supplies here are already empty. And we have never replenished them. Our order is just to stay here, so we will." The major replied.

Glad Lieutenant was very surprised when he heard this, it turned out to be an empty warehouse. And because it is a warehouse with nothing, it has long lost the meaning of its supply. So what did Yan people do to collect these? Happy Lieutenant suddenly didn't understand the significance of Yan people's actions.

Soon the lieutenant was pleased to let his correspondent contact him and tell the troops behind him such an amazing news.

The 7th Infantry Division, the soldiers are still running. The communicators need to run along with their heavy radio on their backs. They have several people moving forward together. They have horses, but after a long march, their horses will also sound difficult to move forward.

"Sir, urgent call." A communications ensign took a telegram to Li Zuoche and reported. Li Zuoche quickly took the telegram and looked.

"What's the matter?" Luo Ping asked.

"Stop moving forward and rest on the spot." Li Zuoche called out loudly. Luo Ping quickly added to the order. He didn't know what happened. He looked a little worried.

"What's the matter?" Luo Ping asked.

"Our commando has occupied the logistics supply center of Yan State. We don't have to rush over in such a hurry." Li Zuoche said.

"Ah." Luo Ping was surprised, he thought it was a good thing.

"This. This is a good thing." He continued.

"However, there is no material in the warehouse. This matter is really bad." Li Zuoche said. Luo Ping was also surprised when he heard such news, and they couldn't understand that the people of Yan had anticipated such a situation early. They still have another purpose. Therefore, the Goguryeo army still does not understand this situation. They need to get a more precise task from another direction. And purpose.

What are the Yan people doing? What ulterior motives do they have? Why are there no materials in the warehouse? Under such circumstances, they really don't understand what the other party thinks.

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