Yan State Logistics Supply Center. Luo Ping and Li Zuoche are eating their dinner. They got a rabbit, which is a pretty good meal among their current dinners. They have been canned for several consecutive meals. Many soldiers complained a lot about this, but there was no way. After all, the logistics center of the Yan people was empty, and they had to give the Yan people some food, which made the Goguryeo soldiers even more dissatisfied. They are victors, and they have to give them some food. They really don’t know whether they are winners or losers.

"It's really **** bad. I thought I would get a big victory. I didn't expect it to be such a result. If I knew it was such a result, I would not come here. Let these **** guys let them live on their own. Self-destroyed." Luo Ping said with great dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, the situation has happened, there is no way, accept such a reality, perhaps such a reality said to us, it should have been like this." Li Zuoche said.

"I feel very aggrieved, you know, in such a battle, I originally wanted to achieve greater victory, but I didn't expect it." Luo Ping said helplessly.

"The war is over." Li Zuoche said.

"End?" Luo Ping asked strangely. He didn't know why Li Zuoche said such things.

"I read the telegram just now, saying that the Koreans are going to conduct military exercises in the waters near us. There have been big problems in our back road, and great changes have also taken place within the country of Yan. Prince Dan of the country of Yan has been put under house arrest. . The war is over." Li Zuoche said.

"But, from Yan Country." Luo Ping asked strangely.

"The Yan people haven't surrendered yet, have they?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Yes, that's it. They haven't surrendered yet, and such a war is not over yet." Luo Ping nodded and said.

"The Koreans have already participated. It will not be long before the people of Qin will also participate. Great changes have taken place in diplomatic relations. You know, it is impossible for the people of Zhao to withstand the pressure of two countries. Under such circumstances, you can only sign a good peace clause to end the war. I don’t know how your financial situation is? But as far as it is concerned, your situation is not very good. The government may accept such a clause. Perhaps, your people have already begun to contact. The next battle has no meaning." Li Zuoche said. When seeing these news. Li Zuoche knew what had happened. The war will end sooner or later, how it ends, in what way, this is no longer a matter for soldiers. This is the business of politicians, they will consider everything. Luo Ping is also very dissatisfied. He believes that the war should be what they say, not the politicians. They know what, but unfortunately, everything is no longer dictated by military will. The war should be over.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"We must know what kind of conditions the Yan people and the Koreans will give us. If the conditions are very bad, the situation will be very bad for us. You know, we have spent a lot of money for this war. The fiscal deficit is very large. If we can’t solve this problem well, the economy will collapse completely.” Li Lin told the diplomatic envoy that although the war has not officially ended, some private contacts have already begun. , Koreans act as intermediaries, hoping that the other party can sit down and have a talk. Zhao Guoren also agreed to do this. After all, it is unlikely that such a thing will make their situation better.

Qi State, Laizhou. A large number of military factories have appeared here. In fact, they were all civilian factories before, producing some gears, machinery, or small machine tools. But when Goguryeo’s military enterprises cannot produce more things, they will order from Zhao Guoren, and a large number of orders will be completed in Qi. Now, Qi’s factories are rapidly producing more equipment.

"Stop work, stop work soon." At this moment, and the factory director excitedly shouted, and then all the factory workshops were stopped, the workers didn't know what happened. But they know that if work stops, their living conditions will be bad.

"Director, why, why should we stop work." Many people hope to get an exact statement from the factory manager. However, the factory manager is very anxious. He seems to have to do a lot of things because the Goguryeo war is about to end. This makes them unable to continue to complete a large number of orders. Zhao Guoren cancelled the order. Although they received a certain amount of compensation, the problem is that his factory is still producing. What about the arms they have produced? There are also various raw materials in the train station. If the payment cannot be paid in time, he will be mortgaged and taken away by the bank. In that case, his loss will become even greater. This is just the beginning for them, the business and factory owners. Perhaps, they still have to Faced with the threat of bankruptcy, such a thing is simply too bad for them. And it's a terrible behavior.

This situation is not only his family, but many factories are also facing such problems. Qi’s military factory has expanded greatly before, because everything was on the rise at that time, and Goguryeo needed everything, and it was a company that produced socks. The factory in China would also make a lot of money, but now it is, such a factory no longer exists. They really don't know how long this kind of thing will last. For them, such a situation is simply the beginning of a disaster.

Rest in peace the second infantry brigade. They are moving fast. They passed an Armenian tribe. Sabbath soldiers are temporarily stationed here.

"The war has begun. It seems that for the Armenians, nothing happened too suddenly." Qin Feng, a reporter, wrote in his notebook. He was responsible for writing a report. He was a war correspondent who recorded this war supported by the people of Qin and fighting by the Parthians.

"The Parthian cavalry troops are advancing very fast. It is said that they will advance 50 kilometers a day, faster than our armored combat vehicles. Sometimes, they will advance more rapidly. On the contrary, the infantry action Slowly, there is no way, the infantry needs more weapons. This is still only prepared light machine guns, a small part of heavy machine guns, and weapons such as mortars and hand cannons. If they prepare more cannons, their The marching speed will definitely be reduced to the point that their chiefs can't stand it. In that case, their chiefs will definitely rush out with a pistol and shoot at their infantry, but it's too big here. There are no normal roads in many places. Naturally, for the infantry, this is a difficult march." Qin Feng wrote.

Not only Armenia, but many places of rest are like this. Their infrastructure is very backward, and many places are not accessible by roads. Trains are places that only a few cities can have. In many places, life here is still tribal life. For the Lord, it seems that they are incompatible with this era. But this is the place where they are engaged in a war that does not belong to their era. The troops equipped with a large number of advanced weapons are launching a crazy invasion of backward Armenia.

"The troops are advancing very smoothly. Many times, we can see the killing of the Parthian troops. They burned all the places where Armenia lived, and many people suffered different ways of killing. Obviously this is an atrocity, but This kind of thing must not be written out, because Qin does not need such atrocities. What they hope to see is the result of the battle. If the pace of advancement of the Parthians is a little bit slow, they feel that the Parthians are asking for money and dragging. In short, those companies Homes and bankers don’t care about things on the front lines at all.” Qin Feng said.

The cavalry can advance quickly, but the infantry cannot, because their logistics supply line is extremely slow, and the extremely bad road conditions are not suitable for large-scale advances. The logistics is naturally the same. The infantry cannot do without the support of the logistics supply. This greatly limits the stability of their military operations. The infantry moved slowly.

However, many of the killings of the Parths were done under the attack of the cavalry. In the border area, Qin Feng saw how the Parths killed those unarmed Armenians. They tortured each other in various ways, as if they had eaten them. Like a little lamb. The scene is extremely disgusting, and Qin Feng is unwilling to write too much about this. Such a brutal situation will not arouse readers' interest.

But then. With the large-scale advancement of the troops, a strange scene continued to emerge, which made Qin Feng suspect that this might have been deliberately done by the Armenians.

They marched into many villages. According to the truth, where the cavalry crossed the border, a large number of corpses were usually left, or they would set a fire. The tragedy of the killing would make the infantry do it, just like the cavalry **** and the infantry. Will follow closely behind the cavalry and help them wipe their butts, but the current situation is that the cavalry is advancing fast, if they live in a tribe, they can’t see an Armenia, even if it’s dead, it’s good, but it’s a problem. There is no such thing. This is very abnormal. The cavalry will not have so much time to clean the battlefield. At first, it just made the infantry feel that the cavalry has finally turned, but gradually they discovered that something was abnormal. Because under normal circumstances, the cavalry will leave some personnel to guard the prisoners. They are usually women. They don’t kill women because they have some special needs. But now, there are not even women. All this makes everyone wonder if the cavalry drives a large number of prisoners of war forward, but this It is impossible, because carrying prisoners of war will only make the war situation extremely unfavorable for them, and it will be detrimental to their military operations. Such an approach is definitely not what they hope to see.

"I suspect that the Armenians retreat deliberately in this way. They may have reached a strategic consensus that the winter here is very, very cold, because it is deep inland, and the continental climate makes the winter here extremely cold. Dryness and coldness will freeze everyone to death. If the Armenians deliberately retreat, they will deliberately lengthen the fighting time, and then the war will be uncontrollable towards the Armenians. Although they are few in number, they But it can develop in a situation that others have never dared to do. Under such a situation, the rhythm of time will be controlled by Armenians, and the situation will become extremely unfavorable to the rest. Perhaps from the beginning, rest in peace. People jump into the trap of the other side, but we didn’t notice it at all, and the other side acted like this deliberately. This is not good news for the rest. It means that they will face a huge Crisis, how long such a crisis can last. They don't know it themselves." Qin Feng wrote.

Although Qin Feng didn't know what the war was about, it didn't prevent him from analyzing the war from another angle, because the degree of this war was understandable to them. They believe that this war has exceeded the understanding of the Parthians, or in other words, it has greatly changed the current favorable conditions of the Parthians.

The Armenians are delaying the war. They are trying to drag the war into the cold winter. In this way, they have a strong support force. The cold winter, winter will change everything. In such a situation, they will cause greater casualties to the other side.

This was their plan. Although Qin Feng couldn't feel it, this feeling made the Anxi people very uncomfortable. They felt that the war had exceeded their initial estimate.

New town.

"I think there seems to be something wrong with the war. Have you noticed that we have not caught more prisoners or killed more enemies. On the contrary, we only advance how much and how much each day, but the problem is that the opponent’s enemies go. What's the place? We don't know this at all." Li Guo said to Li Feng like this.

"Yes, I think so too. But the question is, where are they?" Li Feng said.

"We don’t know, maybe only the soldiers on the front line know where they are, forget it. I think your main purpose is to occupy the Caspian Sea area. We can give up the rest of the land. We just It takes a victory, and that's it." Li Guo said. He considers issues more from a political perspective, because they really need a victory to stimulate their domestic situation. This is more conducive to the next war.

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