Northern Rome, the Alps. it's here. A cable line laid by the Roma arrived here, and their main defense was the northern Gaul.

The Loma people’s knowledge of telegraph was much higher than that of the Carthaginians. When the Carthaginians were struggling with the high cost of telegraph, the Loma people still invested a lot of money in laying the telegraph lines. They believe that information is very important for a country. Compared with the previous contact method, Telegram will actively bring the news back to Rome, which will greatly enable them to make accurate judgments and the military. The dispatching of the government will save and reduce more losses. For the Loma, the telegraph has no less significance than a military revolution.

it's here. The Loma set up a series of telegraph stations. The last one is Telegraph Station No. 53. This is the most extreme one in the north. His task is mainly to monitor the Gauls in the north. He is located at the exit of the Alps. . They can send information back quickly in a relatively short period of time. This is an extremely important telegraph station. With such a telegraph station, he will play an important role.

But now, there is a problem with this telegraph station.

Outside the Loma Senate. Zhang Jun was called here urgently. Fabian took advantage of the rest time and would tell him an amazing news. He hoped that the Koreans would help them.

"What's going on? It seems that he is about to enter a state of fighting." Zhang Jun said this. He saw every senator who came out of the Senate looked nervous or extremely serious. Only great things happened. In order to put them in such a situation.

"Carthage, the Carthaginians are here. They really are here." Fabian said.

"What's coming?" Zhang Jun asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

"It's the **** Carthaginian. Hannibal really crossed the Alps. They came directly from there. Then they will attack directly from our side. The Senate got Telegram No. 53 today. The telegram at the station sent a distress signal, and then at noon today, the signal was interrupted. It seems that there was an attack, but there is no army nearby. We are mobilizing the army there. God knows they actually came. "Fabian said.

"Oh my god, this is really big news." Zhang Jun said.

"Yes, in this way, our military expenditure will increase again. I just don’t know how much we will increase this time. I feel that our financial situation may be difficult to maintain. Therefore, I hope to advance your support and let you Be prepared, I will persuade the Lockheed Martin government to borrow money. It is only economically, it will cause more damage to us. What I want to know is how much help they can provide under such conditions. Or support us How long?" Fabian asked such a question seriously.

"The Carthaginians are supported by the people of Zhao. I believe you can understand our situation. The people of Zhao are mortal enemies to us. They always have different opinions on some key issues. Therefore, in In this matter, we will support you to the end. Don't worry." Zhang Jun said.

"So, I'm relieved." Fabian said.

Zhang Jun nodded, and he quickly returned to the embassy. He felt that such news should be sent out as soon as possible, otherwise, it would have a great impact, and this impact would be very big, because Hannibal finally came. Up. He will bring more influence.

However, judging from the reaction of the Loma people, it seemed that they had always had a lot of luck before. They thought Hannibal would not come, or he went back halfway. After all, it was a difficult place to climb, but now, they actually appeared. This was far beyond their expectation. The entire Loma fell into a disaster. Fortunately, their Senate was calm enough and quickly adjusted the plan. The army quickly entered the northern region, perhaps relying on the power of a few legions. Can quickly expel the opponent from here. They will re-enter the Alps region, thus posing a very limited threat to Loma.

But the Senate has other things to consider. This matter is finances. If the Carthaginians maintain it for a long enough time, their finances will inevitably dry up. Borrowing is a must. They are considering borrowing from the private sector. In that case, the interest rate will be very high. Borrowing money from Koreans seems to be a good choice. Interest is fair, but they know that Koreans will definitely have other purposes. They always suspect that Koreans have ulterior motives. However, they are already in an environment where they must consider other ways to solve such a thing. How to solve this has become a huge problem. But the Koreans don’t care about this, they don’t care about it. What they care about is that if the Roma people don’t borrow money, their situation may not get better, and how can they make themselves better if there is no improvement. The situation has changed.

Li Bao is also excited. He knew that the arrival of Hannibal was the voice of their money bag making money, and their situation would become very favorable. This has a lot to do with them. As for the others, this is not a question that can be considered.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The only requirement of the people of Yan is to recognize the areas currently occupied by the Goguryeos, and the areas actually occupied by the Goguryeos, and the people of Yan will take the initiative to recognize them. This is the condition of the Yan people. The conditions of the Goguryeos are that they require the Goguryeos to withdraw from the university. In the area 200 kilometers north of the Qingshan area, at the same time, they have to compensate the Goguryeo people for war losses of 300 million yuan." Meng Yi said.

"Hehe." Shangwu laughed when he heard this condition. He felt that both parties were joking. The people of Yan country knew that Huiyao's compensation was paid, but the other party didn't mention a word, while the people of Goguryeo directly asked for the price and opened up. Out of conditions that Yan people could not bear.

"With such conditions, there is no possibility of peace at all. Do you think that under such conditions, the people of Yan will agree to it? I don't think Goguryeo will agree to it." Shang Wen said.

"Then what to do? It seems that both sides are going to wage a large-scale war." Meng Yi said. He believes that the two sides have no sincerity at all. If this is the case, then continue the war.

"Impossible. The war cannot go further. You know, under such circumstances, the economy of the Goguryeo people is actually on the verge of collapse. The Yan people have already collapsed, otherwise they would not have such a situation. The situation, but the problem is that neither of these two situations has brought substantial progress. Both sides hope to obtain concessions in the best interests. This has brought the situation to a deadlock. It seems that we must carry out proper financial measures. Dealing with it will benefit both parties." Shang Wen said.

"Perhaps we can provide a loan, or let both parties regress on a large scale, and then give a certain degree of post-war economic assistance. In this way, perhaps both parties can get a lot of face and benefits. In this case, we can be regarded as maintaining the stability of the region. After all, the post-war situation and development are a big problem. If it is not handled well, it will lead to a second greater conflict. ." Shang Wen said.

"I agree with your point of view, but where do we solve such a large-scale fund? You must know that the amount of funds we can provide is still extremely limited. In many places, it is impossible for us to provide such a large amount of funding. Yes. This is not a small challenge for us, because the funding gap is still very large, and if it is not handled well, there will be risks. I think no bank will handle this matter in this way for the time being." Meng Yi said. Shangwen nodded in agreement, but everything still needs them to deal with such a thing.

Within the Ministry of National Defense, Meng Tian noticed the difference in the telegrams sent from the rest side.

"Come and see. The number of Armenians they wiped out is very small, but they occupy a lot of land. What does this mean? The Armenians are retreating quickly. They would rather give up the vast land and make the other party unable to go further. Unable to solve such a problem, that is to say, the Parthians are entering a huge trap." Meng Tian said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" the lieutenant colonel asked, looking at his chief.

"The Parthians should be stopped. They have already occupied enough areas. They should stabilize, build fortifications, garrison there, or retreat, and cannot go deeper. If they go deeper, there will be danger." Meng Tian Speaking of.

"But sir, the war has just begun. In this case, it will greatly affect the morale problem later, which may be a huge disaster for us." The lieutenant colonel said.

"I don't care about disasters, but what I know is that if you don't do this, there will be greater danger." Meng Tian said.

"We underestimated the Armenians’ thinking. Although their weapons are not sufficient, their brains are not stupid. They know that they can’t beat the Parthians, but there are severe colds that the Parthians cannot fight in winter. The winter there is very cold. Any weapon. No one can defeat such an opponent, and the rest are no exception. Therefore, Armenian tactics and strategies are like this. Now, do you understand?" Meng Tian said.

"Retreat, if you don't retreat, everything will fall into a passive situation. This time it is the cunning place of the Armenians." Meng Tian said.

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