The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3962: Don't leave us

The island of Malta is extremely important, because it is the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Zhao Hai immediately saw the importance of this point. Occupying here, they can go north to attack the Loma, and go south to block the coast of Carthage. Not only that, they can completely cut off the sea trade in other areas of Carthage, which will cause extremely serious losses to the Carthaginians. .

This is an extremely important maritime base, and there is such a maritime base. Zhao's navy could control most of the sea area. In this regard, Zhao Hai strongly demanded to occupy here, and it was also a serious blow to the Carthaginians. It is a pity that the Zhao Kingdom’s Mediterranean fleet has long been abandoned here. It is thought that this place belongs to the marginal zone. There are quite a few problems with the promotion of many officers and the distribution of combat material resources. This directly leads to their poor condition. Under such conditions, it seems that it is difficult for them to get more. Resources to fight. Although Zhao Hai sees the importance of the island of Malta, it still takes a long time to do so if he wants to occupy it. In such a situation, it seems difficult for them to further control this place, which is not good news for Zhao Guoren.

In the mountains, the army stationed here by the mountain people has become more and more. More than 5,000 people have come here. There is no way. They lack enough supplies. A Gu thinks that the longest wait in life. After that, they got a reply from the Goguryeo people. Goguryeo agreed to provide some assistance. However, the mountain people must establish their own country. At the same time, they must do well, that is, they must be clear about their future establishment of the Yan Guoren within the national framework. In addition, the Goguryeo people also dispatched an advisory group represented by a colonel. In fact, they are a military delegation that monitors all military actions of the mountain people. After all, there was a war between the Goguryeo and the mountain people, and there was still a certain sense of distrust between the two sides.

Colonel Goguryeo, Jin Won is supervising the distribution of their supplies. This is what he does every day, because the Goguryeo people strictly control the quantity of their supplies. They try to use this method. Come to check the number of mountain people, and at the same time prevent their materials from flowing into the hands of mountain people excessively. In this way, the mountain people's dependence on the goods of the Goguryeo people can become higher.

"Sir, the actions of the Goguryeo people obviously don't believe us. They do it, which is really disgusting." Ado said when he saw Agu.

"Nausea, it's better than eating nothing." A Gu said disapprovingly. He needs a lot of supplies too much now. Once he gains a foothold, or has his own country, he will seek other military assistance. For the Goguryeo people, although he draws on the power of the Goguryeo people. But in essence, he still looks down on Goguryeo. The same Goguryeos look down on them, they think that this chief named A Gu is just lucky, nothing more.

"But sir, look at the Goguryeo people. They are clearly watching us. The brothers are very angry. Or we leave here or attack the logistics supply center of the Goguryeo people. Anyway, they have very good things. "Ado suggested. Because of the attitude of the Goguryeo people, the mountain people don't like the Goguryeo people who came to support. They think that the Goguryeo people are stingy. It is precisely because of this that the overall image of Goguryeo people in the mountains is not very high.

"What we need is to build our own country. This is some political needs, do you know? Some things I know, we can't bear it, but what we need is to endure these unbearable things. Only in this way can we solve it? There are many problems that we can't solve, understand?" A Gu asked.

"I. I understand. Sir." Ado nodded.

"Well, it's good to understand, other things, how to solve them, just how to solve them, don't care about other things, what we should pay attention to is how to capture all the Yan people in prison, this task is not difficult." A Gu Speaking of this.

"But, sir, the troops deployed by the Yan people here exceed more than 30,000. They just ran away, and there are still more than 20,000 guards in their trenches. We, people like us, can't take it any further. They." Addo said worriedly. They really don't have the ability to eat Yan people.

"Hehe, you haven't noticed that the situation of Yan people is completely finished. They have lost such an opportunity. Believe me. They have no such ability. Their officers fled in large numbers, and we mainly Solve those soldiers. In this way, we let the soldiers get food, give them food in the name, and transfer them out a little bit. Then surround them, put them all in custody, do not use force as much as possible, kill them, we just put They just send it out of this area," A Gu said.

"In addition, if we gather and hide all the weapons and ammunition of the Yan people, we will also build some bases in secret to prevent the Goguryeo people." A Gu said. The situation of the mountain people is very special. They are caught between the Goguryeo people and the people of Yan. A Gu does not want to completely tear his skin with the people of Yan, because in the future, Yan may be the only country that provides supplies. Maintaining a certain good relationship can greatly ease the pressure on them. At the same time, on the other side, they have to guard against the Goguryeo people. In his opinion, the situation of the Goguryeo people is not better than that of the Yan people. In other words, the Goguryeo people are more dangerous in comparison, because they always It will attack you from other aspects. Give you a great collapse operation. This is the complex contradiction they are currently encountering, which requires extremely high diplomatic strategies to complete such a situation. And A Gu wants such a thing. It sounds complicated, but it's not complicated at all.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The Koreans already know what happened to Zhao Guoren, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

"If I were from the State of Zhao, I would definitely do something to the Carthaginians, because they are too bastard." Han Shu did not hide her aversion to the Carthaginians at all. If it were not for the Korean Thebes to have a garrison and a certain number of navies to suppress the other side, it is very likely that they would choose to increase commercial taxes on the Koreans, but in the end they had to cancel the Korean military power in consideration of the Korean military power. Taxation of people. If the Koreans had no troops stationed in Thebes, the Carthaginians would definitely not hesitate to collect taxes, because they were such people. This kind of practice is extremely annoying and disgusting, but it is just like this. This approach made many of them angry.

"My lord, it is easy for us to know this. The number and level of the ships we pass through the Suez Canal can tell what the attitude of the people of Zhao is." Zhang Liang said. In fact, Zhang Liang was more stable. Han Shu only proceeded according to his own subjective conjectures, which inevitably involves certain risks. However, Zhang Liang’s idea is to do as much as possible for something that exists objectively. In this case, they will definitely be able to achieve the result they need.

"Well. We don’t have to worry about these things, because these things are not very important to us. What we should be concerned about is the next reaction of the Zhao people, once the Carthaginians don’t have more funds to fight the war, or suffer. The attack of the people of Zhao, their military operations in Loma will become a disaster. This is not a good thing for us. Should we stop such things?" Han Shu said.

"Well, my lord, I don't think it is of great significance to prevent it, because it will not improve our military operations to a large extent. On the contrary, we may also stimulate the people of Zhao. Not a good thing." Zhang Liang said.

"My lord, according to my calculations, this Carthage General Hannibal may not do this, because in fact, Spain and Carthage have a certain degree of independence. The mistakes made by Carthage, no He will move to other places at once. As a local military commander, Hannibal will resolutely resist this kind of mistake. At the same time, he will support the people of Zhao. After all, they still cannot do without the arms of the people of Zhao. Support." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. It makes sense. It seems that Hannibal has helped us a lot on the Lockheed Martin issue, but I think this is not enough for us to let Lockheed know some of our situation. We are still very passive. "Han Shu said.

"If we give direct support to the Carthaginians, it will make the Roma people see that they are unhappy, so let's give them some intelligence support. Anyway, we can get some information about the Roma people from the inside, and we Tell them what you know and let them be prepared. In this way, our situation can change quickly. Re-form to a state that is extremely beneficial to us." Han Shu said.

"Yeah. The minister understands." Zhang Liang knew that this was South Korea's greatest support. Such support may cause dissatisfaction with the other party. But the fundamental impact on South Korea is not great, because the other party has no way to deal with such things. This is caused by an inevitable result.

At the foot of the Alps, more and more Gauls joined Hannibal’s army, and their army suddenly reached 50,000. This is a very impressive number, but for Levy, it’s definitely not one. A good thing.

Because the Gauls who joined in later, their weapons were very backward, and most of them used battle axes. The short swords of the Roma people were captured, and there were long swords from unknown sources. Such weapons are rare, but these weapons are all cold weapons without exception. The possibility of such a force being able to form a battle will be very low. Li Wei once doubted whether the weapons of these Gauls would seriously delay their combat effectiveness, but Hannibal insisted on incorporating these people in.

"Those Gauls, how do you plan to use them? They are cold weapons, should we teach them how to use bayonet?" Li Wei asked.

"Well, I do have such thoughts. After all, in some special places, the role of the Musketeer is very limited, and some special tasks need to be done. You know, many times, we still need some surprises. Strength to meet our combat requirements, for example, possible assault operations, this is where we should pay attention." Hannibal said.

"Well, maybe you are right. After all, if such musketeers are killed or our assault troops are consumed very much, they will still play a big role. This can greatly reduce our casualties. "Li Wei cannot deny this view, because with the improvement of soldiers' technical attributes, soldiers' skill training has become more and more, and they will lose one if they are far away from the local battle. It means the loss of more soldiers. This is a heavy blow to Hannibal’s Carthage army. At this time, using Gauls seems to be the best way to reduce costs. After all, , War is an economic battle of calculating costs.

"Sir, telegram." A second lieutenant of Zhao Guocom submitted an updated telegram. Li Wei took it and looked. After reading it, he was in a very bad mood.

"Look at this. Perhaps this is the worst news for us." Li Wei said.

Hannibal took the telegram and looked at it. This look shocked him.

"How is it possible? Why do you want to do this in China? This." Hannibal jumped up with excitement and raised taxes on Zhao Guoren. Such an approach would undoubtedly push Zhao Guoren away. He didn't know the elders of this kind of **** How did you figure it out. Perhaps they were really kicked in the head by something. It is really hard for him to understand why the other party would do this.

"What’s worse is the last one. Our domestic plan calls us back in order to impose a more severe blow on you. Under such a situation, I can hardly believe that this will be a big blow to you. ." The other party said so.

"This." Hannibal couldn't explain it. Stupid, he can only express his anger with stupidity. The Senate is pushing Carthage to the brink of failure.

"No. Don't do this, trust me. Trust me, I will make your situation more favorable. Trust me, I won't let you do such a thing." Hannibal said excitedly . He cannot lose the support of these military advisers, which is equivalent to his staff. It is possible to fight without the staff, but the possibility of mistakes is also high.

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