The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3963: Have meat to eat

Yanjun, behind the front line, several Yanjun soldiers were taken to the rear by a mountain soldier, and they didn't know where they were. But the mountain soldier told them that they had hunted and caught good things, and they could feed their stomachs, and then several Yanjun soldiers came.

"Is it there?" a sergeant Yan Jun asked loudly and impatiently. They really haven't had a good meal for several days. Two meals a day of gruel, and the gruel becomes thinner and thinner, maybe in the next few days, they can count the number of rice in a bowl of gruel. The treatment of the soldiers of the State of Yan couldn't get better, and their supplies had been cut off long ago. Otherwise, there will be no part of the officers escaping for their lives, because they have long known it was such a result. While there is still some food, run away quickly, maybe they will be able to improve their treatment. Once it is late, there is nothing left.

"Yeah, we are all starving to death. Even if it's just a rabbit, it's okay." said a soldier drooling. To be honest, they didn’t think about their prey, but they really didn’t have the ability to fight the enemy. Usually they still need a lot of bullets to kill the enemy, but the current situation is that they can only rely on the mountains. People came to hunt and survive. After all, hunting is also a special skill, and only mountain soldiers can master this skill.

The mountain people found them and said that there was a barbecue that could be distributed to them, and these soldiers from the Yan Kingdom came. At the beginning, they thought that there might be danger, but when they thought about it, there were so many people, they gathered a dozen people at once, more than one class. No matter how great the mountain people are, they will not start with a class of people.

"Quickly. Just ahead, you smell it, it smells of meat." The mountain soldier said with his rifle on his back.

"Well, yes, the smell of meat. It looks like the smell of a deer. It smells really good." A Yanjun soldier said excitedly. In this way, many people are even hungry. They feel that the saliva in their mouths may flow more.

"That's it, when I smell this scent, my stomach is even hungry." A soldier's stomach was already groaning. They can't eat enough every day, and now they can smell the smell of meat, they can't control it at all.

"Don't move, raise your hand." Just as they urged each other, a lot of mountain soldiers suddenly appeared from the surrounding area. They were carrying light machine guns and there were people in all directions. Everyone's rifles were aimed at them. , Which makes them feel very flustered.

"Well, what is this? We, we are all ourselves." A sergeant stammered. He was frightened by the situation.

"All raise their hands, hurry up." A mountain soldier urged. Under such circumstances, they can only raise their hands obediently, surrender, and throw away their weapons, just hoping that they can eat them temporarily. Many have such thoughts for a full meal.

"Well, just like this, you can eat meat if you are obedient. Go, take them to eat meat." A mountainous officer commanded loudly. Then they were taken into a ravine. There are grilled meats and broths. Although they are all canned meat, they are already good things. They thought canned meat was too unpalatable, but now it seems that this stuff is still very good.

Many Yan people were captured together with them, and their weapons were all taken down. There are mountain people around watching. In fact, they can't run without watching.

"Hey. How long have you been here?" The sergeant asked a corporal next to him, hitting a bowl full of broth.

"Two days. Eat delicious every day. I don't plan to go back. Although there are only two meals a day, it is better than being hungry. I knew it was possible. I would have been here." The corporal had eaten for two days. Up. But the hunger in the past still kept them eating and drinking, and they really didn't want to live the hard life of the past.

"Well, those mountain people, won't you kill us all?" the sergeant asked worriedly. If there is such a situation, it is good to be able to eat a full meal, but doing so. They feel that they are still a bit at a loss, after all, their life is gone. No amount of food is useful.

"Don't worry, the mountain people have taken refuge in the Goguryeo people. The Goguryeo people won't do us anything? As long as the situation is controlled, we will go home." The corporal said this, it seems that he is more relaxed than the other party.

"Huh?" The sergeant was very surprised when he heard such news. They didn't know such a thing yet.

"That's what the chief of the mountain people said. Let's eat a few meals, whether it's given to the Goguryeos or the mountain people. In short, this **** war is over. We don't have to worry about it again in the future." The corporal said To. When the sergeant heard this, he felt that his ears were not wrong, and that was indeed the case. The mountain people are using a gentle way to deal with Yan Jun. As long as this part of the Yan army is dealt with, everything will be very beneficial to the Goguryeo people.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The Yan people obviously don't trust such a plan. They think that at most it is to abandon the places previously occupied by the Yan people. And their army still exists there." Meng Yi reported to Shangwen.

"The most important thing is that we also encountered such an incident. Look at this. This is a report sent by our personnel supervision. The people of Yan are trying to secretly exchange food. They misappropriated a large amount of rescue food. They tried to give their army and let them continue their military status there." Meng Yi went on to report such a thing.

"Damn Yan people, don't they really understand their current situation?" Shang Wen asked.

"They may not know this, but the current situation is already very good. Under such a situation, they can continue to maintain such a state." Meng Yi really didn't know that there were Yan people from the country. Where's the courage, they can continue to maintain such a situation and develop.

"These Yan people's ideas are really hard to understand." Shang Wu said, shaking his head. The people of Qin and the Koreans had to provide emergency assistance, mainly to provide a large amount of food for relief, in order to prevent the situation in the country of Yan from getting worse. Shangwu means to let the people of Qin and the Koreans organize the distribution of food, but the people of Yan believe that If the people of Qin and the Koreans are allowed to do such a thing, it will take a long time to deal with such a thing. Therefore, in desperation, the people of Qin State agreed to let the people of Yan to deal with such a thing by themselves in order to avoid a bigger epidemic and more people from starvation due to insufficient food. They just transported the food in and handed it to the people of Yan. To deal with it, but the result is that the people of Yan people used such empty orders to misappropriate a considerable part of the food for military rations to be secretly transported to the front lines. Although the main supply line has been cut off, there are still some trails that can transport food, but it is costly. The time period is longer, which can be regarded as a forced means to maintain the current situation.

And the people of Yan State use this opportunity to do this kind of thing. The people of Yan thought that what they were doing was confidential, but the people of Qin quickly compared the food consumed in the middle with the actual arrival situation, and then discovered the problem.

"We can't take sanctions. The situation of Yan people is already very bad. Moreover, King Yan has signed a series of treaties to loosen our restrictions. For example, our trade can be further developed and tariffs have returned to normal. On certain commodities, zero tariffs have been adopted to encourage trade. Koreans also have conditions. They have also liberalized investment restrictions, and everything is moving in a good direction." Meng Yi said.

Different from Prince Dan’s stinginess, Lao Yan knew that these things were very important to the Koreans in Qin and they urgently needed to do this. Only when Yan Guo came up with such things, good things could be solved. Therefore, in such a situation. In one case, the Yan people actively changed their policies and got the support of the Koreans and Qin people. As for the food, the two countries also believed that there was no reason to care about it. After all, this matter is compared to investment. It's a small thing.

"The peace talks have reached a deadlock again. It seems that we can't come up with any good plan to attract the two countries to step back. Maybe the situation will develop to a state where we can change. To resolve such a deadlock." Shang Wen Speaking of this.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia's office.

"Such matters should be handled in secret. Don't let the Koreans, the people of Qin people know, if something goes wrong, it will be very troublesome." Zhao Jia saw the report of the Goguryeo. This report is about some important information about the mountain people. Zhao Guoren are also actively seeking ways to escape from the affairs of the Goguryeo people. After all, they have already made a lot of money in the war bonds of Goguryeo. The next thing is Carthage. Only by swiftly leaving Goguryeo can they regroup funds and solve such problems.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I understand." The Secretary of Defense said with a cautious nod. Then he took the report and kept it secretly. He gave it to his assistant, and the assistant took pictures in secret before processing, and then the assistant carefully sent it to South Korea via radio. Spies between countries are all such crazy actions. They will conduct espionage activities against their potential opponents. Obtaining large amounts of intelligence resources they need is the primary task.

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