The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3964: Wait for the situation to deteriorate

Under the Alps. Li Wei didn't leave. It's not that he didn't want to leave, but that he couldn't leave.

"Thank you, thank you for staying." Hannibal said gratefully.

"We stayed for the benefit of Zhao Guo. We don't have to thank us for this. This is just what we should do." Li Wei said.

"No. In my opinion, you are able to stay for me. No matter what the Carthaginian government, I, Hannibal, and Spain will never treat you badly. Your credit will always be recorded in my heart. "Hannibal said excitedly.

"Okay." Li Wei didn't know what to say. For the above command. Li Wei did not comply. He only sent a telegram. In the telegram, he explained the difference between Hannibal and the central government of Carthage, and explained the difference between Africa and Spain.

Africans are completely selfish, and they often act with more consideration of their own factors, under such circumstances. They naturally do not consider Zhao's ideas. They are more for themselves. For their own sake, they will naturally sacrifice Zhao's interests. Unlike Spain, they bind Zhao's interests with their own interests. A lot of Zhao’s arms sales are concentrated in Spain. If Zhao recklessly withdraws everything from Carthage, it will cause Zhao’s people to lose the Spanish market. This is extremely unfavorable for Zhao. The country will never allow such a thing to happen, which is not in the interests of Zhao country.

At the same time, Hannibal can greatly satisfy and expand Zhao Guoren’s market demand. Under such circumstances, Zhao Guoren’s market share will further increase. This is a good thing for Zhao Guo itself. Why is it doing this? In the case of a good thing, Zhao Guo wants to withdraw all the interests, which is really not in the interests of Zhao Guoren.

He didn't know if such a report could touch his chief, but he knew that if he could really touch the chief, that would be the best. His intention is obvious. The people of Zhao should treat Africa separately and look at Spain separately. In this way, all problems can be solved. If military actions are taken, it is better to target Africa instead of Spain. Li Wei hopes to see Spain alone, because he feels that the Carthage Senate in Africa is very difficult to achieve a big cause, and it may become a burden to Hannibal's career to some extent. Such a burden, he didn't want to continue to play such a thing.

"Let's talk about other things. We have obtained the latest information. This information is said to have been obtained from Koreans at a high cost." Li Wei said implicitly. The Koreans support the Roma, and they themselves are extremely disgusted with Carthage. It may be that their pirates have touched the interests of the Koreans, and the Koreans themselves have the idea of ​​dominating the Mediterranean. The Roma are just a tool to maintain their Mediterranean.

The intelligence came from the South Korean side. What they didn't know was that the South Korean side deliberately leaked it. In any case, they got such information from the spies.

"The consul of Loma stationed in Sempronia, Sicily, is leading a large number of Roman soldiers to arrive here, the number may be around 30,000. They will come directly, according to the current situation, we may be in Poland. He fought with them." Li Wei analyzed.

"Along the way, they may collect soldiers, and when they reach us, they may reach more than 40,000. No matter how many they come, I feel that I have confidence in defeating them." Hannibal said.

"Well, but I suggest that we don’t take out too much military power. The reason is simple. If we take out too many weapons, the Loma will know that we have too many cards. The fewer cards we have, and finally The more disadvantaged we are, I think that in this battle, we cannot allow machine gun troops to participate. We only use rifle troops and artillery troops. I think we should be able to achieve such an effect." Li Wei said.

"Well. I agree with this. Maybe we can solve all the problems quickly." Hannibal said. Any kind of weapon can become Hannibal's assassin. He can't let all his assassins be revealed. He needs to hide his hole cards. Only in this way, his chances of winning will become even more.


"Our situation is actually not very good. Hannibal's appearance completely caught us by surprise." Fabian said.

"But even so, we should maintain our offensive posture. Only in this way can we make our situation more favorable instead of making our situation worse. We should continue to maintain the offensive. Attacking Africa, Hannibal dared to attack our homeland in Italy, and we can also attack their homeland. Let their homeland fall into the scorched earth." Fabian said.

"Well, I agree with your opinion, sir, but, what I want to know is why you didn't agree with this plan and transferred the Roman Legion that was originally used to attack Africa. Deal with Hannibal." Zhang Jun Asked puzzled. The news that troops were deployed from Sicily to support operations was sent by him, but how the spies leaked secrets was not his idea or plan. He is just a person who gets information in the middle.

"Finance. Our finances have a big problem. We have spent a year of financial funds. If the war continues, we will spend the money of the bright years, but if we solve Hannibal , Italy will stabilize. We will have fiscal funds for next year, but the problem is.” Fabian also knew that the expulsion of Hannibal seemed unlikely. He actively contacted Scipio many times, and they often Correspondence, and sometimes there will be cordial conversations. From these conversations, he knows. With the support of Zhao Guoren, Hannibal carried out many military reforms. They established engineer troops and musketeers. Their front-line elite troops were equipped with rifles that could fire long distances, artillery, and other types of arms. It was amazing, but the Roma had nothing, their weapons were still their armor, shield, javelin, and dagger. These cold weapons have already entered the museum. But the mainstream equipment is in their hands. For them, such a weapon is simply a huge waste.

But there is no way, Fabian also knows that those weapons and equipment are a trend in the future, but they just can’t equip them because their finances can’t support them to do so unless they are asked to borrow, but the Lockheed Martin Senate refuses to do so They believe that if they do, they will fall into a financial crisis. Considering that the future financial crisis cannot proceed further, they decided not to do so.

"If Hannibal can't be expelled, they defeat the Lockheed Martin army, or if they further attack our unexpected area, our situation will become even more unfavorable." Zhang Jun said.

"Yes, you and I understand this situation, but we can't do it. Such things are really bad. But what about bad things?" the other party said.

"We can only do it through borrowing." Zhang Jun said.

"Koloma's elders are very stubborn. Maybe we can only passively wait for the situation to change. Only in this way can our situation get better. Under such conditions, I really don't know why this happened. It's a situation." Fabian said helplessly. The world is undergoing great changes. Only those who are actively looking outwards will do such things, for example, Scipio, and Fabian. They have seen Loma’s shortcomings and their own shortcomings, and they think that by introducing something, they can change Loma’s behavior. The situation, but the problem is, the Senate in Lockheed Martin, they have the core. They may also know that changes may make Lockheed Martin more advantageous, but unfortunately, Lockheed Martin is still an agricultural country, his financial income is extremely stable, and it is unable to support a comprehensive equipment that only industrial countries can do. Unless they can be as mad as Hannibal, but if they do that, Lockheed Martin will not be able to survive.

"Perhaps the turning point lies in the complete deterioration of the situation." Zhang Jun said. Fabian looked at Zhang Jun, he didn't say anything, he knew. The facts he said, in the face of such facts, what they can do is such a thing.

On the front line of the Yan army, their headquarters is almost paralyzed. An army without any supplies is a huge torture for them.

"Don't move, raise your hand. Hurry." Ador quickly surrounded the headquarters of the Yan army with a battalion of troops, and the same scene was happening in the headquarters of other Yan army troops. The mountain people have controlled quite a lot of soldiers from the Yan Kingdom. They are unwilling to fight and their morale is low. As long as there is one food, they are totally unwilling to resist. Under such conditions, food is much better than bullets.

"What are you doing? Who made them come?" a major general Yan Jun exclaimed excitedly.

"Slap." Addo slapped the opponent in the face.

"Tell you, now, you are already the captives of our mountain country. For the sake of sending so many weapons, we spared your life. If you talk more, I will kill you." Ado frightened fiercely. Then they escorted everyone away.

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