Zhao State, Handan, the Navy Department, the naval officers here are coming in and out, looking extremely busy. Because the number of their naval warships built has risen a lot recently, many naval technicians have become active, and they need to provide more technical guarantees for new warships. In this way, they can make their situation more favorable.

Office of the Secretary of the Navy.

"This is indeed something I didn't expect. The South Korean Navy responded so much." The Secretary of the Navy said after seeing the report in his hand.

"It's true, but if you think about it, it's true that we didn't think too well." said the navy deputy.

"We ignored the increase in the Korean forces in the Mediterranean. The increase in our military power means the decrease in the opponent's power. This will greatly affect the South Korean navy’s operations in the Mediterranean. For the South Korean navy, this is a kind of It’s a huge torture. They don’t want to see an imbalance in power. Once this happens, they will take measures that they believe to achieve balance, but in this way, we will also take corresponding measures to pull away this sense of balance. This It is what we have to do at present, to refuse to allow this kind of imbalance to happen. If this continues to happen, it may lead to a larger-scale arms race. Once this kind of arms race continues, I am afraid that it will affect the entire Zhao The country’s finances and military expenditures will be very expensive. This is not our original intention.” The Navy Deputy Chief still said very responsibly.

"Yes, our goal is only the island of Malta in the Mediterranean, not a change in the overall situation of the entire Mediterranean. We also need to pass the Suez Canal of the Koreans. If we cannot pass such a canal, it will pose a great threat to us. Under such circumstances, there are really not many things we can do.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir, so we need to balance this relationship to avoid a bigger battle. We must participate in such a meeting of naval ministers and hope to explain it clearly." said the navy deputy. The beginning of the naval arms race will make all countries feel uneasy. The South Korean Navy can realize this, and the Zhao Navy can also realize this. After all, everyone’s interests can be balanced through the development of different regions. There is no need to Competing for some lots will only increase contradictions. This intensified the advent of war. Although there was a lot of anxiety on both sides, this kind of anxiety has not yet risen to the point of war. This is still extremely beneficial to them. What they need is such a situation. If it can be greatly To avoid such a situation, they still hope that this kind of thing will not happen.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"We are just seeking a balance of power, and there is no reason for a large-scale naval arms race, nor the escalation point of the conflict. I believe that this meeting can clearly state that we must avoid the escalation of the conflict, rather than let the conflict escalate. The conflict has further expanded, and it has expanded to the issue of arms race. I think you understand what I mean." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord, I understand." The South Korean Navy Minister nodded and said. South Korea has agreed to conduct such a naval meeting. They believe that if the meeting goes smoothly, a large-scale naval conflict may be avoided.

"At present, there are still many areas that need to be developed. We do not need to form necessary competitions in some areas. In some other areas, we can completely let go. If a large-scale arms race is carried out in the current state, it will be very bad for us. It’s not good.” Han Shu said.

"As long as the other party makes concessions on this issue, other conditions can be agreed." Han Shu said. This is Han Shu's bottom line and Han Shu's biggest concession point. Han Shu wants to upgrade South Korea’s economy, which means that they will develop new industries, for example, to make their motor vehicle industry more advantageous. At the same time, he hopes to develop the aviation industry so that they can make bigger ones. Faster aircraft, which represents the current state-of-the-art technology. And the promotion of these technologies can earn more money. There is also radio. Radio is indeed extremely convenient, especially radio broadcasting, which has already begun to be promoted in some colonial areas. This market is very large.

But doing this requires large-scale financial investment. For example, a large amount of infrastructure construction, motor vehicles need more roads, although South Korea already has two stable oil supply sites, they have sufficient asphalt to build more Lots of asphalt roads. But this requires a large amount of financial investment, but once the military expenditure is increased, especially the navy, their situation will become very unfavorable. This is the unfavorable situation faced by the South Korean navy. The only best solution in the situation is to completely solve this problem and avoid war. Only in this way can South Korea concentrate more financial funds for its own economic construction.

In fact, the Zhao people are also the same. War is only a means. What they want is to stimulate the economy completely, not make the economy worse. What they need to face is such a situation, not let this. This situation has become even more unfavorable, and only in this way can they make their situation better.

Why don't the two countries think so. Because the war hasn't really broken out yet.

Rome, life here is still very peaceful, the citizens of Rome have not yet felt the coming of war, and the knights are enjoying their singing and dancing. They can take a bubble bath or ride a horse. With the stirrup, their tactics have changed a lot. Horse riding has become a very good technological revolution.

In Fabian’s villa, Fabian calmly looked at the translated newspapers. These newspapers recorded interesting anecdotes about the Central Plains countries and around the world. He liked to read, but some words needed to be translated, of course. Fabian can read a certain number of newspapers. He hoped for something like this. He and a veteran tried to handle such a newspaper. However, the paper was still very expensive. They needed to build a paper mill to carry out such a thing. This required a lot of funds. Fortunately, the bank could solve this problem. It seems that Loma people have become accustomed to having a bank. After all, banks can help them solve many things.

"Damn it, why the telegram hasn't come yet." Scipio was a little impatient. Li Fu calmed down.

"Use your own eyes to judge, don't worry, military generals should keep their calm and composure." Li Fu said. Scipio began to calm down. For this battle, they had conducted a lot of deductions before. Although the numbers were not very high, the results were the same. The probability of Loma winning was 5%. And it also requires the other party to make a great mistake to complete such a thing. The possibility of the Loma winning is really not very great.

"We wait patiently, there will definitely be results." Li Fu persuaded. Scipio suppressed his mood and waited patiently.

"Da da da." His wait soon came to an end. A cavalry quickly jumped off his horse, and then handed over the telegram he got to Scipio. After reading it quickly, he closed his eyes. Obviously He feels that such a thing is not true, it may be that he has hallucinations.

"Damn it. No." Scipio handed over the telegram, and he reluctantly accepted the fact, an extremely cruel fact.

Li Fu read the telegram and handed it to Fabian. Fabian said nothing, and handed it to Zhang Jun, who had long thought of such a result. After reading it, Zhang Jun also expressed helplessness. After all, he also said that such a thing is very big. Regret. This kind of thing, although he didn't believe it, it was the fact.

"We lost. And we lost terribly." Scipio said.

"Only a few hundred of the 40,000 troops escaped, and most of the rest were killed. Only a few hundred were captured. This was a huge failure," Scipio said. Everyone is in a bad mood, and they know that the situation they face in the future will be even more severe.

In the Roman Senate at this time. All the elders are not feeling well, and they feel that the disease in their body may be about to relapse. They did not expect that the victory that should have appeared did not appear. On the contrary, it was a huge defeat. This kind of defeat made their situation very bad. They feel that they have been hit. This is not a good thing.

Many people were still discussing the rehearsal to celebrate the triumphant return of their troops, but now, they feel that their faces are so hot, as if they have given them a lot of slaps.

The Senate was silent, and they didn't know what to say. Is it to punish the consul, or continue to resist, or in other words, consider other things.

At this moment, many Loma consuls began to think about other things. They felt that such things made them pessimistic, or that their current situation was really not good.

Lockheed Martin's finances are drying up, and they have to deal with Hannibal's crazy offensive. It is a lunatic, and they will offend.

Inside Fabian’s villa.

"We have to defend, but the problem is that financial funds do not support our defense. While it threatens more places in Italy, if we strengthen our defense, we may have a greater effect. I think this can be done. Arrived." Fabian thought for a while and said.

But how to solve the financial problem still needs time to further infer. After all, this is not something that everyone can accept such a situation all at once. They borrowed debts to fight, and when the war ended, they would inevitably be heavily indebted, leaving Lockheed with a long-term burden.

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