The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3972: Ask Qin Guoren for help

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. The war is nearing its end. The Yan people lost all their qualifications for negotiation. Goguryeo won. Although they didn't get too much spoils, it would cause great trouble to their finances. However, the Goguryeo people won the final war victory.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Koguryo has rushed to Handan, Zhao State, to sign the final peace agreement. Once signed, the war will come to an end in a real sense.

"The war is over for us. Although the final peace agreement has not been signed, it is only a matter of time. For the next problems, we will face more things." Li Lin said anxiously. After the war is over, there will be nothing left. But there are still many things that need to be resolved.

"The mountain people will guarantee our interests. We will develop more resources there and expand the railway. But there are still many domestic problems. The construction requires a lot of funds, but the war has emptied all our financial resources, and A considerable part of the military resources are stored in warehouses. Tell me, what should we do?" Li Lin asked his subordinates this way. He hoped that he could get an accurate answer, or that he could solve this problem thoroughly.

This problem is the aftermath of the war. Usually after the war is over, more problems will arise. For example, a large number of soldiers return home. After they return, they will inevitably increase the labor force. However, if there are not a large number of jobs, their situation will become bad. It’s not just that the military’s recovery is as simple as that. If it’s more meticulous, there are also war traumas. At this time, all countries did not regard the military’s psychological trauma as a disease. After a large-scale war, some soldiers recovered. After returning home, it is difficult for them to adapt to a peaceful environment because it is too difficult for them. They are unwilling to adapt to such a situation to improve their situation, which will cause a great psychological gap, which will lead to depression. If it is serious, if the stimulation is too large, it will cause serious social crimes, which is also a problem. . But usually the government will not pay attention to such a small issue.

"I think we should give rewards to those soldiers and commend them for their merits. For example, give them medals. We warmly welcome them back and let them feel our welcome and enthusiasm." The Minister of Defense suggested. For the heroes on the front line, they should give the warmest welcome, otherwise, those heroes will become extremely lonely.

"I agree to do this." said the Secretary of the Army.

"Yeah. Record it." Li Lin nodded in agreement, which may eliminate the gap after the soldiers came back.

"But in terms of rewards, we need to discuss with the Ministry of Finance. After all, soldiers kill the enemy. They are very brave in fighting." The Minister of Defense looked at the Minister of Finance at this time.

"Don't look at me, the Ministry of Finance has no money. The war has exhausted all of our funds. The war bond issuance has been much weaker than before. Now the bond is falling rapidly. Do you know how far the price of bonds will fall? It will become waste paper." The Minister of Finance looked at the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, and they were naturally easy to talk. They are the ones who spend money, but they are different from the others. They are the ones who spend money, and they will spend more money. But for the Minister of Finance, this is the biggest problem, because it requires him to solve all the problems.

"The price of war bonds is falling again. Many companies are on the tax-exempt list and cannot be taxed further. The war has brought us close to the brink of bankruptcy." The Minister of Finance Wulai said.

"The worst thing is not here. In this war, we can't get a penny of compensation, which means that in the future. Goguryeo, without investment, lack of funds, the problem will be very bad. Our industrial production will It will be difficult to proceed." The Finance Minister said.

"Well. This is the current situation." Li Lin also said anxiously. Previously, the Minister of Finance had already reported such a problem. The post-war economy will put Goguryeo into a state of decline, because the short-term stimulus of the war will cause a large amount of supplies to appear, but the problem is that the demand has decreased a lot, and a large amount of funds Become a material. This results in a company’s inefficient capital turnover, which means that in the future there will be more funds that cannot be circulated. The situation facing the company is very bad. If there is no such demand, the company will go bankrupt and the employees will lose money. You will lose your job, there is no source of income, and there is no way to talk about social stability. These are the aftereffects of the war.

With the addition of a large number of soldiers returning home, the situation will become even worse. The Secretary of Defense and the Department of War cannot change such a situation because it is their situation. They just spend money. How to get the money is a matter for the Minister of Economy and the Minister of Finance.

The meeting was boring, because many people were unable to come up with substantive solutions.

If these are transferred when the aftermath of the war breaks out. This is a problem that the Goguryeo people urgently need to solve. At the diplomatic gathering in Handan, Zhao Guo, the diplomatic representatives of various countries were busy solving many issues.

Zhao Guo, Handan, in the gorgeous restaurant of a five-star high-end hotel, diplomatic envoys from various countries, Mr. Zhao's ministers and their wives are busy exchanging various information, and the bankers are not correct. , Looking for possible projects, because the Goguryeo War is over. They all know that this moment is coming, and everyone sees this clearly.

"The **** Goguryeo war is over. Their bonds are falling, and the next thing we should do is to go short crazy and let them fall and fall. Goguryeo is simply unable to make their bonds valuable." The young banker spoke in a speculative tone. His judgment is extremely accurate, and many people nodded, but they didn't agree with this view in their hearts. They just felt that they should agree with it in etiquette.

The main focus of this gathering was the Goguryeo diplomats. They were the focus of this war. They defeated a Central Plains country. The people of Yan Guo didn't think it was a shame. They thought they just lost because of the bad domestic situation. However, the Yan people did not attend such a gathering. They did not believe that the Yan State had lost this war on any occasion. It's just that there was an accident in their domestic situation. For the mountain people, the Yan people will never recognize their national status. They believe that mountain people are traitors. It was when they were most in need of the Yan people, they gave the Yan people a knife behind them. This kind of villain is a despicable and shameless villain.

But no one cares what Yan people think, because Yan people are a little nervous. They think that the Yan people seem not suitable for diplomatic occasions. And it will make everyone feel a serious cold.

"Thank you very much." Goguryeo Foreign Minister Choi Xiu said with a smile. He expressed gratitude to everyone for their support to the Goguryeo people. This time, he is not only as simple as signing an agreement, but he has more important things to solve. This thing is to look for investment, a large amount of investment, or Said to solve the imminent financial crisis of Goguryeo. At such gatherings, he is more contacted by people from companies and banks, because they can provide more help, and these help will provide them with more opportunities. This is an opportunity for them.

"Investment?" a Zhao Guo banker looked at Cui Xiu and said.

"Yes, we all know that there will be large-scale development in the mountain people. We hope that more banks and investment banks can help us, and we can develop together." Cui Xiu invited the banker to say.

"This matter is not easy to handle." said the banker.

"Oh. Why?" The Foreign Minister asked. The other party looked very straightforward. Such people are easier to tell the other party the reason, but many people are very smooth and avoid such problems. They always say other things, Cui Xiu Think this will waste more time on them. Therefore, under such circumstances, he had to find the other party to talk about this matter.

"It's very simple, this thing cannot be done." said the banker.

"Qi people will have a large amount of military materials that need to be dumped, but after you invest money, how to develop, there are mountain people, there is a certain risk, not only that, your company needs to find a lot of market, only if there is a market, Only you can solve more other problems. Really, otherwise, you and I will both have trouble. Now many banks are trying their best to avoid such a situation. Zhao Guo is also stimulating his own needs, and all countries are doing this. ." said the banker.

"Meaning, you can't invest?" Minister Wai Ji, Cui Xiu asked directly. This is a very clear answer. Smooth questions will cause great disagreements and will lead them into a trap. A clear answer will make them more clear about the current situation.

"Yes, this is the situation. The demand is sluggish, and many things cannot be carried out. This is the current situation. The Zhao government is carrying out a large-scale shipbuilding plan. A lot of funds are concentrated there. For the Goguryeo people There are not many things that we can solve. Maybe you can find Qin people. Qin people’s capital will become very large. They can do such things. I believe they will solve such things.” That bank Home said so. Then he left in a hurry.

Cui Xiu nodded and expressed his gratitude. Maybe he can only ask the Qin people for help at the moment.

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