The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3973: Democrats can't do anything

Rest in peace the second infantry brigade station. The advance speed of the infantry is too slow. But they didn't care about it at all. Because the infantry could not leave the support of the artillery. If they advance fast, they will inevitably lose cover for their artillery troops. At the same time, they also need to be responsible for the long logistics supply line. These are the reasons why they cannot advance fast.

"Infantrymen didn't encounter too many battles along the way. The few battles were mainly concentrated on night attacks by some Armenians and harassment of logistics supplies. Most of the time, we were on the march." Qin Fengna Out of his own notebook and began to record things about the infantry in peace.

"Our life looks very peaceful. It doesn't seem to be a war at all. It's a bit like an outing. We take our luggage, eat canned food, and walk in the wilderness. The natural scenery here is beautiful. You don't know how to describe it. It’s beautiful, but it’s all in war, so we can’t stop and watch all this beautiful things.” Qin Feng wrote.

"Infantrymen don’t advance much every day, and Armenians don’t show up. They seem to give up these things deliberately. We see a lot of what the Armenians give up. They are retreating, retreating to the Caucasus mountains in the north. We don’t cross the mountains. I know, no one has been there before, and Armenia is constantly retreating under such circumstances." Qin Feng wrote.

"However, there were wounded soldiers today, and our good march may stop in the future. I feel like this. This is the first time we have encountered such a situation." Qin Feng wrote.

"Before, I would meet the peace wounded soldiers, but most of them were slightly injured. In the field hospital, they would take a good rest and tell us about what happened on the front line. Their feeling was that they were chasing and the Armenians continued. They retreat and keep running away. They can’t resist at all. This war seems to end in a pursuit operation. But today, a large number of wounded soldiers appeared, and many of them were seriously injured, the field doctor told me Many people’s situation is not very good. These wounded are from the Caucasus mountains, where they encountered an ambush. Although the follow-up troops arrived quickly, they still caused a lot of casualties, and the opponent quickly retreated after the ambush. The mountain area will form a huge fortress. This shows me the fact that the Armenians have not given up resistance at all. They are still fighting and fighting ceaselessly. They will fight to the last person, and the rest The cavalry moved forward too fast. They threw the infantry directly behind. In the mountains, the cavalry could not give full play to their advantages. On the contrary, those horses would make them more clumsy. The combat is extremely unfavorable."

"Although they have an advantage in weapons. However, they do not have too much advantage in terms of location. The cavalry must dismount to fight. The terrain is too complicated. Ambushes and encounters may occur in the entire mountainous area at any time. Soldiers on both sides may break out in close quarters. The **** is very big, fighting in such a region, the advantage of the musket is quickly reduced, a stone may become a terrible weapon. This means that fighting in the mountainous area, the Parthians face various disadvantages. We have spent too much time here. When the cold winter comes, if the battle situation does not undergo a fundamental change, this confrontation will enter the next year. Consumption will become a terrible enemy." Qin Feng wrote worriedly. The Parthian war is entering a standoff phase. At this stage, they will consume a lot of materials. But they never thought about it this way. They either end the war in a short period of time or immediately withdraw their troops. This is the choice before the rest.

This is definitely a difficult multiple choice question, because it means that they will give up too much.

Qingcheng, South Korea. The meeting of naval ministers of the three countries is held here. The three countries are Qin, Zhao, and South Korea. The Qin Navy is also actively building, and their navy is recovering. It is a military force that cannot be underestimated. The speed of development of Zhao's navy is also amazing. Their warships have amazing firepower and defensive power. The South Korean navy is the most powerful, but its scale of development has stagnated because their naval funding is being cut. There were a lot of plans for the construction of large warships, but in the end many warships had to be dismantled. Many warships just stayed on drawings and designs. For the construction, the South Korean government cannot afford sufficient naval expenses.

The development of the navies of the three countries has different characteristics. The people of Qin are catching up and surpassing them. They always wander in the middle of the countries, which is as annoying as a loach. But it cannot be ignored. The development of the South Korean Navy has stagnated, and they hope to continue to maintain this leading position, so their interests are consistent with those of the people of Qin.

Although Zhao Guoren has the potential for development. However, they obviously do not want to see a large-scale naval battle in China. The construction of large warships requires more funds. This is a huge burden for enterprises. Faced with such a burden, the Government of Zhao also cannot bear it. The only way is for everyone to sit down and have a good talk.

After the arrival of the three countries’ naval ministers, they did not immediately hold a meeting, but only walked privately. They hoped that through this kind of walk, they could figure out the opponent’s hole cards and at the same time reassure each other that they would not have too many amazing moves, because they They are unwilling to do this, and want to avoid such things from happening. All parties have such thoughts. And the assistant ministers of all parties are playing their own advantages, hoping to find out the cards of all parties.

"Zhao’s idea is to build a naval base in the Mediterranean. This base is not aimed at us, but the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians had too much influence on them, and they even levied high taxes. This made them feel very annoyed, so under such circumstances, they decided to take military action to eliminate the other party." The assistant said to his minister.

"Well, I understand. But such a base is also a threat to us." The Secretary of the Navy said after thinking about it.

"Sir, we cannot completely ban the other party at this point, because many times we cannot suppress many things, because such suppression means that we are too harsh. This will make the other party feel very dissatisfied, and we can proceed. Compromise." The assistant persuaded. The bottom line of the Koreans is to prohibit the Zhao navy from building unrestricted warships. In that case, the South Korean navy must also actively respond, which will greatly consume limited financial funds.

"Okay. We still need to further test each other's attitude. We still need to proceed further with this matter." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said.

The singing and dancing of Rome was broken. Instead, it is noisy. Because of language incompatibility. Koreans are actively learning Latin here, but few Loma people take the initiative to learn the Central Plains dialect. Only some businessmen will do this. They see the value of Koreans and their future. These are the values ​​that they will embody in the future.

"What's wrong with your country?" Li Fu and Scipio were walking on the street. They had just looked for some Korean businessmen, hoping to get some weapon assistance through equal exchange, but the businessmen were not willing to do so. Because they are all chasing benefits, there is very little that Scipio can do. Because his military expenditure was only that much, Scipio could only temporarily arm his cavalry company under Li Fu’s suggestion. However, he really didn’t know how much the cavalry company could play. He had already begun to sell his own. Something is out. He hopes to be able to buy a weapon such as a heavy machine gun, thinking he thinks it is the best support weapon between rifle and artillery, with such a weapon. They can inflict greater damage on the Carthaginians in future battles. But unfortunately the price is too expensive. The bullet is more expensive than the machine gun itself. The consumption of this ammunition far exceeds their own understanding, but Scipio believes that this is the weapon they need.

"They are civilians and they are very dissatisfied with the situation of the war. They think that the democratic leader Gayo Flamini should be elected as the consul. They are in charge of the army. What do they know? They have no experience, and face Hannibal. It’s to lose the entire war.” Scipio seems to be indifferent to the current politics, but Li Fu is very clear that behind the indifference is disappointment. He does not believe that the current situation can solve the problem by relying on a democratic leader, because democracy It’s impossible for the faction leaders to understand Hannibal’s military strategy and the huge impact after the military revolution. Their combat capabilities far exceed the understanding of the Loma people. Loma needs a large-scale military revolution, and the military revolution Need to achieve the same goal in other ways. Scipio is becoming mature. He already has his own specific ideas. He knows what he needs and what he doesn't need. Those things can allow him to solve problems completely, but those can't. And this is very different.

The election is in progress. The civilians are noisy, but this will not solve the problem at all. Command makes the problem more complicated.

But Hannibal had already begun to plan his next offensive target.

Inside Hannibal's headquarters. Hannibal and Li Wei are studying the situation in Italy. Although their sand table is not very realistic, it is enough for them to command the battle well.

"The next step, our offensive plan is to central Italy, where more affluent, there are more trophies, this is the only driving force to keep us forward." Hannibal said. His mode of warfare is to continuously win and then continue to attack. The spoils obtained are the driving force for them to move forward. There are also some drawbacks in doing so, which makes their combat more fluid, but if the opponent stays firm and clears the country, their situation will be different. It will become very unfavorable. Li Wei is also aware of this, but the current advantage lies in them, not others. This is a good advantage for them. Because they can fight non-stop.

"First of all, we must collect a large amount of intelligence resources, which are very important to us. Only with sufficient intelligence resources can we completely solve all things. This is the best way we can do at present, but the problem is At present, we still have a lot of things to solve, our ammunition consumption. We need to be replenished as soon as possible, otherwise, a large-scale war will pose a greater threat to us." Li Wei is still worried about his logistical supplies. Although the base number of ammunition they carry has exceeded many times, it does not mean that they have an advantage. On the contrary, once their ammunition consumption is reduced to a certain level, many of their operations will become extremely disadvantaged. This situation Once it happens, their situation will become even more disadvantaged.

"Well, I have already figured out a way. But the problem is that during this period of time, your businessmen seem to be reluctant to stay here, especially in the Carthage government, which makes many things very insensitive for us. I don’t want this to happen. I can only give them more discounts in Spain. However, for them to transport here, we need to defend the Alps again, which will make the entire transportation route very embarrassing." Hannibal said.

This is Hannibal's weakness and the biggest drawback of the expedition, their logistical supplies.

The Loma have a useful maritime advantage, they don't have it. This makes their supply can only be obtained through land mode, which means that their supply becomes extremely long and time-consuming, which is absolutely disadvantageous. Li Wei's idea is to occupy as many seaports as possible. Only in this way can they shorten their supply problems.

"We must occupy some seaports. Without seaports, our supplies will be extremely difficult. This war will not be able to go on. I believe that you have the same feeling. This feeling is something we can't solve." Li Wei put the first problem on the logistics that must be resolved. However, Hannibal's expeditionary army had another thing, that is, they had to solve another problem, that is, the spoils of war. Without trophies, his army cannot be driven. This is the problem they currently need to solve. Suddenly, Hannibal has two strategic goals. In fact, he has too many strategic goals. The army has become extremely busy, and the price of being busy is that they may make mistakes. If they make mistakes, they will give the other party a chance. This kind of thing will happen soon, and no one can change this. This is the inevitable result.

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