The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3975: Looking for investment

"In any case, we should calmly face the current situation instead of complaining, thinking that complaining will not solve any problems." Li Fu said to Scipio.

"Well. Well, we still need to continue training." Scipio said.

"No, we still need to collect intelligence and analyze Hannibal's next military action. If we can accurately determine the next military action, it will be of great help to us. This kind of help will It forms a great advantage for us. We need to do this." Li Fu said.

"This, there is no problem. I will collect it. There are still many people in the army who are my colleagues. They can help me solve this problem. As for the others, I will find a way to solve it." Scipio took the initiative to undertake this matter. Come down. Li Fu expressed his gratitude. In this way, they will be able to respond to some changes on the battlefield in advance. This is a very good thing for them.

Qingcheng, South Korea.

Meeting of Ministers of Navy of the Three Kingdoms.

"We should clearly understand that with the development of the current world situation, countries need more economic benefits, markets, and resources, which cannot satisfy our ever-expanding industrial production capacity." said the Minister of the Navy Zhao Guo.

"For example, with the development of the Mediterranean situation, the Carthaginians were very annoyed that they imposed heavy taxes on us Zhao people, but they did not separately impose taxes on South Korea or businessmen from other countries. It was because of our Zhao country. There is no military presence there, and our capital security has suffered great losses. For a long time in the future, our capital security has been threatened. The purpose of expanding the navy is to deter the Carthaginians and make them understand. The military forces of our Zhao State Navy can get there and launch military operations again and again." Zhao State Navy Minister said.

"We have no intention to provoke the development of the navies of various countries, nor do we intend to trigger a large-scale naval arms race. After all, we are only fighting for our own rights. This kind of battle. This is our Zhao State Navy. The meaning of existence and the needs of Zhao's security. In order to find a balance, I hope that all countries can reach an equal construction plan to avoid unnecessary harm between countries." Zhao Guo's Navy Minister said.

As soon as the Zhao State Navy came up, the plan, purpose, and significance of the Zhao State Navy’s battleship construction plan explained that these were the needs of their capital development.

"We in South Korea also have such a demand." The South Korean Navy Secretary nodded and said. Then I agreed, and didn't say the following things.

"Qin is the same, but the number of warships to be built is the key. We should limit the total naval tonnage and the number of naval warships." Qin State Navy Minister said.

"Well, that's right. My suggestion is that we only limit the gross tonnage, not all types of warships. I think you know the current situation very well. The South Korean side is definitely clearer than us. With regard to the Suez Canal, it can pass. The tonnage of is very limited. If we have the number of warships, it means that we are greatly restricted in the construction of warships, because the number of warships we really need has not increased, on the contrary, we have increased some unnecessary warships, such as In our Mediterranean area, we need some 3,000-4,000-ton destroyers, or smaller frigates, but if we restrict the types of warships, it will be detrimental to the future peaceful development and the emergence of large warships. The shadow of war will reappear. This is the situation we least want to see. Therefore, in this case, our only way is to not limit the types of warships and build them according to the needs of each country, such as our country Zhao. , We are unwilling to have more large-scale conflicts with other countries. What we need to build is a small warship to pass through the Suez Canal in the Mediterranean and Red Sea regions. Our purpose is to deter Carthage." Zhao State Naval Minister said frankly.

South Korea and Qin State Navy Minister nodded, but they did not express their views. They just agreed with such a statement, but they need to weigh the pros and cons.

If the total tonnage is limited, and the types of warships are not restricted, there may be some other risks. For example, Zhao Guoguo concentrated a lot of resources on the construction of large warships, which means that Zhao's advantage in warships has become even greater. Favorable, but Minister Zhao State Navy did not say so. Under the limit of gross tonnage, they are only willing to increase the speed of some naval light warships, because an important criterion limits their use of larger warships. The size of this battleship is the capacity of the Suez Canal.

If the people of Zhao were only building small warships, mainly focusing on destroyers and frigates, Qin and South Korea should not necessarily limit the types of warships. After all, the threat of small warships is still relatively small, and for the two countries , They can develop large warships, in this way, their advantages will become more advantageous. However, Zhao's side has obviously taken into account the needs of their own development, and they are not willing to fall into the war further. This is a very wise choice.

After all, different development angles will bring different results. Since the Zhao State side is willing to do this, they also expressed their gratitude to the Zhao State Navy side for their peaceful sincerity.

Immediately, the three navies discussed other aspects, such as the distribution of naval bases, overseas bases, and restrictions on personnel preparations and other restrictions. This is a very harmonious meeting of the naval ministers of the three countries. Because the Minister of the Navy of the State of Zhao made a big concession, there is no need for the State of Qin and South Korea to continue to suppress each other in this matter. If this is the case, it will make the other party feel disgusting.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

At this moment, in the Zhao country, Handan and Yan, the Goguryeo "Handan Peace Agreement" is being signed. This is an important sign that the two sides have stopped the war and returned to the track of peace. The two sides reached a ceasefire on the areas under actual control and fixed it as a fixed border of each country. A small country emerged between Goguryeo and Yan. This small country is a mountain country. This is a country formed by the mountain people themselves. This is also an additional clause of the "Peace Agreement." Without this clause, it would be difficult for Goguryeo and Yan to accomplish such a thing. Because there is no buffer zone between the two countries, and mountain countries exist as such a buffer zone. In fact, the mountain country is attached to Goguryeo. But now, Goguryeo looked helplessly at this mountain country.

"The Minister of Foreign Affairs has worked very hard. However, most of Zhao Guo's capital has been concentrated in other areas. For example, the Mediterranean, this area is a place we have never known. Zhao Guoren's capital is difficult to continue to invest in us. This means that in the future development of mountain countries, we will lack more funds to develop them. If we can’t develop them in time, our dependence on mountain countries will be much reduced. This is for us. . It is an extremely unfavorable situation." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"Well. I know this too, but the question is, where do we look for such a large amount of funds, without such a large amount of funds, we simply cannot do such a thing, we all know this." Everyone said so. To.

"We can't solve this problem by ourselves. In such a situation, we can only find investment funds from various countries. Zhao Guoren does not care about us, we can find other countries to help. It is just that the related industries must have high profits. Yes," Li Lin said.

The best way to attract investment is a high-profit industry, but the problem is that they don’t have a high-profit industry in Goguryeo, and the demand from all countries cannot increase further. This means that their situation is not yet able to cope with such a situation. Kind of situation. This made Li Lin very anxious. Because the pressure on Goguryeo will be very great.

"Well, Prime Minister, can we go to Qin, or South Korea. Zhao Guoren's funds don't care about us, but we have to get such an opportunity ourselves." The Minister of Finance thought for a while and could only say so. This is the last resort. Because Zhao people seem to be not very interested in them.

"This is not good. This may cause dissatisfaction among Zhao people. If such dissatisfaction exists, it will have a great adverse effect on us. Once this kind of thing happens, it will have very bad consequences for us. It's better for us to be cautious about this kind of thing." Li Lin said. He was really worried that doing so would make Zhao people extremely resentful and eventually lead to more unfavorable situations.

"However, without such a large amount of funds, the resources of the mountain country cannot develop. In this way, we will lose control of the mountain country, and in the end we will lose it. This puts our interests in a state of extreme collapse. Status." The Finance Minister said anxiously.

"Yeah. There is only one way to find people from Qin, not Koreans. We can't arouse the dissatisfaction of Zhao people. At the same time, we can give them more preferential terms. I believe that these many conditions will definitely be resolved. Okay." Li Lin thought for a while and decided like this. It’s not that he is unwilling to do such things. There are still many diplomatic relations behind to solve such things. Otherwise, the situation will make their situation even more unfavorable. , He cannot take such a risk, once such a risk is formed, it will cause even greater disadvantages.

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