Loma. Fabian's villa. Scipio collected a large amount of information, provided the information to Li Fu, and provided him with a free translation. The two of them cooperated and made a small sand table, which would be more conducive to understanding some special situations on the battlefield.

"According to what we currently know, Hannibal will inevitably enter central Italy. The area here is more affluent and has more strategic goals." Scipio said.

"According to my analysis and judgment, there are two passages to enter the central part of Italy. The first is to pass through the Aliminum mountain road. The other is to go to Truria." Scipio said on the sand table. .

"According to what I know so far, the two Loma consuls have deployed heavy troops to defend there. We have a superior terrain and a favorable location. This is very effective for our defensive warfare." Scipio Speaking of.

Li Fu nodded in agreement. The Loma did find a good place to use the mountains and block the mountain roads to achieve their goal of defending Hannibal’s offensive. Fighting in the mountains would face great disadvantages. For the offensive side, because of this It needs to consume a lot of troops, personnel, weapons and equipment, and more energy to do such things. The cost in the middle will be very large, and this is exactly conducive to the defense operations of the Roma people.

Consuming the troops of the Carthage Expeditionary Force, the more ammunition, the weaker their offensive force will be, making it difficult to attack Loma. In this case, the advantage will be transferred to the Loma. It is indeed a clever means of warfare that consumes the opponent's viable power through defensive operations to achieve the advantage. But the question is, will Hannibal do this? This is just a question that the Loma people considered from their own point of view. They ignored Hannibal. Would they do it? If they did not do this, what actions would they take to attack? These are all problems.

"However, I don't feel that I agree with this." Li Fu looked at Scipio and said, shaking his head.

"If you are Hannibal, now that you know that the Roma are engaged in defensive operations here, do you think they will launch an offensive like this?" Li Fu asked Scipia.

"I'm Hannibal?" Scipio asked.

"Yes, suppose you are Hannibal. What would you do when facing the army of Loma people? Is the ammunition of the expeditionary army consumed in this way?" Li Fu suddenly asked.

"If I were Hannibal, I would never do it, because it would be stupid. Although our weapons are far ahead of the Roma, it will still consume more ammunition and the Carthage Expeditionary Army stays away. Domestically, if they consume more ammunition, it will be difficult to replenish. This is their advantage. The more they consume, the more difficult it is for them to replenish. If a large amount of ammunition is consumed on the mountain road, the next attack will be What to do?" Li Fu asked.

"If you do this, it means that their offensive power will be extremely weak in the future. If I were Hannibal, I would never do this. Because the consumption of too much ammunition will definitely make their situation extremely weak. Since there is such a situation, why do they still do this? Obviously this is not right." Li Fu said.

"So, how do they choose? The direction of attack must be chosen where it is easy to break through." Scipio touched his chin and began to think about this issue. The choice of the attack location is very important, because it is related to the next step of the combat strength of the Carthage Expeditionary Force. Too much consumption will make them powerless to attack, and it will become meaningless to open the attack channel.

While Scipio and Li Fu were discussing this issue, Li Wei and Hannibal were also considering the same issue. After all, such problems can solve many things at the same time.

The morale of their troops in Hannibal’s headquarters was high, because everyone robbed a large amount of spoils, women became their slaves, men could be sold, and they could get more funds. The sense of victory in the war made everyone excited. They are eager to open the channel to the south of Italy, because there will become more affluent, and each of their pockets will be more full. All people are very happy about this.

"Both roads are not suitable. Both roads are mountainous. The battle will be very difficult, and the consumption of ammunition will exceed our expectations by many times. This is definitely not a good thing for us. We cannot do this. , Doing so will make our situation more unfavorable, which will put us in an absolute disadvantage." Li Wei said, shaking his head. Holding a pencil in his hand and looking at the map, he believed that many offensive operations could not meet their combat needs.

"But it seems that there are only two roads leading to central Italy. Our artillery may be able to try to attack and open the gap. After all, technically, we still have a great advantage." Hannibal felt that he should try. a bit.

"No, I resolutely disagree with this. This is a waste of time, too much time is wasted, and it is not good for us. We can't do this." Li Wei said, shaking his head.

"Perhaps, we can choose from other places. For example, some special ones are just like fighting across the Alps. Let's take a look at the sand table and the map." Li Wei said along the previous thinking. Appearing from the most unlikely place, this will bring a big surprise. Moreover, this kind of surprise attack will cause the opponent to be completely passive.

"We also have a special force in our hands, such as the engineering unit. They will help us more favorably and make some places that usually seem impossible to pass through smoothly, which is more conducive to our offensive operations." Li Wei said.

"Look here." Li Wei suddenly thought of a place, and Hannibal smiled and marked out the places Li Wei might be pointing.

"Yes. It's here. Although this is a swamp, there is no defense at all. We can pass here and appear here when the enemy is impossible. In this way, we can win the victory." Li Wei Speaking with a smile. Two people thought of a place at the same time. Then they laughed loudly, and the fate of the Roma was decided at this moment. Military operations will begin soon, because their morale is high. Faced with such a large military operation, they naturally have to start as soon as possible.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The situation of the Parthians is very bad. According to the information sent by our military attache and the military observation team, they encountered an ambush. Moreover, the cavalry was severely separated from the infantry and the artillery fire support. They entered the northern Caucasus mountains. , Fighting there, encountered unprecedented resistance, unfavorable terrain, and unfavorable arms, all of which will cause serious loss of the Parthian cavalry.” Meng Tian said.

"The worst thing is, time, time is too late. In half a month, winter will come, we must withdraw immediately, or establish a stable defensive line, the Parthians have crossed the edge of the maximum supply range, they will It will be in great danger. Once winter comes and logistical supplies are cut off, the entire cavalry unit will be in great danger. It will take a long time for other cavalry units to support it, and the new cavalry unit will form combat effectiveness. If you rush to the front line to fight, the possibility of losing is very high." Meng Tian said solemnly.

Shang Wen did not speak. He was thinking about what will happen to the situation after the war is lost.

"We must take action. If the Parthians do not retreat, we will completely cut off their logistical supplies and financial support. If such military operations continue, we will bear more pressure from military failures. Such pressure cannot Pass it to the State of Qin." Meng Yi said seriously. He knew very well what it would mean after such a failure, it would mean more losses and greater disasters.

This is a war supported by the State of Qin, but if there is a defeat, the situation will become extremely difficult. This has a great impact on the prime minister's support, and Meng Yi will never let this happen.

"Well. It seems that this can only be the case for now. But we have to take some measures in the propaganda of the war. For example, we have got oil in order to deal with possible mistakes. I think the retreat is not a defeat in the war. It is a kind of initiative control." Shang Wen said.

It is necessary to carry out necessary propaganda. After all, the domestic news media are very concerned about this. In their opinion, some government mistakes that may occur will be unrestrictedly magnified. This will have a great impact on the government's support rate. Under such influence, the government's support rate will inevitably be frustrated.

Shang Wen had to guard against such a situation. While Shangwen was dealing with the war, the bank was also actively investigating what happened in Goguryeo, and the impact of such an event was still great. In many cases, it will exceed some people's imagination.

In the headquarters of Munyang Bank, matters concerning the continued investment of Goguryeo are basically divided into two factions. Yingyu didn't know how to deal with it either. She can only deal with these things carefully. Therefore, the content of this meeting is to discuss how to resolve such matters, and all parties have their own views to express. She just wears glasses, ears, and hands.

"Goguryeo's investment value is gone, the war has been won, but the aftermath of the war will break out in this country in some time, and a large number of restored soldiers will return home, and the labor force will become extremely sufficient. Many people will If they lose their jobs, their government will definitely not be able to solve such things. This means that within a period of time, their security will become extremely difficult. It is difficult for you to believe that under such circumstances, they can really develop Get up. This is absolutely impossible.” An investment manager said.

"In addition, there is still a high amount of debt. Although the price of bonds is lower, the possibility of bond investment is reduced, and government debt is very high, and the risk of investment is very high. It is difficult for us to come up with such a sum of money to solve the problem. Such a thing, if the Goguryeo government takes the money we invested in to repay the debt, the whole country will be difficult to sustain. The ** will become even bigger. We can’t take risks, we can’t take risks, nor can we do it. ." said the investment manager.

"Well. This is indeed the case. Goguryeo's situation has developed into this. If they can't solve the debt problem, the situation will be difficult to proceed. That's the way it is." An investment director also said.

"We have only seen the crisis, but there are also some turning points in it. We should see that the three countries’ meeting of naval ministers is currently being held. The future trend is definitely to build more warships, and after the construction of warships, more merchant ships are needed to play. , And these all require a large amount of steel. In addition to the local steel production in the country of Zhao, more places are needed to provide steel. This place is Goguryeo, because they have sufficient coal advantages and convenient shipping. It is an important factor in their development of the steel industry. This means that more ships are needed for maritime transportation, and the development of domestic development in mountainous countries will be further carried out. The development of coal resources will inevitably bring economic benefits. Rapid development.” Another investment manager said.

"What do you think?" the investment manager asked everyone.

"There is a certain truth. As demand increases, the production side naturally needs to keep up. This is an inevitable process." Others have said.

"In that case, why can't we increase investment? This is an opportunity." said the investment manager.

"The question is, how to avoid risk and a large amount of debt. If this problem is not solved, this is a sword hanging on our heads, and our investments are likely to face large losses. Such problems are not solved. None of the problems can be solved." The investment director objected first. At this time, Yingyu calmly sat aside and watched the two sides speak different opinions.

Indeed, the Goguryeo government has a large number of debt problems. If these debt problems cannot be resolved in time, they will be passed on to Wenyang Bank at once, because you simply cannot control the other party after they get such a sum of money in the first time. What will they do? Of course they will repay part of their debts, and this will inevitably add additional investment funds. This is the situation. In order to avoid transferring a large amount of risk to them, the Qin people have to avoid such things. This is indeed not very good. Investment projects.

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