"If I were a bank, I would do the same. After all, there are great risks in the investment of Goguryeo people. Bonds and high-value bonds have no way to solve such problems." Shang Wen said after reading such reports. To. He knew that the first prerequisite for solving the problem of Goguryeo is to solve the government’s high debt problem. If this problem is not solved, the economy will be difficult to sustain. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to attract investment, because the first investment is One condition cannot be met, it is safe.

"The bank’s other analysis is also correct. After all, in the future, the demand for merchant ships and battleships will increase on a large scale. Under such circumstances, I think we should support them in carrying out such a large-scale support. Development will become great.” Meng Yi believes that some of the bank’s views are also correct. In this way, many things can be supported on a larger scale.

"No, I don't think so. First of all, it is difficult to guarantee that this is safety. The bank's investment starting point is safety, not money. This is the first point that Goguryeo cannot satisfy, and naturally it cannot attract investment. Under the circumstances, the only way is to solve their debt problems. Only in this way, all problems can be solved." Shang Wen said.

"But the question is, how to solve such a problem, we all know that such a problem needs considerable energy to solve, and the financial capacity of the Goguryeo government must be further improved in order to solve the debt problem smoothly." Meng Yi Speaking of.

"Such matters are quite difficult to deal with. The debts owed by Goguryeo are their current financial capacity for ten years. I don't think the Goguryeo government can repay all debts under such circumstances unless it uses new bonds. Mortgage the old bonds and dispose of them at a completely low price. In this way, the people must suffer heavy losses.” Meng Yi said.

"Maybe there is a way." Shangwen could only say this after hearing such a solution. This is not the first time Shang Wen has heard of the government's looting of people's funds. Such an approach will inevitably bring great disadvantages, that is, government-issued bonds will become rubbish, and all the wealth paid by the people will evaporate overnight. This is for people’s savings funds. A huge blow, the Qin government dare not do this, because if it does, everyone will oppose him, but Goguryeo might do it. Because they don't care about it. In their view. The interests of the people can be sacrificed.

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"The first thing that Goguryeo must solve is the huge debt problem. This problem is indeed caused by us, but Goguryeo is the beneficiary, and it is them who will solve the problem in the end." Zhao Jia said to his finance minister, and he also thought. Solve the financial problems of Goguryeo, but the problem is that if such problems are solved, the economy of Zhao will be dragged down by the economy of Goguryeo, because the other party is a dragging oil bottle, besides, it is still a bottomless pit. Who knows that Goguryeo’s economy is When will it be able to recover, it is simply impossible.

"But the prime minister, the problem is that they are our allies, and we still need some energy to deal with some of these things, or let them solve such a solution." The Minister of Finance believes that it is not very good to do so, and it will do them. Formed a great disaster.

"Well, for such a thing, let the financial side think of a way, maybe they have any good way to solve such a problem. After all, such a problem is created by themselves." Zhao Jia said.

The Minister of Finance does not know what Zhao Jia wants to do, and Zhao Jia’s attitude is clear, that is, Zhao Guo will not participate in such things. The economy of Goguryeo is going through their darkest time, and the aftereffects of the war are furthering. Appearing.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, on the main street. The impassioned military music is playing. The first group of soldiers who returned from the front line returned home with their medals. They were very happy and very excited. Fortunately, they are still alive. Excitedly, they finally returned home. The **** war is finally over, they don't have to worry about their lives anymore.

"Finally home." A sergeant said excitedly. For them, war is darkness.

"Yeah, we are going home. We will soon take off the military uniform and demobilize and go home. But is the family okay?" a sergeant looked at the family members who warmly welcomed them and asked. No one answered them. In their opinion, only their family members came back, better than anything else.

The war emptied most of Goguryeo's combat materials. The price of this was that the price of goods rose a lot, because many materials were used in the war, and civilian items were basically not guaranteed.

once. Their food prices are maintained at around one yuan, which allows all families to ensure that their food supply is good. But now, the price of food has risen tenfold. Ten yuan a catty of grain has made many families the heaviest burden. Fortunately, the price of grain has fallen a lot with the end of the war. At the highest point, it once reached 21 yuan. The era of high food prices is finally over.

But new problems emerged. Factories are under-operated, many factories are in a half-operational state, and their salaries are not guaranteed. This means that they also have to face difficult life difficulties. Men worry about work every day, while the first demobilized soldiers may be It will threaten their work, and women have to think of various ways to save money, such as digging wild vegetables, mixing sawdust in the food, and the porridge becomes more diluted. But this still does not solve the problem fundamentally. Some women have to come out to work, and then they enter a dark whirlpool.

The same scene happened not only in Goguryeo, but also in the country of Yan, where riots in the country continued to unfold. Not only workers, peasants, but even soldiers also rioted. They looted military supplies, opened the arsenal, snatched all arms and ammunition, occupied the nearby mountains and became bandits and armed criminal gangs. The government was unable to eliminate them. Because the government can't take care of it.

"In some dark alleys, where there is the smuggling business, the black market is the hottest place, the soldiers who retreat from the front line become the leaders of the gang, they are constantly fighting, and the fierce competition for the territory is no less than a one. Fierce fighting. The bayonets, rifles, and pistols they brought from firearms quickly became the firepower of the gang. The local police station had no time to manage such things because they couldn’t control it. The salary of the police was 20 per month. Five yuan, but a catty of rice on the black market has risen to two thousand five hundred yuan, and the rate of inflation is still increasing. The rice in the market originally belonged to the people of Yan, which was provided to the people of Yan by South Korea and Qin. Relief food is used to help those who cannot survive the Yan people through the most difficult moments, but now it seems that their situation seems very bad. Because many Yan officials accept bribes from those gangs, they embezzle a lot of them. After the food was stolen, it flowed into the black market. In order to obtain higher profits, the black market kept pushing up prices. The people simply couldn’t afford such food. The famine continued to spread. The worst thing is that Those soldiers who fled back from the front, especially those armed with weapons, will pose a greater threat to them. Many of them will come back with machine guns and artillery. It may take at least 15 years for Yan to re-establish normal order. Time, or maybe even longer.” Qin’s diplomatic ambassador wrote pessimistically. In his opinion, such a matter is still difficult to resolve. The entire State of Yan has entered a state of affairs that is difficult to resolve. This means that the chaos of the previous war quickly spread to the domestic society, and the original society of Yan State was unstable, which aggravated this social instability factor, which means that the civil unrest on a larger scale will It will last a long time, and Yan must spend more energy to solve their internal strife.

Loma, Fabian's villa.

Fabian was very tired and sat aside to rest. He seemed to persuade more veterans to borrow money from Korean banks, because only in this way could the financial ability of the Roma people be restored, and the military problems could be solved further, or, more. Large-scale social reforms can solve such problems. However, the Yuan old man in Lockheed Martin does not think so. They believe that Fabian’s idea is wrong and cannot be done because doing so will bring them even greater Under such circumstances, they hope that the other party can maintain a certain degree of sanity, that is to say, they better be able to solve such problems by themselves. This makes their situation more difficult. Fabian has exhausted his energy in this regard. He didn't want to continue wasting time like this.

"Perhaps a damned defeat in Rome can change such a situation." Fabian said. He himself is usually not agitated, but under such persuasion, he also feels very helpless.

"You said, would they choose the third way, the closest passage. That marshland, if that were the case, the war would be much easier." Scipio looked at the map. Suddenly said so.

"What?" Li Fu asked puzzlingly.

"Hannibal's third passage, the third passage no one thought of. The swamp, they will pass through the swamp," the other party said.

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