"Swamp, what kind of swamp?" Li Fu asked in a puzzled way, because the maps of the Loma people were extremely undetailed, and in many places they did not clearly mark some topographic features. It was the same as the early maps of the Central Plains, simple Mark it up.

"Yes, Bononia has a shortest road to Pistoria, but there is a swamp in Pistoria, which is called an impenetrable zone." Scipio said. To.

"The swamp, how could it not pass? Don't forget that Hannibal still has an engineering unit in his hand. They can lay a passage to open the forward gate there. Under such a passage, how could it be impossible to move forward." Li Fu said. To.

"I think so too. First of all, Hannibal is an adventurous person. Such an adventurous person is definitely a dangerous guy. He can cross the Alps and he can definitely cross the swamp. Because the swamp is not impenetrable, they There must be his own way to cross the swamp. If this is the case, Hannibal will cross to our back, and the entire line of defense will be passive." Scipio said.

"Yes, the swamp is not impossible to traverse. In such an area, the engineers have a way. They can quickly let the army enter any area they want to enter, but the question is, who will listen to you." Li Fu said. .

"You know, in the current situation, your mainstream officers have all gone to defend the mountain pass. You see the problem, but you don't have the strength to defend there." Li Fu said.

"Damn it. We can only watch this happen. We know that Hannibal can attack from there, but he doesn't have any ability. Damn it." Scipio said angrily. From this moment on, he became interested in political power, because it would bring them great convenience. Soldiers, soldiers without political power can't fight the wars they need at all. This is the situation.

And in the Pistoria swamp. Hannibal's army is crossing this swamp. In order to convince the Roman legions on the opposite side that they would attack the mountains, an artillery force tentatively launched an offensive. The Romans quickly established a large number of passive fortifications in the mountains, where they passively waited for Carthage. Because of the defensive operations in the mountains, the power of the artillery was reduced a lot. This gave the Roma Army an illusion that they felt that the power of the artillery was only greater than the power of their large ballista. They are bigger, and the range is only so. In fact, the power of artillery is much greater than the threat they pose. Unfortunately, they are commanded by a democratic leader who knows nothing about military affairs. This will cause a lot of casualties.

In short, the Carthaginians took deceptive measures, resulting in the Roma did not take the initiative to attack. In fact, the Roma had lost the possibility of actively attacking under their command.

In order to smoothly cross this swamp. They thought of a lot of ways. such as. For example, engineers equipped the infantry search forces with a shoe made of many branches. These branches would be tied to their boots to increase their force area, so that they could advance quickly in the swamp and avoid being caught in it. . However, one problem cannot be avoided by doing so, that is, the passage of the army, it is impossible for tens of thousands of people to pass through the swamp in this way. They need a faster way to solve this problem. The method they adopted is a large number of Of laying timber passages. A large number of branches, wood, and planks are laid on the passage established by the search personnel, and personnel can quickly pass through here, not only personnel, but also cannons and machine guns. This allows them to travel through here easily and quickly.

In order to increase the speed of passage, in a relatively short period of time, engineers and auxiliary units assisting the engineers set up three such passages. The army just crossed the swamp easily.

"We should be grateful to our engineering troops, they opened the way for us to advance." Hannibal said to Li Wei as he walked through the swamp. At this moment, he felt very excited. He felt that another Loma army would be wiped out by them on the passage.

"I also firmly believe in this, but we must eliminate their mobile forces. Only in this way can we attack Rome without any pressure. In addition, we should focus on attacking their main points in the selection of strategic objectives. , Rome, the port city, and a series of foundations of the other side. On these foundations, we must solve such problems." Li Wei said. Every time he thinks about this, Li Wei feels that the situation is a little bad, because for the Carthaginian army, they have too many goals. This will make them lose sight of each other, and it will not be able to solve all the problems at all.

"I know, these are not the troubles we have encountered." Hannibal actually has his own pressure. His situation is not very good. In many cases, his army lacks too many things to make it impossible to attack something they think. The desired goal.

For example, in the city of Rome, he knows that this is the core of Rome, and his weapons can reach such a certain level, but the question is, what else can they do after reaching such a level? Nothing can be done. After solving Rome's main force, their ammunition consumption will be reduced to a new level. In that case, they will not be able to attack Rome. Because there is not enough ammunition to allow them to do this, although Rome has great wealth, his army cannot do it, and they cannot accept such a situation.

Then their other choice is to attack from other cities, so that they can get more supplies, mainly food. Because their logistical roads are very scarce. Ammunition will remain at a low level for a long time. At this level, it seems difficult for them to accomplish such a thing. This determines that they will not solve all problems.

The difficulties encountered by the expeditionary forces are far beyond their imagination. In fact, there are still many problems to be solved by Hannibal, and solving these problems will bring him more things.

Goguryeo. Black soil city. Inside Li Lin's office.

"Mountain people still need more supplies, especially food and ammunition, but we can provide very little. Domestic prices are also maintained at a high level, and many people continue to reflect such things. If this continues, our approval rate will drop to an astonishing level. This is not good news for us." The Minister of Finance said.

"We don't have funds for them, we still lack, but we have to provide a fund to the mountain people. Can you imagine what our people will think when we provide a lot of food to the mountain people?" Li Lin suddenly turned his head back and asked such a question.

"I will answer you, they will be very angry, they will be extremely angry. They will question this war, **** war, they think we will lose this war in the end, because it is not us who won the war in the end. It's the **** mountain people." Li Lin seemed to be unable to control his emotions.

"This, I can understand, Prime Minister, but." The Finance Minister looked at the other side helplessly.

"We must first solve the financial problem. Only in this way can we solve the problem of the mountain people." The Minister of Finance said.

"How to solve, we are first faced with a large number of financial problems. I estimate that we will not be able to pay such a large amount of money in 20 years. In 20 years, the government will use all the financial funds to pay off debts." Li Lin obviously Some were out of control. He was passive and helpless in repaying debts. It was more of a pessimistic mood that made him lose hope.

"Prime Minister, we still have another way, which is to issue more banknotes and use government funds to repay these large debts, but the problem is that if too many banknotes are issued, our economic order will enter a state of chaos. , That may solve part of the problem, but it can only be controlled to a certain degree.” The Minister of Finance said.

"This is one way. You can." Li Lin nodded and said. He almost did not hesitate to nod his agreement, because this is the only place where the government can come up with money. Banknotes are originally worthless. If they want, the government can print them on a large scale, and they have no choice but to do so.

"Prime Minister, this kind of method can only be controlled within a certain range. If such a degree cannot be controlled in time, it will cause a big problem. We need to solve this problem carefully. In addition, we can also Issuing new bonds, using new bonds at high prices, absorbing a large number of low-priced bonds, and transferring back the previous war bonds, the problem can basically be solved in half." The Minister of Finance said. This is a matter of no way, but a way.

"Very well, you can also control and support this way." Li Lin agreed, but there is no one to care about the consequences of this. Because these can no longer be changed in time. The compressed value of old bonds means that people’s property security has been greatly threatened, and the issuance of a large number of banknotes has further pushed up prices. All of this is the result of the government trying to **** the people from the hands of the people. Funds, this move will definitely cause a large-scale commotion, but in contrast, they have no choice.

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