South Korea's Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"The gross tonnage is limited. As for what kind of warship, I don't think we have too many requirements." Han Shu said to the Secretary of the Navy.

"We all know that what Zhao people need are small warships. Most of them are destroyers and warships such as frigates. Such warships are the least likely to cause misunderstanding in a region. They already understand that they should build this way. If we If we build in the same way, it will also be detrimental to us. Our warships can be built to be larger and sail farther. After all, our needs are different. What Zhao people need are destroyers and frigates. For such warships, what they want to upgrade is the regional military power. This is in great conflict with us. After all, both sides have different needs. On this issue, make concessions." Han Shu said. To.

South Korea and Zhao have different needs. The main purpose of Zhao is to increase regional military power in a short period of time. In order to avoid causing discomfort to larger countries, they can only choose warships such as destroyers and frigates to build. This is a good protection strategy. The development of the South Korean Navy is different from that of the Zhao Guoren. The Koreans hope to gather a large number of warships to build large warships on a large scale, because they value the mobile force of the navy more. Large warships can provide effective This kind of support, this kind of support is one of the important measures to maintain their progress.

In other words, the two sides will not have too much conflict on the issue of naval mobile forces, since the people of Zhao Guo have already achieved this. The Koreans did not force the other party to further reduce this situation. After all, this situation is very much in the interests of the Koreans.

The Zhao people made huge concessions to achieve this point. Their purpose is for peace, but in doing so, some Zhao officials are dissatisfied. These things are beyond their control.

Armenia, the Parthian military operations ceased, they stopped attacking, and the infantry began to enter a defensive state on the spot. Their commander issued such an order. As for the specific impact, the soldiers don't care about it, and they can't do this, but they know that. It started to rain in the sky. Whether they are attacking or retreating, their situation will encounter unprecedented difficulties.

"These days. With continuous rain, the weather has also become colder. Many soldiers shivered from the cold because they were still wearing the clothes that were distributed for the departure. They were very thin. Some people had to put blankets on their bodies to keep warm." Qin Feng wrote in his notebook that the same is true for him now. He is wearing his blanket and sitting on the camp bed. There is a small stove in the tent. This will make them drier, the cold and humid environment will make many soldiers sick, and military doctors will not be able to face such a large-scale situation. Because of the lack of such a situation in his medicines, he could only let the soldiers drink more water, or give salt water supplements, which may be good for some people, but most of the diseases have not been well stabilized and treated. The fighting power of the Parthians began to decline. The increase in non-combat attrition is definitely not a good situation, because doing so will increase their burden.

"The entire logistics and transportation have all stopped. The cavalry is also difficult to retreat. They have to defend on the spot. The roads here are originally very poor and there is no reason at all. Most of the so-called roads are caused by long-term walking. It’s difficult to maintain large-scale marches on the roads and the need for logistical supplies, because many times. The roads here become very clingy under rain conditions. Yes, it’s such a situation. On your boots. To be able to fall into it, you can’t pull it out. You need to spend a lot of effort to pull out the boots, then move forward, and then you need to pull out the boots behind. The same is true for the cavalry. Sometimes the horses will be trapped in it. Strength cannot guarantee the smoothness of a section of the road. The entire battlefield is trapped by Qiu Yu." Qin Feng wrote here.

"After the autumn rains, the temperature began to drop rapidly. We know that it will not take long for the weather to become extremely cold. Under such circumstances, all military operations must be stopped. There are often news of this kind, and these news are an important source of information for them to know the above intentions. The Ministry of National Defense of Anxi decided to accept the suggestions of the people of Qin, and they will choose a suitable place for defensive operations, even if there is a large-scale offensive, they still We must stop and accept this kind of factual change. Because the war will lead to a confrontation situation. All people don't want to waste time in such a situation." Qin Feng said. Faced with the arrival of the cold winter, many soldiers agreed to retreat. Because of poor logistics supplies, they could not deliver autumn and winter clothes. The command here exacerbated the consumption of this situation. They decided that if the weather improves and the road conditions are better , They immediately retreated, and if this continues, they will freeze to death here. This is the case of the rest. They have no choice. The Qin people's constant pressure made them retreat quickly.

Chu State, Prime Minister's Mansion, in Song Yi's office.

"Ya Pian?" Song Yi put down the report in his hand and asked the Minister of Defense.

"Yes, Yapian. We hope to be able to grow Yapian to solve this problem from another angle. We can adopt the same tactics and deal severe blows to the enemy. We can do this. The cotton people’s economic source is mainly By relying on Yapian, we can also grow Yapian. Where there are people from Qi country, Yapian will be sold. We can follow closely and impact the other party’s market. In this way, the price of Yapian will continue to fall, and we can also learn from Yapian. Gaining benefits from the film’s proceeds and ending the cotton war can fundamentally solve such problems." The Minister of Defense said.

"Haha. This sounds like a good suggestion. It can make money and solve problems." Song Yi felt very fresh. He felt that such things should be encouraged. After all, the current state of Chu’s fiscal tax revenue is still being further reduced, and there are still not many opportunities for industry to provide a large amount of tax revenue.

The Secretary of Defense nodded slightly to express his understanding that he was helpless in proposing such a plan. Because the Chu army commando team cannot solve the battlefield issues more effectively, they will become extremely passive and difficult to resolve. The issues on both sides will become elusive, under such circumstances. They are eager to find a solution to the problem completely.

Yapian did not attract the attention of the Ministry of National Defense of Gangchu at first, because they believed that such a thing was just a kind of medicine grown by the people of Qi, but as more and more seizures were seized in military operations, some sensitive businessmen took a fancy to it. In view of the business opportunities, the people of Qi will not grow such things for no reason. The only explanation is that this kind of medicine is of great value, and the merchants of Chu State began to try to promote this kind of medicine. The Army was not interested in the elegant films they seized. This kind of thing seemed to be valuable, but they didn’t know what it was for, so they naturally gave up these things. Gradually, these things started to give them a lot of opportunities. This opportunity is a business opportunity. The discovery of the Chu merchants quickly attracted the attention of the Army. They hoped to end the current war through another method. The prolonged delay of the war would make the soldiers' enthusiasm worse. Finally, the Ministry of National Defense proposed such a method.

"We should boldly try such military operations. This is very important for us. We need such a method. We should encourage." Song Yi felt that such a project that can generate fiscal revenue should be positive. encourage.

"It is to start a small-scale war. But as long as some economic problems can be solved, I will provide help and support." Song Yi seems to have tasted the sweetness of the economic benefits brought by military operations. Started to actively encourage this practice, which has not been approved before, which surprised the Secretary of Defense. But since the Prime Minister has approved it, they didn't say anything bad. After all, this is a project approved by their prime minister.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank headquarters. Yingyu saw a report about Goguryeo.

"New bonds replace old bonds, and the government also dedicated a portion of the funds to purchase. Goguryeo's idea is really bold." Yingyu said after reading such a report.

New bonds replace old bonds. Although it is an issuance of bonds, in fact, this means that the value of the old bonds will be further reduced, which in turn will affect the value of the bonds. This is actually deliberately suppressing the old bonds. In this case, the value of the bonds The total amount will shrink severely, which will shrink to a severe degree.

On the other hand, the government used funds for repurchase, but what Yingyu knew was that there was no funds in the Goguryeo Treasury. Then, where did these funds come from? Obviously, printing houses and banknotes are all large-scale. Printed out, on the one hand, the government tried its best to lower the value of bonds, and on the other hand, they paid for the purchase. They did solve the problem of bonds, but their bond prices would fall to a serious point. The credit will be completely lost. Goguryeo is waiting for a chaotic Goguryeo to come.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Fucking, what kind of world is this? I worked so hard to give you my life, so I changed this little money, knowing that the rice has risen. I bought it for two hundred yuan at that time. That is my military salary. It was the result of Laozi's life." Li Jiu shouted loudly. He was a veteran, but when he exchanged his bonds, he realized that the price of bonds had fallen severely. He originally bought a bond worth more than 200 yuan, but now it is only worth 45 yuan. When this policy was introduced, prices dropped a lot. When in the military, they were still reluctant to buy it. However, after returning from demobilization, they had to do this for their livelihood. The price of a catty of rice has risen to 15 yuan again, but the 200-yuan bond is only forty-five yuan. In other words. His living conditions are much worse than before. His two hundred yuan worth of bonds can only buy three catties of rice.

If the rice market lacks funds, he may not even be able to buy three catties of rice. This made him very angry. He wanted to find those banks, and the banks that bought their bonds had loud theories. But the result drew dissatisfaction from the security. vigilance.

"Damn it, you are so dark-hearted. I have eaten guns and shed blood for this country, but you are drinking our blood. You are all lunatics, shameless guys." Li Jiu was invited out directly by the security. . But that's it, his bonds still sold for forty-five yuan, and he didn't know what he should do next. Because forty-five yuan can do too little. He can only take care of two meals at most.

He came to the market, he wanted to buy some rice, and as a result, the rice rose. Eighteen yuan, meat is more expensive, fifty yuan, more than the money he holds in his hands, that’s it, there are still many people buying crazy, as if these things don’t need money, but the problem is that he really has no money. .

"Come and buy it. If you don't buy it, it will increase. A price a day, if you buy it today, you will make a profit." A big man shouted. The people waiting in line seemed very anxious, because the price of goods went up when they bought it. In desperation, Li Jiu had no choice but to queue up quickly. Then I bought some rice back, what else can I do? It can only be done like this.

On the way back, he didn’t know what he was thinking. He felt that this society was a bit unreal, or that he felt that these things made him feel very uncomfortable. Why, because he came back from the front line, wait until When he returned to a peaceful life, he suddenly discovered that everything was incompatible with him. Many of the problems he could have solved had become extremely difficult. He didn't know why.

He worked hard for this country, but it turned out to be like this. His military pay was not much. Originally, it was a huge expense before the war, but after the war, he found out that he had been fooled. In the era of soaring prices of several hundred yuan, it is nothing at all. Government bonds are not a thing. When they rise, they buy, and when they fall, they can't make any money. He felt that the whole society was dark. He feels that he is very useless, because he hasn't even been able to find a job until now. There are many people seeking jobs and many skills are required. He doesn't even know any of these skills.

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