Zhao Guo, on the streets of Handan.

"Extra, extra. Zhao sent an expeditionary army to crusade against the Carthaginians." A newsboy shouted loudly. Such news caught the attention of Zhao Guoren, and Zhao Guoren who were still eating breakfast stopped the newsboys, and they immediately bought a newspaper. People in Zhao are generally patriotic, especially when it comes to foreign warfare. They are all very happy, even if the newspapers have several times more money than usual. They are willing to buy, nothing, this is patriotic.

"Hehe, this Carthage should have been beaten long ago. I think he is not a good bird." A Zhao Guoren said excitedly after reading the newspaper. This is another military action of the State of Zhao in foreign operations. They should support such military operations. After all, this is their own country.

"That is, wherever we Zhao Guo went is not tax-free, it is this Carthage, his mother is not a thing. We Zhao Guo went to help them, they even dared to do this, purely seeking death." A Zhao Chinese people are talking while eating breakfast. Many people nodded their heads in agreement. After all, they did not have a good impression of the Carthaginians.

"It's just that these warships are a little scarce. There are only two cruisers. Twelve destroyers and more than two thousand people. Can this destroy Carthage?" Some people asked worriedly.

"Oh, my old customer. This is just a lesson, and it can kill people all at once. This person, that's it, he bullies us, we just change hands to bully him I'm convinced. I'm on the ground. It's all right. I can really kill him all at once." The store explained this way.

"Yeah. That's the truth, but this Carthage is bad enough to add taxes to us, **** it, our Zhao Guo didn't dare to increase taxes like this. I guess, if it doesn't hit Carthage, it doesn't count. That's it." said Zhao Guoren, who looked like a businessman.

"No, but for such a large-scale war, I think the government should issue war bonds. After all, the financial expenditure is still too little. Only borrowing money can solve all the problems." Another businessman estimated this way.

"What I said is, I also think it should be the case, otherwise, the situation is really not very favorable for us." The other party said.

Inside Zhao Jia's office.

"How is the situation of the people?" Zhao Jia asked his finance minister. The first thing the war solved was the funding problem. This is the crux of the problem. He doesn't care how many troops can solve such problems, but how to make such a situation more advantageous.

"Most of them expressed their support, and the public's sentiment is extremely high. I think this war will become even more promising." The Minister of Finance said.

"Well, in this way, the issue of war bonds can continue. This is extremely beneficial to us. After all, such things will not be given too much, and many of our situations will be resolved. The funding problem is resolved. All problems are solved." Zhao Jia said.

"It's just, what happened to Goguryeo?" the Minister of Finance asked worriedly.

"The problem of Goguryeo is extremely complicated to solve. You and I know the situation. Under such circumstances, who can complete such a thing, high debt, this is a risk in itself, this kind of thing needs to be slowly digested by Goguryeo, let's talk about it. They have received a lot of support, are they still not satisfied in the face of such a situation?" Zhao Jia said impatiently.

"Yes. Prime Minister." The Minister of Finance eagerly hopes to resolve the Goguryeo issue, because it is related to Zhao’s diplomatic influence. If Zhao does not care about it, Zhao will fall into a state of diplomatic isolation. It had a very bad influence on the country of Zhao, but the son Zhao Jia seemed to have been frightened by the huge debt of Goguryeo. He was unwilling to participate in it, and more of an attitude of avoidance. Faced with such an attitude, their situation would naturally be difficult to handle. This is their current situation.

Qin State, Xianyang. Ministry of Defense. The spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense looked nervously at the speech in his hand. He felt that something was wrong, or that the content of today was a bit sensitive and it was a bit tricky to deal with. Why, on the surface, a military operation supported by the people of Qin had retreated. . Retreat is usually associated with military failure. Although many people understand what the military is all about and the necessary retreat is all right, the problem is that the war is already adequate in the initial propaganda process. It shows a situation, that is, this war will be a huge victory in a short time, and the expectations of the people will be mobilized quickly. Their expectations are high, but they also feel helpless when encountering such a thing. After all, once such a thing happens, it is still difficult to deal with.

"Let me come." Meng Tian said after taking the speech.

"Sir." The spokesperson looked at Meng Tian nervously when he encountered such a thing. He also felt very tricky, but his chief had to replace him, which surprised him.

"What this kind of thing needs is such a situation. If you don't explain it clearly, the situation will get worse." Meng Tian said.

"Yes. Sir." The other side nodded and said.

The press conference began soon. The appearance of Meng Tian surprised many reporters. They did not know what had happened. Under such circumstances, what kind of situation had occurred requires a high-level official from the Ministry of National Defense to answer. The reporters were very surprised.

Soon Meng Tian published the matter about Qin Jun’s suggestion that the Parthians should withdraw. This kind of thing was written down lightly in Meng Tian, ​​describing it as a normal military retreat.

"Excuse me, the general, is such a retreat a failure?" a female reporter asked. This question is very sharp.

"No. Your understanding is wrong. The retreat is only for the next attack to gather forces. At the same time, I have to remind you that the current rest situation has reached our expected result, and we still occupy the strategic initiative. The retreat is only because of the weather. For this reason, we can’t let the Sabbath soldiers freeze and starve there, and wise officers will choose this way. I believe you should understand this kind of situation. In this kind of situation, many things need us to come. This is solved." Meng Tian said.

"Your Excellency, can you talk about the specific retreat?" the female reporter asked reluctantly.

"Winter is here. There is a continental climate. I think we all have tried this. The weather there will become very cold. It will be difficult for many technical units to play their due role. In order to avoid encountering them in future operations. When more trouble came, and the first phase goal had been achieved, we occupied a large area. In view of this, we chose to retreat." Meng Tian replied.

Hearing this, many reporters nodded and expressed their understanding, but female reporters believed that this is still big news. Why did they retreat? This is only an objective reason, so where is the subjective reason? This requires him to seriously think about this issue. Maybe there is really a big secret in this.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. The situation here is getting more and more chaotic.

"Protest against skyrocketing prices." Students took the lead, workers got closer, and more and more people participated in demonstrations against the government. They expressed their dissatisfaction. Under such circumstances, they could not calm them down.

Li Jiu also participated in it. He didn't know that such a thing wouldn't work, but he really couldn't live anymore. There is no food in their family. Borrowing food everywhere can barely take a sip of gruel. Hunger makes them feel a serious sense of crisis. If this situation does not change, the situation will have a big crisis. Everyone will not survive, so He came to participate in the parade. I hope the government can give them a way to survive.

"We want to live, we don't want to be hungry." A worker shouted excitedly.

"We want to live, we don't want to be hungry." Many people raised their arms and shouted, which shocked the police. They could only continue to retreat and maintain.

"Wow!" As the police kept retreating, the military and police mobilized urgently to participate in it. They quickly blocked the receiver and prevented them from further reaching the Prime Minister's Office. There is the core existence of Goguryeo. The military and police are also very nervous. Whoever encounters such a situation, they are very nervous.

Inside the Prime Minister's Office.

"Insurgency events continue to occur. In some remote areas, retired soldiers cannot adapt to their living conditions. They looted shops, killed government officials, and entered the mountainous areas to become gangsters." The Attorney General explained.

"The student movement and the labor movement in various places are also constantly on the rise. We are already struggling to cope. For such things, we have mobilized a large number of military and police, and the army is currently participating, and two infantry divisions are approaching here. Their arrival , The streets will be completely blocked. I think it is necessary for us to impose a curfew to a certain extent.” The Attorney General suggested this way.

The Minister of Defense looked at the Minister of Justice, because Goguryeo never carried out such a thing during the fiercest period of the war, but this time the war has ended, but such a thing must be carried out. He didn't understand why there was such a thing.

"Just do it, but we need to appease them, otherwise, things will get worse. In the face of such things, we can only explain more and let the people take more responsibility. This picture is also responsible. "Li Lin said. He didn't want to be too involved in such a thing, but there was no way.

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