The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3982: Strategic target selection

Inside the city of Rome, inside the Korean Embassy.

"In this way, the Loma people will definitely lose this war this time?" Li Bao said after reading Li Fu's report.

"Yes, according to Hannibal's previous combat style, he will definitely cross such swamps and then appear behind the Roma, setting up a trap, and causing more massive casualties. The Roma has been defeated. Certainly, this situation cannot be changed.” Li Fu said, this is an inference of Scipio, and Li Fu himself has also agreed with such an inference, because according to common sense, those roads are not the most suitable choice. , Those local commands caused more large-scale casualties, and ammunition consumption, these are not the responsibility of the Hannibal Expeditionary Force. So he must choose a channel that can completely solve all problems. This channel is to choose the marshland with a better offensive point to launch an attack. Only in this way, all problems can be completely solved.

"If the Roma lose this battle again, their situation will become very dangerous. Not only that, but their entire situation will become extremely unfavorable. Under such circumstances, we are really It’s hard to believe that they have any chance of winning.” Li Bao said, he has seen a turning point from the crisis. In order to solve Hannibal, the Roma must solve the financial problem, if it can’t solve the financial problem. , Their situation cannot be reversed very well. Under such circumstances, borrowing money seems to be the only option. If this is the case, the bank’s situation will be greatly changed, and this change will be more conducive to their further development. Improve this situation.

"Yes, after Hannibal's victory in this battle, Rome was under their threat, and then launched a swift attack, which can completely change their situation." Zhang Jun also said the same, it seems that they started There was a lot of pessimism about the future of the Romans, and the generation of this sentiment would greatly affect their next offensive operations.

"Such things have already happened in the war. If you want to change this situation, the only way to attack as much as possible. Change all the conditions. But then, the financial problems have become prominent again." Li Bao said. This is the opportunity, which forces the Lockheed Martin government to take some necessary measures to change the current situation. Military failures are all bad things. For example, they can clearly recognize their own shortcomings.

"I think the situation is unlikely to change all at once. You don’t know about Lockheed Martin’s Senate, nor about Lockheed Martin. Although their consuls have great powers, they will still be restricted by the Senate. In the case of, although they will choose a more outstanding person to appear, they want to end all the battle conditions and change all the current situations at once. This requires a time, a time process, and this process may be a long time. But it must have been a battle.” Li Fu said, he followed Scipio to know the specific conditions of some Roma people. Under such circumstances, many things need to be gradually improved, for example, Finance and issuance of bonds is not a last resort, and in order to win the final victory, the Roma people will try. Although the Roma have already had two large-scale failures, the foundation of the Roma is still The situation will become more favorable.

"I have forgotten one thing. This is a message sent from the country just now. It may not be a big event for the country, but for us, this kind of thing will become extremely bad." Zhang Jun said So he took out a telegram and handed it to everyone. The two were stunned after seeing it quickly.

"Zhao people are going to send troops to attack Carthage?" Li Bao said incredulously, because their bank was about to succeed. It turned out that such a thing happened, which made him feel unacceptable, but it had already happened. What else can they do. This is a situation that cannot be changed.

"Yes, because the **** Carthaginians, they were not taxing at the right time, and their targets were specifically aimed at the people of Zhao, which annoyed the people of Zhao. We don’t know specifically what kind of military actions the people of Zhao will have. What kind of impact will it have on Hannibal, but what I know is that it will have a great impact on us, and it will seriously affect Hannibal’s destructive power. These **** Carthaginian Senate, their The head was really kicked by the donkey. Their heads are broken." Li Bao scolded like this, but there was no scolding. The thing has happened. They can only accept this kind of situation. As for other things, they cannot change this fact at all.

Inside Fabian’s villa.

Scipio gave Fabian a telegram. The content of the telegram was about the news that the people of Zhao were about to attack the Carthaginians. Scipio thought this was good news and should make Fabian happy.

"Such news has an impact on us, but the most important thing is us." Fabian said calmly. Scipio didn't understand. Fabian is also not strong. After all, this kind of thing is finally solved by the Roma people. The Zhao people attacked Carthage. At most, it is a lesson. But let the Zhao people help the Roma fight such a war. It's impossible. Therefore, Fabian understood it all at once. In view of the current situation, he did not need such a thing to solve this kind of problem. The final solution to the problem still depends on yourself.

Lake Trasimeno. Hannibal's headquarters was built on a hidden hill. He can see all the situation with a telescope.

"The Loma people are still fooled." Hannibal said with a smile. They sent cavalry to harass and attacked the rear of the Roma Army. They saw Hannibal suddenly appearing behind them. Flamini led the Roma Army to follow them. Only then did they discover that Hannibal hadn't walked two roads. In any of them, they still wondered where Hannibal came from, and now they finally knew this, but it was too late. Their situation is already unfavorable, and it will become even more unfavorable.

Following the Hannibal Cavalry, the Roma Army jumped into the encirclement of Hannibal. This encirclement was surrounded by mountains on three sides and in a canyon facing the lake. This was an excellent ambush place, in order to be able to completely solve it. The infantry of the Roma, Hannibal erected machine gun units that were not often used, so that they would be able to quickly end the battle.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery came, which meant that the Loma Legion had entered their final countdown, and the battle would take place more cruelly by their side.

"Tututu, Tututu. Tutu." The machine gun fired continuously, and the battle suddenly entered the most intense place. Li Wei just raised the binoculars to check the situation on the battlefield, and then stopped checking.

This is not a war at all, but a unilateral slaughter. Even though the Roma soldiers were brave, they still did not lose their will to fight even under siege. However, this was of no use at all, because they The situation has determined that their condition will not be too good. Under such circumstances, they will never encounter a fundamental solution. The war is so cruel. Under such circumstances, they will not be able to further solve such problems. problem.

"Tutu. Tutu." Machine guns kept firing, harvesting the lives of the Loma people. They never thought that there was such a weapon in the world. This kind of weapon caused considerable damage to them, and they charged bravely. Then the bullets penetrated their shields and their helmets, with a shooting density like raindrops, making them unable to move forward at all. On their way forward, machine guns shot to form a relatively fixed wall of corpses. This is such a terrible thing. Faced with such a thing, they simply can't solve such a problem. This will make their situation even crazier.

"This war has no meaning. I think we can consider the next battle." Li Wei said after seeing it.

"Well, I decided to attack the Allies near Loma, attack, and disintegrate the power of the Roma. In this way, it will be more conducive to weakening the Roma." Hannibal said.

"Don't you attack the port? We need to attack a port city to obtain supply points, and then we can attack Lockheed Martin. Or if we attack Lockheed directly, the war may end sooner." Li Wei started from his own thinking. From a method perspective, their expeditionary forces must solve their supply problems. If they cannot get adequate supplies, their situation will get worse, especially in terms of ammunition consumption. They must complete such things as quickly as possible.

The attack on Loma is considered a political goal, because if the attack on Loma wins Loma, the war will end. In contrast, the risk of attacking Lockheed Martin is relatively high.

"I will not attack Loma. I decide to attack those city-states, attack those city-states, allies, and it may solve our logistics supply problem." Hannibal said. Earlier, Li Wei had raised many related military tactics. For example, the attack on Lockheed Martin was of great political significance. It can also solve the problem, but from Carthage's own point of view, they can't do this. The reason is that doing so will consume more ammunition. Although Lockheed Martin is very wealthy, it is also very difficult to fight. Their ammunition reserves may no longer be able to maintain such a huge offensive system. This kind of risk is great, and as the ammunition drops, Hannibal is reluctant to engage in such risky behavior.

He chose to attack Loma’s allies, or use diplomatic means to isolate Loma and finally solve the Loma issue. At the same time, this method can also allow them to reap a military port city. In this way, their logistical supplies can also be solved. After the logistical supplies are solved, they are attacking Loma. It can be said that all of this is very reasonable. , But it may be because it is too reasonable. Hannibal’s military actions slowed down. Hannibal didn’t even notice this. He was becoming conservative. Such conservative behavior would directly affect the results of his military actions. Hannibal I don't even know these.

"When we attack their allies, we can still maintain a certain amount of military ammunition. In this way, all problems will be resolved. In this case, our situation will become more favorable." Hannibal said. Oh.

Li Wei did not answer and continued with related topics. On the contrary, he was just thinking about whether there was a problem with their strategy, and for these questions, he was thinking about whether they would have such a situation.

The expeditionary forces have too many targets, and many are scary. In many cases, they cannot solve the problem further. For example, many times, they cannot choose the correct attack target. Lockheed Martin, the port city, Lockheed Martin’s allies have too many targets. But their power is very limited. If they split their forces madly to fight, their power will be further dispersed, which means that their military power will be dispersed on a larger scale. Once the forces are dispersed, they will be far from defeat in this military operation.

Coupled with the particularity of the soldiers of the Carthaginian army, they are people who take money to do things. They value their military pay very much. If there is not enough military pay, they will not be able to do these things. Military operations For them, it will be a burden.

In the past three hours, the battlefield has become extremely quiet. The Gauls rushed out excitedly to harvest their spoils, and only a handful of Romans fled. Although there are still Romans in a nearby village, their fate has been decided. Carthage will not let them go.

The battle is over. The Carthaginians' expedition will go one step further. After the event is over, their situation will become more favorable, but the problem is that they have too many strategic goals. In terms of choice, once there is a mistake in strategic choice, the whole situation will be difficult to change. Li Wei is very worried about this.

But sometimes, the more you worry about things, the more things happen in the end. As a result, such things will really happen.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, Li Lin had a headache facing the chaos, and he didn't know how to solve such a thing.

The Minister of Finance came in happily to report.

"What's the matter? Is it still a financial problem?" Li Lin has received too much bad news. He really didn't know how much news was left to accept.

"No. It's a member of the State of Qin, and the State of Qin plans to give us assistance." The Minister of Finance was so excited.

"Aid?" Li Lin asked incredulously.

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