Actually, it's not surprising at all. Because the war will continue, these young officers will certainly have greater opportunities for development. It's just that such an opportunity is still coming, but Li Fu believes that it will not be long before such an opportunity will come.

Rest in peace, Xindu.

"If your Poseidon plan can be put forward earlier, the situation will become very simple." Li Feng said to Li Guo in this way.

"We didn't expect such a result either." Li Guo said helplessly. They received some telegrams from the front line. The retreat was very unsatisfactory. It can be described as very bad. The troops must first complete the assembly. They will slowly alternate cover and retreat in regiments. However, the rest of the army has not practiced such a tactical retreat before. The situation became very unfavorable at first.

Some troops couldn't reach a regiment at all, and the first assembled troops left in a hurry. However, the earlier chase and the sweeping forces that were distributed farther away were delayed because of the late orders. They are not equipped with telephones at all, and sometimes it is difficult for the communicators to find each other because they do not have a map of that zone at all. They rely solely on the communicator’s sense of direction to find them. The result is conceivable. Then, as a result, the troops that assembled first left first. The troops arriving later still have to chase the other side.

They always gather in platoons. Such a small military unit gives the Armenians a great opportunity to ambush. They continue to ambush these unscheduled military units. Although they are small in number, their numbers are very large, which has caused a certain number of casualties. After learning about this, the Ministry of National Defense strictly required all combat units to retreat until all their small combat units were assembled, but such an order could not be carried out at all.

Because of the cold, many soldiers felt very cold. They even pulled off their companions' clothes and put them on, but this still couldn't guarantee them against the severe cold. The supplies in the rear can only be guaranteed when they reach the 200-kilometer line, but they are still more than 200 kilometers away from that line. This distance seems to be the line of death, and many people have become extremely difficult. Annoyed, they think that their chief never cares about their life or death. Their chief is also annoyed, because of this kind of thing, how can they do it. Therefore, the entire retreat became extremely slow and inefficient, and many people were frozen to death on the march.

"I think we should take some military actions to retreat all the troops near the Caspian Sea and use speedboat troops to reduce their marching routes. Even commercial boats are okay. In this way, it can solve us to a large extent. Many problems." Li Feng felt very anxious about the things caused by moving forward. After all, those losses were their own military strength. Under such circumstances, no one would like to see such a situation happen.

"We understand this, but we still need some time to complete. After all, this kind of thing still needs your government's procurement." Li Guo said. He hopes that the Ministry of Defense can move a shipyard over, so that the shipbuilding industry in the Caspian Sea will become much more advanced.

"At present, it seems that we can only wait." Li Feng seemed anxious.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Supreme Command.

Zhang Liang collected what he had just collected and submitted it to Han Shu.

"This is the candidate submitted by our Loma Embassy." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu took it and took a look.

"Scipio, this man is so young, he is only in his early twenties. Can such a person be their consul in Lockheed?" Han Shu asked.

"No, the king, he is too young. Even if he is 30 years old, he is still a lot worse. At this age in our army, he is only a second lieutenant or a lieutenant." Zhang Liang explained.

"Well, it's a pity that Loma can't entrust his destiny to a second lieutenant or a lieutenant." Han Shu decisively put Scipio's information aside. Because he is young. Indeed, some of these age groups have just walked out of the military academy gate and completed their one-year career as a military academy intern. Their rank is second lieutenant, and then it will take them about ten years to enter military academies again to learn intermediate military command knowledge, and they will need to serve as staff for a long time. By this time they were over 30 years old. In contrast, Scipio is really young. Han Shu is naturally unwilling to use such a young person. Can you let a second lieutenant command thousands of troops? Obviously this is impossible.

In this way Scipio was abandoned. In fact, Scipio’s political conditions are very good. He has a prominent family that can provide more opportunities, but in a stable environment, his age has become his Achilles’ heel, perhaps in the near future , Will give him such an opportunity.

"Who is this person, Paulus?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang. Because Zhang Liang highlighted a red line under this person's name.

"Yes, there is another person named Varo. He is also a very suitable candidate. Such a person can bring us more opportunities." Zhang Liang said.

"These two people sound pretty good. It seems that it is easy to get the support of the Senate in their situation. Such people are the most suitable. That's them." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded and said. Scipio still needs an opportunity, just like the situation in history, this opportunity comes from a major battle change in the future. But it is still Fabian's one-man show.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Many people are questioning the reliability of our military operations in peace. Under such circumstances, our situation still seems very bad." Meng Yi said.

"The Ministry of National Defense has launched military operations. Some things are indeed wrong." Shangwen admitted his mistakes sincerely. After all, he is also a human being and will inevitably make mistakes.

"It's just that there is some bad news that we should pay attention to. Li Si. On some occasions, we criticized our policy, although some people expressed disgust. But it is still against us. They think we are too conservative, or because of opposition. Do not respond positively. As a result, such a mistake occurred." Meng Yi said.

Shangwen frowned when he heard such words, and felt very uncomfortable, of course. In this case, it is uncomfortable for anyone, this is the situation.

"Perhaps Li Si drank too much. The drunken talk. I can't believe it." Shang Wen said with a great degree. Anyway? Shangwen believes that this is their freedom of speech, and Shangwen cannot interfere with the other party. After all, such interference will cause a lot of trouble, and this will create Shangwen's unfavorable image of carelessness. Shangwen believes that this cannot be done, because doing so will give the other party a chance instead, and Shangwen does not want to see this happen.

"However, such an attack has had a very negative impact on us. They think we are responding negatively. What should we do?" Meng Yi said.

"What can we do? Explain? This will consume us more time and energy. We are very busy at the moment. We are too busy with many things. Why do we continue to do such things on this matter? Obviously this is not the point that we should pay attention to. We should do our own things, rather than concentrate everything on this point." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. Let's decide this kind of thing. We don't care about them. Their impact on us is also very limited." Shang Wen said. Then deal with other things.

Meng Yi felt that Li Si had done too much. However, Shangwen was unable to launch a counterattack because of his status. This made Meng Yi very annoyed, and he had a very bad impression of Li Si's character.

Chu State, Pengcheng, Prime Minister's Office, Song Yi's office.

"This is the first profit we have just received. In the country of Seth, Persia, and the Mediterranean region, the sales of Yapian are indeed very good. We have not found such benefits before, but now we suddenly discovered that, This is a good cash crop." The Minister of Finance said with a smile. The first profit from the elegant film made many people laugh. It was good. Fortunately, they decided to continue to expand the planting area.

"Well, in this case, we can grow it in other places, such as Indi. What we know is that the situation there is very complicated and the population is large. There is food everywhere in our warehouse. We give them some food and let They took food in exchange for us, so that everything can be solved." Song Yi suddenly came up with a better way.

Because of the continuous wars and the chaos of the population and race in Indy, the fighting between them has never stopped. Koreans support and Qin people support. Even Zhao people secretly participated in it. Chu people believe that they too Can participate.

"Yes, Prime Minister. We will carry out such an order." The Minister of Finance said. As long as fiscal revenue can be increased, other things will be ignored by them.

"Well, I think that it is not just Indy, it should be planted in more areas. For example, Persia is also a good area. We can continue to plant along the western coastal areas. We should plant where there is land. We should give great support to such things and this kind of business." Song Yi said with a smile. The Minister of Finance nodded. This would have caused great fluctuations, but now they can't take care of it.

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