The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3991: Chu people's tea garden

South Korea, Qingcheng, the Korean government, Qingcheng Finance Building, Qingcheng has now become an important seaport city, and its taxes account for 11% of South Korea's fiscal revenue. It can be seen that the financial contribution to the South Korean government is very large. This city has a magnificent financial building. Because there are so many things to deal with, it is usually very busy here. Because a large number of export tax rebates are handled here. Customs only approves. But it is not responsible for the final settlement.

The top floor of the Finance Building is Han Shu's office. Although she has never been there, such a building still maintains this position. The next few floors are the offices of important departments. Counting down from the top, there is a huge conference room on the third floor. The three-nation finance plus a regional finance meeting is held here. Of course, South Korea and Zhao Guo can join in, but Qin has not formally made such a request. Naturally, there is no need for them to come and ask for joining. In this way, their grades will be lowered. The approach is extremely inappropriate. Therefore, neither Zhao Guo nor South Korea participated.

The entire conference room is very large. This kind of conference is enough to accommodate 1,500 people to participate in the conference at the same time. The conference room is air-conditioned to ensure a comfortable temperature for them to proceed. But now, everyone who attends the meeting feels sultry.

"We are the victorious country, do you understand that the victorious country?" Goguryeo Finance Minister shouted loudly. The sound is no less than the screams of women suffering harm. Minister Qin Guo couldn't help putting his hands on his ears. Addo looked at the ceiling. He seems to be saying, look, the voice is too loud. Shattered the ceiling above.

"This has nothing to do with the victorious country. This is an economic conference. You don’t understand the economy. Don’t put your victorious country set on this. Tell you that it has nothing to do with you. If you want to continue If you call, come here." The Minister of Finance of the State of Yan is a 60-year-old man who will basically retire at this age, but the other party has not retired. He seems to think that his retirement will have very serious consequences. The financial situation will enter its worst period, and this quarrel will continue. Faced with such a situation, the situation seems to become extremely difficult.

"Huh." Qin State Finance Minister wanted to say a few words, but obviously they didn't give such an opportunity at all.

"Who is afraid of who. Come, we are the victorious country. The victorious country should have such privileges." Goguryeo Finance said. In order to obtain more economic aid, countries fight each other on diplomatic occasions and blame each other behind closed doors. In order to obtain more funds, they try to show their advantages.

For example, the Goguryeo people said how many factories they had established during this war and were able to produce some high-standard parts and components according to military standards, while the people of Yan Guo boasted that they had a complete range of enterprises, and they could do it again. Production, and the land development of Yan State was very early, and the people are in good condition. In short, they are very suitable for Qin State Capital to invest.

Although they are willing to freeze the bonds issued during the war, they all know that the key problem is that they can restore their financial income after blood transfusion, so that they can gradually promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and solve the debt problem. In order to restore the economy as soon as possible, strive for more More investment, as well as bank loans, have become the key to the key issues. Under such circumstances, it becomes more and more important to fight for more and more funds.

In order to get the orders they wanted enough, these countries had no bottom line to take some actions to suppress each other. For example, they will attack the other side's weakness in the economic field, and at the same time, they will also adopt other methods to suppress the other side, such as the stance of victory over the country, but this completely angered Yan.

Yan Guo had been extremely disgusted with this war because this situation was not what they had hoped, but the current situation is that Goguryeo didn't care about this matter at all. This is simply a face slap. Hit them in the face naked. Faced with such a situation. People of Yan Guo naturally had disputes with each other on some details. This kind of thing is getting worse.

"Okay. Okay. Stop arguing." Finance Minister Qin wanted to reassure each other helplessly, but Goguryeo, Finance Minister Yan, and their subordinates almost fought. As a representative of the mountainous region, Addo looked at this situation in amazement. He thought that such an approach was too much. But it seems that finance is still a very dangerous profession, because if you are not careful, there will be a big disaster. This seems to be more dangerous than fighting.

"Don't quarrel." Qin State Finance Minister looked helplessly as the quarrel became even more out of control. In the end, the two sides still started. I don't know who threw the tea cup first, and the stools flew over.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"It's difficult for us to deal with this kind of thing, but it's still rare to fight in such a meeting." Shang Wu said with a smile.

"Hehe, this kind of thing could have been avoided, but there is no way that this kind of thing cannot be avoided at all." Meng Yi said.

Finance Minister Qin Guo quickly reported the events of the meeting to Shangwu. He also expressed his helplessness in this regard, because encountering such a thing can only show that the situation they encounter will be more complicated. Faced with this In complicated situations, they will cause great disadvantages.

"I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should put it forward." Meng Yi said.

"Well, let's talk about it. As long as this problem can be solved, I think we can still accept it." Shang Wen said.

"I think we should increase the demand for funds instead of letting the Qin people dominate the whole family. The funding gaps in the three countries of Yan Country, Shandi, and Goguryeo are quite large. It is so big that it is difficult for us Qin people to bear such a situation. Under such circumstances, only by increasing funds can we completely solve this kind of thing. My idea is to let Zhao Guo and Koreans participate. In this case, the funding gap will increase. This is also a problem for all countries. Opportunity, if necessary, we can still join Qi and Chu." Meng Yi said that Wei's economy has completely collapsed. Their real estate bubble brought them a huge disaster, and Wei Guo was temporarily excluded.

"Well, I agree to do this. The benefits of doing so are extremely obvious. They can't be shown that the people of Qin have been seeking benefits. When necessary, Qin can abandon some benefits in exchange for diplomatic initiative." Shang Wen said. To.

"Well, in this case, I will contact Zhao Guo and South Korea as soon as possible to let them participate. In this case, the problem will be solved to a large extent." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded in agreement.

Persia is a mixed port where people from Zhao, Qi, Chu, and South Korea gather. This is a smaller port city, but this city is neutral. In fact, it is managed by the Persians. But the Persians only have the right to manage the city, but they have no right to tax, because once they collect taxes, they will face the threat of war. Not only these countries will send troops, but the warlord forces behind these countries will send troops. . This port city is a good supply place. Here, they can buy everything, a lot of guns, ammunition, and munitions. If they are lost, it means that they have lost the foundation on which they depend for survival. The amount of munitions directly affects the status of these local warlords. Therefore, such port cities are only managed but not taxed, as long as they are connected to these countries. People who do not collect taxes, but for the Persians doing business here, it is different. They, they will increase their taxes mercilessly, and they are all taxed heavily, because they also need money for war. These money It can only come from these places. And some Persians, in order to avoid heavy taxes, voluntarily cooperate with these Central Plains countries. In this way, their situation will be better, because the Persian warlord government cannot manage them at all.

In the city, there are two pharmacies, one is Liji pharmacy. The other is the Zou Ji Pharmacy, both of which were run by Qi people. The most they sell is Yapian, which is a kind of narcotics, which many Persians take every day. There are not only businessmen, but also military personnel and small officials. It can be said that smoking is becoming a trend, especially military personnel. They fight every day, every month, and every year. They defeat this today and defeat that tomorrow. Sometimes, within a day, they can Changing into three different military uniforms, they didn't know what they were fighting, anyway, just fighting. The officer above issued an order. The soldiers underneath accepted the order and then began to attack. Sometimes they could fight with their eyes closed. This is really an anecdote in the world. Therefore, under such circumstances, taking Yapian and anaesthetizing yourself has become a favorite thing for soldiers. Under such conditions, many soldiers will come here, led by the soldiers. More people come here naturally.

"Oh, isn't this Lord Zou?" Li Bao, the treasurer of Li Ji's Pharmacy, said with a smile and bowed his hands.

"Hey, what about Lord Zou. Now I am almost anxious." Zou San said sadly.

"What's the matter?" Li Bao asked curiously.

"You know, my big pharmacy is well opened, damn, I don’t know where a tea plantation opened by a merchant from Chu has emerged, damn, what kind of tea garden is this, it's just a big smokehouse. Inside are all pornographic films. I have a good product, and I am optimistic about it. That Persian chick, those eyes, the waist, what is there, but his mother, the people of Chu are here, give it to me A kick, Lao Tzu's business, his mother. It's really annoying." Zou San said angrily.

"Oh, this is a big deal," Li Bao said.

"No." Zou San said annoyedly. The so-called business is actually human trafficking. Here, human trafficking is legal, because no one will question this. In their opinion, frequent human trafficking is the most normal thing.

Because there are too many ya movies, the army is good to say that they will come here as soon as they pay for the army, or if they fight, they will grab the opponent’s weapons and trophies, and then sell them at a low price. sheet. But for ordinary people, their situation is different. The price of elegant films is very expensive, in order to offset the high price of those elegant films. People who smoked Yapian came up with a way to sell human beings. In the beginning, they just sold their children. But before long, they began to plan other people's children. In Persia. The loss of boys and girls is extremely serious, and this has a lot to do with human trafficking in Yapian. This association directly led to this situation.

The price of Persian women is generally higher and the value is higher, because they are good at dancing, coupled with exotic customs, are very popular in the Central Plains countries, some bankers, business owners, even some nouveau riche also like it, but the number of Persian women After all, it’s limited, which makes its prices even higher. And the emergence of this further derivative business of pornographic films, those women are usually brought by some pornographic addicts. As for how to bring them, how beautiful they are, they are not in charge of them. Of it. What they care about is what they get.

"The little Persian girl I am optimistic about. Damn, it's absolutely the best, with this best. Me, I have to expand my business no matter what. I go back to my country to enjoy the blessings, but now, my damn, this tea garden in Chu country doesn’t know what to do. Somewhere came out." Zou San said angrily.

"Don't even say, the influence of this tea garden on us is really big enough, look at it. My business has fallen by at least 30%. You said, Chu people, what are they here to join in the fun?" Li Paul said angrily.

The arrival of the Chu people reduced their business a lot. If it weren’t for Zou San to explain something here, he really didn’t know that something like this would happen. They didn’t know why the Chu people came here to grab business with them. What is it for, but in order to solve such a thing, they must unite.

"We have to think of a way, otherwise, if this matter is too big, it will not have a good result for us, this matter, we have to do this." The two people began to discuss how to solve the tea plantation of the Chu merchants. But Chu's tea garden business is getting better day by day.

Originally, this tea could not be sold. After all, there are too few people who know how to drink tea. Only those with a higher level would appreciate it this way, but this elegant film is different, and elegant film is a must. Don't think about solving this problem anymore.

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