The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3992: Logistic issues.

Love a few, Thebes. A lonely Zhao navy destroyer arrived here through the Suez Canal.

"Yang's." A South Korean navy sailor patrolled the surrounding area with a bayonet-mounted rifle. The destroyer was very abrupt, but the equipment on it was not very much. Four 120mm artillery, six. Seventy-five millimeter artillery, two torpedo tubes, the inside is empty, and the hatches are open. The tonnage is only a pitiful more than 3,000 tons, which means it can cross the Suez Canal.

The South Korean Navy did not object to the arrival of this destroyer. On the contrary, they did not seem to be very interested, because only one destroyer arrived and there were no other auxiliary ships. They did not know whether the Koreans could make a big wave.

Mediterranean Fleet Command.

"No, there is only one destroyer. It's too risky. If we were attacked by the Carthaginians, it would be a terrible shame." A navy lieutenant colonel said firmly.

"I don't care, we must launch an offensive. I am here for the benefit of the State of Zhao. I don't care about the others. My mission is like this." Said Yang Jia, Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy. He is a pragmatic lieutenant colonel, and he is already in his fifties. At this age, Zhao's navy may already be a lieutenant general. Or a major general, but his rank is just a lieutenant colonel. It can be seen that the opponent is not very good. Yang Jia was transferred from the army. Because he offended the noble boss, he had to find such a position in the navy. But he is a serious person and he will deal with it seriously wherever he goes. everything. As long as he thinks he must do a good job, he must do it well. When he received the order, he was the first warship to arrive here. There is only one ship, which makes them very abrupt, but Yang Jia has enough. For his courage, he believes that they must attack as quickly as possible.

"I am here to launch an offensive and fight for the benefit of Zhao Guo, not here, for other things, everyone, my mission is like this." Yang Jia said.

"Here. This guy." The officers of the Mediterranean Fleet Command were annoyed. Very disgusted with this guy who left after speaking. Instead, Zhao Hai felt it was an opportunity, so he secretly left to look for Yang Jia.

"Sir, sir." Zhao Hai found Yang Jia.

"Sir, don't you know what plan you have?" Zhao Hai directly asked such a question.

"Not yet, but I believe that as long as our warship gets there, we can initiate such a thing." Yang Jia said.

"Sir, I have a plan. I don't know if the officer is interested. I can tell the officer." Zhao Hai said.

"Listen to it. If it's good, I'll use it." After all, Yang Jia doesn't know some of the circumstances. Although a rash attack can solve some problems, some accidents may also occur, such as stranding or encountering an enemy. Ambushes and so on, these things can happen.

"We can launch an artillery bombardment on the coast of Carthage, and then attack the island of Malta, where we can build a base. On the top we can block the passage of the Roma, and on the bottom we can block the passage of the Carthaginians. In this case , We can achieve our goal just by blocking the other side's commercial communication line." Zhao Hai said of his plan.

"Bombard the coastal area of ​​Carthage?" Yang Jia asked curiously, he didn't know the meaning of doing so.

"Yes, according to the information we have, there are ports and docks and merchant ships there. We can bombard each place. In this case, our situation will become very good, and we can solve many, many problems. The problem, in this way, we can make our situation much better." Zhao Hai said.

"Then, what you mean, if we bombarded the other side, it represented our navy's arrival and caused a lot of casualties to the other side. Then, we could solve many problems, and the occupation of the island of Malta is our most important goal. Right?" Yang Jia quickly saw the crux of the problem.

"Yes, that's what it means. By occupying the island of Malta, we can solve many, many problems. This is simply the most effective thing for us." Zhao Hai said.

"Well, well, just follow your method." Yang Jia agreed.

"But there is no guarantee for my logistics supply problem. You have to find a way to find a businessman to solve this kind of thing. Otherwise, I really can't solve this kind of problem." Yang Jia suddenly felt that someone like Zhao Hai is still It can be used, and the Mediterranean Fleet Command is not all waste. Zhao Hai is one of them.

Just when a naval destroyer dispatched by the Zhao State Navy arrived here. Hannibal and Levy are not doing well.

"Our ammunition replenishment can no longer meet our needs." Hannibal said helplessly. They received a telegram that the Zhao merchants were unable to send their merchant ships, not only because it was a blockade, but also because they had orders from the Zhao government. The Zhao State government does not allow Zhao State businessmen to do this. Although Li Wei kept telegrams explaining that Hannibal’s Spain was different from Carthage, and the Ministry of National Defense seemed to understand it well, the problem was that the orders were very contradictory. Otherwise, Zhao’s merchants would provide assistance and they had been in Carthage before. Ji has suffered a lot here, so the Zhao Guo merchants are naturally reluctant to come here. As a result, Hannibal's situation became extremely passive, and Hannibal was also very helpless.

"Well, I have sent telegrams many times to explain. It is a pity that our businessmen just don't want to come. We are also helpless in this regard." Li Wei said.

"If this goes on, it will have a great disadvantage for us. We cannot stabilize. Once we stop, the Roma will surround us, although they will pay a great price for eating us and trap us. There is still determination.” Hannibal said that the situation of the expeditionary army was very passive, and they did not want to supplement first. Many cities have entered a state of solid walls and clear fields, and they can only carry out constant harassment in the manor area. Get some supplies, but how long these things can last, this requires their larger cities to ensure their supplies, or occupy a port city to meet their needs.

For occupying cities, the expeditionary force cannot do this. The reason is simple, that is, the expeditionary force relies on mobile and flexible tactics to sustain it. They rely on speed, and once they stop, their situation will become extremely passive. Because the Loma can be siege by digging trenches, as time delays, their situation will become more and more unfavorable. He knows that Fabian has been waiting for such an opportunity, once he is given such an opportunity. , He would definitely do it.

"Perhaps we can achieve this goal in other ways." Li Wei thought about it. Ensuring adequate ammunition supplies is an important basis for Hannibal to launch an offensive. With such a basis, he can do a lot of things to solve this problem. ratio

"For example, we can ask the Koreans to deliver some ammunition to us." Li Wei thought for a while and said.

"Korean, I don't think it's possible." Hannibal shook his head and said. He knows Koreans and he knows Koreans very well. He thinks Koreans are narrow and they are very grudges. Carthage has no good liking for this country. Similarly, Koreans have no good liking for them. Under such circumstances, the two parties naturally cannot form effective communication.

"No, no, maybe you don’t really know the Koreans. They will do everything for the benefit. This is the real Korean. Moreover, Koreans have a team of businessmen in their hands. People transport materials to us. In this case, the Loma people will not carry out any diplomatic actions. Moreover, this is also regarded as smuggling. Smuggling is not a very serious mistake." Li Wei said.

"Can it really be done?" Hannibal didn't seem to believe that there was such an operation.

"Yes, it can be done like this. As long as we provide them with enough benefits, they will definitely do it. Maybe it will also affect the practices of Zhao Guo's businessmen. Under such circumstances, I think we can promote this. It happened." Li Wei said.

"Well, this matter is up to you. If it can really solve such a thing, my God, I don't know how to thank you." Hannibal said, the necessary ammunition can be added. To ensure that the expeditionary force continues to be able to fight, after all, food is okay, but ammunition, they really don't know where to look for it. There is no way to add to this place. This is where firearms fight. Their logistics requirements will become very large. If there is no logistics team to guarantee, their team will be difficult to fight.

Moreover, with the continuous consumption of firearms, this situation will gradually increase, resulting in a serious consequence. Faced with such a situation, the situation will become more difficult to deal with.

"Our logistics problem still cannot be solved very well. If we can solve this problem, the following things will be of great help to us." Hannibal once again realized the importance of the logistics problem, but at present, They can't do many things. After all, many things have exceeded their expectations, but this situation is gradually changing. Because the Roma’s procrastination tactics are playing their due role.

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