Zhao Guo, Handan, the General Staff, and Li Mu sat in his office. He did not deal with difficult documents, nor did he make any combat plans. He just sat quietly in his own chair and pondered the problem. Think about the problem that Zhao Jia's son left him.

Zhao Wang's physical condition is getting worse and worse, I am afraid that time is running out. The royal family’s assets have been further developed in the era of capital expansion. One of the benefits that this brings is that the personal income of Zhao Wang has been expanded a lot at once. The financial and royal expenditures are separated, which reduces the financial pressure, and the royal assets After the separation, he also got a lot of development. The money spent by King Zhao became more and more. The construction of the palace was far from satisfying some of the needs of King Zhao. He began to pursue more fashionable things, such as. Persian women and exotic women can always stimulate Wang Zhao's interest. Although the language is not clear or the tone is blunt, they have a different taste.

This greatly stimulated Wang Zhao's body, his drunkenness, hollowed out Wang Zhao's body, and at the same time he took drugs indiscriminately. Some unknown herbs from India stimulated his sensitive nerves for a short time, but also made his physical condition more and more unfavorable. Li Mu once suspected that those so-called life herbs might be Yapian. It's just that they have changed another name. In this way, Zhao Wang will not have much time and it has become a foregone conclusion. The prostitution queen is actively planning for his son, and it seems that the possibility of becoming the next king of Zhao is very high.

If this is the case, it would be a little detrimental to Zhao Guo. Let a descendant of a prostitute be the king of the Zhao Kingdom. This obviously seems impossible. Under this situation, the only way is to find a way to change all the conditions and how to change it. Things will become very simple.

According to Zhao Jia's method, as long as he constantly strengthens his power and forcibly adopts a constitutional monarchy, it is easy to achieve such a goal.

Li Mu is weighing the pros and cons, and what kind of impact this benefit will have on Zhao Guo. At present, the entrepreneurs and bankers who contribute the most to the economy are those entrepreneurs and bankers who seem to be able to do a lot of things with their support. Coupled with the publication of newspapers and media, Zhao Qian's series of actions are subject to certain restrictions. Li Mu still needs to continue to weigh the pros and cons.

Island of malta. The heart of the Mediterranean. Now it is occupied by the Carthaginians. This is an important port trade center. This place is very important to them.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." But now, this place has become a sea of ​​flames, and the destroyer Yang has arrived here. They continue to sweep the Carthaginian port here, and they will also launch artillery where they may station troops. boom.

"Swish swish." The cannonball fell down and exploded. It seemed that everything was normal. Under such a situation, their situation would become very favorable.

The command room on the destroyer. Yang Jia is holding a telescope to check the effect of the bombardment.

"The Carthaginians actually installed cannons here." Yang Jia seemed to have some surprises.

"Yes, these cannons are their main defense force. They were originally to guard against the Roma and other countries' sneak attacks, but now, those places have not had a great impact on us. Their artillery is placed in the pioneers. Locally, this is a good target for our shelling." Zhao Hai said.

"Well, I just don’t know how much resistance the Carthaginians will have. We only have one destroyer. It seems a bit disadvantageous for landing operations. If the opponent insists on resisting, we will encounter big troubles. This kind of trouble will bring us. With considerable consequences, we cannot allow this kind of thing to happen continuously. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad." Yang Jia said.

"I'm sorry, we can't know these, our reconnaissance system is still unable to perform to this level." Zhao Hai said.

"I can't blame you. Originally, our strength is very weak. We only rely on a destroyer to do such a thing. The strength is very limited. At most I can make one company land and fight. No matter how much it is, it is impossible. But this island, you can More than 10,000 people are stationed, even if it is cut in half, it is a great trouble to have 5,000 people." Yang Jia said. There was a big deviation in his estimate, and this deviation directly caused his condition to be not very good. They originally thought that the Carthaginians would quickly collapse after the first wave of attacks, but in fact, they did not happen to such a thing. On the contrary, the relevant military operations did not follow their expectations. The garrison seems to be much more than they thought.

"We can only implement the second plan, using continuous shelling to attack them. This consumes a lot of ammunition, but it is much safer. We will continue to block their ports and force the other party to abandon such port islands. "Yang Jia decided to revise his combat plan. Only in this way can his combat plan achieve the results they expected.

"This is the only way at the moment." Zhao Hai didn't have a good solution either. A large number of warships were approaching here, but it would still take a long time to arrive at the end.

"In this way, the consumption of ammunition will become very large, do we do it at intervals, so that we can reduce the speed of our ammunition consumption, which is very useful for us." Zhao Hai After thinking about it, I said so.

"Yeah. Okay, it can only be like this for now." Yang Jia said. Although the revised combat plan has many advantages and delays in time, their loss of force has been reduced to a minimum. However, the consumption of ammunition has become a staggering number. In Thebes, their ammunition caliber is not the same as that of the Koreans. , The difficulty of supply is still there. This also limits their further development from the side. Yang Jia reluctantly accepted this fact.

In Loma, the price of bread has gone up. Many people complained about this, but damned Hannibal has not left yet.

In the garrison headquarters of Scipio.

"The price of bread is going to rise because Hannibal **** destroyed our agricultural foundation, which caused us to lose much. In such a situation, what we can do is too limited. "Scipio said. It seems that he is expressing their dissatisfaction with Fabian’s strategy in this way, delaying and abandoning a large number of agricultural areas, which caused their prices to soar, which greatly consumed the savings of the Roma people. They are already very dissatisfied with the delay. The war is too long.

"Perhaps you can see another piece of good news. A destroyer of the State of Zhao attacked the port of the Carthaginians. Their navy and merchant ships suffered serious losses. In this way, the possibility of them getting supplies is much reduced." Li Fu took a telegram and handed it to Scipio.

This may be the best news they have received so far.

"Well, I admit, this is good news, but for the Loma people, the news is not very exciting, because it was not the Loma regiment themselves. The worst thing is that their bread prices have risen. . If this situation continues to develop, it will inevitably have a great impact on our economy. Really, under such a situation, I don’t think that at such a time, there will be too good prices for us. Form a great influence." The other party said so.

"Yeah." Li Fu nodded. He could understand the mental state of the Loma people, which was related to the rise in the price of bread, which caused them a lot of trouble. Compared with the military victories of other countries, they seem to be more concerned about the bread issue.

"Whoever can end the **** war can meet our needs. I think the situation of the dictator is not very good." Scipio said.

"Well, but I think you don't have the ability to attack at present. You must know that mobilizing too many troops will not be able to solve such a thing at all." Li Fu said.

"Combat power is not simply a superposition of numbers. He also needs a lot of things to support, such as commanders, weapons, tactics, and training, etc. You are not very satisfied with these." Li Fu said.

"Well, I know this, but at present we need too much funds, and we can't carry out many things well. Under such circumstances, we are really doing too little." Scipio said.

"I think we might as well go to the Spanish battlefield. In that case, the degree of freedom might be much better and will not be controlled by the Senate." Scipio seemed to think that coming back was a big mistake.

"Yes, yes, you can look for an opportunity to leave here and launch an offensive. That is the biggest threat to the enemy." Li Fu suddenly caught something.

"We should attack and actively launch an attack. Only in this way can the crisis be lifted, and the current passive situation cannot be sustained." Li Fu said.

"I'm just a young military officer. The legal age for the position of governor is at least thirty years old. I'm still a few years away." Scipio said innocently. This made Li Fudu feel discouraged, yes, the rules made in peacetime will become frustrated during wartime. This is very unfair to Scipio and the young officers.

On the other side, Paulus and Varro are meeting with the Koreans. They hope to get financial support from the Bank of Korea. If this is the case, they will have a great advantage in the campaign. Of course, they will fully promote Loma took an offensive attitude to solve the problem. After all, Lockheed Martin has become extremely unfavorable due to Fabian's situation. The price of bread has just begun to rise, and who knows where it will rise over time.

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