The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3997: Execution of the prince

"They said that the price of Loma's bread has risen. This is something that the Loma people cannot bear. They are eager to resolve such a thing." Zhang Jun acted as a temporary translator. His Latin is not bad. At the very least, communication and display will not encounter too much problems.

"And all this is the ghost of Hannibal." Zhang Jun translated this way. Li Bao patiently listened to these translations. Some translations may not be like this. However, they need to communicate.

"This situation will continue. In order to deal with this situation, they feel that Hannibal should be resolved in time, but the problem is that the war requires a lot of money, and Lockheed Martin’s finances have been exhausted. This is also the Fabian policy that can be implemented. One of the important reasons for this.” Zhang Jun translated. Paulus said a series of political discourses, many of which were too fast, and Zhang Jun himself did not understand them. He directly deleted many, many keywords.

"We are also very sorry for what happened in Lockheed Martin. This kind of thing is too cruel. It is so cruel that we can't solve it by ourselves." Li Bao said. He showed a look of regret. Paulus agreed. Their situation is indeed very bad.

Then Paulus and Varro said a lot of things separately, and Zhang Jun completely didn't know how to translate. He could only translate all of the things that were probably said in it. In this way, there might be some benefits.

"Tell me, what happened?" Li Bao was very anxious about Zhang Jun's translation, because they had been talking for a long time. But Zhang Jun hasn't responded yet.

"Wait, oh. I see. I know what they are going to say." Zhang Jun thought for a while and said.

"They said that if they need help from banks in the future, they will look for banks to borrow funds. That number may be very large, but they hope that banks can help in this regard. They are willing to take tariffs to mortgage. "Zhang Jun translated.

"Yeah. Great. We will be very happy to support them." Li Bao said calmly. In fact, he almost jumped up happily, but if he did make such an action, it might be possible. This business will be really yellow.

"They are very grateful, and they hope to be able to follow-up contact, because they need to do so. This will be a very good result for them." The other party continued to say.

"Well, that would be great." Li Bao nodded and said. South Korea is actively contacting politicians like Paulus, because they can represent the future political trend of Loma, and the situation of Loma people is very bad. Successive failures have made them lose hope for victory. Coupled with rising prices, some city-states have begun to plan to leave Loma. Loma’s political influence has suffered unprecedented suspicion. Under such a situation, they are really looking for There is no way to solve these problems. Maybe they have. However, this is not the case. They need to solve such a problem, and they need to pay a certain price. Faced with such a situation, all classes are actively looking for relevant solutions to solve the problem, and they have contact with Koreans and can get They promised to get a lot of loans, which is a very good choice for them. With this choice, they can solve a lot of things. After all, they temporarily relieved a certain amount of financial exhaustion. The borrowed money seems to have been gradually accepted by the Loma people.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Since the three countries have signed the Qingcheng Agreement, we need to proceed in accordance with the agreement. However, the number of warships built by the Qin Navy is too large, and the amount of steel we need is very large. If transported from the mainland, it will take up a considerable amount. Railway resources will cause great troubles to the development of northern Qin and related areas." Shang Wen said at a small-scale cabinet meeting that ministers find their own places, and they can sit on chairs and stools, which is better. Will find the sofa. This is a good deal for them, and grabbing the couch seems to be a very good idea.

"We can order a large amount of steel from Goguryeo, Zhao, South Korea, and Chu," the Minister of Finance said.

"Yes, I do plan to do this. With the help of convenient shipping, we can minimize our economic costs. If necessary, we can allow shipyards in other countries to start building more warships. And merchant ships. "Shang Wen said.

"Yan State, Yan State is fine too." The Minister of Economy raised his hand and said, and Shang Wen motioned to the other side.

"Well, this is good, but the country of Yan needs to recover its economy as soon as possible, otherwise, they will cause us a lot of trouble. Although their domestic situation is gradually stabilizing, in fact, they are all in the situation. Not so good." Shang Wen said.

"However, they seem to be a good choice to build merchant ships, or some raw materials from the European Communist Party are also good." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Chu's economy is also good, Prime Minister, Chu's shipbuilding industry has a certain foundation, but what they lack is an opportunity." The Minister of Finance said.

"Well, we can let them compete with each other. This is conducive to our large-scale construction of merchant ships and warships. Our goal is not the South Seas or the Western Oceans, but the American continent. That is our goal. All merchant ships have to sail fairly. It’s a long way to get there. Therefore, there are not only more merchant ships, but also a longer voyage, which is very important to us.” Shang Wen said.

"Then, Prime Minister, I want to know how many warships the Navy plans to build?" the Secretary of the Navy asked curiously, building a Navy warship, which is for the Secretary of the Navy. It’s a good thing. However, if they build too much at once, it will put a lot of pressure on the finances. Not only that, but the War Department will also feel very unbalanced. They don’t want to form another with the War Department. The quarrel situation, so he will make some articles about the number of battleships, for example, to ensure the number of large battleships. For some small and medium-sized battleships, he believes that as long as the construction scale is guaranteed, or the potential of Qin to build battleships, it can be done. Armed quickly.

"It is roughly divided into three phases. Each phase is about 30 warships. This quantity can basically meet our needs, and it will take about five to six years before and after. Do you think it is possible?" Shang Wen replied.

"Basically it can meet our needs." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"However, I think that some key technical core technologies should be in our hands. At the same time, more merchant ships should be assembled and built locally. In this way, we can build more in the future when emergencies are encountered. Warships, and merchant ships.” The Secretary of the Navy said. Qin's naval power is relatively weak. They can’t build the number of warships too fast, because some new technologies are being promoted on a large scale. Once large warships are put into service and eventually fall behind, the Qin’s navy’s combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Such a situation , They still know, so the only best way is to slowly build naval warships to increase the navy's potential to build warships. This is the most sensible approach.

"We will do this. The relevant tax incentive plan is under study. As for the raw materials, we can only expand in Goguryeo, Yan Kingdom, and mountain countries. I hope such investment can be smoother quickly." Shang Wen said. Speaking of.

The plan to build warships on a large scale has been supported by many people, especially in the field of shipbuilding and related industries, and they will continue to pull it up. This can be regarded as an economic stimulus package.

Mountain country. A Gu is listening to the reports of several colonels.

"Those who come from Zhao are really troubled. They will leave soon and come back later. It's quite cumbersome, and the brothers will be mad. They complain a lot about this," a colonel officer complained. A Gu's team has expanded very quickly. Although a series of drawdowns have been carried out, the problem is that the number is still very large, for a new mountain country. They can’t support such a large number of people. This is a big burden for them. This burden makes A Gu desperately want to solve the financial problem. It is not easy to solve this problem, because the mountain country is There is really no money.

They are just a new country. The large number of troops is still a big burden.

"Enough. Shut up." A Gu was angry at the thought of this.

"I ask you, do you know what those Zhao people are doing?" A Gu asked.

"I don't know." The two colonels answered puzzledly.

"Looking for a mine. It seems to be coal." The complaining colonel replied.

"Okay. Since you know that you only look for mines, give me a good cooperation. You know what kind of situation those people will encounter. They need you to do something like this. I don't care what your situation is, but, My situation here must be a good solution to this matter, do you understand?" the other party said.

"Ore prospecting is of great significance to us. It is an important key to solving financial problems. You eat, drink, and use are all on top of this. If you don't cooperate, please don't be polite." A Gu said fiercely. I don't know much about my subordinates. He felt very annoyed.

"Go away." A Gu sternly reprimanded. A few military officers left here in such an unlucky manner, and they themselves felt wronged, but compared with the commander, their grievances are really nothing. A Gu only now knows how difficult and stressful it is to build a country. Under such circumstances, they don't understand at all. They only know that asking for money is easy, but making money is difficult.

Yan Guo, Yang Du, all Yan Guo people are discussing a matter fiercely, whether Prince Dan should be tried.

All the evidence is extremely detrimental to Prince Dan. Not only the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Defense, but also the Minister of Economy accused Prince Dan of causing all this. They are just a group of ministers without any power. In fact, they are just The executors, they not only analyzed from their own perspective, and persuaded Prince Dan not to do this. The public trial brought a terrible scene, that is, many details and things that the public did not know were exposed.

For example, many things were implemented again when Prince Dan knew that it would cause very bad conditions, including two bad tax collections, which were all caused by Prince Dan.

Not only that, but there are also a large number of related reports. The terrible thing is that these reports have been buried for a long time. Many reports have already mentioned related things. But their prime minister, Prince Dan, just didn't listen. It can be said that from To some extent, this is no longer a disaster. It's a man-made disaster.

"Those ministers are actually correct. They are just ministers. They have no such powers, and all this is caused by the prince." The people of Yan State said.

"The prince knows our situation, but ignores us. We can't forgive them for things like this. Under such circumstances, we should take the most severe blow to them. The biggest culprit is not the ministers, but the prince. "Other people said one after another.

The frantic accusations of the ministers gave them a feeling that all this was caused by the prince. The evil consequences formed by the prince should be borne by the prince. They are just a group of ministers who accept orders. This is where their accusation lies, and they are also helpless.

"But after all, he is the prince, the king, he may not start." Many people said.

"How about if you don't start, you can see how Yan Kingdom has become. The previous Yan Kingdom was fine, but after the prince went up, such evil results were directly caused. This kind of thing is a huge disaster for us. I think that under such things, we should give them more punishment, no matter what, we should get rid of them. Let them know that we are great." Many people said.

"Such a prince should be executed. The disaster he brought to Yan is too great. This is not the time when we can help him out of his crimes." Some old Yan Guo said. They seem to have never encountered such a catastrophe.

The people agree with this very much. In their opinion, this behavior of Prince Dan should pay a heavy price. Otherwise, they would not care at all. If they succeed to the throne in the future, more Yan people may suffer disaster. At this moment, they even hope that the prince will be executed. In this case, they don’t have to worry about the prince’s future series of revenge.

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