The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3999: Spending money is also an art

Qi State. Inside Lou Jing's Prime Minister's Office.

"Why did the fiscal revenue decrease so much this quarter?" Lou Jing asked his finance minister puzzledly. The fiscal revenue is related to the development of Qi. Without such revenue, it would be difficult for them to develop further. Under the circumstances, the only thing they have to do is to increase fiscal revenue. Once it decreases, Lou Jing will check the situation as soon as possible. After all, this has a lot to do with their income.

"This is mainly due to the decrease in revenue from medicines. According to the report, our pharmacies in various places have been impacted by medicines from Chu State. They have also adopted the same method. This has caused us to lose a lot of benefits, and we cannot go further. Ensure that our situation will be greatly improved." The other party said so.

"Well, it seems that the people of Chu are also aware of this. It is indeed very unfavorable for us." Lou Jing said.

"Yes, not only that, but there are many situations that are also very unfavorable to us. For example, we have quite a few areas and are opening more pharmacies. Even some of our previous markets are also being The people of Chu are quietly occupying it. Under such circumstances, our situation is indeed very unfavorable. This will be a huge disaster for us, and we cannot continue to do such things." Said the minister.

The Chu people expanded their market in the same way as the Qi people. They expanded a large number of pharmacies. At the same time, a large number of equivalent markets were also rapidly expanded. The same medicines and reduced prices greatly impacted Qi. This quickly reduced the profits of Qi’s ya film market, and their profits fell to less than half of the original position. The most frightening thing is that this situation continues. If it is not stopped, If so, the situation will become even more unfavorable. Under such circumstances, the last elegant film market in Qi will definitely be eaten up.

"You can't go on like this, you have to think of a way." Lou Jing stood up and said anxiously. This is also impossible. Qi Guo is completing his own primitive accumulation of capital. This accumulation process is extremely **** and cruel. This is something that cannot be solved well. Because they need a market, they need a lot of capital. But now the Chu people are disrupting their rhythm, which makes Lou Jing very uneasy.

"Do you have any idea?" Lou Jing asked, looking back at the Minister of Finance.

"Prime Minister, my solution is to find a way to expand our planting area. Only in this way can we better expand our market, or find new places to grow elegant tablets and carry out a lot of dumping. We cannot be alone in one. Local governments are betting on more strength on us.” said the Minister of Finance.

"Well, what I said is right, I think so too, but at present, all countries are actively developing abroad, and many places have been occupied." Lou Jing said.

"Prime Minister, at present, I think we should stimulate domestic demand, build more warships and merchant ships, and expand our overseas market. I heard that the people of Qin are building their navy, as well as Zhao and South Korea. They have also reached a three-nation agreement before. In the naval agreement, we should also develop our own navy and expand our overseas power to prevent it from being needed.” Although the Minister of Finance is unwilling to spend more money, he knows that if he does not spend it, it will be difficult for Qi Have an advantage in the future situation.

"Under such current circumstances, the current countries will definitely develop their shipbuilding industries rapidly, and our Qi country also needs a large number of warships and merchant ships to meet our expansion needs. After all, their military strength is too weak. Only so. , We can expand to more places, such as planting and minerals, as well as the various raw materials we need more, and the market. These are the things we need most. Without these, it will be difficult for us to meet our current Therefore, under such circumstances, I think the most important thing for us is to build more ships as soon as possible. At the same time, this will also stimulate the continued development of our shipbuilding industry. Our industry needs more orders. . And shipbuilding can drive such orders.” The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah. It's true." Lou Jing thought.

The current situation is indeed like this. After the Goguryeo War, the Qi country’s economy, which was pulled up all at once, produced too many products under huge inertia, which caused the company to enter a disaster. A large amount of money was flowed. Funds are backlogged in products. They can only sell a large number of products to make their situation better, but doing so will inevitably bring more troubles, for example, their situation will become even more unfavorable. In one situation, they need to increase domestic demand and drive the growth of orders. Otherwise, it will cause a chain reaction, and the bank’s funds will have a wide range of bad debts, which will affect the banking and financial industries, and finally lead to the economy. The complete collapse. In order to stimulate economic growth, the only way is to choose such a new situation to solve the problem.

"The navy can also build some warships. In my opinion, cruisers and destroyers are the main ones. In order to avoid more conflicts with other countries, this is very necessary for us. Otherwise, our situation It will become extremely bad. We cannot allow this situation to continue. This is extremely unfavorable to us. We cannot allow this situation to continue. Otherwise, it will inevitably cause us a lot of trouble. Great influence." Lou Jing said.

He knows that there is a bottom line for expanding the navy, that is, it cannot develop too much and must conditionally restrict the development of a series of actions of the navy, such as, for example, the establishment of large warships. Although these large warships are very powerful, But at the same time it is also a huge killer who has caused huge troubles. They all know this. You know, this kind of situation is easy to happen. In such a situation, the best course of action is this, which can greatly prevent them from happening.

Initiating greater diplomatic security will lead to greater wars. Although it is a good thing for domestic military orders, the problem is that after a greater war is triggered, the finances will fall into a huge crisis. Finally, It is still bad for the country. Therefore, this is Lou Jing's last degree. He can't let this happen.

Chu State, inside Song Yi's office.

"Haha. Very good, good, very good." Song Yi touched his chin and smiled while looking at the financial report in his hand. Their financial income has suddenly doubled. This result will definitely allow him to stabilize his position as prime minister. He has removed the pronouns and became the prime minister in the true sense. Although he was not a candidate for office, there is With such a result, it is still very good.

"Prime Minister, with such a lot of money, we should lay some foundation for the future." The Minister of Finance said in a low voice at this time, we have money. It is natural to learn to spend money, and how to spend money is also an art. The most important thing is that money in many places needs to be useful.

"Yes, you are right." Song Yi said, relying on the income of Yapian, Song Yi more than doubled Chu's fiscal revenue. This is an achievement. With such an achievement, it will let you His situation has become more favorable.

"Let's talk about it." Song Yi said.

“Prime Minister, we should first win the support of the people and be in an advantageous position in the future prime minister’s election. Only in this way can the bottom-level votes be invested in the prime minister’s pockets.” The Minister of Finance said that if you want to keep your position, First, Song Yi must secure his position. Only in this way can they stabilize their finance minister.

"Yeah. That's right, but the question is, how can I stay in such a position?" Song Yi said.

"Build more schools and technical colleges. Let more technical talents come in, let them have the opportunity to learn, and give the civilians some opportunities. In this way, their children have a future, and they are naturally willing to support us." Speaking of this.

"Yeah. That's right. With such a situation, it will be more beneficial to us. This is a major move for us." Song Yi nodded.

"There is also a part of the fiscal revenue to increase military orders. For example, shipbuilding and building more warships. This warship can drive more factories to start construction and increase jobs, and warships can guarantee further revenue for us. There will be no such thing as Myanmar.” The Finance Minister suggested.

"Hmm. Go on." Song Yi nodded, touching his chin, agreeing. This is indeed a very good method, and it seems to be very effective. Think about it, if you have more funds to spend on warships, the situation will be very beneficial to them. In such a situation, the factory It is naturally a good thing to start work, drive employment, and increase people's income. Not only that, but there are more benefits, and the income of the factory has increased. Those factory owners, bankers, and business owners will all be grateful. This calculation has many advantages, but none of them are disadvantages.

"Go on." Song Yi urged.

"Yes, Prime Minister, if we have warships, we can expand to more overseas locations and thus expand more business. Our markets. Production sites can be thoroughly connected." The other party continued to say.

"Yeah. Yes, yes, this is an unprecedented good method." Song Yi touched his chin and nodded in praise.

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