Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is a piece of information provided by the investigation department of the Ministry of National Defense." Meng Yi handed a report to Shangwen as he said.

"Ya Pian?" Shang Wen looked at the report in his hand and asked Meng Yi. Yes it is.

"Yes, Yakuza, a lot of Yakuza. People from Chu and Qi are all involved. Many of them are doing this." Meng Yi said.

"They almost gathered all the pornographic films from all over the world. These two countries are crazy." Shang Wen said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Yes, they are quite crazy, which will cause many people to take relevant measures to gather a large amount of funds frantically. This can be regarded as their original accumulation of capital." Meng Yi reported.

"Well, for the accumulation of a lot of funds, they also want to give some crazy ideas. I really don't know how they did it." Shang Wu was helpless.

Because the primitive accumulation of capital is so crazy, in order to achieve more funds and have opened more markets, Qi and Chu chose Yapian as their tool to open the door to each other. For them, this kind of weapon is the best. Good weapons, but the current situation is that their crazy capital accumulation will inevitably bring crazy capital moves. These moves include regional poverty, wars, plagues, and various disasters.

But the primitive accumulation of capital will inevitably bring about this and other turning point. This is what they are going to do. Under such a situation, their situation will become extremely passive.

"Are we stopping them?" Meng Yi asked, looking at Shang Wen worriedly.

"No. No. If we stop it, it may cause us more trouble. If this goes on, it will add a lot of difficulty to us. We still don't want to do this kind of thing." Shang Wen said. To.

"This is the primitive accumulation of capital. This is a process. There is nothing we can do. Let's talk about other things." Shang Wen changed the subject, the topic was too heavy. It is too heavy for them to solve. In this situation. How many problems they will solve, this is not something they can solve.

"Well, in Goguryeo, our bank has already started specific corporate contacts, and the same is true in the mountains. Some entrepreneurs in the Zhao country can't wait to enter the coal in the mining. The main purpose of this coal is coking, and only large-scale Coking can solve the problem of producing steel. With this kind of problem, more things can be solved." Meng Yi said.

"Well, have the specific conditions been negotiated?" Shang Wen is concerned about this issue.

"It has been negotiated. The situation is extremely beneficial to us, and many things can be resolved normally." Meng Yi said.

"Goguryeo, Yan Kingdom, and mountainous regions, they are all willing to reduce their tariffs, and at the same time, take their own taxes as collateral, so that they will actively restore the economy in terms of fiscal and taxation. And we can provide more. A large number of bonds have been frozen. Our bank is also actively discussing the relevant content of cooperation, specifically to get more shares or to exchange shares for shares." Meng Yi introduced some specific situations.

"Well. Very good. In this case, it will be very useful to our bank. However, in this situation, we still have some things to do." Meng Yi said.

"They must first restore the industry as soon as possible, because we need a lot of steel. In addition, we can give them some shipbuilding orders and let them do processing and production. In this way, it will be beneficial to our production." Shang Wen Speaking of this.

"Well, this is indeed the case. Under such circumstances, we can do a lot less. However, this will be of great help to us." Meng Yi said.

"Okay. Things are going on like this." Shangwen nodded, which is not a small progress.

Yan Kingdom, in the Yan Palace, Yan Wang frowned.

"This incompetent thing." King Yan was very annoyed, because many people wrote letters demanding severe punishment of the prince. Only in this way can Yan Guo's anger be quelled. Let the country of Yan develop again.

But King Yan was a little bit reluctant. After all, this is his own flesh and blood, but the problem is that things have already reached this point, and many things have been unfolded. But if you don't kill Prince Dan, how can the anger of the people of Yan State be calmed down? Is it possible for him, the old king of Yan, to solve the problem? This is simply impossible.

The letter is no longer a minister, a nobleman. Bankers, entrepreneurs, and even South Koreans are extremely dissatisfied. They believe that the existence of Prince Dan will bring more trouble. Under such circumstances, it seems that only by killing the Prince can the people of Yan be calmed down. .

"Damn it." King Yan was very annoyed. Looking at the evidence, it made King Yan very annoyed. Why? Because many things could be avoided before, such as continuous taxation or peace talks with Goguryeo. In this way, they will not lose too much land, and these land can transfer domestic pressure. Those are good things in the first place, and many policy suggestions have been put forward. But in the end, I didn’t read a copy of these reports. What they looked like when they were submitted, and what they looked like when they were taken out now. It can be said that Prince Dan did not read them at all. Under such conditions, many things actually caused them. Their situation has undergone a serious change.

After these reports were exposed, Yan Guo was in an uproar. The most frightening thing was that the people were extremely annoyed when they knew the truth, because some things could have been avoided, but under Prince Dan’s repeated strong request, what they did Regardless, this has led to the current situation. Faced with such a situation, how can they not be angry. This was entirely caused by Prince Dan.

After the report was submitted by the civilians, there were quite a few reports from the civilians, so Old Yan Wang read a copy and ignored it. Why, most of them are talking about their distress and their experience, it seems to say, you see, these are caused by your son. King Yan didn't want to watch or do what he didn't want to do. He was very embarrassed. He didn't know why he did this. For him, this was simply the most difficult thing to solve.

"My lord, this is." The servant said carefully. King Yan glanced at it, waved his arm, and motioned to put all those things aside. This is still written on paper. If it were written in bamboo shorthands before, wouldn’t it be buried alive?

"Huh. How can I forgive you if you cause such a disaster." King Yan impressed with a seal on it, and then signed his name. Prince Dan's death sentence has been decided. If you don't do this, you won't be able to calm the anger at all.

Loma. Carthage Garrison, within Hannibal's headquarters.

"The Roma were beaten by our artillery and were afraid to attack. Moreover, our cavalry has a great advantage. They can only huddle in a fixed fortress for defense. In this way, the entire field situation will be very bad for us. It's advantageous," Hannibal said. In order to curb the military actions of the Loma army. Hannibal adopted a blockade method and dealt a severe blow to the Roman army that had just attacked. It was then that the Roma suddenly realized that their weapons were so fragile that they had no choice but to retreat to the fortress and continue to hold on. .

"But our ammunition consumption is large. Fortunately, the machine guns have sufficient ammunition reserves, but the problem is that we don’t have a lot of shells, which will have a great impact on us. You must know that Under the circumstances, our condition is not very good. The ammunition consumption is far more than ours at any time. If this continues, we will not be able to stop the military operations of the Roma." Hannibal said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. The Koreans have prevented a large number of smugglers from reaching us. Although their roads have gone a little farther, they can guarantee that they will not be attacked by the Roma people. Under such circumstances, they can completely. Do this. Our ammunition has been temporarily replenished." Li Wei said and handed a telegram from the Korean to the other party. Hannibal read it quickly and nodded in agreement. This was the best telegram he had ever seen.

"Great. Great. In this way, our ammunition problem can be solved to a large extent." Hannibal said excitedly.

"Yes. However, we must get some ports for replenishment as soon as possible. Although it can be supplemented in some areas, we still need more port cities to meet our needs in the long run." Li Wei said. .

"Yeah. It makes sense, I will arrange for such a thing." Hannibal said. Hannibal adopted the method of division and disintegration, because he could not get too enough ammunition supplies, so he could only take such measures to disintegrate the city-states in Italy, so that they could reach them through continuous isolation through diplomatic means. Things are needed. This is a big strategy of Hannibal. For such a strategy, he believes that he can do it.

"This is the situation, but the current situation does not seem to be able to solve such a problem. There are still many things we need to solve." Li Wei said. He believes that Hannibal's strategic goals are too many. This will greatly disperse his main force.

"We still need to annihilate the main force of the Roma." Li Wei said. Lockheed Martin still had the power to fight. If they do not annihilate such forces, it will be difficult for them to open the situation.

"I understand this situation very well. But the Loma people don't come out, and we don't have a good way to solve this problem." Hannibal said.

Yan State, Yandu Prison. The facilities here are not the best, but the level is the highest. Prince Dan was imprisoned here.

All the cabinet ministers of Prince Dan are detained here. At first, there were still people crying, but soon, the jailers here began to treat them badly, such as peeing in the food. Or deliberately hungry for a few meals. They were also very angry, and during the entire chaotic period, nine-tenths of their wages were withheld. With that little money, I couldn't buy a catty of rice. They also have grievances.

The most terrible thing is that these jailers, who usually don’t want to manage prisons, have suddenly become sweet cakes. Many people who have resentment have sent money to these people to torture these former ministers, and some even repaid them. Sell ​​the life of a certain minister at a high price. Because they are afraid that they will only be sentenced to decades of jail, it is better to kill each other all at once and enjoy watching.

After hearing such rumours, they all became honest all at once. Because they are afraid of being retaliated by the other party, their situation will be even more troublesome. Faced with such a situation, they also have to be careful.

"Father, the son is not intentional, and the son is for you." Prince Dan howled in pain.

"Kang Dang." At this moment, the prison door was opened. Several people wearing black cloaks came in quietly. The cabinet ministers looked at them and they knew that this was someone from the palace. As for what to say specifically, they don't know. Under normal circumstances, it is something that King Yan wants to say. They, cabinet ministers, already know their fate. Although they have said a lot, many things should not be said, but if they don't say it, they will be very aggrieved. Their whole life, as well as their children and grandchildren, will not be able to lift their heads, and the people of Yan will curse them for the rest of their lives. This is a whole generation of people. They have to do this for the sake of the next generation. After all, they are all selfish, and they have to do it for their families.

Those who came from the palace seemed to have said these words and then left quietly.

"Oh my God. Why is this?" the prince shouted loudly. When the ministers heard such a sentence, they couldn't help shaking their heads. They seemed to know their fate. Quite simply, in the execution, the prince would be executed like them, otherwise, the prince would not call out such words, and several ministers were scared and could not say it on the spot. Even more vomiting, when things do not come, they may still be able to figure out some things, but when things really come, they suddenly feel more troublesome. Many people still can't accept why they were executed when their final destiny arrives. They really don't understand such a thing.

It seems that they still haven't looked down upon life and death.

The situation of Prince Dan seemed to be much quieter all of a sudden, and the prince didn't understand such things. He was all for the good of his father, but why the father must kill him. He really couldn't understand such a thing, why he would do it, and what he did wrong.

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