Wei Man tremblingly raised the rifle in his hand. He didn't know how his ears heard the command. Maybe he didn't hear the command himself. He was doing it mechanically according to the instructions issued by his brain. In short, many things are not. Do what he wants, for example, his head becomes extremely confused. The shooting is just a subconscious action.

"Kata." Pulling the bolt, pushed the bullet into the load. Then take aim, standing opposite is their prince, the once unattainable prince. Now he has become a death row prisoner under his own gun.

Prince Dan could have chosen to blindfold his own eyes. In this case, he didn't need to be too scared. However, his movements are extremely stiff now. He is fixed on a pillar. In this way, when facing the muzzle, he will not feel very scared, because the stiff movements cause the body to be distorted, which is also a thing for the shooter. Good thing, at least they don't have to aim too much at their prisoners.

The crown prince was pale. Wei Man had seen officers facing his death sentence. They would all be like this, because they knew that the bullets that died in the next second would be ejected from the muzzle, and then into their own body, and finally their own life would be lost. That's over.

"Aim." The officer shouted loudly, and the surrounding people quietly quieted down. They waited for this moment to happen.

"Shoot, bang, bang, bang." The gunshot sounded suddenly. Prince Dan twisted this body painfully, ten people, ten bullets hit six, one hit the chest, and the other five bullets hit the abdomen. Prince Dan twisted his body. The bullet did not kill him all at once. The painful struggle made his body more twisted. Then his intestines flowed down from his stomach, and an officer came to make up for it. Gun, finally ended Prince Dan's life, he might not have thought that at the last moment, he would have to endure the most painful part of this moment.

Everything is quiet. Many people think that the soldiers who fired the guns did the right thing, because they couldn't let the prince die so quietly. At the very least, he should know what is the most painful thing. Death is not terrible, but the process of death is terrifying. Then the people cheered. They celebrated the end of a person's life and the end of an era. A citizen also picked up the bullet shell, which is very memorable, because it was these bullets that hit Prince Dan's body and ended his sad life.

The newspaper soon reported such a thing, and everyone knew about it.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"It was shot like this." Shang Wen said after reading the briefing.

"Yes, it was shot like this. If we don't do well, we will end up like him." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Therefore, we have to make our own economic development better, otherwise, we will end up with Prince Dan." Shang Wen said. He put the briefing in his own folder, so that he can remind himself at any time not to overdo it. Meng Yi nodded and agreed with Shang Wen's point of view. After all, Prince Dan did a lot of wrong things.

"And those ministers, we also need to accept their suggestions, otherwise, we are not the ones who were shot." Meng Yi said.

Prince Dan’s cabinet members were also shot at the same time. Although many ministers felt that they were wronged, they did not give up this at the last moment, but it is a pity that people are now unwilling to forgive these people, even though they themselves They think that they have done the right thing, but in the eyes of the people, they are also very hateful.

"Yes, all cabinet members will face such things, and we must treat such things carefully." Shang Wen said.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia's office. He is holding a small military meeting. When the news came, Zhao Jia asked the ministers to take a look.

The expressions of the ministers are very ugly, not for anything else, because they feel that these things are very difficult to handle. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to act on many things.

"That's it for these things." Zhao Jia's face is also very ugly. A prince. In fact, Zhao Jiashang is the actual prince. If he fails to do well, he will end up with Prince Dan. The ministers felt the same way. They seemed to see their own shadows in the unlucky guys who were shot. They were indeed unlucky enough.

Although Zhao Jia said so, their minister still seemed to be immersed in such things.

"Okay. As long as we ensure the economic growth of the country of Zhao, continuous development, such things will not happen to us, as long as we let them continue to have new economic growth points, what will the people do to us? They will also thank us, so we have to do our job well, understand?" Zhao Jia said.

"Understood, Prime Minister." The ministers nodded and agreed.

"Okay. Next, let's pay attention to the Mediterranean, this new market. Our navy needs to reinforce the island of Malta as soon as possible. Even the old warships need to quickly occupy the island of Malta. The Carthaginians have been completely passive. They were looking for Koreans to act as their intermediaries to resolve the war. Damn, they thought too simple. They thought that all the problems would be solved by paying a little money. How could this be possible, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to accomplish In this regard, we Zhao Guo will never agree. Malta. That's right here." Zhao Jia said.

"We want to occupy here, so that we can control all the targets in the Mediterranean. Most of the trade, this will bring new economic growth points to our Zhao country's economy, understand?" Zhao Jia said. To.

"Understood." The ministers came to a halt. Obviously they understood that if things like Prince Dan did not happen to them, they had to face the current happenings seriously, otherwise, they would not be able to solve this at all. The incident will inevitably lead to economic collapse. They may not be shot. What they might face is. Beheaded. Think about it, they feel that their necks seem a little cold. Indeed, the weather is indeed a bit cold. The ministers thought so.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"Zhao people know more about the Mediterranean than we know." The Secretary of the Navy said while looking at the map. The above is the goal of Zhao Guoren. The South Korean navy in Thebes closely monitors every move of the Zhao State Navy, and Malta is no longer a secret. But for Malta's strategic value, he believes that this far exceeds their imagination.

"Yes, they are very accurate, too accurate." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"They have found a brand new support point perfectly. This support point is enough to support them to do many, many things. Malta is almost the heart of the Mediterranean." The navy secretary looked at the map and said.

"No, I think this is the heart of the Mediterranean. It can jam the logistic supply lines and trade lines of the Roma people. It is difficult for us to connect with the Romans in the Mediterranean. Let's look at our trade lines and navigation lines. Under their control, why didn't we find such a spot?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Sir, this, it may be." The undersecretary of the Navy wanted to explain that this had a lot to do with their funding and lack of personnel.

"The reason I don't want to know. What I want to know is, what should we do next? We must maintain such a situation with the Zhao people. Is there any way we can quickly seize such islands after the beginning of the war, or in other words , To develop a military force like ours. This will leave a historical problem for our Admiralty." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the map seriously and said.

Because of an accident of the South Korean navy, Zhao Guo’s navy occupied a strategic point that shouldn’t be there. This point was too important. The South Korean navy originally thought they occupied an important strategic center of gravity. This center of gravity was the Suez Canal. Indeed, Suez. The canal does bring them too much convenience, for example, they can get more things they want to know from here, or they want to get too many things.

The Zhao people need to supply supplies through here, and they need to increase their troops through the Suez Canal. As a result, they are seriously carried. They don't care about the emergence of the island of Malta. They seem to have realized such a problem, but they still do not solve it. The result is such a thing. Is it deserved? Maybe they really deserve it, because such a thing shouldn't happen.

Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"This is also a reminder to our ministers and gentlemen. I know that some of our ministers think that South Korea is strong enough. They have a lot of slack, and there are still many people who think that our South Korea need not expand too much, or is You can mess around if you don't take it seriously, and look at the fate of Prince Dan. This is the consequence of their irresponsibility. I need responsible people, not people who mess around. Such people are very disgusting." Han Shu said so.

"This, we understand." Zhang Liang nodded and said.

"Well, I hope to make our ministers and gentlemen take warning, otherwise, it is not as simple as shooting. The people will chop off their heads. Their heads." Han Shu emphasized their heads and let them Feel the danger of life. Indeed, there is not much danger in South Korea, just because there is no danger, it relaxes them a lot.

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