Zhao Guo, in the North Laizhou Naval Shipyard. The shipyard here is very busy, and a large number of shipbuilders are constantly welding their materials. Many people have been working overtime for half a month. But that's it, there are still many orders to be processed.

"Such progress is really impossible." The undersecretary of the navy looked at the poor destroyers in the shipyard and felt very worried.

"Sir, we have accelerated a lot. Many people have been working overtime for half a month. The workers complained a lot." An engineer said worriedly.

"These can increase remuneration. If appropriate, additional staff can be deployed. It is really impossible. It can be handed over to other shipyards to carry out. However, the order must be completed as soon as possible. You know the frontline, especially the Mediterranean area, and the demand for warships. It’s very large. The Admiralty has dispatched a large number of warships to the Mediterranean area. Once this is opened, the demand will become very large, and the number of warships in various places will be extremely empty. We must shorten the time as soon as possible. Time, add it up." Said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"This." After hearing such news, other engineers were very surprised, because such news would make them feel very surprised, and many news and things are difficult to solve.

"How should we deal with this?" an engineer asked in a low voice. As a result, they have many tasks and short time requirements. In a short period of time, the construction plan cannot meet each other's needs.

"The only way is to hand over the production order to the commercial shipyard and let them build. We are only responsible for designing, installing weapons, and debugging. This is the only way to speed up the progress of the project." A production supervisor said worriedly . Usually the Admiralty has never placed such an order. If the order can be opened evenly, they can still produce it, but the problem is that the order is too concentrated. Putting it together, it is difficult for the naval shipyard to meet such a large demand even with full production.

"It seems that this is the only way to go." An engineer said that the Admiralty’s order is dead, and they must abide by such a situation. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to carry on such a production method. This situation will greatly affect the navy’s combat effectiveness. Without sufficient warships, the navy cannot fight at all.

Not only the naval shipyards of Zhao, but most of the shipyards of Qi, South Korea, and Chu, private orders have also grown rapidly, and a positive trend of external expansion has taken shape.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The retreat during the military operation in peace was relatively smooth. The naval speedboat force played a very important role. Although their transportation volume was relatively small, the number of times could be greatly used. They transported a large amount of supplies. At the same time, the wounded were transported back. Without these naval speedboat units, I really don't know what this retreat would be like?" Meng Tian reported to Shang Wen.

"Yeah." Shangwen nodded. The Anxi Ministry of National Defense organized a brand new retreat. A large number of offensive troops gathered and evacuated towards the area near the Caspian Sea. The newly formed naval speedboat force suddenly became a transportation brigade, in order to transport more. For the materials, ammunition, and injured people, they had to dismantle some weapons and then speed up the transportation.

It is also by relying on these fast speedboat troops that the peace army avoided a larger-scale disaster. Otherwise, no one knows what the consequences will be. It can be said that the emergence of a new technical service is really the disaster that the Parthians may face.

"Such a situation is considered a blessing among misfortune." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, if it is not adjusted in time, the situation may face a more passive situation. In this situation, our situation is still good." Meng Tian said.

"The next offense must not take such a risk. Newspapers have been focusing on this matter these days. We must properly handle such things. If necessary, we can take the initiative to admit this situation. After all, This is not a trivial matter. If it is reported by the newspaper, the result can be imagined." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"I understand this, there is one more thing." Meng Tian said and handed another report to Shangwen.

"This is the information we have obtained from the naval shipyards of various countries. The naval shipyards of various countries are crazy to build all kinds of warships. In addition, there are still a large number of civilian commercial ships under construction. If you look at this construction speed If so, a large-scale global expansion may develop again." Meng Tian said.

"Qin State also has plans to build warships and merchant ships." Shang Wen said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Yes, but almost all countries are involved. This thing is crazy enough. It's almost a full-scale act of occupying the territory." Meng Tian said.

"What I am worried about is that in the future, if this situation is not completely contained, if the site is occupied, the situation will evolve into another situation, a new, large-scale naval battle. , May appear, the situation of the war will become unprecedentedly fierce." Meng Tian said worriedly.

Shang Wen did not speak, because this possibility is really great.

"In this matter, we can only guarantee the smooth expansion of the Qin State. We cannot avoid matters in other countries. We can only strive to be in the right direction in our direction and not to compete with other countries too much. This is our last The only thing that can be done is to save Qin from a greater war. This is a crisis, but I don’t know whether there is a big turning point in the crisis.” Shang Wen said. He doesn't know if his original intention to change history is correct, because he knows that only by having close economic ties in everything can the Qin State or the entire Central Plains form a new whole. This situation has been initially revealed, which shows that Shang Wen's view is correct. For example, on external issues, the Central Plains countries are very consistent. Perhaps it is external pressure that has made their internal consolidation more compact, but there are still some problems. For example, there are still small contradictions of this and that internally. And these contradictions are likely to become larger contradictions, and this contradiction is difficult to properly resolve, which provides greater opportunities for greater wars to trigger, and this hidden danger has been difficult to eliminate. Shangwen almost tried his best to avoid doing this, but things have often exceeded his imagination.

Thebes, Zhao Kingdom's Mediterranean Fleet Command.

"We don't care about the Diplomatic rhetoric of the Carthaginians, now is the time to compete, understand?" A major officer was very confident = said to a second lieutenant officer, it seems that he was really involved in it. Zhao Guo's Mediterranean fleet has more and more personnel, and those naval officers who had nothing to do in the early days can finally abandon their pension plan. Because they found that they had too much to do. For example, planning for more supplies, fuel is a big problem, they have to negotiate with the Koreans, spend more foreign exchange reserves, buy the fuel they need, and ammunition. In order to find the same ammunition, they almost have all their hair. Almost worried. Not only that, they still couldn't find suitable ammunition, they could only find 75mm general purpose ammunition, more than 75mm, there was no hope at all. In response, they had to come up with a modification plan to use Korean weapons, so that they could use Korean ammunition to launch an offensive. After all, they currently only have one destroyer in battle.

Of course. More merchant ships were transformed into armed merchant ships, some of them installed a 75mm artillery, and some were machine guns. But it's better than these ones. After all, they can still solve many things.

"Yes, sir, I understand." said the ensign, and because of the support from above, the Mediterranean Fleet Command became bolder. They have sufficient funds to requisition some Zhao people’s merchant ships at any time. They can be transformed into armed merchant ships. Except for part of the looted loot, they will be left to themselves. It can be said that this is a great reward. To such a reward can make them even crazier.

The Mediterranean fleet has become extremely crazy. They continue to organize and encourage a large number of Zhao merchants to participate. As long as they participate in the Zhao State Navy’s offensive operations plan, they will give great rewards. The loot, the tax exemption policy, and the possibility of more loot in the future have greatly stimulated the businessmen of Zhao country. They are all small businessmen who have no ambitions in Zhao's country. They need such an opportunity too much. Since the military can provide such an opportunity, why don't they do it? This is what they need to do. They need such an opportunity too much.

Under such circumstances, more and more small businessmen in Zhao’s country began to reinvest. For example, they started buying merchant ships, buying weapons, and then armed, recruiting a few people. They are merchants, armed merchants, and pirates. , Their goal is only one constant robbery of Carthage. The looting of their property is their main purpose. With such things and the support of the military, this kind of piracy will become even more frantic and rampant. . This is the main act of Zhao's madness because these will be the beginning of all their madness.

"We should encourage them to do this. The above needs." said the major.

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