Inside Loma City. All the citizens of Rome are discussing one thing, how to defeat the terrible, hateful, and very annoying, Hannibal.

"Our several attacks have been violently beaten back by them. There are heavy casualties. At present, we can only huddle in the fortress to defend. It may be true that Hannibal has insufficient ammunition as you said. Otherwise, they It will attack immediately and knock down our fortress completely." Fabian said in the carriage.

"Well, as far as the current situation is concerned, there are many problems that have been solved, that is, we need to introduce more weapons and equipment, and defense alone cannot solve the problem." Zhang Jun said seriously.

"I know that to solve this problem, you need a loan and you need to borrow money. The Senate is not willing to borrow money to solve this problem. Everything is suddenly plunged into resoluteness. This is very unfavorable for us." Fabian said helplessly.

"However, what I want to solve is that if we look at the current method, what kind of method we need to solve the tactical confrontation, we only need to be able to defend quickly. Or in other words, be able to resist those annoying Artillery, and the other party has nothing to do with our attack." Fabian looked at Zhang Jun and asked such a question.

"This, I need to think about it." Zhang Jun nodded and said. Fabian made several successive attacks without success. Although the scale was all tentative, they all failed. Such news further aggravated the pessimism of the Loma people. They believed that there was too much news of failure. The news is enough to make them difficult to accept. Faced with such a situation, many people decide that they do not want this to continue.

Fabian was also very anxious about this, because it seriously affected their next combat operations. The daggers equipped by the Roma infantry have been seriously behind. Hannibal’s Carthage Expeditionary Army did not give them a chance to get close. After the heavy damage, they would use the Gauls to fight. This way, the Carthaginians The casualties of Fabian have been reduced to a minimum, while the casualties of the Loma are increasing. This situation has become more and more unfavorable for Fabian, and Fabian wants to reverse this situation. Since weapons cannot be updated all at once, they hope to find a suitable tactic at the tactical level to replace the past tactics. They hope to find such a very suitable tactic. They need such a weapon too much.

"I remember. Perhaps, you can only solve this problem by using geotechnical excavation at present." Zhang Jun thought about it for a while and said.

"The surface fortifications you build will become a good target for the Carthage Expeditionary Force. Whether it is artillery or machine gun, it will cause you a lot of losses. But if you build trenches to hide in tunnels, shells , Bullets will not cause you too much casualties, plus they can use a variety of cold weapons, can solve this kind of thing to a certain extent, but I still hope you can solve such a situation, such as , Equipped with some explosive weapons. After all, the Carthaginian infantry can throw a lot of grenades. Those explosives are a nightmare for the infantry. I don’t want this to happen to you, Chief Fabian. So, I remind you, it’s best to build some gunpowder factories. The cost is not a lot. Maybe you can think of ways from us. The merchants are willing to do this kind of business. This is just a matter of cooperation." Zhang Jun said.

"Thank you very much for your tactical guidance. With such tactical guidance, I think a lot of things can be solved." Fabian said. Fabian's tactics are very simple, that is, tracking and dragging the opponent to death. In this way, their problems can be solved very well. This is the best way for them. But such a strategy must first maintain a proper distance from Carthage. The limit of this distance is that the Roma can establish a stable line of defense. Hannibal has nothing to do with this, and Fabian can follow them appropriately. Later, let them encounter some situations every time in their military operations. In this way, Hannibal's military operations were greatly restricted to some extent.

However, Zhang Jun has some doubts about such military means. Although the problem can be solved, it will take a long, long time. Can the Roma financial support it? He thought it was very doubtful, but what Fabian had done. He was unwilling to consider other things.

Thebes, the Koreans pay close attention to the dynamics of Zhao Guoren. This period of time, Zhao Guoren is crazy. They frantically buy ships and weapons. Most of them are used for modification. Merchant ships have become armed merchant ships, and some of them can follow their warships to launch military operations. This is really crazy. And every time, the merchants of the Zhao country were able to return with full loads. Obviously, they grasped one important point, the island of Malta is extremely important, it is a very important trading port, and armed merchant ships are easy to intercept and robbery there. This makes the Zhao State armed merchant ship more active.

At this time. When the two Zhao State destroyers arrived, the sailors looked very tired, but after hearing that there were a lot of trophies, they did see with their own eyes and they became extremely greedy. Driven by greed, they became even crazier. They are constantly looking for various opportunities to fight, and the torpedo tubes are abandoned in large numbers, and then they can get more trophies with only artillery and machine guns.

The actions of Zhao Guoren stimulated the nerves of Korean businessmen. Hearing that they were making money continuously, many businessmen couldn't sit still. They hope that their government will organize such actions. To satisfy their desire for profit. This request was quickly sent to the South Korean Navy Department.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"They are almost becoming pirates." The Secretary of the Navy said after seeing such a report.

"Zhao people are doing what the pirates should do, but we should know clearly that they are doing very well." said the navy deputy.

"I admit this, but the problem is that they do such things very outrageously, but I agree with them. The problem is, who did they rob? Carthage? Or. Loma?" the Secretary of the Navy asked. .

"Sir, I don't think we lack reasons," said the undersecretary of the Navy.

"We can protect the interests of our beloved merchants from infringement. We can inspect the Carthage merchant ships, protect the interests of our merchant ships, combat piracy, and so on. We can do such things." The other side explained.

"It sounds like a good choice." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said.

Indeed, looking for a variety of reasons is not a lack for Koreans at all. They can solve the problem by solving pirates, or by protecting their ships at sea. The reason is not a problem. , The key to the problem is to expand their interests.

Yan State, Yan Capital.

Weiman was demobilized. He participated in the shooting of Prince Dan, and he was going to be demobilized naturally. Should the person who shot Prince Dan continue to stay loyal to King Yan? It's just a joke. Therefore, the Yan State Army directly demobilized the opponent.

Wei Man walked out of the barracks carrying his salute, suddenly he didn't know how to live. This bleak world is very strange to him, strange to his death, he doesn't know how to live, there are not many people on the street.

"Huh." Wei Man shook his head helplessly. He felt that he should find a job first, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to survive on his own.

In Goguryeo, another group of slaves from Wado Island arrived here at the wharf. Their purpose was the mountainous area. Some businessmen in Goguryeo also began to invest. They learned some news and knew that the Goguryeo Steel Plant needed a lot of coal and coke. They decided to go there for a look, because the mountain people gave very good conditions. As long as they went, they would be granted a certain degree of tax exemption. Not only that, but they also gave quite a lot of support. Faced with such a temptation, They naturally hope to be able to participate, which is the best thing. With this situation, they can maximize their advantages.

But mining coal requires a lot of labor, especially cheap labor. The mountain people are short-tempered, and for them, they are not the best labor. Zhao Guoren has already reflected this problem. Many people do it, but they don't want to do it. Those skilled in the art are fortunate to say that many mountain people are unwilling to endure hardship. The life of the army allowed them to develop a foundation of arrogance. Facing such a situation, the gentle Wadao people seemed to be the best choice, so they began to import a large amount of this cheap labor from Wadao. This also appeared in the port scene.

"The final agreement is being signed, and the situation is developing for the better," the Minister of Economy said to Li Lin. Li Lin looked at Heitucheng. The social order was stabilizing. If the people of Qin were not freezing a large amount of bonds at a critical time, they really didn't know how to deal with such a situation. Faced with such a situation, the only thing they can do is to resolve such things as quickly as possible. This is the most favorable situation for them.

"Well, very good. At least our economic problems have been solved. The next step depends on our own development. However, we have to suppress excessive speculation. I summarized it and thought that during the war in Goguryeo, Because of Zhao Guoren's agitation, our Goguryeo economy has experienced large fluctuations, and such fluctuations have created the possibility of speculation." Li Lin said.

"Therefore, in the next Goguryeo economy, we must strictly control excessive speculation, because speculation will inevitably bring great trouble to the economy, and this trouble will cause us immeasurable losses. In the face of such losses, we The situation will face a huge disaster, and we can’t make such a mistake again.” Li Lin said. After experiencing such an incident, Li Lin became more mature and stable. He knew that if it hadn't been for Goguryeo's insistence on launching war and using war to stimulate the domestic economy, there would not have been such a large debt. On the surface, Goguryeo won. This war, but in fact, all countries have lost this war. Yan, Shandi, and Goguryeo are all facing a huge financial crisis. If the people of Qin did not appear and provided a sum of money, they would do nothing. Unable to solve such a problem, this kind of thing is difficult to solve. Because this will inevitably cause a series of chain reactions.

Fortunately, this problem has been solved to a large extent, otherwise, everything will form a huge disaster.

Therefore, after experiencing such an event, he became stable. For some things, he was not overly demanding, but to pursue stability. Only by stability can Goguryeo get through all difficulties smoothly.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Pirates?" Shang Wen said with a smile after seeing the reasons why the Koreans increased their strength in the Mediterranean.

"Zhao people also have a piracy problem, but what they do is to arm merchant ships and let their merchant ships prevent piracy." Meng Yi said.

"In fact, they are pirates and armed merchant ships. When they encounter the same merchant ships, they are merchant ships, but when they encounter opponents weaker than themselves, they become devourers, or in other words, they It was originally a pirate." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. But we can't manage these things. In the Mediterranean, the interests of Qin people are very small. After all, there is too far away. We need more ships. Qin's ships are in the Americas and the Mediterranean, for us." Meng Yi Looking at Shang Wen, he knew that Shang Wen understood this.

"Yeah, the Mediterranean is too far away for us. So far away we can't solve this kind of thing very well." Shang Wen said.

"Should we also pay attention to the Mediterranean? The interests we need are not great, but we just need to participate." Meng Yi said. The people of Qin have been developing their markets behind other countries, and in order to show their differences, they try not to conflict with the products of some countries. For example, the tea and silk of the people of Chu, they can’t do anything. With their black tea and white sugar, they can't do anything. In front of the Zhao people’s exports, they tried their best to emphasize the characteristics of Qin’s weapons and their durability. Product reliability is high. The performance is good.

"Well. You can try it, and develop more markets, which will be of great benefit to us. Our bank may still find good projects." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded in agreement with this. Qin people have always done this. The purpose of this is for their market and products to be sold better.

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