The design department in the South Korean Navy Shipyard.

"If we look at it according to the original design standards, it will definitely exceed the tonnage limit, so for us, everything will be done again." An engineering designer said.

"But we cut some unnecessary things on the original design drawings, for example, two or three 120mm, and the rest are all 75mm rapid-fire guns, or other anti-aircraft guns. , All can be installed. In this case, on the existing basis, each shipyard can come up with the basic model of the ship on such a basis, and we can only cut some weapons on it to achieve us The frigates and destroyers are needed," said the engineer.

This is an extremely simple method, and it's easy. It can be simplified to a few simple steps.

Because the combat targets in the Mediterranean are very special, because the naval power there is extremely weak, so weak. A 120-millimeter-caliber cannon is a super-large-caliber cannon. It is simply difficult for them to cope with the attack of such a large-caliber artillery. It is hard for them to believe how such a large-caliber artillery was made. Therefore, the destroyer no longer needs to install a larger-caliber artillery, so that the tonnage can be further reduced, and then Through the Suez Canal.

The most important thing is that what they need now is quantity, a large number of destroyers and frigates to expand their naval power, what they need is quantity, not quality, they can completely hand over to more civilian shipyards to complete such things. In this case, their situation will become even more advantageous.

The speed of building warships will be unprecedentedly accelerated, and this is what they need to do the most.

"Okay. In that case, let's do it like this. The drawings and related technologies are mature, and the construction speed will be much faster. Even some merchant ships themselves can be transformed into such destroyers and frigates." Project leader Promise it down. Because the benefits are obvious. The main focus of the South Korean Admiralty is on the construction of large and medium-sized warships. That kind of warship requires new technology and new artillery technology, and then combined, they have not paid much attention to cheap warships such as destroyers. What they care about is how to solve such problems. The number of naval needs and solving the problem of quantity have become particularly critical.

The person in charge is not wrong. For large-scale construction, more mature technologies are needed, and these are currently available in the South Korean Navy.

Zhao Guoren also encountered the same problem.

"If the artillery is reduced, how to deal with the enemy's escalation in the future, we must leave the possibility of upgrading." An engineer Zhao Guo said with a blueprint. The Korean method does not work with Engineer Zhao, why, because they are too serious. They came to believe that building a battleship is to build a work of art, and art cannot be profaned. They reject large-scale cheap construction. All the requirements for warships are very high.

"Damn it, what the frontline needs is a battleship." A navy lieutenant colonel scolded, their engineers were too serious. Seriously, they must find a way to break through such things in order to meet their important needs.

"No, we refuse to do this. Good weapons can give soldiers the greatest guarantee. Such guarantees are what we need best. Therefore, we refuse to do this." Engineer Zhao Guo replied.

In fact, Zhao Guo can do the same as the Koreans, but Zhao Guo's engineers refuse to do so because they are serious and paranoid to a maddening place. After all, most of the engineers came from high-tech colleges. Before, they were very good apprentices. Only by being serious and hard can they get such qualifications. They have developed such seriousness and hard work to an unbearable level. The weapons and warships manufactured by the people of Zhao were the most sophisticated. They have always aimed to catch up with the State of Qin. They have surpassed the State of Qin in many areas, but the problem is that their large-scale production and the reserved space allow Their Admiralty is unacceptable. This is really a contradiction, and the quantity they produce is seriously insufficient. If they proceed according to their plan, everything will not go well.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside Zhao Jia's office.

"Prime Minister, this matter has been determined." A servant from the court carefully entered Zhao Jia's office and reported such a thing. King Zhao really didn't have much time. In the end, the crown prince status of Zhao Qian was finally determined. This also meant that, legally, Zhao Jia lost the possibility of inheriting the throne unless he launched a larger-scale rebellion. But at present, Zhao Guo absolutely does not want such a thing to happen, why is it that what they need is stability, rather than causing further disasters.

"I, I know." Although Zhao Jia had known such a possibility a long time ago, when the facts came, he still couldn't accept it. After all, it is still very difficult for him to accept such a thing. Your prediction is one thing, but when the truth comes, it is another thing.

"I. I know." Zhao Jia didn't know it himself, so he had already said it a second time.

"The prime minister, the prime minister." The maid said with some worry.

"Okay. The prime minister will make adjustments." The Secretary of Defense said, unable to watch. The waiter nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on. Then he shied away from having things to do, and then quietly left here.

"Don't worry about the prime minister. As long as we strengthen the power of the parliament, we can restrict all the actions of King Zhao. If King Zhao's power is too great, especially the prostitute queen, they will destroy this balance. They will support the prime minister." The Minister of Defense persuaded this. They all support the prime minister's faction, because they know that once the king of Zhao recklessly expands fiscal taxation, it will cause the decline of Zhao’s economy or the emergence of greater instability. Under such circumstances, it is best. The approach is to resolve such things quickly and steadily, so that everything can be resolved well.

"I am clear about this, but we still lack some necessary things. You know, in the current situation, many times we need to solve domestic contradictions very well. We adopt a constitutional monarchy and promote it in various countries. It's very difficult to get up. Maybe this is only suitable for us, Zhao Guo." Zhao Jia said.

"Moreover, if we do this, we will inevitably get more opposition from the nobility. How can we resolve their behavior?" Zhao Jia asked.

"Well, Prime Minister, there is only one thing to resolve, that is, continuous expansion and transfer of domestic contradictions, so that the nobles can get enough benefits and enjoy the benefits of war dividends, just like what we solved before. In this case , All the conditions will become extremely favorable to us." said the defense minister.

"Yeah. It seems reasonable for you to have too much." Zhao Jia said.

"The prime minister, in consideration of the security of the state of Zhao and the need for internal stability of the state of Zhao, we must restrict all of the actions of the king of Zhao, otherwise, the evil consequences will be very difficult." said the defense minister.

Zhao Guotai needs a stable rear. The new King Zhao is bound to bring about a chaotic and stable social relationship. The reason for this is very simple, because many situations happen like this.

The birth name of the prostitute queen is not good, and Zhao Qian Hulai makes him a prostitute himself. Let such a person be the king of Zhao, one can imagine what kind of situation will happen. Faced with such a situation, a huge disaster will occur. This kind of disaster is bound to change the situation that Zhao has just stabilized. It became extremely unstable.

The Secretary of Defense, as well as more industrial entrepreneurs, and bankers do not want this to happen. They pin their hopes on Zhao Jia.

"I see. I will pass such a thing as soon as possible." Zhao Jia said. In order to stabilize his prime minister's rights, after all, Zhao Wang could suppress himself at any time. And now is the best time to solve this hidden danger. He has received support from many people. Promoting the passage of the constitution is undoubtedly a kind of concession in power, but in fact it is an extreme way to deprive the king of power.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Zhao Jia will inevitably promote such a thing in an all-round way. Their domestic entrepreneurs and bankers are not fuel-efficient lamps." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King, but what we should care about at the moment is the economic stability of Zhao State. If they can maintain the greatest degree of stability, it will cause great fluctuations in their market economy. Are we doing this? Under the influence of the volatility, take some military actions. Or, get more market share." Zhang Liang considers getting more benefits from such volatility.

"We don't think too much about this kind of thing for the time being. I think it's better not to do many things. After all, Zhao Guo's things may affect our South Korea." Han Shu said. In essence, Han Shu is also a king, but she is more open-minded. In fact, she still does not want to see that her power is greatly restricted. In fact, Zhao Guo's policy is in great contradiction with her. He didn't want this situation to develop, and he didn't like it very much.

There is no monarch who likes that the power in his hands is greatly restricted. Such an approach will undoubtedly make them feel very ugly. Therefore, Han Shu opposed this.

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